Friday, February 12, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá: Vol.1-3 Part 8 - Episodic Arcs Phase 4


I'm going through some rough stuff at home, but I'll do my best to keep my intended speed to finish these old updates and Dark Side of Dimensions by end of July or early August, to make it easier to refer these observations and thoughts - analysis-esque of Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and original source material (Dark Side of Dimensions was written by Kazuki Takahashi, so it can be considered as source material).
Writing in this blog is what helping my mind to keep busy with something else that isn't bothering me.
This post will be about the Episodic Arcs between Shadi's arc and Death-T arc.
Enjoy yourselves seeing through the words of a character development of a character that I liked a lot to later in the series disappear, disappointingly, since this is his last time he shines and one more appearance in Death-T, that's it.

Plot Summary:

Chapter 21 * Digital Pet Duel

A small digital game is very popular around Domino High School, using digital device where you raise a digital pet, Yugi's friends have them except Honda since he has his IRL pet, a dog, so they discuss and compare each others pets, Yugi's and Jounouchi's digital pets connects through the devices and become friends and shared data, then a classmate of theirs named Kujirada enters the classroom and claims his digital pet is a hidden character and are very rare in nature being a glitch or a computer virus and if you do it right then becomes a special pet, Yugi and Co feel indignant with his presumptuous attitude, starts to show off and his having a "black star", Anzu calls out on his arrogant and overconfident attitude and Kujirada leaves them on their own thinking they're just jealous.
Kujirada goes home and feeds his digital pet, trying to go sleep, but his digital pet keeps interrupting his sleep, Kujirada hears voices of his own pet to his mind, what he isn't aware is that he is being brainwashed by his own digital pet which kinda gained a life of it's own...
The next day at school, Jounouchi's pet was "gone", the gang wondered what happened, then Kujirada appears and asks for Anzu's digital pet, she refuses, what happens is that Kujirada connects his digital pet device to Anzu's by force and his digital pet eats Anzu's pet, then goes after Yugi's, however it seems that results from the shared data and something else did make Yugi's digital pet evolve temporarily and beaten Kujirada's digital pet which free his classmate from his own digital pet's brainwashing.

Chapter 22-23 * American Hero

Hanasaki Tomoya is one  of Yugi's classmates, acquaintances and friends in their group, hanging out with Yugi and his friends by showing a bit of his collection of american comics themed on heroes or superheroes, here is specifically to be Zombire, Hanasaki is a huge fan of these american comics and Zombire, Yugi and friends are curious and impressed by his passion for these comics, Hanasaki invites them to go to his house.
Yugi and Co. arrives to Hanasaki's house then to his room and they are very surprised that his room is filled with Zombire merchandise, they have a lunch at his room, then Hanasaki's dad appears to surprise him with a Zombire costume for his son's size, Hanasaki was very happy with his father's gift, he went to try out his new costume, Jounouchi saw a garage kit figurine box that hasn't been touched, so he does touch it and makes the figurine, the others were reluctant in touching someone's object, they were impressed by the result, Hanasaki arrives with his costume, he was sad since he wanted to keep in the original box to later be grateful to Jounouchi for doing so, Hanasaki's father, Mr.Hanasaki asks the gang to keep being friends with his son and talks with them a little.
Mr. Hanasaki has the idea seeing his son exit the window to walk in his favourite hero costume in the night, he pays a group of boys like victim and villains to pretend that his son can beat him and save the victim, Hanasaki thinks he became a "superhero", this group of boys came to Hanasaki's school and meet Yugi asking if he knows a boy named Hanasaki, Yugi sensing trouble from them he intends to keep quiet to not get himself and Hanasaki involved, Hanasaki sees the same group of boys and thinks they are bullying Yugi and stands between Yugi and these group of boys as an attempt to protect Yugi, the group of boys leave and the leader of this group says he has plan by making ransom on Hanasaki to his father by pretending to Hanasaki they kidnapped Yugi, threats Mr.Hanasaki for ransom to sending a "kidnapping note" to his son, Yugi passed by to ask for a spray paint for his garage kit to know the situation.
Hanasaki in "Zombire" costume goes to the group of boys to know it was all a set up to really beat him up and reveal the truth to him...Hanasaki going through problems in believing, Mr.Hanasaki and Dark Yugi arrives already taking over and challenges the group of boys to a game by using the butt cigarette lying on the floor and spray paint to create a maze of fire, while sparing their lives as the exit to be going into the water.

Chapter 24 * Capsule Monsters Chess

Yugi is leaving school or going to school (I don't know which is which, it doesn't specify, I presume is leaving) passes by a candy store with a coin machine that has capsule monsters which are mini figures of monsters (very gacha like) and used them in a board game similar to chess divided by 5 levels, coming from a coin machine, therefore the monsters are random and so are the levels of these capsule monsters...Yugi is pretty interested in the game, he gets to the line but a kid just cut it in front of him, comes his turn, to his "bad luck", the coin and capsule got stuck, the owner of the candy store gets mad and spanks in his head and scolds Yugi, then a boy named Kaiba Mokuba (Mokuba Kaiba), he is the little brother of Yugi's classmate named Kaiba Seto (Seto Kaiba) who is a capsule monster "champion" and challenges Yugi to a game of Capsule Monsters Chess to force him to play in his hideout and even using the candy store owner's coin machine that Mokuba himself paid him, Mokuba's followers tries to mess with Yugi to Dark Yugi taking over, the kids get scared off except Mokuba who is not surprised, if anything that was his intention from the beginning and the whole thing in the candy store was staged by Mokuba to meet Yugi and challenge Dark Yugi.
Dark Yugi warns Mokuba their game is a shadow game, Mokuba says he was prepared, Dark Yugi wins the game and gives Mokuba a penalty game being inside a capsule monster then leaves the scene.


