Even though this last volume is divided in 4 parts and going into the 2nd part, but is the final set up and build up of the most important duel in the series, so is kinda of a big deal, specially when it comes to character development and story wise, it makes sense being the very last one.
Plot Summary:
After Atem fading from the world of memory, he goes back to his host's body with a festive reception from the gang and his host, Yugi, they discuss about the events slightly separate...
One month later, the gang and Yugi's grandfather, Sugoroku, they are in Egypt after receiving a letter from the Ishtar family with a photo of a specific location and tell them to meet at the airport of Cairo city in Egypt, Marik and Rishid came a bit late to pick them up, it was initially supposed to go the other side of Nile River by plane but there was sandstorm, so they have to go aboard on a egyptian government ship from connections of Ishizu's work (since she has an important job position as Secretary General, Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities), as they cross the Nile River, they talk about the details of their journey in the quest of Atem recovering his memories and finding the true name of the pharaoh...the conversation goes to the reason why they are in Egypt, the reveal that Yugi and Atem has to duel each other as Rite of the Duel to not just for Atem go to afterlife...with these reveals there is some private conversation between Yugi and Jounouchi and him and Anzu before Yugi prepare himself for the duel...
Yugi, in his room to prepare his deck and himself for his last duty as the vessel of the pharaoh and being the one who solved the Millennium Puzzle, when he was finished, Atem came along and they have a brief conversation, then comes Atem's turn to prepare his deck and finished, the next day arrives with the gang waiting for Atem (and Yugi), they go to the shrine of the village of Kul Elna, all the millennium items (including the millennium puzzle) are put on the millennium stone slab by Atem, as he faces the stone slab and the door to the afterworld, the wadjet eye and the millennium items start to light up and behind Atem, there is two shadows reflected on the floor by the light of the wadjet eye...then Atem and Yugi separate themselves and go to opposite sides facing each other to start the Ceremonial Duel.
Key Points:

Here is a strange thing going on in here, Yugi didn't pick up his millennium puzzle that was in suspension and Atem came back to Yugi's body without relying on it, so it is a bit weird, it's most likely their bond as vessel and spirit of the puzzle becoming stronger, if we remember when the gang and Atem reunited in the world of memory for the first time, Yugi wasn't with the puzzle (which means Yami Bakura had already removed the puzzle back then, in fact when the gang were still in the maze, Yugi wasn't with his puzzle, so we can assume was from since then, remember how both Atem and Yugi could talk to each other with both wearing the puzzle in Duelist Kingdom against Pegasus), but I wouldn't think they can stay for that long in one body, since he exist in Yugi through the millennium puzzle...Atem still remains the same order when addressing them...
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If you wish to continue reading this post, click "read more" below:

I don't get why he had to "re-check" their safety by looking at the empty coffins, when it was clear when he arrived and came to the body of his host that they weren't in the coffin and were safe and just fine, he is a bit of a worrywart, isn't he? But is still sweet because he was sick worried when they were in his royal tomb to find his name and the location collapsed...
Then Yugi welcomes him back and says:
"Atem...on this adventure we found your real name..."
It seems Yugi saw through what Atem was thinking and brought up the related subject that themselves find his real name and emphasising it's importance in two meanings being Atem's right to know his own name and being the key to win the battle against Zorc (Yami Bakura)...
And Atem continues:
"Names have great power, Bakura tricked us in this shadow game to find that power..."
I actually have to agree that names have great power, just a name to enter your mind can spread it around like a disease, create fear, as much give identity and a certain strength or inspire it or difficult to pronounce it and dangerous.
Also we can confirm he didn't buy everything Yami Bakura said to him and acknowledges that he was well prepared too.

