In this post, Dark Yugi and Yugi plus Kaiba will have a lot of focus, so be ready, the plot summary will be small but the post itself there is plenty to approach in detail.
Plot Summary:
While Ishizu is helping Marik in saving Rishid, Kaiba is still analysing and studying in order to find and create methods to overcome Ra god card, Mokuba is concerned about Kaiba still not having started to sleep and discuss with his brother about where the finals will be held in a man-built island full of high-tech called Alcatraz Island, previously built and owned by Gozaburo Kaiba, the stepfather of the Kaiba siblings and previous president of Kaiba Corporation...
Yami Marik comes back to Rishid medical room and discovers Rishid is gone, meaning Marik through Anzu and Ishizu saved Rishid and hidden him on time from Yami Marik.
As the night still going, Yugi is having some difficulties to sleep and reaches the corridor of the two souls rooms between his and the millenium puzzle, Yugi is sensing something strange from Dark Yugi's room soul, it's the first time he is entering his room, he finds out that Dark Yugi's room soul is a maze and is deeply impressed by his room soul, Yugi hears Dark Yugi's voice from behind surprising him and moreover start discussing about Dark Yugi's soul room being a maze...and someone is eavesdropping their conversation...
As they're closer to reach Alcatraz, the night is over and the participants and cheering squad starts waking up, Kaiba claims to himself that he found a way to overcome Ra god card...
When they arrive Alcatraz Island and in front of them there is a tower which Kaiba named as Duel Tower, Kaiba reveals some details about his past related to Gozaburo Kaiba and Alcatraz Island, the participants and the gang walk towards the tower to see how the order and the matches will be decided.
Key Points:

In the same manner that was in previous posts showing moments of Kaiba vigorously studying and analysing Ra god card, even though Kaiba is very talented, extremely intelligent, you could even say, a prodigy but he is a hard worker and very dedicated to his goals, he is a very single-minded individual, which explains why he is intense about most things.

In these panels reveals what Kaiba Corporation previously was before becoming a game company, it was a company related to military equipment with a purpose of creating militaristic technology, Kaiba Seto, destroyed the former company to rise from it in order to create a new one, the kind which is linked to what he loves, games.
Mokuba mentions the Duel Tower which Kaiba built on Alcatraz Island as a symbol of Kaiba Seto's decision of making as his own kind of company when he took over KaibaCorp...
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Mokuba mentions the Duel Tower which Kaiba built on Alcatraz Island as a symbol of Kaiba Seto's decision of making as his own kind of company when he took over KaibaCorp...
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Sighs, Kaiba, Kaiba, that's not how you overcome it, why put hopes that are 8 or 80, such extreme manner that it really doesn't work, he thinks by always winning he can overcome and get through his own shadows...why see certain things in such a black and white manner, despite being very single-minded in consequence makes him quite short-sighted on a personal level, when comes to intellect and technology, he isn't short-sighted, quite au contraire, he challenges and adventurous.

So Marik and Ishizu came on time to save Rishid, Yami Marik as you see when he enters the room, he is wearing the Millenium Ring to prevent Yami Bakura from coming back, it's curious because Yami Marik doesn't seem to be affected, probably because now is weakened, it has to restore it's strength first.
Yami Marik discovers Rishid is gone, he wonders who could have done this, I believe is pretty obvious...

Okay, this is the very first time Yugi enters at this time (in the anime version, he visited twice due to certain plot issues because of Toei covered the first 7 volumes and NAS was the rest of it with fillers added to the mix), Yugi is impressed that Dark Yugi's room soul is a maze and a complicated one at that, he almost thought it was a dream, to be honest I love Dark Yugi's room soul, it's so mystical, mysterious and the fact is a complex maze, makes it a very fascinating and intriguing.

I have been dying to write about this scene because I like it very much, the beginning is very funny too.
First things first, I want to start with Dark Yugi's characterization in the beginning of their interactions, you can tell he is teasing and serious with Yugi at the same time, he is well aware himself is quite serious and sometimes plays with this trait of his, he even laughs a little at Yugi's reaction, which is so amusing see this kinds of sides to him, it shows that he's not always serious and jokes a little which we have seen a few times before ( Example A , Example B and Example C), he likes to provoke his opponents which links to his little playful nature of him, the teasing is to whom he feels most comfortable around being Yugi and Jounouchi and provoking is to his enemies and rivals during duels.
The conversation itself, they start talking about how they sense a bad presence (I wonder who is giving this vibe...), when he asks if Yugi is surprised for his room to be a maze, Yugi wasn't surprised (like I said his reaction was more of amazement than surprise) and he explains why...