Key Points:

Chapter 21 * Digital Pet Duel

As explained in the plot summary for this chapter, this is more or less about a digital device in raising a digital pet, which reminds me of the tamagotchi days, which are the same or very similar, the same can be applied with Digital Monster (the original digimon at this time by Bandai), these were in stores in the late 90's which is more or less the timeline of this series at this time.
I think most people were kids at this time remember the tamagotchi, I did get the time where you could find them almost everywhere, it was fun when it lasted :).

If you wish to continue reading, click "Read More" below:


The gang in this scene are comparing their digital pets except Honda who has an IRL Pet, female dog, however where I want to focus is his friends reactions to Yugi's digital and the name Yugi has given, the whole scene I find very entertaining...quoting them first:

Anzu: "EEE! It's so cute! It's eating it's food!"

Jounouchi: "Ha ha ha! It looks just like you, Yugi!"

Yugi: "Aha ha ha...You think so? I named him «U2»!"

Anzu: "So pets do look like their owners!"

😂😂😏 They're not wrong that Yugi's digital pet looks a lot like Yugi, the "star shaped hair" for starters xDD, even the eyes are similar and expression too, however here is the amusing part, Anzu said Yugi's pet is very cute and commented that pets do look like their owners, in another words, she does think Yugi is very cute, appearance is true, I can finally say it...even though Yugi looks like a kid, but there are kids who look aesthetically from societal norms as "ugly" and "cute", Yugi falls in the "very cute", my own aesthetic taste I do think Yugi is very cute, specially his cheeks, they look quite squishable, later you'll see Anzu isn't the only one.
The name he has given to his digital pet "U2", a conscious choice based on his two selves?
Then comes Jounouchi, it's an automatic "ugly" reaction in a sense for their aesthetic and because it reflects his bad attitude, specially early on xDD, then goes to Honda revealing that isn't his thing but  is more due to that he does have a pet dog and is on "heat" and is driving him insane xDD I can relate to that, we actually see Honda walking his dog later in the series.
Yugi informs Jounouchi that their digital pets can mate with each other by sharing their pets personality and become more unique pet...he explains later using the data ports in the digital devices...

This is one of those moments from Honda 😂, where his common sense is where it hits while the others aren't aware that they're acting kind of embarrassing, specifically Jounouchi, in this case is "to mate" 😂 is in a sense as between animals and Honda is "I didn't need to hear that..." due to Jounouchi lack of awareness of what "mate" actually means 😂, Yugi knows what it means but just goes along to have a friend where their digital pets can become friends, Yugi is that innocent person who is not ignorant (just so you know is possible).


😆😆😂 It's just too funny this interaction alone! I want to start with Yugi's thoughts/inner monologue:

"U2 is pretty quiet. I hope he gets some of Jounouchi's wild personality!"

Why U2 is pretty quiet, Yugi? because you're pretty quiet, despite he wishes his digital pet get some of Jounouchi's wild personality, it shows that Yugi admires Jounouchi's boldness and would like himself to be a little more bold also wishing to work on his self-esteem.
It's amusing that Jounouchi's digital pet makes the first move, however when he enters U2's screen and then kicks him, the gang's reaction is amusing too, Anzu is so frank that she says outright "it's a bully" and "he's just like you!", you know Jounouchi bad attitude as Honda commented awhile ago when Jounouchi shows off  his digital pet, Jounouchi is feeling ashamed (I think it also reflects in how he feels the way he acted with Yugi before as well), Yugi wondering if it was a good idea.
I like the interaction in this scene because you see their dynamic as a group of friends, they're pretty honest with each other, these are important elements in any friendship.


Then we see their digital pets getting along and Yugi said their data exchange is complete, since when they interact, the data of their pets is being shared, however the most interesting parts, starting with Jounouchi's inner monologue to his digital pet:

"You need to get some of U2's cuteness!"

It's not just Anzu who thinks Yugi is pretty cute, Jounouchi thinks so too xDD, probably to the boys Yugi look like a innocent cute kid they want to protect and teach or a "wimpy kid", while the girls want to spoil him xD, it kind of implies Yugi stands out not just the hair, child-appearance, it seems his looks a little, but isn't just these elements, because remember Yugi wasn't excluded, his classmates invited him to play basketball, which is to say did like Yugi as a classmate, the 1st year students all seem to know him, 2nd years is some and even 3rd years, it's possible Yugi is secretly popular or famous but he isn't aware of it, Yugi is kinda dense about these things...I think at times he is a bit aware of his cuteness but he thinks it bases from his child-like appearance (it's one of the factors).

Another thing I want to mention is that they show the perspective from Yugi's digital pet and saying "this is my master!", there is implication that these digital pets think on their someway in YGO-verse.