This is the other evidence that Yami Bakura was and is indeed Zorc and like Atem, he could switch perspectives in going inside of one of his characters simultaneously as Zorc (the other such Akhenaden and thief Bakura wasn't the case since they were hosts to derive their darkness from, after Zorc being released and since he is Zorc himself, being overconfident he did get rid of a gang, he must have went all out to defeat the pharaoh inside of who he was 3000 years ago...
Jounouchi picks up the Millennium Ring (how did it end up there when Yami Bakura was wearing it? Did Yami Bakura when he was defeated, since the body of Ryou took a bit of hit when Yami Bakura was defeated or the shock when Zorc was defeated? who knows) and advises Atem to hang to it and amusingly refer to "this thing", as it's dangerous...he agree and holds to it as he looks at the millennium Ring, starting to think:
"The Millennium Ring housed that evil for 3000 years. I have to seal it away again....so that it never falls into the wrong hands..."
This is more or less what I suspected as I pointed out in previous posts that we can confirm even Atem understanding that Atem's intent was to seal him in the puzzle along with him but Zorc went for the millennium item where darkness of past wielders was stronger, as it is too dangerous, he decides to seal again but I think with a different method to put somewhere safe where could be unreachable, because the evil spirit inside can't be truly get rid of, so it won't fall into the wrong hands being aware and fully acknowledging that it functions like a parasite.

Then they see Akhenaden's corpse split in half, Jounouchi being scared of this kind of thing, he freaks out and Anzu is more compassionate:
"The poor thing is split in half..."
I don't feel sorry for the guy, which is no surprise, but I wonder indeed why his corpse was split into half though, he was defeated by Kisara, The White Dragon for a second time (that's karma!) but I don't think is just that, his powers he gained in becoming the high priest of darkness was borrowed by Zorc, since he had Zorc's powers and destroyed by the White Dragon again.
As for Atem reaction and feelings regarding what Akhenaden became, I wouldn't call sympathy but empathy, he understood his motivations and actions but doesn't excuse and agree with his most motivations and actions that driven Akhenaden to this point.

I don't think is needed to delve and quote Atem's thoughts, Atem is happy for the slightly different future, we have to remember if Atem defeated Zorc the way he did in the world of memory, Atem would have lived and continued using the millennium items since the millennium puzzle wasn't shattered this time like we see with "pharaoh Seto", but the real version of the past is a bit different with a shattered millennium puzzle, since the millennium puzzle was supposed to be the symbol of the pharaoh, with it being shattered, it would be pointless to continue with the six priest with millennium items except the pharaoh, so I think after Atem sealed himself and Zorc by shattering the millennium puzzle plus asked priest Seto to become the pharaoh in his place, I would say they stopped using millennium items, I can bet priest "pharaoh Seto" asked priest Isis what would happen with this seal into the future, this is where it brings the clan of the tomb guardians protecting Atem's memories by protecting the remaining millennium items and prophecy about Atem and the vessel of Atem coming to play in restoring Atem's memories and more...

After Zorc being defeated, the millennium puzzle in suspension had fallen into the diorama, Yugi says something curious to Atem:
"It's almost time..."
In the first key point of this post, I mentioned it was strange Atem was able to go back to Yugi's body without the puzzle, it must be related to their strong bond (as proven in the world of memory by Yugi boosting Atem's Ba gauge for being his host and make Atem being able to summon the egyptian gods based on the deck they both build) but probably wouldn't be able to stay for too long...so Yugi must be implying to be the case, also it seems they both know the time limit 😮, does this mean there were moments like their daily life when Yugi and Atem could talk to each other without the puzzle like going to school or at home (since Yugi obviously doesn't sleep wearing the puzzle) or something like that 😕.