Yugi once again is spot on, Dark Yugi noticed and impressed as well that he got it right fairly quickly for the first time coming in, Yugi seeing it like this and knowing that it has to do with Dark Yugi not having memories, makes him feel more determined to help him, the exciting thing is...
"But one day I'll get your memory back...That's a part of my job!"
Yugi doesn't think to himself "it's my job" but "a part of my job", he is already preparing himself and knows pretty much the other part...but first focusing on his First Task as the vessel of the pharaoh soul now, he is conscious the first step is getting the pharaoh's memories back so then Dark Yugi/the pharaoh soul is ready to go to afterlife, this is what is implying and setting up.

This is an important scene, Shadi's subject is brought up again when Dark Yugi informs Yugi that Shadi came here to search for the true room of his soul (I didn't explore well at the time about this moment he refers to, but when I'm finished with the mangá, I will re-edit a lot the firsts posts, including the Duelist Kingdom), this is a first time that Dark Yugi reveals even himself doesn't know where it is, which speaks volumes of him not having memories connected to not being able to reach his true room of soul, when Yugi's asks
Yugi: "Um...could have something to do with finding your memories?"
Yugi: "Um...could have something to do with finding your memories?"
Once again Yugi is right on the money, he is so sharp and has such a good intuition too, Dark Yugi response to this suggestion, he doesn't know but from the panel when giving his response, you can see he is taking note to himself as something that Yugi is very likely to be right about this true room.
Dark Yugi admitting to Yugi is not going to be easy to find "the room"...

Look who's here eavesdropping! how rude! xD, joke aside, remember this post? yeah, when Yami Bakura used one of the special abilities of the millenium ring in one of the pieces of the millenium puzzle, this what for, to gather information, what I find curious is that since Yami Marik is the one wearing the millenium ring during this time, yet we see Yami Bakura wearing it, it may have to do with this "parasite mind" ability since is from the millenium ring power itself.
Yu-Gi-Oh! lore time, more specifically, "Parasite Mind", now that we're seeing in action being actively used, from how Yami Bakura has phrased his thoughts:
"I came in here using «parasite mind» but..."
Does that mean when he uses this ability, he travels through any object he applied this ability on? that's scary...if you think it thoroughly...
Coming from Yami Bakura who claims to be his expertise by being a thief, saying "it won't be easy" to find "the room" and sees as an understatement, meaning even himself is having huge difficulties as well.

Look at this... Isn't it a bit similar in the first key point when Kaiba tells Mokuba to go to bed and here is Dark Yugi telling the same to Yugi as if Yugi is his younger sibling, aww so cute :), even this exchange is similar too, it really shows they're like siblings (well...physically they even look like they are siblings), not just friends and roommates, their sibling-like bond has a nice contrast to the sibling bond between Kaiba and Mokuba, Yugi and Dark Yugi tends to be more positive attitude inclined while the other is a bit a more reserved due to Kaiba introvert and single-minded nature, I think this is intentional to show that even between Yugi and Dark Yugi there are a younger and older siblings dynamic, it's always nice to see.

It's worrying how long it took for Kaiba to find a way to overcome Ra god card, being the way he is, but from the looks of it, he didn't go to sleep too late to feel this pumped, I do worry about his health in general, Yugi is the same because of the games...(seriously he would give up his lunch for a game...).

If you remember this post as a reference from the info Yugi is mentioning, Mokuba was telling their backstory to Dark Yugi after saving his "life", it seems since Yugi accepted "his other self", the existence of another spirit in his mind, then he could hear and see what was happening when Dark Yugi was taking over, since, before Death-T, he had blackouts.
Here is Kaiba revealing KaibaCorp backstory...

This scene gives some very interesting information about Seto Kaiba's past with Gozaburo Kaiba, such as Seto developed a virtual reality system as military simulator for a country, this explains why Kaiba has such a militaristic view on games, however we know his loves for games didn't come from Gozaburo, he loved games before even being adopted, so it comes from different roots and the fact he destroyed the military facilities, deep down he wanted to go back to his roots but Gozaburo is still ingrained in him.
The most impressive being Kaiba have developed a virtual reality system 3 years ago, in other words when he was around 14 years old, that's huge, he really has prodigious intellect.
Jounouchi hasn't forgotten Death-T and very rightfully so, it means he isn't making any excuses of how Kaiba turn out from Gozaburo's influence.

That was quick, Dark Yugi to switch...after Kaiba said first he will defeat Yugi (Dark Yugi in this case), which is setting up for something very important and their duel obviously, it shows Dark Yugi is very excited for their duel, well he is pretty competitive in a reserved manner though, while Kaiba is more open to it.

Kaiba, Kaiba, he acts reserved with the other players since his main focus is Dark Yugi, they're really cat and dog, so funny.
The last pack of panels comes from Yami Marik asking how they will organise the finals match ups, this is Mokuba's response, I suppose it means he is disturbed and didn't like what he did from the duel with Mai.
Next post will be the Battle Royale.
See Ya Next Post!
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