This classmate showing off his digital pet of how special it is, Kujirada, if you notice he just interferes with their conversation, so rude, his digital pet is pretty ugly on my aesthetic taste, it seems the other think mostly the same, Yugi is the more polite and considerate one, Anzu is being honest, Jounochi is snickering as he is the kind that teases instead (also quite happy that to him Kujirada's pet is uglier than his).
According to Kujirada mentioned in the plot summary and here, there is hidden characters pets because of a glitch or virus in some of these digital pet game devices in the data and it's main trait of these hidden characters is they have a star symbol in their graphics, then Kujirada shows it off, the fact is a glitch sounds like something dubious and to be cautious he claims that his is the ultimate pet because he lived longer than the "normal pet" (21 days) and his lived for two months...
I'm with Anzu on this one, the more simpler terms is what matters the most is the journey spent with it while it lasted, of course, the guy doesn't get the meaning and thinks she is saying that because they're jealous, you wish.
The most interesting part in this scene is that U2, Yugi's digital acted scared when that guy was around, as if he sensed danger from it, as stated in the previous key, in the YGO-verse, these digital pets somehow act on their own, even Yugi found it strange in behaviour...


The interaction in this scene is pretty interesting is that the "pet owner" being brainwashed and manipulated by his "pet", the "pet" can act on it's own to even brainwash and kind of mind control mixed with manipulation, at first Kujirada questioned how is it happening that he could hear what his "pet" was saying and even bossing him around too, this also another way to express that these digital games has addicting nature and can become unhealthy.
The whole the pets look like their owners as some sort of reflection of the pet owners, this reminds me of something similar in Memory World Arc.

That's so rude and gross! Kujirada does seem pretty obsessed...either way looking this way is pretty disturbing...specially with what Kujirada says here, it's pretty creepy, eww...
As to how Anzu's digital pet looks like, it's pretty cute and even the name is cute btw, I think it does reflect her well for the most part xDD.
Anzu was quite against it and refused, but the jerk just took it by force and link it up...even the jerk's digital pet looks as gross...honestly I don't like his character, but these kind of things in some video games isn't uncommon though, which is pretty toxic behaviour, I feel sorry for Anzu.


Yugi was shocked that someone's pet eaten another person's pet, even more being his crush and gets concerned, the same jerk Kujirada takes Yugi's digital pet device because his pet says he wants more....from the way the glitched and ugly pet says it, seems to mean he thought Peachy was yummy looking and thinks U2 is as well, which makes me wonder when he eaten Jounouchi's pet....but looking around, he thought was pets being more nutritious...still gross though, I have some theories that his pet put up fight.


This scene is pretty interesting specially with it's follow up to the end, I find amusing that this "evolution" looks more like Dark Yugi and ready to fight back and the ugly and glitched pet sensed great power...I wonder what could mean, the right question for this scene is if this "evolution" is permanent or not, we have to remember Yugi named his pet "U2" ;), there is must be a double meaning behind it, right...


Yugi states that his pet must have evolved from the data he received from Jounouchi's pet, it certainly played a part, but did it really? because if that were the case Jounouchi's pet wouldn't have died, who also received data, the applications should be the same by that logic, right? since it wasn't case, there is other elements at play here, remember how Yugi named his pet U2, for it's double meanings such his recent awareness and acknowledging of the existence of Dark Yugi, as start, what I'm trying to say is that Dark Yugi did play a role here as well...hmmm I'm getting theories...
It's good the virus pet did get beaten up by a powerful firewall pet 😄 (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist), it doesn't seem Kujirada feels sad for losing his pet truly, more glad because now he can go to sleep, you can just turn the game off, man...


Here we see, another thing worth of note, U2 came back to "normal", his pet is really cute, cute as his owner xDD, it's so cute of how attached Yugi was to his pet...which why I can't say that was exactly "evolution" since it was only temporary, I think some of the reasons is that Yugi's pet was possibly one of the hidden characters, like his owner, he has hair star-shaped, they said it would need to have a star in the graphics, which is one of the possibilities and with Jounouchi's data received a boost, however it came back to "normal", so it couldn't be just these elements? What if Dark Yugi was at play here and the millennium puzzle? I mean that "evolution" looked a lot like Dark Yugi, there is a chance that Dark Yugi using the magic of the millennium puzzle or "hidden shadow game" took over in the digital world for awhile in that moment or sometimes Dark Yugi took over to play in secret the digital pet device and that somewhat influenced his playstyle with Yugi's.
Lastly about this arc, Yugi's inner monologue from Panels Ensemble on the Left to the Right is ironically interesting:

"But all things must come to an end...even the lives of digital pets. According to his programming, U2 will disappear tomorrow morning..."

It's very ironic because when thinking to Yugi's acceptance and decision from Battle City Arc to Ceremonial Duel that Dark Yugi is a soul of deceased pharaoh who has to go to afterlife, this line of this inner monologue fits what comes in the future and to his pet named "U2" which he clearly named after basing himself and acknowledging the existence of "other me" or "Dark Yugi", it's possible that maybe Yugi had some very vague suspicions that this "other me" might be a spirit with some unfinished business? hmmm who knows.

Chapter 22-23 * American Hero


Hanasaki Tomoya, we have seen this character before, one of Yugi's classmates that Yugi tried to befriend with in one of the episodic arcs and got "bullied" by the karaoke guy (forgot his name), we get to know his character more, it's honestly a shame he didn't get more attention, Honda already barely gets we see he is friends with the gang, it's possible he was always meant to be part of the gang into the future of the series, specially when wasn't planned to be about the games being focused on card game, even though in Kaiba's introduction, he was watching Yugi and Jounouchi playing which shows he is remotely interested, but since the gang is kinda big and even more with Bakura later...
Summarising the whole interaction between him and the gang, they have a good relationship, Hanasaki is introducing them his american comics, heavily focused on american superheroes, his favourite being Zombire.
There is some interesting segments, I want to quote one of Anzu's lines in this scene and summarise it's follow up:

"But why are all american comics full of these macho bodybuilders guys?"