Before getting to the serious part, I want to give the honourable mention in the panel ensemble on the left with Jounouchi riding a camel, he wanted to go down but the man on his side said he had pay in order for him to go down, very funny 😂, I hope this isn't true though 😑.
Now into Yugi's thoughts:
"When I think of the reason for our trip....I can't get into the tourist spirit, at least my friends are having fun..."
I find this part understandable because if it would go to see a friend depart somewhere he wouldn't ever come back to them, well, it's sad...but this isn't a normal case of these kinds, the person whose departing is a soul of someone who died 3000 years ago, so it's kinda difficult to sink in, also as we see in the panels ensemble on the left in superior right panel, we see he isn't the only one, the ones most meditative about it is Yugi himself, Anzu and even his grandfather Sugoroku, it would make sense, in fact I suspect he can hear Atem talking to Yugi when he isn't taking over, I mean he could hear when Atem called him Siamun as he saved his life and maybe even when travelled around the world and go home with the shattering puzzle inside a box and talked to him sometimes (maybe where it comes from Atem new gained cockyness and big ego, when he was a pharaoh, he wasn't really cocky and neither had big ego, but confident and stubborn), who knows... so most of Yugi's friends are having fun.
It's interesting that they all know the reason why they're in Egypt, the reason being to send Atem to afterlife, for each of them dealing differently, the more simple minded and has strong friendship with Atem deals with focus in having fun because they don't like to feel gloomy, Otogi came along is kinda neutral and same for Ryou since they don't interact much with Atem, the quieter ones about it being Yugi and Anzu who have problems in letting go of attachments and is said intelligent people are more prone to get depressed or think negatively and overthinking, Sugoroku, well he has years of experience, so it's more about having a deep understanding of the situation and death.
"Other me...Oh...I know that's not your real name, but until our journey is done, I've decided to keep calling you that. Atem is your name...but for now, we're still two souls in one body."
One of Yugi's flaws, when he becomes attached to someone, it can become a problem later when someone has to depart and be difficult to adapt, as very notable it is just from the fire with the puzzle, Jounouchi with Hirutani's gang, etc, it's important to be aware that attachment and love (independently of what kind) is different, attachment usually bases on insecurity and bit of selfishness while love is supposedly to be unconditional and generously mutual.
As much as I love Yugi and I can see where this much attachment comes from but...it still annoys me somehow, it's more the way he does it...by the amount of exclusive attachment towards Atem by calling Atem as "other me", but does he truly address Atem that way or is just to himself? Either way that isn't healthy for him 😞.

It's not that he doesn't accept Atem as his own person, the problem is letting go of the attachment to Atem as "other me" with the exclusive attachment, to me he should have take this chance to start to refer him as Atem for practice...but he must think once Atem goes to afterlife, he will stop refering him as "other me" and instead his real name, it's true to an extent (*cough*Dark Side Dimensions*cough*).

As they start to enjoy the crossing the river in the ship, Ishizu says something interesting and informative:
"Perhaps the sandstorm had a purpose...In ancient Egypt, people believed that ships carried kings or people back to the gods, travelling from this world to the land of the dead."
I didn't knew of it when I first read and I thought it was pretty interesting, I think there is some ancient cultures with similar beliefs as this one, I think it is a cool reference but also related to fate in a convenient way for this moment to send a king to afterlife, Anzu, like Yugi, she has problems to let go of attachments but has harder time to accept it while she doesn't make exclusive attachment as Yugi, but when the times comes, she may not look like it sometimes, but she recovers from sad moments quicker than Yugi.
Ishizu is good at reading signs of "fate" and "purpose" related to coincidences...
The Ishtar siblings mention the hieroglyphs in the "door to afterlife", Yugi asks what it means, their answer is...

For anyone who doesn't know what a epitaph is, by the way, I didn't, but is a phrase to pay homage to someone who died or something by someone or time and event that will be remembered, it has both meanings in this case...
Yugi explains his guess to be putting the millennium items in the Millennium Stone Slab and say the pharaoh's name as key to open the door...
Marik has it confirmed by them that they found pharaoh lost name and reveal to them, they are not surprised by the name while understanding the meaning of his name since they grew up with egyptian mythology but Marik says it's not only those mentioned conditions and there is one more, when Yugi has given most right guesses, you can tell there is something pondering behind these reticencies even the reveal there is one more condition, pondering while more of fearing his hidden suspicions like that "new deck he has been secretly building behind Atem" ...Marik speaks of the "Rite of the Duel"...

