I'm finally done with volume 2 of Memory World, that was quite the long journey.
Plot Summary:
The gang is still searching for the true door to the world of memory, when Yugi tries though, it shows a difficult moment for Yugi and Dark Yugi during the duel of Dark Yugi against Kaiba fought in Duelist Kingdom, Yugi says that duel was very hard for Dark Yugi, then after some thinking he says this might be a trap to test their hearts, when Yugi notices Jounouchi's marks on the doors, he reminds himself of the symbol of the smiling face Anzu marked from the Death-T events, Yugi stands his hand in position and encourage them to do the same in the same positions like last time in Death-T, as if Yugi is guiding them to the world of memory, it was a success, as if the labyrinth was opening itself, then they enter falling from the sky into the world of memory...
The aftermath of the death of priest Mahado creates a heated discussion between the priests whether thief Bakura is alive or dead and what they're going to do about it, then Mana arrives and begs to see the stone slab of her master (priest Mahado/Black Magician), Dark Yugi let her in, she starts crying in front of the stone slab and asks the pharaoh to summon him, then priest Isis intervenes with a way for Mana to understand the situation better and giving advice to her.
Priest Seto asks for permission to the pharaoh if he can go and send troops to the city in the effort to search for thief Bakura in case he is alive, Dark Yugi is suspicious of priest Seto real intentions, he authorises on the condition to not throw the citizens into panic.
The gang successfully arrives inside the world of memory and also being amazed to see this world, there is an important conversation about how the rules works for the gang in this world of memory, while this conversation takes place, the priests are arriving the city and priest Seto reveals his real plan to priest Shada and there is a discussion about the Ka-hunt, then it moves to a bar, a man eating and drinking and tells his story in how he got off the desert, he saw a vision of a white dragon passing by that guided him back to the city, the guards surround him, revealing he was a criminal who was banished and thrown to the desert...they bring him to the priests, priest Shada does a reading to his soul revealing that he has a strong evil Ka in shape of a familiar evil clown, then the man says he prefers going to prison than being in the desert and speaks of the white dragon to the priests...
The gang is searching the area for clues and the palace, they find a girl who is in a weakened state being thrown to the ground by some citizens because of her pale skin, white hair and blue eyes, blaming her for the arrival of the priests to seize anyone who opposes them, the gang immediately goes to try to rescue her while forgetting the citizens can't see them, the priests arrive to the scene and asks the citizens what is going on, they try to explains themselves and priest Seto perceived they were bullying her and the reasons straight away and scold them for it and asks the guards to assist the girl with water and they reveal that she needs treatment because she is very weakened (lack of food and water plus wounded), the millenium key has a strong reaction to her due to her powerful Ka and tells priest Seto that is a shape of a white dragon...
Key Points:

This is when he a bad feeling in opening a door, it takes back to this moment in Duelist Kingdom, one can wonder, it was a turning point, specially for Dark Yugi and Yugi, Dark Yugi after this didn't play like he usually would, Yugi was at odds with him and himself...

At first Yugi thought it was from Dark Yugi's perspective, it was hard on him morally speaking, after all but when Yugi said:
"That fight...it was hard on the other me...his most painful memories are hidden behind this door...The moment I opened it, my heart ached, too"
"That fight...it was hard on the other me...his most painful memories are hidden behind this door...The moment I opened it, my heart ached, too"
He is quite right that was very hard for him, but for Yugi saying "my heart ached, too" and also there was bit of what Yugi was feeling at that moment and made him interfere "No...stop..." because in the aftermath of this duel as I wrote , Yugi interfered since the duel was going too far and dangerous, unnecessarily dangerous too caused by Kaiba's foolishness and reckless trait...speaks more to be one of Yugi's most painful memories, however it is also for Dark Yugi, but this instance is for Yugi, also he can't feel his presence at this time and why is the case that is his and not Dark Yugi despite his room of soul, since Dark Yugi is in a different dimension (the world of memory), and Yugi will explain it for me soon in one of the key points ahead.
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With what is said by Yugi and Anzu bugs me and rubs me in a wrong way...
Anzu says:
"So he blocking out the things he doesn't want to remember...? Behind that door...?"
then Yugi continues:
"He swore never to open it again..."
At first you would take the same assumptions they're making, but at the same time doesn't add up, because since Yugi isn't currently sensing Dark Yugi's presence and he is the one making the reaction, but Yugi jumped to the conclusion that Dark Yugi wouldn't ever open it again and was Dark Yugi's memory, it's true the duel had a deep impact on him, because it was difficult for him based on his pride conflicted with his sense of justice, it wouldn't be surprising if Dark Yugi was there, but since it was Yugi who opened and had a stronger reaction, because it was a very scary moment for him not out of fear of losing the fight but fearing for someone's safety and the duel going too far...
To be honest, Jounouchi is right, it's from these kinds of events and mistakes that someone have become better and dwelling on it is pointless, even Kaiba (that's saying something coming from me about Kaiba).