I'm with her on this one...of course the most obvious answer is "power fantasy", I think it implies she isn't into muscle guys or bodybuilders, I guess...I think to most fans, specially the manga readers that it isn't a surprise Takahashi-sensei likes a lot american comics, at the beginning of the chapter, he draws in a more american-ish style comics, besides some parts of his drawing style, you see it's influence, I remember reading some of his interviews that he always admired the art style in the american comics (to be honest not fond of, with time I learned that I prefer graphic novels outside of superheroes or those that seem to never end for the most part).
After this scene, Hanasaki gets very defensive and pretty intense which shows he is a big fan of Zombire but doesn't deny the others superheroes bodybuilders xDD then gets awkward when he got too intense, to be honest I can quite relate with feeling this intense about a franchise or story, I have been there, Hanasaki, still kinda am, you can tell that he is a nerd, Yugi is one as well but towards games, based on their hobbies, to me a nerd is someone who is passionate about his hobbies.
It's cute that the gang is impressed of how much a fan he is of his favourite comic, Hanasaki invites them to his house to see his collection.

There is some curious facts about Hanasaki that he is quite similar to Yugi in some aspects being quite nerdy when comes to their hobbies and...through quoting Hanasaki after the gang being very impressed  with his collection:

"Actually, my father works in America. Every time he comes to Japan, he brings something for me."

In case you don't know, Yugi's father despite never appearing in the manga, it was revealed in one of the interviews with Takahashi-sensei that Yugi's father works overseas but always brings gifts for Yugi, in that sense Hanasaki is similar to Yugi as well, but may be even more than we think.


I've always find nice when Takahashi-sensei took a break like these showing some trivia facts here and there, including garage kit figure like these, from what I heard is quite hard to be well done, even though Jounouchi touched it without permission, but you see that Jounouchi does garage kits quite frequently (a side hobby of Jounouchi?), the more relatable part to collectors and nerds is what Hanasaki says the following:

Hanasaki: "Why...why did you put it together? I wanted to keep it in its original box..."

then Jounouchi: "Huh?! You weren't going to build up it...?!"

Of course there is those more like Yugi and Jounouchi who prefer to just use it  for what is for...there is different kinds of fans and nerds who are invested in their hobbies in different ways, as always in this case, Honda "inner monologue" is very funny with his common sense to not cry in that outfit (it's not just because looks lame to him but being very inconvenient with the mask on, tears will humid the mask, etc), Yugi is the positive one by praising his costume and being friendly.


I think is pretty cute that Jounouchi apologizes for his rudeness and Hanasaki ends up feeling grateful for doing the garage kit, Hanasaki goes back, it's that they get along and looking forward the next day.
After Tomoya Hanasaki go back to his home, Mr. Hanasaki (Hanasaki's father) asks them to continue to be friends with his son and begs them...they answer as if it was the most obvious thing in the world that they are friends and always will be.
Honestly...Mr. Hanasaki...That's not how you go about things, you somehow don't believe in your son in getting friends...also according to the environment that Hanasaki lives, they treat him like a kid and not as a teenager, it's kind of a fine being supportive but you have to watch him grow, what Mr.Hanasaki is asking is something that wasn't needed to be asked because his son's friends become friends with him on their own because they like his's just unnecessary request...


Getting into the what Mr.Hanasaki says next by quoting him:

"Thank you...To be honest, Tomoya is...fragile because of my work, I haven't been able to spend as much with him as I'd like. I was starting to think his only friends were those action figures..."

Dude...I wouldn't say fragile and thinking that his son was considering his action figures as his friends...what lack of faith, you would have to be a full on nerd, it's true he is very passionate fan of Zombire but is more of a collector nerd, he wanted the garage kit pieces inside the box, leave the box unopened, that's not someone who talk with his action figures...but a collector, Jounouchi quickly realized what he meant and inform him who sees him everyday says that his son isn't fragile as his father thinks, also the fact that he thinks his son is fragile shows that they treat as if he is a kid, I would understand if he is a more of a sick kid when he was younger (pictures of him at an hospital).

Then Mr.Hanasaki reflecting on what Jounouchi said and to himself for his son to be strong, comes a flashback a moment when he visited his son at the hospital, he was the one who introduced his son to Zombire whenever he came back from America to me the most interesting part is what Tomoya Hanasaki is saying to his father when looking at the action figure of Zombire:

"When I look at this action figure...I kinda feel like I'm stronger too!"

It's not that he sees Zombire or consider as friends in anyway but more of a role model, it's not uncommon when people were younger like in childhood, pre-teen years when they look up to characters as role models or inspiration, even they could relate, with his father mostly absent for working overseas, the boy went to look for his role model somewhere else...
The other problem is his parents treat him like a kid while being extremely supportive, his father is very naive in a lot of ways, I'm fine with the supportive part but the naiveté worries me from Mr. Hanasaki.