Yugi first reaction thought is:
"!! Rite of the duel?!"
He kinda understood it's meaning but surprised by the name sounding like a ritual and becoming a little worried...
Then Marik explains the rest of the meanings in general...
"The pharaoh soul cannot start his homeward journey...his journey to eternal rest...still holding his sword."
It makes sense, Atem can't go to afterlife still taking the responsibility to protect his host and also being a king who still haven't gone to afterlife, it's very poetic the way is said and will get deeper until next key point, their reactions, Jounouchi is a face of not sure what it means while Yugi already knows, and Marik continues explaining...
"The sword symbolises the tools to fight in this world...for us duelists...it would be our cards...Do you understand?"
In their case, yeah, even though Yugi is more of a all-round gamer because of his passion for games in general (be it board games, video games. card games, strategic games, any kind of games) but since Atem is more TCG Magic and Wizards inclined, it's a TCG duel as duelists, (because it could be any kind game duel if we think about it) but for Atem his sword is his deck, also the transition from stone slabs Ka into cards, therefore making it a TCG Magic and Wizards/Duel Monsters duel...
"!! Rite of the duel?!"
He kinda understood it's meaning but surprised by the name sounding like a ritual and becoming a little worried...
Then Marik explains the rest of the meanings in general...
"The pharaoh soul cannot start his homeward journey...his journey to eternal rest...still holding his sword."
It makes sense, Atem can't go to afterlife still taking the responsibility to protect his host and also being a king who still haven't gone to afterlife, it's very poetic the way is said and will get deeper until next key point, their reactions, Jounouchi is a face of not sure what it means while Yugi already knows, and Marik continues explaining...
"The sword symbolises the tools to fight in this world...for us duelists...it would be our cards...Do you understand?"
In their case, yeah, even though Yugi is more of a all-round gamer because of his passion for games in general (be it board games, video games. card games, strategic games, any kind of games) but since Atem is more TCG Magic and Wizards inclined, it's a TCG duel as duelists, (because it could be any kind game duel if we think about it) but for Atem his sword is his deck, also the transition from stone slabs Ka into cards, therefore making it a TCG Magic and Wizards/Duel Monsters duel...

Yugi thinking of the deeper meaning of these words:
"Now I see...he has to put down his sword before he can find peace..."
With some evidences we have been through, he knew or always suspected that he might duel against Atem eventually to send him to after life, Yugi must have thought for Atem to be able to be sent to afterlife, he would have to get out of the "puzzle" somehow specially when he has a host he protects and a duel would be most fitting and here is a deeper meaning, but didn't thought through about the deeper reasons for it, it has to do with Yugi conquering his own independence, so Atem would have no longer reasons to keep protecting him as his last "unfinished business" and to do that...Yugi reveals to everyone...
"Someone...has to fight with the other me's soul...and win..."
Yugi isn't what I would call shock or surprised (the way shock is expressed is a bit different), it's more sinking in what he has been suspecting secretly what was going to happen. "So it's really happening..." kind of expression, it's suspecting something you have been dreading and preparing yourself and when it really happens is slight harder to swallow than your expect, suspicion and them really happening give different sensations (sometimes happens when you kind of predict a loss of someone and then it happens...I went through that myself..., it's similar to that, if we think it through for the gang and Yugi is kinda like that technically with the exception it was someone who already died but didn't go to afterlife...).
There is a scene I didn't include because of so many panels ensembles, after Yugi says this, everyone looks at him, probably their immediate thought since Yugi still kinda depends on Atem and has to be Yugi to do so being his host, Marik finally says that he would interpret the same way...
"Someone...has to fight with the other me's soul...and win..."
Yugi isn't what I would call shock or surprised (the way shock is expressed is a bit different), it's more sinking in what he has been suspecting secretly what was going to happen. "So it's really happening..." kind of expression, it's suspecting something you have been dreading and preparing yourself and when it really happens is slight harder to swallow than your expect, suspicion and them really happening give different sensations (sometimes happens when you kind of predict a loss of someone and then it happens...I went through that myself..., it's similar to that, if we think it through for the gang and Yugi is kinda like that technically with the exception it was someone who already died but didn't go to afterlife...).
There is a scene I didn't include because of so many panels ensembles, after Yugi says this, everyone looks at him, probably their immediate thought since Yugi still kinda depends on Atem and has to be Yugi to do so being his host, Marik finally says that he would interpret the same way...