I have always a good laugh at this scene, Honda and Anzu defending Dark Yugi and highlight one of Jounouchi's flaws as Honda says:
"On the other hand, I bet you forget about anything inconvenient right away, don't you?"
I do agree with him when Jounouchi makes mistakes and he tends to get carried away with it, but when it comes to holding a grudge, he doesn't forget at all such as this moment.
Jounouchi thinking and tells about how he thinks would be like his room of soul as being open and bright, Honda and Anzu response to it is highly amusing and quite the valid observations xDD, open and bright sounds like a blank canvas, that's why they respond the way they do, so funny, it's interesting to note that Yugi seems to be the one who usually call his friends out when they're arguing like the last panel as if saying "this isn't the time to argue", pfft.

This is a very important scene, expect long texts around this scene in this key point and the next...Yugi learning and understanding how this maze actually works, so he starts explaining his observations...
"At first... I thought this maze was like a lost soul...I thought it showed the uncertainty my other self must have not knowing which path he should take...but maybe it's the opposite..."
I think he was right about it, to be honest, but also we have to remember, this is just inside the puzzle and not the real form of the room of soul of Dark Yugi, since Dark Yugi has been residing in, so in a way it is his room of soul that express about it above but also not because it doesn't really reflects who he is, since the millenium puzzle was created before he could wield it, since he has no memories, in other words, it is his room of soul for the time being until it's role has ended (it's like a rented room)...
"What if it's our souls being tested...? Did you guys notice...? No matter which doors we open, there's only traps or monsters...or painful memories from the past...and the more we wander this maze, the more complex it gets...and the more doors there are..."
He is also right about this, the main reason is that the puzzle is reacting this way is to protect from intruders and test the truth and worth in their hearts... also they're not using the right method to reach the world of memory and their friend, Dark Yugi, the answer is deeper, it's not as simple to just open a random door...it must be something deeper than that...

"I wonder what if...what if this maze reflects our hearts? The more we wander, the more we worry...and the more we worry, the more complicated the maze gets."
Yugi is getting there, closer to the answer in solving this maze, understanding the pattern of the maze protecting the true room or the world of memory from intruders, but then Anzu brings up that memory that himself assumed being Dark Yugi's memory and Yugi replies and reveals...
"That was my memory! That was the uncertainty...the shame...I felt when the other was dueling..."
As I have wrote a few key points above, it was actually from Yugi's perspective watching their duel, the uncertainty in him, he wasn't sure if he had "the right" to interfere the duel, since they were both fighting to save someone and insult to their pride as duelists (blegh) or they were going too far and dangerously scary (they were, specially Kaiba), what intrigues me is the shame he felt...in which way he means? he shouldn't interfere because of their stupid pride or... that he should have stopped them sooner and be more firm with his principles instead of crying about it or both...it's most likely both but more inclined about that he should be more firm with his pacifist principles...