Regarding specifically Hanasaki Tomoya looking up to Zombire like a role model, probably when he was a sicker kid and his father being mostly absent due to working overseas, it was missing a role model for him that he could somewhat relate...Yugi and Hanasaki are pretty similar in that aspect about the role model and both their fathers work overseas, later Yugi when knows Dark Yugi's existence and can watch his battles and be able to talk with him, Dark Yugi becomes his role model and is confirmed later at the end of the series that Yugi did confessed that he always look up to Dark Yugi as a role model, however there is differences, Yugi despite sometimes behave like a child and looks like one, he ends up being more mature than Hanasaki.


Hanasaki looks at his favourite superhero poster like looking up to his role model, he get the crazy idea that he will go out in the streets at night with the costume, I'm not going to lie, he is pretty courageous, yet he can be cautious, but still I am surprised of how he didn't break his feet for jumping from the window (that's dangerous).
His father  watches surprised going out at night, does he go after his child worried about him?
Hanasaki is not far off becoming a chunnibiyou...


It's the scene of a group of boys pretending acting villains and losing in a "fight", anyone can tell and is clear that they were pretending to be beaten up by him and was the way when adults play with children about heroes and villains, it was very unconvincing...however Hanasaki was shocked and did get to believing he had super powers and makes his favourite superhero finishing this rate he might become a chunnibyou...I guess he didn't have many relatives to play with to not be able to tell...Hanasaki is very innocent and naive even.
The father's intentions in doing this was to help his son gain more confidence in himself and asking this group if they could do it again, however the leader could tell Mr. Hanasaki was naive and asked him to just tell his son's name and school, just from that alone that says that this group leader is up to something bad...
Mr. Hanasaki may have good intentions but that's not the right way of helping building more confidence...that's creating a "false sense of confidence" and not real confidence, comes from somewhere more within, it deals at the core of one individual and believing in it and your inner the end of the day, connected to principles, beliefs, ethics, aware of it's capabilities, etc, it's a very layered matter and not either only put "a strong front".


It will be more frequent having 3 Panels Ensembles in key points as noticeable recently since it saves more time and not make the post too long.
On the subject of these Panels Ensembles, this is when they were leaving school, the group approach Yugi, somehow they hit the spot or maybe they have investigated, besides his hair always stands out, Yugi is usually sharp and has good intuition and could tell that they look like they not up to no good and go ask for Hanasaki, Yugi pretends he doesn't know Hanasaki as attempt to protect his friend, Yugi actually handles this rather calmly, even in the Panels Ensemble on the Right, at first from this view of this post doesn't look like it, but click here for a better view, you see that Yugi is still handling calmly.

Hanasaki as he leaves and sees this scene that does look like bullying, naturally he misunderstands, however since he still believes he has super powers of "Zombire", but since he doesn't have his "costume", he feels he has to intervene, it did give the boost in confidence for sure, but not the right way, while at the same time it shows that he can be quite courageous...Yugi is very impressed by his boldness to intervene during this time.


Hanasaki might be scared deep down, despite the wrong way well intentioned to boost his confidence, moments like these that even himself without super powers he has the courage deep down to stand up than he thought he could, the group leader then told the other that they can't handle him, of course is all an act, Yugi did find it strange when they saw Hanasaki  and left with leaving him pretty confused.
Yugi when he praised Hanasaki, you can tell he was impressed by his friend courage to stand up, he has seen that Hanasaki can be a victim of bullying.
When Hanasaki told Yugi to count on him if he has problems with bullies that he will take care of them for Yugi, while Yugi feels kinda awkward and those drop sighs says that he can tell something is off while looking at the positive that his friend "seems" really confident, it shows that Yugi despite he can behave like a child when he is excited, other than that he is actually more mature than he looks, Yugi's child-like appearance can be very deceiving xD, while coming to Hanasaki, I wouldn't say he looks like a child but more middle schooler, which is fitting for someone who is close to become a chunnibiyou.

This scene above in the Panels Ensemble is after Hanasaki ask his father if tomorrow he is going back to America (since he works overseas as in America) and when goes back again at home, his father answers that he doesn't know, so we see Hanasaki response being "Oh well...", you can tell he is pretty sad that his father is leaving so soon and uncertain when comes again, it was probably sometimes something similar Yugi's interactions with his father, I can picture that, I think some of things that made the difference for Yugi was his grandfather and mother as well, also we have to remember, at this point we still haven't seen Yugi's mom but she appears in the aftermath of Death-T, the personalities aren't the same in Hanasaki's family in comparison with Mutou's family, so the dynamic of Yugi with his family is different from Hanasaki with his own family, despite the similarities of their family situation.
The theme of the conversation between Tomoya and his parents (since their surname is Hanasaki), ends up his father trying to cheer up his son for being absent by referring about himself hearing a "rumor" of of a "superhero" as his son, which he is kinda lying in a way, despite being well intentioned, it's just doesn't feel right and is cringy, he also treats his son like a child and not his actual age...Hanasaki feeling cheerful from asking his parents to knock before coming to his room...
Mrs. Hanasaki comments thinking that his son is acting more "masculine", I would say "mature" is a better description because it seemed that his parents entered "without knocking", so it makes it sound his son wanting more privacy, as you grow older it happens after all...


I'm gonna say, the ransom note...I wanna laugh so hard 😂, the group really emphasised Yugi's hair with a little drawing 😂, to make it funnier, even Hanasaki recognised it was Yugi because of the drawing of his hair 😂, his hair just stands out a lot. 😆
There is something curious about Hanasaki feeling protective of Yugi despite being the same height and both have a "childish" face, however at this time...hmmm it's slightly different tone from Dark Yugi and the gang...hmmm could be that because they're kinda similar...hmmm
Hanasaki sure sometimes can act on impulse...the boy should have questioned himself how did they know his address unless he already knew his "identity"...if we "play along" with the story of the "super hero", that's pretty much the case, this alone would suggest something is off, aww...Hanasaki you're a bit gullible.