It's not difficult to guess the real reason she came here, for now focusing on this scene only...
Anzu asks Yugi if she could come in to his room, she informs they will reach the valley of the kings by morning and asks if he was thinking of the rite of the duel...
Yugi answers her:
"I was thinking about the other me...and how many duels he's fought..."
In front of Anzu, he feels comfortable enough in mentioning Atem as "other me", well she is his childhood friend, but she is not the only one, what I find curious is her observation of Yugi being back to call him "other me" instead of his real name...
In front of Anzu, he feels comfortable enough in mentioning Atem as "other me", well she is his childhood friend, but she is not the only one, what I find curious is her observation of Yugi being back to call him "other me" instead of his real name...
"You're back to calling him "the other me"! It's easier to call him that, huh?"
She isn't judging him and understands why Yugi does it, the fact she brings it up and emphasising that is easier for him to call that way, she is noticing is difficult for him to let go of this "exclusive attachment" while implying it might not be a good idea or else it would make it harder later even after he did go to afterlife...Yugi is procrastinating... 😐
I'm going to mention the scene after this one I didn't selected and scanned but due too many panels ensembles, Anzu asks if "the other Yugi"/Atem (I think she calls him like that in front of Yugi so he wouldn't feel guilty for not calling "the other me" for his real name, I don't agree with it...that's patting in the back pitifully) if he had said anything, Yugi reveals that surprisingly Atem have been very quiet...Anzu was about to say something and was blushing a little then she couldn't say it, she comes up with an excuse looking for a medicine with Honda having diarrhoea, then she leaves the room and leans herself to the other side of the door in lost thoughts and sad...my guess she was going to ask Yugi not to duel Atem or lose on purpose so Atem wouldn't leave them, she still has bit of a crush, but I think is more related to have to say goodbye to a friend who won't come back ever while struggling in doing the right thing, she is not the only one with intent in making similar request to Yugi...
There is a contrast in how they deal with their attachments to Atem and having to let go, Yugi accepts and understands his duty and the fact his name is Atem but due to his exclusive attachment to him, he thinks currently is what he can hang on to it for the time being as much as he can but doesn't realise is only making the matter worse and more difficult for him, as for Anzu, I think she is dealing with it a little bit better but struggles in doing the right thing, Yugi doesn't as much, these two aren't the only ones who are very attached to him, but Anzu and Yugi are the ones who have more trouble in dealing with it...
There is a contrast in how they deal with their attachments to Atem and having to let go, Yugi accepts and understands his duty and the fact his name is Atem but due to his exclusive attachment to him, he thinks currently is what he can hang on to it for the time being as much as he can but doesn't realise is only making the matter worse and more difficult for him, as for Anzu, I think she is dealing with it a little bit better but struggles in doing the right thing, Yugi doesn't as much, these two aren't the only ones who are very attached to him, but Anzu and Yugi are the ones who have more trouble in dealing with it...

Yugi and Jounouchi reminiscing the time they went to Duelist Kingdom in a ship with Jounouchi commenting about his skills as a duelist back then...
"Back then, I was still so weak!! But since I met him...the other yugi...I've gotten a little stronger...Hey, Yugi...do me a favor will ya?"
It's kind of strange feeling when someone looks at their progress on skills even on personal growth, sometimes is a bit strange and embarrassing at times but also cool acknowledging your growth and how far you've come, however it bugs me a few things in what he says...such when he met Atem he gotten a little stronger and with Yugi, he didn't? 😒 I think there is kinda of a reasonable reason, Atem is someone more driven to win and competitive, while for Yugi comes very naturally for him to win at games in general that looks like most of the time that he doesn't try hard (for example it wasn't hard for Yugi putting yami bakura shadow spy into a corner, the moment he regained his motivation, he quickly turned the tables, the only times we have seen him being truly cornered was against Otogi and Yami Bakura shadow spy), so he easily overlooks because Yugi makes it look so easy for himself...that can be a bit discouraging sometimes...Jounouchi didn't ever won against him, not even once out of around more than 200 times, the other part that bugs me is Jounouchi not trying to refer Atem by his name and instead how he usually refer to him with the others...similar to Yugi, he is trying to hang for as long as he can for he knows and remembers of Atem as...they realise Atem even knowing and addressing by his name, he is still himself and their friend...right? 😞
As for the favor he is about to ask...

