Friday, March 26, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá: Vol.4-7 Part 4 - Episodic Arcs Phase 5


I'm getting quicker with this, I'm on a roll recently, thankfully, I might finish this sooner than was planned and honestly I don't mind! 

Getting back to Episodic Arcs heavy posts for awhile before getting to the Monster World Arc (which is honestly one of my favourites arcs in the early 7 volumes together with Shadi's and Death-T, Monster World is my top), I want getting into some characters development, one of them will now get into the "awkward road" of character development (Anzu's), as much characters that don't appear often but is always nice to see them, getting to know better Jounouchi's character and his circumstances (this post, Phase 5), next post Anzu's awkward road character development and Yugi's character (Phase 6 post) and last episodic arcs will have heavy focus on Yugi's, Dark Yugi's and Jounouchi's characters developments (Phase 7).

Plot Summary:

**Chapter 41 - Let's Find "Love"!**

It starts with Anzu studying and thinking of Dark Yugi as she develops a crush on him to a following day starting with Yugi's mother in wonder why her son still hasn't come for breakfast, she goes to his room and find his son in front of socks scattered around the floor, then Yugi turns two socks and both of them being a pair with the same symbol, Yugi explains this is a game he made up to train your gaming's"sixth sense", his mother gets pissed and scolds him to use that energy for his studies/school, tells him that Anzu is waiting for him to pick him up.
After Yugi was done with his preparations, he walks with Anzu to school, Anzu reminds him about the achievement tests results that will be posted on the hall as she isn't looking forward to it while Yugi is excited about it because of a game he made up by using this achievement test results on the school hall, since Yugi spoke of games, Anzu gives Yugi a heart-shaped digital device where you put your birthdate and blood type, etc where it supposedly reads "bio-rythms" (that makes so much sense, being sarcastic here) from these kind of data and makes "beeps" sounds to say is compatible with someone who has the same device and close by...Yugi is very excited that his crush has given him a gift and disappointed that doesn't give *beeps* sounds, Anzu tries to cheer him up...
They reach school, Yugi, Jounouchi and Honda come close to see the test achievement rank results, taking notes, this is a bingo game involving the test results with numbers and colors...then the guidance counselor, Prof. Tsuruoka appears smugly and humiliate Yugi, Jounouchi and Honda about their own test results in front of the school and takes Yugi's digital device keychain and about to smash Yugi's heart-shaped digital device and Dark Yugi takes over to stand up for Yugi and friends, the teacher challenges Dark Yugi to a game in finding Yugi's heart-shaped digital device, they start looking and Dark Yugi suspects that is with the teacher, since he can't touch it, Anzu borrows her own heart-shaped digital device to Dark Yugi, they go to the teacher's office...the "beeps" sound come up...revealing Yugi's heart-shaped digital device was hidden under the teacher's wig who was bald and begs Dark Yugi and Co. to not tell anyone, Dark Yugi gives back Anzu's heart-shaped digital device.

**Chapter 42 - Get The Million!**

Jounouchi announces to his friends that he will participate in a TV Show game where you have chances to gain prizes, his friends will come to root for him...The challenges seems to go well in Jounouchi's favour, Yugi went to the restroom to find out that the challenges were rigged for Jounouchi to lose at the last challenge, him winning was just helping to increase the ratings of the show, so Dark Yugi takes over and challenges the producer of the show to a game with the risk of Dark Yugi revealing the truth and the game consists of pushing one of the strings that might pull a bucket full of paint..., the producer order his assistant to pull for him, then the bucket of paint and falls onto the assistant's head and splashes to the buttons used to "rig" the spin wheel, including the one that would make Jounouchi lose the challenge...Dark Yugi has given to the producer a penalty game and Jounouchi wins the fortune wheel challenge to then revealing that the whole show was lying and there was no prize at the end, since then the show was cancelled and bankrupt, Jounouchi didn't get anything in the end.