The real ransom is Hanasaki to his father, look at that, the group has a cellphone (remember this is mid-90's, cellphones existed but usually was rich people who had it), what he had given to this group were around 100 000 yen, which is around almost 1000 dollar, this time isn't just the double but the quadruple of the original amount, it's a lot of money, I have to say, the leader seeing the naiveté nature of father and son and be used to their advantage, tch.
It was pretty lucky for Mr. Hanasaki had Yugi passing by because he got interested in the garage kit of Zombire to a point that he went to Hanasaki's house to ask if they could give a spray paint, Yugi seeing the note quickly understood the whole situation, looking at his expression at the end, we can see he is ready for a certain person to take over in this moment.
It seems that he also he recognised the drawing of his hair as himself...😄, I know this is serious, it's just so funny to me.


This is when the group drop the act and reveals the truth to Hanasaki, at first you see that it kind make sense while feeling hurt on the inside as would explain a lot of things and not believing in what they're saying, however they really get mean, come on spray paint on the boy's eyes, that was uncalled for and kick him in the face no less, that is just mean, very mean, they're bullying him and using him for ransom to his father.
But this show that for being treated like a child for a long time when he isn't no longer one, I wouldn't say is Hanasaki's fault for being somewhat gullible, you can be innocent without being naive and ignorant or gullible, however at first he thought was weird to feel he has realised his wishful thinking...however the only positive side to this I see, is that he doesn't get to become a chunnibiyou by learning the truth of the act being paid by his father. 


This is one of those rare moments that you see Dark Yugi has a sassy side, like when Dark Yugi  mimic what they say to him as "this will be fun" sense, 😄...when they say and they said "what the-?! another wannabe hero...?", I think they noticed the change even though they only saw it once but they draw his hair...the shock must be more there is a slight shows the difference between Dark Yugi and Yugi is visible even to those who only see Yugi once.
According to this group observing and trying to catch Dark Yugi, that he is pretty fast, Dark Yugi is using resources at his disposal like the spray paint and the butt cigarette lying on the floor, then we see him as he is "running around in circles" while drawing something, he is clearly preparing something...I love this one as well the observation of the group leader commenting Dark Yugi being fast, which do seem to be the case, as far as I am concerned, Yugi doesn't seem to be able to run that fast, however Dark Yugi seems to be able to, Millennium Puzzle probably helps it a little, besides Dark Yugi is more someone who uses his smarts and agility than brute strength anyway.


It starts from Panels Ensemble from the Left, Tomoya Hanasaki with a mask without glasses and even after getting spray paint on his eyes, he could still see "Yugi" there wasn't the same he is familiar with, they are distinctive enough even to someone who had spray paint on his eyes and kinda blurry, I like this scene a lot, seeing how he was fighting, his father trying to take his son away from danger, but Hanasaki refuses and says to his father that he is determined to not run away or else he won't grow strong...he is saying a lot such not run away from truth, when he sees a friend who is in trouble, tries to get closer and learn...seeing how this "Yugi" is fighting them, it shows a lot of his growth on his character in this mini-arc, I really like his character.


As we see above is when Dark Yugi despite acting sassy, he was also sinister, the art style again 50/50 with sinister+regular showing them he wasn't running for tagging but to create a maze of fire using the group leader cigarette butt as fuse, since spray paints are inflammable, very smart, however looking from here, isn't way too dangerous and going little too far?
We can confirm that these small variations and mixes of the "sinister" and "regular" art of Dark Yugi is on purpose, because the other characters even in design is constantly evolving while Dark Yugi remains the early/sinister/eerie vibe it was at the beginning sometimes, Dark Intelligence might be present strongly in the beginning but slowly wearing off from Dark Yugi due to Yugi and his friends influence, however there might be more to it.


Then Dark Yugi went full "sinister mode" to explaining:

"Don't worry...If you get out of the maze, your lives will be spared..."

...That was half-ruthless and half-thoughtful, but what with "if" they didn't? But looking from how he "draw" the maze, he made the maze pretty easy to solve...I guess it was on purpose so they could live, the main intent was to give a scare, but still, the maze is easy towards the exit, at it's end there is water, I think is from the river, to be honest I feel kinda sorry for them but also not from how they were treating Hanasaki awhile ago, he might be a little gullible but he was innocent and had pure intentions to save his friend.
Hanasaki going to Dark Yugi and calls him "Yugi" but I think he knows he is not the *Yugi* he knows, but since is more pratical and easier to call him "Yugi" as well...
Hanasaki's character development, when he apologizes (for getting Yugi involved) and thinking it was his fault and feeling he is an idiot, I wouldn't say idiot, just a little gullible and got carried away wearing the costume of his favourite superhero, almost becoming a chunnibyou, but he learned a lot from this experience, not the way would be better but we will meet people who might take advantage of you if you don't get at least a little suspicious, he makes it sound ashamed but he is very honest.

I find nice even Mr.Hanasaki despite being a "minor supporting character" got a little character development, Hanasaki had plenty and was a supporting character (a nice one too), I really like Mr. Hanasaki's inner monologue:

"Tomoya... Your dad was wrong...The true hero's face was hidden behind the mask...the face that got bruised defending your friend..."