Jounouchi's following favor is...
"Could you take those millennium items in your bag...and throw them in the river...?"
With a very serious expression then says it was a joke, it made Yugi jump and then mentions that it reminded him of Haga (he still holds a grudge against Haga for throwing his grandfather's Exodia cards, huh?)...still interesting he mentions him though and sensing he has a deep dislike for Haga.
Now when Jounouchi suggests the millennium items in the bag to the river, he was serious but also kinda joking but he wasn't really asking for a favor but expressing with other words his wish that he doesn't want Atem to go to afterlife while knowing and accept Atem has to go, it shows even Jounouchi is attached to Atem and is a bit more frontal about it of how he feels about Atem going to afterlife and accepts it better, while the other two try to avoid it and keep deep to themselves...it's best to be honest and talk about it, it helps so much better to accept what's bound to happen...
Now when Jounouchi suggests the millennium items in the bag to the river, he was serious but also kinda joking but he wasn't really asking for a favor but expressing with other words his wish that he doesn't want Atem to go to afterlife while knowing and accept Atem has to go, it shows even Jounouchi is attached to Atem and is a bit more frontal about it of how he feels about Atem going to afterlife and accepts it better, while the other two try to avoid it and keep deep to themselves...it's best to be honest and talk about it, it helps so much better to accept what's bound to happen...
I find it cute when Jounouchi suggested such a thing that made Yugi kinda jump and hold very firmly his bag, because he is a very good boy, he is someone who chooses to do right thing even if sometimes makes him feel sad or angry or happy or pumped or determined...
Then Yugi is about to reveal something he didn't told yet to Atem...

Jounouchi saw through him and says:
"Yeah! I know, he won't be able to rest until you show him!"
Jounouchi saw through what he was thinking, he doesn't totally overlook Yugi though, it's just that is rare of him to see Yugi actually get serious, going all out, technically it was only one time he saw Yugi getting serious that he was surprised, it was Yugi's duel against Yami Bakura shadow spy and understands the meaning of Yugi dueling against Atem, not just sending Atem to afterlife, also for Yugi to conquer his own independence so he doesn't have to rely on Atem anymore and Atem having no longer reason to continue protecting him.
Then Yugi continues saying:
"I have to fight him! No holding back!"
Yugi is pretty much determined and serious in fulfilling his final duty as a vessel of the pharaoh soul and to become fully independent, it's interesting he is not talking about winning or losing but as something that has to be done one way or another and he will get serious and all out against Atem, with more meaning even Jounouchi gets it, I will only write about it in next post...😏

Yugi's thoughts about the duel as putting himself ready for battle:
"The rite of the duel...This is my last mission as the person who put the millennium puzzle together! I will beat the other me...I have to!"
I'm happy about his grown maturity so far, becoming more responsible and serious when he needs to, understanding of this mission, his growing confidence (except his short height complex, I mean he is wearing his high school uniform while travelling to Egypt and all the others are wearing casual... among other things that will be approached only at the last part of this volume).
I find his monologues and inner monologues very amusing as he is organising and building his deck (I do care about balance a lot when I'm building one and pretty methodical about it too, it can take me an hour or two or more and I don't know about it), as he when he decides about it, he is thinking...
I find his monologues and inner monologues very amusing as he is organising and building his deck (I do care about balance a lot when I'm building one and pretty methodical about it too, it can take me an hour or two or more and I don't know about it), as he when he decides about it, he is thinking...
"Until now, I've always built my deck with the other me...but this is my deck, my deck to duel the other me..."
We have the confirmation from evidence in his duel against Yami Bakura shadow spy and this inner monologue, yes, Yugi knew all along that it would eventually happen and secretly preparing for it all this time and for this duel in specific, he probably started the moment he realised he had to send Atem to afterlife and it was before the memory world arc as it was implied in the conversation between him and Yami Bakura...