"I'll never forget what almost happened that day. that's when I figured it out..."
With this line we can confirm is more towards to what I said, the source of his shame was quite spot on, the uncertainty being what hold him back to stop them from doing something dangerously stupid was trying to respect their prideful views, but if it comes the player threatening to suicide if he loses instead of accepting his loss with grace (Kaiba is terrible at it), he had to step up, it's normal someone to feel embarrassed about crying about their principles even when they do the right thing, specially would have preferred to express his principles more clearly and be firm about it without crying and openly expressing his fear about what was almost about to happen (I don't censor him, I did felt that way sometimes, Dark Yugi did as well, even Jounouchi, Anzu and Mai, even us readers).
Regarding Yugi's thoughts after this reveal (Bobasa, Jounouchi and Honda were surprised but in a sense of "Oh!", Anzu isn't shown, because as we remember when Anzu confronted Kaiba in Duelist Kingdom (I love that scene, it's my favourite moment of Anzu), shows she understands Yugi very well and his pacifist views plus she agrees with his views)...
"All of the doors we see are fakes...The key to the true door is hidden somehow, somewhere...!"
I love him so much, after passing some time, you can tell it has been passing few hours for them but in the world of memory is days (it's like those strange rules about dimensions and the flow of time is different), he realised only the key will show the true door, so logically he had to think of a clue judging from his conclusions about how the maze works, but you can sense that he thought it was probably closer than he thinks...

As I mentioned before a few key points above, the way to find the true door couldn't be just opening all doors, since is the entrance to world of memory based on Dark Yugi's memories in his subconscious and his consciousness they are trying to find, Yugi notices the smile face Jounouchi has been marking (I wish I could input this scene because is very funny, but I was getting too many panels ensembles, so I had to cut a few moments) and remembers that smile face Anzu marked on their hands in Death-T arc, their symbol of friendship must have inspired an idea and remembered his conversation with Dark Yugi when he told him that his friends are his new memories and would always be a part of him , Yugi must have thought since they're the pharaoh's new and conscious memories from spending time with them and they forged a strong bond with him, it might be connected and they're the key in finding and opening the entrance into the world of memory...however basing on what Yugi says here...
"Guys...we have to focus on the reason we came here in the first place!"
You can see he is testing a theory of his, it's true they are the key, but since it was Yugi who had the idea, told them in what to do and put his hand in the centre of their circle so they would do the same, Yugi is the main key, the guiding key to the world of memory, it's for many reasons, for starters, he is the host of the pharaoh soul, he was the boy who solved the puzzle, the wielder of the millenium puzzle and finally he was the chosen one to fill the roles of the millenium items and release Dark Yugi from the puzzle to afterlife...

Look at that happy child wonder expression in Yugi's face the moment he has a first glance on the world of memory and also happy his theory was correct (I love how is drawn this panel, the perspective, Yugi and his expression), going back to determination in helping Dark Yugi mixed with excitement in seeing this "another world" (it shows that he has that adventurous spirit inside him and being a very spirited person), seeing Yugi grown confidence that he just jumps as Bobasa explained after Yugi jumped, their bodies aren't there so they're spirits wandering in the world of memory, so they won't get hurt if they fall and reach the ground...
You see the panel Yami Bakura following them slyly.
Before this moment, the maze was opening itself and ended like this, I think the door opened in similar way as when the door opened to Diagon Alley in Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone , it could be a reference to the movie or inspired who knows, these chapter came out 1 year after the first movie of Harry Potter, it's a small possibility that I don't mind betting (I read all the books and watched all the movies), I can easily picture that it opened like that...
Before this moment, the maze was opening itself and ended like this, I think the door opened in similar way as when the door opened to Diagon Alley in Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone , it could be a reference to the movie or inspired who knows, these chapter came out 1 year after the first movie of Harry Potter, it's a small possibility that I don't mind betting (I read all the books and watched all the movies), I can easily picture that it opened like that...