It's nice to see even Tomoya's father learned his lesson about confidence, however I find interesting about the true hero behind the mask that got his face bruised, he is refering to Zombire backstory, might be the  origin of Zombire backstory (it's cute these little detail Takahashi made about a story within a story).

In the panel on left of this Panels Ensemble, we see this heart warming interaction between Dark Yugi and Hanasaki, Dark Yugi didn't go back to his puzzle yet, he may have thought Hanasaki wouldn't tell the diference (he kinda did) because of the moments of blurriness (there is your voice), so that's he is still taking over and comforting and encouraging Hanasaki as Hanasaki thinking low of himself not being able to be a hero, I guess Dark Yugi being encoraging is aware there is many ways to be a hero without being a "superhero" or "having superpowers", but that's something the boy has to figure out himself.
It shows Dark Yugi's very caring and considerate side but he shows only to those he feels or sees as friend, technically, another reminder to this scene, this is the first time we see Dark Yugi actively interacting with one of Yugi's friends (probably because he thinks Hanasaki can't see him very well, Dark Yugi, you can't hide your voice).
Something amusing here, Hanasaki as can be presented before, Yugi and Hanasaki have pretty much the same height, but is it just me or is Dark Yugi slightly taller than Hanasaki?

Chapter 24 * Capsule Monsters Chess


Capsule Monsters Chess, for short is Capmon, I have to say this game looks interesting, but one problem, the "chess board" looks expensive, the monsters in how you obtain them and collect them is similar how "pulls" in gacha games, just an example however is through a coin machine, each of these has a different level from Lv1 to Lv5, similar to gashapon in Japan, there is games of gashapon as well...the game itself plays like chess, I am interested in the game, Yugi clearly is very interested...xD.

I'm pretty sure this is when Yugi going home after school. Can I say I find this scene hilarious? 😂 This kid cuts in line on Yugi, Yugi calls the kid out but here is how the kid replies:

"Besides, aren't you in high school? I mean, you don't look like it,'re too old to play capmon!"

While you see Yugi with a drob sigh, 😄😂😆😝 it's too funny not to mention, Yugi's only proof of his actual age in appearance wise is his high school uniform, that's how the kid was able to tell Yugi is a high schooler, which pretty much explains why he wears his high school uniform on weekends 😂, it shows that he is aware and is conscious of his child-like appearance(specially his face and his height) since they tend to mistake him a lot for a child apparently for him to have such a huge complex about and he doesn't deny mostly on what he said except one thing:

"Ha ha...Listen age doesn't mean anything to a real gamer! [inner monologue: Grrrr What a brat!]"

😂😂😂😂 I agree with him but is way too funny, he only got defensive when it came to games and age but he didn't deny the rest of it, but you can tell that kid pulled a nerve of him being a high schooler through the uniform but appearance doesn't look like it. I love this scene way too much for my own good.


It can happen these kind of situations, but I am surprised that this man acts this way, it's true Yugi shouldn't be hitting the coin machine, could ask the old man for help or something, for a grumpy old man, why is he the owner of a candy store...
However all the same with the coin machine still ate his money and hitting a coin machine, neither is fair, Yugi, besides defective machine is no good...but is it really?


The debut of a very important character, Kaiba Mokuba (Mokuba Kaiba), a character that goes through an amazing character development (I come to like this character more than Kaiba Seto, yes, he became one of my favoute characters through these re-reads).
Yugi was wondering how he does know his name, he knows is the first time meeting him but is trying how and why however the "but...", it's because he did hear "Kaiba"...
He may not have said his name but I don't want to waste and make it long "Kaiba's little brother", it's a hassle, it's still curious that he doesn't reveal his name but indicated as "Kaiba" by his peers and himself saying he is Kaiba Seto's little rude not properly introducing himself.
The other matter he seems to think Yugi is slow because of this first interaction...kinda rude too.
For him to know and claim he knows all about him shows that Kaiba Seto must have told him and investigated.


It's interesting how Yugi interprets Kaiba in skill wise regarding Wizards&Magic (Duel Monsters) as an me obsessed is more accurate.
As Yugi continues...he is rudely interrupted by Mokuba saying:

"My brother masters any game he plays. He's my hero. I can't believe that a little shrimp like you actually beat him...I thought you might be pretty cool, but I guess I was wrong!"

This is kinda interesting, as we can dissect from this quote, for Mokuba, Kaiba Seto is his role model (he's my hero, which is common between little brothers and older brothers, similar line with Yugi to Dark Yugi at the end of the series), it's amusing of him thinking Yugi looks like a little shrimp for a little shrimp say that :p, either way, I think is more the fact that Yugi and Mokuba (who is a grade schooler, still in elementary) being the same height and not the same age xDD.
Yugi's observation on kids he interacted with awhile ago according to his inner monologue:

"...Huh? [inner monologue: That's funny...the other kids have been quiet even since Kaiba's brother got here...]"

How very perceptive, Yugi noticing from behaviour of the kids, besides look at the those who have gone suddenly quiet and the ones surrounding Mokuba are different even in clothes...thinking about Kaiba as a collector and indications he was wealthy, it means Mokuba and those surrounding or behind Mokuba are rich kids like Mokuba himself.
Mokuba starts kinda chit chat noticing Yugi plays the game too, but here is the interesting part Mokuba claiming to be being good at capmon and being it's champion, here is Yugi's response:

"Well...I'm not that good! I just started a little awhile ago!"