When Yugi officially finished his deck, Atem appeared asking if Yugi finished building the deck, Yugi starts addressing him for making everyone worried...
"Other me! Where have you been? Everyone was worried about you!"
*long sigh*, I think is more of a instinctive slip up for addressing Atem as "other me", because later he addresses him bit more cautiously with 2nd singular personal pronoun to avoid address him as "other me" and his name in front of him, from the sound of it, he has been quiet for a long time, for how long I wonder...I have my suspicions...then Atem replies:
"I'm sorry...but I had to sleep inside you. I couldn't watch you build your deck... The deck for your duel with me...!"
It's strange seeing Atem apologising 😮, I'm pretty sure he didn't ever done it for what the readers have seen, but probably did when he was alive and when he was still a prince, it shows grown humility, I think also he must remember everything he has forgotten until before the moment Yugi solved the puzzle, I mean he had 1 month to recover what has been missing to recover after his death, I think Atem is also hinting a little that he would prefer to be addressed to him by his name while softly, I wouldn't be surprised, he had one month to reflect about his identity, gathering all his forgotten memories to start feeling bothered to be called and referred as "other me/self" and "other yugi" and also is within his right, it must have been mostly since after the journey of the world of memory that he has been quiet or often quiet for the moments of reflections about recent events.
As for Atem addressing Yugi as partner, I don't mind as much, because he is still on the position of holding "his sword" and responsibility to protect his host, at least makes more sense.
As for Atem addressing Yugi as partner, I don't mind as much, because he is still on the position of holding "his sword" and responsibility to protect his host, at least makes more sense.
It's also implied Atem seems to have known Yugi was building his own deck for quite some time, even before the world of memory, because himself guessed if it meant for him later go to afterlife, this duel would happen, same guess as Yugi, also the confirmation he has been hearing Marik's explanation and also shows Yugi doesn't always knows when he is listening.
I'm having a bit of a hard time to get what Atem means by this:
"The rite of the duel...so, partner...you accepted the duty of giving my final test..."
I can't help but think is more of a test for Yugi than for Atem, because Yugi is the one struggling about it more, unless to see if Atem himself is ready to put down his sword and move forward to afterlife...