Priest Seto does have a problem with Mahado and I disagree priest Mahado was being incompetent and now is blaming on Isis, come on, it seems he has a problem with Team Mahado in general, specially priest Mahado, but gives more input about how millenium tauk works, a small detail, millenium Tauk can't foresee the future of other millenium items wielders, this explains why Ishizu couldn't foresee the result after she lost to Kaiba, because the next battles would have one or two wielder of millenium items, the first being Dark Yugi (millenium puzzle) VS Kaiba and the Dark Yugi (millenium puzzle) VS Yami Marik (millenium rod), Dark Yugi saw that vision of himself against Jounouchi in the same way Ishizu could foresee herself playing against Kaiba...
They come to an intriguing conclusion, because of this small problem of the millenium Tauk, there is chances of thief Bakura being dead or taken the ring alive...

This guy...he has a good point (by the way, this "hunch" to hide his true motives and plan for the Ka-hunt, the funny thing is this hypothesis is right (he does hide himself in the city but later (which means he did took a lot of damage, for not appearing yet and needing time to recover), Dark Yugi having experience with Kaiba and his methods from the modern age and knowing him so well, he can tell the strong similarities between Kaiba and priest Seto not just in physical features but in personality and methods as well, so Dark Yugi is suspicious of priest Seto, he probably has a general idea of his real intentions since he is very sharp, priest Akhenaden reaction is very amusing, his expression definitely said "you still intend to go with this Ka-hunt idea!?" - since he disagrees and sees as extreme measures.

We have another hint that Mana and the pharaoh were and are childhood friends and Dark Yugi's memories recovering prior to this event way back until this point, being his first scene with Mana in the manga, for recognising her as Mana and letting her through to see the stone slab and the fact the guards doesn't recognise her (being Mahado's disciple) but he does, priest Seto doesn't know her but the pharaoh does (plus the vizier), which implies his closed ones circle in this timeline was vizier Siamun, Mahado, Mana and if we remember he called priest Isis by name and not "title+name", it would make her bit closer to the pharaoh than the other priests besides Mahado...

When she bends to her knees in front of the stone slab crying of what it means seeing his master inside the stone slab, the pharaoh bends by her side and feeling sympathy and understand her loss (it was a big loss for him as well, but if we think about it, in the manga we never saw him cry even for a moment when he thought Jounouchi was dead (though he was temporarily dead), it was more to depression or too emotionally exhausted to cry or his habit in repressing emotions from his reserved personality).
I find interesting she is the only one who calls the pharaoh as "Your Highness" when the others is between "pharaoh" and "great pharaoh", probably the time when Dark Yugi was still a prince, she must have called him between "Your Highness" and "Prince", in the anime they do this much clearer, and openly expressing her emotions about her loss and asking him to summon Mahado, it further hints that they are indeed childhood friends, Dark Yugi stays quiet because he is naturally awkward and probably trying to think of the right words to comfort her and explain why he can't summon (it's difficult to say the right words in this kind of situation).
Priest Isis comes, her calling Mana by name and how she comforts her, advise and encourage her to become a better sorcerer by training harder in order to keep Mahado's legacy, she has a big sister's role to Mana from how they interact and she knows Mana very well, when looking at her posture, she is very discreet and level-headed, when we think about it, she was present when Dark Yugi was at the balcony with vizier Siamun and priest Mahado, she is fairly close to them.

Wow, he is asking for permission to send troops to the city so poetically and intense (since priest Seto and Kaiba have similar personalities, so we can expect priest Seto to be as intense as Kaiba due to their tendencies to be extreme), if we look at Dark Yugi expression to this suggestion, he thinks is a valid request but he can't help but be suspicious of his real intent because he sees a lot of Kaiba in him and his mindset is similar as well...vizier seems to be a little suspicious but expresses that he does bring a good point, for now is a good idea since they're unsure if thief Bakura is alive or dead, so Dark Yugi agrees saying:
"...I will allow you to station troops. But whatever you do, the soldiers must not threaten the people! Your target is Bakura!!"
It's very clear that Dark Yugi has a pretty good idea of his real intent, basing in knowing Kaiba so well in thirst for power and sees the same in priest Seto, he suspects priest Seto will go search for powerful Ka enough to defeat thief Bakura, when we look at Dark Yugi's orders is to restrict his movements, in other words to not involve the innocent and just focus on thief Bakura.
Note: by the way I like the reference to the river of the Nile.
Note: by the way I like the reference to the river of the Nile.