Key Points:

**Chapter 41 - Let's Find "Love"!**

Ah! This is the time when Anzu's character development gets to an awkward road, she is not easy to like, it takes time to continue liking her character or you get starting to dislike her, or were already indifferent and then to dislike be honest I was one of those people, after some re-reads and analysis, come to like her character, she grows on you, it's just that her character development is very awkward, for noticing that, I came to like her character, truth to be told she has some relatable moments when she crushes on Dark Yugi, a little, only a little.
Regarding the Panels Ensemble in question, starting with "before she thinks of Dark Yugi" 😑, what she wears at home while studying and her bedroom is quite interesting, slight look to her habits, she is studying which is to say she is diligent on her studies, she has a small bookshelves, a very economical desk (Yugi has a pretty good room, with lots modern takes at this 90s time to 2000s style, he even has tv in his room, well his father works overseas and his grandfather owns a game shop and was professional gamer, including in Poker, no surprise there), it shows Anzu has a more practical mindset, what she wears at home is different from what she wears when she hangs out with her friends, which is more baggy or slightly oversized clothes, once again she does have a more practical mindset, she prefers wearing something comfortable and easy to move around, despite her décor is more practical than cute décor, as girl she could have, probably in allowance wise she saves up money for her to study abroad and buy some clothes she finds cute.
Anzu's thoughts...she certainly feels a crush on Dark Yugi...getting into inner monologue first:

"Wh-what am I thinking? I was thinking about «Yugi» him...the other yugi..."

*deep sighs*The more important part of this inner monologue is that Anzu was more aware they are two different identities, but since she doesn't know his "name", then is "other yugi", later she didn't want to admit she was aware because would mean that one day she had to accept he had to "leave", for awhile she did had a crush on Dark Yugi, I would say attracted and infatuated, there is reasons, for starters, Dark Yugi is a very attractive young man/boy and has a more mature behaviour with a deeper voice (apparently, revealed later in Duelist Kingdom from Anzu) mixed with her idealization of a more "grown up Yugi" (a confident and mature "Yugi"), there is more reasons as to why she implements this "idealization" of Yugi on Dark Yugi, which will be in next post.

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Monday, March 22, 2021

Thoughts and Observations of Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga Series Masterpost Updated Ver.2.0.1

Since there is many posts of my analysis over the course of 5 years and 5 months, I think is around hundreds... I'm starting the process of organization, re-arrangement, reformulation of most posts...


As I re-upload images to the currently image host I'm using in the missing Battle City Arc posts, DDM, then will be Duelist Kingdom and lastly the early which more episodic arcs, as I do this, I will keep post links, including updated ones, but only in this post, you will be able to tell when is new updates...The orders of the links of the posts will start from Memory World Arc and upwards, the new ones will always be above the previous posted links.
You might wonder why I'm troubling myself with this, it's because before I go into analysis of Transcend Game One Shot and Dark Side of Dimensions movie, I want my analysis of the manga to be polished first since my manga analysis posts will be constantly mentioned, specially the movie (so yeah, the Transcend Game and the movie Dark Side of Dimension is literally the expansion of the manga).

Thoughts and Observations of Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga Series Links

The Early 7 Volumes:

The Episodic Arcs Part 1
Shadi's Arc
Episodic Arc Part 2:

(The next update is starting about the early volumes posts, the new extra post for this will be starting consisted of the episodic arcs only before Shadi's character debut arc)

Duelist Kingdom Arc:

↑The Updates are starting↑
(It's worth a re-read for the first post of Duelist Kingdom Arc)
(The next updates will be coming as I complete the "editor cut" and restructure them of Duelist Kingdom Posts then the Early Volumes
Battle City Arc:

Memory World Arc:

Friday, March 19, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá: Vol.4-7 Part 3 - Death-T Arc Part 3/3


The speed is getting good 😜, I'm getting back to my pace when I was writing about Battle City and Memory World, I think is thanks to my a new strategy I have implemented recently, when there is more key points with 3 panels ensembles, which before usually was 2 or 1 and 3 was very rare, I have to admit, it helps a lot more in getting to the point as building up the hints to the main point of the hints.
Last time the "old version" of this post had little focus on Kaiba's backstory (the siblings and Gozaburo), I do regret it for focusing so little, this time with the "new version" there will be a lot of emphasis on their backstory, Dark Yugi's and Yugi's character development will also be one of the highlights.
The plot summary will be small though.