So Yugi knows he is good at games in general for him to say "not that good" after Mokuba's claim as champion in Capsule Monsters Chess because he started recently, which means Yugi has been collecting these Capmon for a while but is still recent.
Mokuba thinking he was acting modest to tell the rich kids who are his followers (no surprise there) to corner Yugi and pull off stun guns and another that I'm not sure, airguns/airpistols? before we know anything about Kaiba, one can wonder what the parents are doing in raising kids like later find out around Death-T there is more to it than it seems.
Yugi sure attracts trouble...even when not doing anything...Yugi is forced to come along....

The scene above may look like he was doing this in the moment when later we find out as we read this chapter that he actually staged all of this, including this "interaction" with the old man, even the kids who aren't Mokuba's followers but were quiet because they were also paid like this old man over here, including the coin machine that is rigged to be on Mokuba's favor later in his game with "Yugi".
It was again well planned, I have to say, my problem he thinks he can get away because of money.


I like this scene a lot, Yugi is very reluctant to play while still trying to be polite, sensing something bad, I wouldn't say scared exactly because after this weird bangs brat start calling Yugi a wussy, Yugi is "...", he just ignores because he hears this a lot and is just a brat, then the same brat and one with straight bangs starts threatening, we see a "drop sigh", it's as if it happened kinda often...I would say they are very rude brats, then saying they're going to smash it, Yugi is not exactly "scared" expression but more "worried" expression, remember Yugi by this time knows the existence of Dark Yugi...the moment the weird bang guy touched it...Dark Yugi started to take over, it was a little faster this time...then yells:


Yeah, the quote describes pretty well, the last time he screamed like that was to Shadi when he challenged Dark Yugi, he is very furious, it's so rare to see him this irritated and furious, it's amazing that he said these clearly rich kids to have filthy hands, it shows as well that Dark Yugi is also very protective of Yugi, lately now it takes a bit longer but in moments of emergency is a little faster, it's possible Yugi tries to hold Dark Yugi back in not taking over, because in recent chapters after Shadi's arc, it doesn't require for Yugi have strong emotions for Dark Yugi to take over like this instance, possibly previous chapter.
The rich kids reaction was immediate being freak out by the "sudden change" from passive to "very agressive" that even the other kid who is a little chubby said "K-Kaiba! H-he's not the same anymore!", kids could tell as well that they weren't the same and were kinda scared, except Mokuba, in fact:

"That's okay! I know what's up. My brother told me about it...He said Yugi turns into a different person when he games...That's the Yugi I want to beat!"

What Mokuba just said is very fascinating, according to it, in the mini-arc when Kaiba had his debut seemed like he didn't noticed the change, here we have the confirmation that Kaiba noticed since the beginning besides apparently he did more investigation around as well about "Dark Yugi" since Mokuba states that he becomes a different person when he's probably those who went through "penalty games" from Dark Yugi, we all know that Yugi is pretty himself when plays, it's in threatening or special circumstances that Dark Yugi takes over, which is one of the reasons why Mokuba wanted to corner Yugi like he just did so he could meet "Dark Yugi", Mokuba even knew of this specific detail from his actions to bring out Dark Yugi.
At first one could think Mokuba was underestimating Yugi but that isn't really the case, it's more because it was Dark Yugi who defeated his big brother and given him a penalty game, not Yugi.


Dark Yugi didn't hold back with a shadow game and warn Mokuba to keep in mind, while Mokuba knew this was coming, which means Kaiba did made investigations on "Dark Yugi" more than just "penalty games" but also how he came to the state of "penalty games", when we think about it so far, it's a pretty good number.
This scene is also curious is how Dark Yugi is playing with Mokuba and tell him he will teach the rules of gaming, I'll go around enlisting them 😂:

Rule no.1 No matter the circumstances, always act like you have the upper hand!
Rule no.2 Stay cool at all times!

It's very amusing, Mokuba getting quickly irritated with Dark Yugi's provocations, the rules he said are more or less important, he is also playing around and not being even half serious, by the way, Dark Yugi quickly noticed that the coin machine was rigged.


Rule no.3 Hold your trump card 'till the end!

He is right, don't play your trump card or your best "cards" at the beginning, it's more advisable towards the end, but I think is possible in the middle though, he does speak of more but with Pegasus, of course there is unspoken rules being too obvious to most though.


I don't know how I feel about this penalty game on a kid, it might have been a little too much, it's very light compared to most because he was handling a kid, however his inner monologue thinking about the penalty game made his brother go through which seem to have made him a little crazy, impressive from Mokuba who still had a lost word of kinda annoucing Kaiba's and his revenge on him, Death-T, the "set up", even Dark Yugi were bit concerned...specially by the name of the secret project...however still staying confident and thinks Mokuba is not skilled enough to beat him and tell him to think about that while trapped in his capsule...if anything he is being very sassy all the same because the Lv on the "capsule" is 1, which is the lowest xDD, not sure if was good reason behind the penalty game though.

This might have been a little heavy for a kid...then Dark Yugi says as he walks away:

"We can play again later...when you've learned the rules!"

It's one of those temporary illusions for him to say we can play again later, I think because he is still a kid, the penalty game he has given to him will be around for a few hours...since later didn't seemed that strongly affected...since he was a bit twisted when he came to him before meeting Yugi and Dark Yugi with his followers having stun guns and others...

See Ya Next Post!

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