Bobasa here reminding the rules in this world of memory for them, it didn't sink in yet their current situation, but is a pretty funny scene, even for Yugi, one thing is a theory and other actually seeing it for yourself as Yugi saw it for himself, Anzu is the only not be shown a shocked expression, because she remembered herself and she is more down to earth than them plus she has a practical and intuitive mind (even more than Yugi).

Priest Seto is right about his hunch and thief Bakura taking the millenium ring will make him stronger and his Ka, it can become very problematic even with pharaoh's help (proven in volume 3 of Memory World Arc), but...he is wrong about Mahado, it's true their situation is extremely dire and even more without priest Mahado, but his death was inevitable if thief Bakura then started to go one by one if his Ka is obviously more powerful than any of the spirits Ka of the priests and only the egyptian gods are a challenge and has chances to defeat thief Bakura's Ka, because Mahado knew this much, he became Black Magician, so he could still protect the pharaoh even in his afterlife...he will prove priest Seto wrong in volume 4 and 5 of Memory World Arc.

As it can be noted, each priest has their own job and role based on the powers of their millenium items mostly, Mahado was because millenium ring could detect movements close by, he was chosen to guard the pharaohs tombs from grave robbers, priest Shada in his case as the palace judge basing that it can see and measure someone's Ka, priest Isis is to foresee and watch over the kingdom, as we move the story I will mention about their jobs in their positions as priests and wielders of the millenium items...It is interesting that they're not allowed when it comes to the innocent.
Now as for priest Seto revealing his true intentions to send troops to the city, he wanted to bring priest Shada who would be crucial in finding those Ka with potential, priest Shada rightfully disagrees and priest Seto brings his suspicions there might be someone in the city with powerful Ka (his hunch is very close).

Priest Seto is good at bring very valid and practical points, but his methods tends to be pragmatic and extreme, he says is to protect the pharaoh, that's the main reason with his dark view and thirst for power specially after seeing the power of the egyptian gods from the pharaoh in action, at first you think is to take the throne or something, but is it really the case? he might prefer to control behind the curtain? who knows...he might truly loyal but in pragmatic and extreme taste...

I have to say is pretty cool reference to one of the classic cards, specially owned by Kaiba being Saggi The Dark Clown and how it looked in Ancient Egypt and little different from the modern version, you can see from judgement based on priest Shada and priest Seto, it is a strong Ka but not very strong, but isn't far of becoming a high level monster...from what he orders the guards to do, to send the criminal to the oubliette beneath the palace, I did a research about the word and ancient prisons, oubliette isn't really different from earlier prisons in history (it was usually underground dungeons, the big difference is that oubliette is a harsher claustrophobic method of prison to let the prisoners starve to death with one way out) - it was very interesting research for this post.
Priest Seto behaviour to the point to expand into looking into not just criminals but to those who oppose them (could be considered not so innocent - but they could be right in opposing them to come in with troops and the priests doing a sort of "check in"), it doesn't exactly involve innocent ones though, just those who oppose them to make a "good excuse" to expand to look into other people Ka...even if is kinda disagreeable.
Priest Seto behaviour to the point to expand into looking into not just criminals but to those who oppose them (could be considered not so innocent - but they could be right in opposing them to come in with troops and the priests doing a sort of "check in"), it doesn't exactly involve innocent ones though, just those who oppose them to make a "good excuse" to expand to look into other people Ka...even if is kinda disagreeable.

Priest Shada understand his point being realistically practical and in theory, but the main reason he disagrees with him, first he feels he is abusing political and mystical power for the means to defeat the threat of thief Bakura's level, it is presented that priest Shada has a strong sense of justice and loyalty to the pharaoh, what he says to priest Seto:
"Priest Seto! You understand, don't you? The pharaoh would never permit to do this!"
He is implying that omitting such practice and itself, the pharaoh wouldn't allow it, that's why priest Seto omitted because he knew he wouldn't permit, but if we think about it, priest Seto isn't really disobeying Dark Yugi's orders, he is not threatening but approaching the criminals and "rebels" (those that oppose them) to look into their Ka, it's justifiable enough on their side besides he isn't attacking...since he does give convincing and valid arguments, priest Shada reluctantly uses the Millenium Key since he does also understand their current urgent and dire situation regarding thief Bakura...