Plot Summary:

Dark Yugi and Kaiba is heading towards Stage-5 for their rematch, the duel starts with them testing the waters to Kaiba trying to crush Dark Yugi with one Blue-Eyes White Dragon, then comes the 2nd, Dark Yugi is more or less barely dodging and defending, he has moments of almost losing hope to regain his composure and find a way to defeat Kaiba and his three Blue-Eyes White Dragon by summoning a miracle in this game, Exodia The Forbidden One, he was successful and Dark Yugi has given a special "penalty game" named "Mind Crush" by removing the "bad seed" to Kaiba, after this Honda is back because Mokuba rescued him and explains their past and how they come to own Kaiba Corp, Dark Yugi explains the intent of his "penalty game"  to have to restructure himself in coma state, Mokuba is willing to wait for his recovery.
After Death-T was over, Yugi and friends leave Kaiba Land and building and decide to go the hospital to visit Yugi's grandpa.

Key Points:

I find amusing a lot of things in this scene, starting with the audience getting very excited to watch Kaiba vs Dark Yugi duel...looking at the series overall in the manga, Transcend Game One Shot, Dark Side of Dimensions, fans of Magic&Wizards (Duel Monsters) come admire these duelists and look forward to their duels, because duels shows their more advanced and closely matched skills.
The next amusing thing is Jounouchi just casually takes this guy's cellphone who is making Yugi's friends hostages with the bald guy, the guy didn't even noticed xDD, so Jounouchi seems to be good at "thieving", however there is a small detail when he uses the guy's cellphone to make a call:

"The hospital where they took Yugi's grandpa! No one could go with him, so I asked Hanasaki to check on him!"

It's very interesting because honestly I wonder how he got the time to call Hanasaki for this, maybe before Death-T attraction, I guess, but shows Jounouchi does have a responsible and reliable side to him.


Curious fact, these panels where Hanasaki appears is the last time we see of him...literally.
Getting to the talk during the call, Yugi's grandpa is in critical condition as Yugi have been feeling it for awhile, but he is going through emergency surgery? O.o that's very serious...! Jounouchi asking Hanasaki to keep's so nice to see how their friendship with Hanasaki goes as far in entrusting him into getting news of Yugi's grandpa, mentioning Yugi's grandpa, the way Hanasaki refers to Yugi's grandpa is "Grandpa Mutou", that's so sweet 😊, it means he has a lot of respect for Yugi's grandpa and Hanasaki is also a cinnamon roll.
Jounouchi then tries to call Honda, it seems Honda has a cellphone...? Well, according to Dark Side of Dimensions, Honda will continue helping his parents's business and eventually inherit it, it might be why he does have it, I think cellphones available to the public was still recent in the late 90's and a bit expensive (which is Yu-Gi-Oh! Timeline, but Kaiba Corp usually eventually makes more advanced technology very quickly thanks to Kaiba Seto), it's a bit odd Honda did had a cellphone during this time.

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Friday, March 5, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá: Vol.4-7 Part 2 - Death-T Arc Part 2/3

Update 01/03/2021: 

hahaha, this is a very old post of this project, so old that the previous pictures I used for this one is not there anymore or not appearing anymore...good thing I had prepared panels for these "updated versions", there is some old text that I have to re-arrange because it relates to previous post and some to this one.
This is the main point of redoing posts about the first 7 volumes, there are things that needs to be fixed.

Plot Summary:

They just finished the riddle "bllood", they enter the basement after seeing Honda's nephew Johji being kidnapped, Kaiba threatens and blackmails for one of the gang face a murderer/serial killer he hired nicknamed "Choppman", Jounouchi volunteers to face the guy, both of them are handcuffed and they can choose the weapons hanging, Jounouchi chooses none and the choppman chooses a chain saw (of course), it proves challenging due to the serial killer monstrous strength, Yugi gives Jounouchi ideas by outsmarting chopman, they defeat him and rescued Johji.
The gang goes to the next challenge, Stage-3 (there is five), they see an empty room and get locked inside, they were silent for awhile, Yugi letting his low self-esteem getting the best of him for a moment, Jounouchi calls it out as much confesses a few things, same with Honda then Anzu cheers them up and themselves becoming more united, the real game of this stage starts with cubes falling, Anzu realises there is a pattern and guides them through, the exit was somewhere tall and cubes getting top of each other and use it as means to climb to the exit, however suddenly the pattern changed by the rhythm becoming faster, the gang had to quickly catch up, an accident happens with Honda getting stuck in one of the cubes and prioritising Yugi to get to the exit faster, the friends are shocked and devastated to leave behind their friend Honda who sacrificed himself....after clearing the stage, Yugi's emotions are at it's peak and feeling almost an headache or making a huge effort to hold it back something.
Mokuba goes to Seto commenting on the progress of the gang in the stages and they had a bet which stage "Yugi" would lose, there is some heated discussion between the Kaiba brothers...
Anzu and Jounouchi seeing something strange is happening to Yugi, as Yugi is trying to hold back Dark Yugi from taking over because more golden hair starts appearing (from Dark Yugi) and reveals about the existence of "other yugi" (Dark Yugi) and haven't telling them because he was afraid of losing his friends that he now has, Jounouchi and Anzu promised them they would still be friends with him no matter calmed him down, Yugi was very moved by their gesture...
When they were approaching Stage 4, Mokuba said it had to be Yugi only to come, Yugi who doesn't feel afraid anymore neither of Dark Yugi as much not losing his friends, he entrusted Dark Yugi to take over, his friends are surprised and amazed meeting Dark Yugi.
Dark Yugi enters Stage 4 to have a rematch of Capmon Chess against Mokuba, the game was rigged from the beginning, Dark Yugi won by outsmarting Mokuba, since Mokuba lost, Kaiba Seto is willing to make his little brother through a penalty game as the same as Kaiba did before but inside the simulator Duel Box, when it starts, Dark Yugi is shocked and worried for the kid, he rescued Mokuba and goes to the next Stage, the rematch against Kaiba Seto.

Key Points:


The way it shows how obvious is even to the readers and the boys that Johji (Honda's nephew) had betrayed them is so funny and amusing because of the kid's nature being quite dodgy and being  Kaiba's fan...Jounouchi is the most suspicious (it seems he can't stand brats or had bad experiences with them that he doesn't trust them easily), Yugi who have noticed his bad traits quite early and even a silent rivalry regarding Anzu and raised an eyebrow suspicious while Honda who knows his nephew more than the gang, he is suspicious of something.
The baby seeing his tactics isn't working and talks with the chopman saying they aren't coming, which pretty much confirms that their suspicions were correct.


If you notice, the last two panels ensembles are in a different tone, this is because the digital version that I downloaded didn't had the page which contains the last two panels ensembles, so I had to scan the page from my print copy.
On the subject of these panels ensembles, I want to start with Kaiba in the Top Panels Ensemble on Left, specifically on it's last panels, I'll be quoting:

"Mweh heh...of all games, I like card games the best...but chess is my second favorite...Right now, you are living chess pieces on the giant board that is Kaiba Land! I watch as each move bring me closer to checkmate...and I'm enjoying immensely."

What he says here is very fascinating not only learning about his favorite games as much seeing a little how he sees games in general and how he implements to his views of life...which is more militaristic view of games, the other thing being that he doesn't just likes only Magic&Wizards (Duel Monsters) but cards games, probably specifically being TCG and CCG, his biggest obsession is obviously the former, then in second being chess, it might be because it feels closer to real life for him and he says that he is enjoy watching them play his "Death-T" because is like playing chess but in "real life" form, that's a dangerous way of seeing which in future almost endangers himself (his will to commit suicide if he lost against Dark Yugi in Duelist Kingdom).
In the following scene we see that Kaiba is willing to kill a baby if no one is willing to volunteer to play a game against the Chopman, the Chopman is a serial killer who Kaiba hired, a serial killer, that's nuts, Yugi was on to say and tell to not touch the kid, despite him not trusting him, he is still a child/baby/kid and he is ready to defend him, he isn't the only one thinking that...

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