He is the criminal I mentioned in the plot summary who witnessed the white dragon passing by that guided him to the city, he speaks up telling them about this behaviour in locking and torture the convicted and the "rebels" and mentions the "white dragon god" will punish the priests, the point this criminal sight of this white dragon to even considered a god means a powerful spirit, the way these priests would interpret, it is that there is possibility of someone holding a god Ka that rivals the egyptian gods, but I wish to go deeper with their reaction thought...first Priest Seto:
"White Dragon...?"
"White Dragon...?"
Remember the reticencies means considered thought or possibility or that someone knows something, in this instance for priest Seto, he is very interested and thought that his hunch of someone wielding a powerful Ka have been right and he goes "Hmph...Let's move on!", we readers having experience with Kaiba "hmphs" and since priest Seto is very similar to him in this case, he is not criticising the criminal or not believing in him, the silent "hmph" and say to continue moving, it means he will try to search for this "white dragon god" Ka the criminal witnessed...
Now priest Shada reaction is also very interesting...
"A God..."
It means he knows the criminal didn't lie about the "white dragon god", he actually becomes interested and curious about this person who hold this God Ka, another detail speak of is that if we remember Shadi using Millenium Key and Scales, the millenium Key can tell when someone is lying without reading someone's mind as the Millenium Scales and the Millenium Eye, it means some millenium items can tell when someone is lying due to their "measuring" Ka powers.
By the way I think is pretty funny the words of the speaking criminal after the guards tell him to shut up and he won't see the sun again before going to prison...
"Do your worst! I'm sick of the desert anyway!"
it's very amusing, hahaha, I would get sick of it too, but I think I would prefer the more chances to live, from the sound of it, this criminal sentence is perpetual prison.

Really guys, it's not the time...It's curious how she scolds them...
"These are Yugi's (other Yugi) memories, you morons! There's nothing perverted like that here!"
Despite existing harems at this time in Egypt, but were mostly made not for the intentions that Honda and Jounouchi are thinking, it was mostly as a diplomatic method to expand political power (regarding politics, social and judicial was fairly advanced in this timeline) specially in the New Kingdom (the time of the former king and Dark Yugi as pharaoh), it was more of a institution, I'm not sure about the former king...I'll write about it in volume 4 (the only time we see Dark Yugi's mother ): . ), but as for Dark Yugi, to me is actually a puzzle because when it came to speak about closest thing to attraction or beauty, I think it was from aesthetic viewpoint, Dark Yugi always seems grey regarding these kinds of things, also I don't think he is the kind of person to have a harem even for political reasons, so I agree with Anzu.
As for Yugi is rather amusing:
"That's right! Don't forget our mission! To find the other me's true name!"
Who you're trying to fool with that blush, Yugi? definitely not the readers xD, you were thinking about it, mr. little perv, he says that because first Anzu is the person he likes romantically is present and doesn't want to be on her bad side, he knows she's right and goes back becoming focused on the mission at hand.

For anyone who doesn't know lighter eye colour has positive reception associated with beauty and myth as with a negative reception connected to coldness, creepy scary and "curse" but also sadness (this kinda of grey reception still remains, I have blue eyes, usually people have given positive comment but the closest to negative was when someone said that my eyes were hypnotising), now as for pale skin, at this time people with pale or white skin wasn't as common as today (since Caucasian people actually comes from a mixture of different ancient civilisations), again people with this tone of skin had grey reception during this time (nowadays seems to be the other way around, the famous "white privilege", the mention of such, there is negative reception from people who for justifiable reasons in interest of equality for everyone, so it's still grey).
The grey reception in this timeline is for different reasons from nowadays, people with pale/white skin wasn't common as it is in our modern age, because the present day people with pale/white skin exists in spades (a little too much).
Focusing on this scene about the mysterious girl recently introduced who just got out of the desert being bullied by town people, blaming her for the pharaoh sending troops to the city basing on her skin and eye colour, we are seeing the negative reception side of someone who born with both of these traits or either one of these at this time...because I said it was grey, so there is the positive reception side, but I won't write about it yet...
Priest Seto arrives to the scene and sees the weakened and beaten up girl and asks the men who were ganging up on her what they did to her and order the guards to give water, he looks at her again and understood the reason why and scolded the men, I want to go through with what he says to them:
"You think you can throw stones at someone just because their skin is different...? I'll cut the true meaning of a different status into your skin!"
Even though the racism was much less in this timeline than it is today, but there is always wariness when comes to strangers or foreigners in some civilisations, even from these men it is and also isn't, they blame her arrival based on her appearance for the pharaoh sending troops, this prejudice against her is more based on superstition than race (woman with blue eyes and pale skin, if you don't know, even in medieval times and before, women with red hair, pale skin and green eyes were thought to be witches, they were persecuted in medieval times and many people killed black cats because of the "bad luck" superstition ): - so yeah, it was similar to these cases).
Now as for Priest Seto I find interesting of what he means by teaching them true meaning of different status by cutting to their skin, it means is not a matter of appearance but authority and political power, and also when he looks at her again, he notices her blue eyes (it's something to remember on the next volume)...
Focusing on this scene about the mysterious girl recently introduced who just got out of the desert being bullied by town people, blaming her for the pharaoh sending troops to the city basing on her skin and eye colour, we are seeing the negative reception side of someone who born with both of these traits or either one of these at this time...because I said it was grey, so there is the positive reception side, but I won't write about it yet...

There is the Gang of Justice (sorry, I had to), from the sound of this scene, it seems even after the events of Duelist Kingdom and Battle City, it became common for them to jump to people in need of help like this instance, but is pretty funny that Jounouchi had forgotten he can't touch anything and goes to try to punch a guy and went through past him and goes against the wall (I'm not a fan of slapstick humour but in this case I think is funny), here is something cool to notice, even though they can't touch her because they're like ghosts and as they asks if she is fine and bit frustrated they can't do anything, but it seems this girl can see and hear them...and they both hear someone is arriving...

Priest Seto arrives to the scene and sees the weakened and beaten up girl and asks the men who were ganging up on her what they did to her and order the guards to give water, he looks at her again and understood the reason why and scolded the men, I want to go through with what he says to them:
"You think you can throw stones at someone just because their skin is different...? I'll cut the true meaning of a different status into your skin!"
Even though the racism was much less in this timeline than it is today, but there is always wariness when comes to strangers or foreigners in some civilisations, even from these men it is and also isn't, they blame her arrival based on her appearance for the pharaoh sending troops, this prejudice against her is more based on superstition than race (woman with blue eyes and pale skin, if you don't know, even in medieval times and before, women with red hair, pale skin and green eyes were thought to be witches, they were persecuted in medieval times and many people killed black cats because of the "bad luck" superstition ): - so yeah, it was similar to these cases).
Now as for Priest Seto I find interesting of what he means by teaching them true meaning of different status by cutting to their skin, it means is not a matter of appearance but authority and political power, and also when he looks at her again, he notices her blue eyes (it's something to remember on the next volume)...

It's pretty hilarious how the gang see and rooting for priest Seto and how they refer him "dude-who-looks-like-Kaiba!!" defending the girl since they recognise him as someone who looks a lot like Kaiba, what makes it also interesting he went to defend her and order his guards to give water and attend her wounds, then priest Shada's millenium Key has a strong reaction to her Ka, as being extremely powerful and revealing to be in form of a white dragon, you see from priest Seto reaction, shocked in different meanings, remember he did believe in the criminal and was interested in the "white dragon", he just probably didn't expect to find so quickly and much less from this girl he just met and help her from her weakened state and amazed...(by the way, from this Yu-Gi-Oh! series either the manga or the anime (more the manga), this mysterious girl is my 2nd fave character).
See Ya Next Post!
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