I want to mention these two panels ensembles are exact follow ups of the previous key point, after he talked about Yugi giving his final test and looks at Yugi sideways as if waiting for his response, with what Yugi says after:
"I...I will use all my skills...to duel you..."
then Atem replies "I know!"
I think Atem wanted to confirm something first but being Yugi saying himself, Atem is well aware Yugi is very exclusively attached to him and the others, deep down they wish Atem not to go to afterlife, he wanted to make sure how serious Yugi is about their duel and his duty, not really to check if Yugi intends to trying to lose on purpose so he wouldn't go and we know he is someone who doesn't like half-hearted duels (similar to Kaiba) and pretty serious, not that he doubted him but also deep down I think Atem always wanted to duel him but if were to happen, he knew what would entail....
"Now it's your turn to build a deck! Don't forget, I know all the weaknesses of your current deck! My new deck has ways to beat your strategies! So you better not underestimate me! ... All right, it's your turn..."
Well, Yugi might a little timid because Atem is being so quiet about it as he says this, it's a bit awkward, he is waiting for Yugi to give his turn to build his deck, because this time is different, Yugi had the chance and time to build secretly his deck since he is the owner of the body, Atem didn't ever got this chance and this one is the first and last time gets to build his own deck in Yugi's body, it will require much more time now that he has to do by himself and didn't get the same chances as Yugi to prepare a deck for himself by himself, it puts him in a disadvantage, because it makes Yugi with a slight advantage but Atem is more experienced in difficult duels than Yugi, so there is an impasse and balance of skills and experience.
Interesting to note of Yugi asking not to underestimate him, well, he doesn't like to be underestimated, I guess Yugi have been aware that Atem had tendencies of sometimes to underestimate him, his arrogance, cockiness, act smug and big ego...
"I...I will use all my skills...to duel you..."
then Atem replies "I know!"
I think Atem wanted to confirm something first but being Yugi saying himself, Atem is well aware Yugi is very exclusively attached to him and the others, deep down they wish Atem not to go to afterlife, he wanted to make sure how serious Yugi is about their duel and his duty, not really to check if Yugi intends to trying to lose on purpose so he wouldn't go and we know he is someone who doesn't like half-hearted duels (similar to Kaiba) and pretty serious, not that he doubted him but also deep down I think Atem always wanted to duel him but if were to happen, he knew what would entail....
"Now it's your turn to build a deck! Don't forget, I know all the weaknesses of your current deck! My new deck has ways to beat your strategies! So you better not underestimate me! ... All right, it's your turn..."
Well, Yugi might a little timid because Atem is being so quiet about it as he says this, it's a bit awkward, he is waiting for Yugi to give his turn to build his deck, because this time is different, Yugi had the chance and time to build secretly his deck since he is the owner of the body, Atem didn't ever got this chance and this one is the first and last time gets to build his own deck in Yugi's body, it will require much more time now that he has to do by himself and didn't get the same chances as Yugi to prepare a deck for himself by himself, it puts him in a disadvantage, because it makes Yugi with a slight advantage but Atem is more experienced in difficult duels than Yugi, so there is an impasse and balance of skills and experience.
Interesting to note of Yugi asking not to underestimate him, well, he doesn't like to be underestimated, I guess Yugi have been aware that Atem had tendencies of sometimes to underestimate him, his arrogance, cockiness, act smug and big ego...

Yugi is now in someplace of his mind so he doesn't watch Atem building his own deck, Yugi's inner monologue starts:
"I don't really want to fight you...but if I don't, then you'll never be free...you'll always be trapped in my heart...This is my duty! I have to beat you! We don't have much time...I want to spend these moments talking to you...but...I am a duelist...I've made a decision to fight...I must keep silent..."
I agree with his internal monologue for the most part, it's nice to know he is being honest with himself, when he self-talks saying he doesn't really want to fight him, it's more or less he would prefer if didn't meant to send Atem to afterlife, because they don't have much time he would want to spend the time talking to him while acknowledging and deciding his duty must come first...
Now going into the parts I don't agree, if Atem remaining being stuck in the millennium puzzle forever, he wouldn't exactly always be in trapped Yugi, because, well, Yugi is a mortal as Atem was when he was a pharaoh, Yugi growing up would eventually die and go to afterlife with regret of not have sent Atem to afterlife and Atem would be in worse state with never ever gaining a chance to go to afterlife and be the one left behind, it would be way too cruel, so what Yugi is doing and decided to do is the kindest thing he can do for him, Yugi understands this much and also something else and is why he took the decision to fulfil his responsibility as the pharaoh's vessel to the end, as for the duelist part... you already know how I feel and think about that, so I have no desires to repeat myself, but for Yugi's case since he is an all-rounder gamer (he is a multi-fandom kind of person 😎), he is someone open-minded, takes life lessons to heart and applies himself in everything else, in his course of life (as gamer, as a duelist, as individual as we see in the world of memory, after the duel against Pandora, the duel against b!Jounouchi, against Otogi Ryuji, the episodic arcs in early volumes 😊), so I let it slide.
There is always a "silent" theme going on in him...
There is always a "silent" theme going on in him...

Atem has some curious thoughts in here...
"I've fought many enemies along the way...but this...will be my hardest fight ever...The Rite of the duel...my partner willingly accepted his duty. He fights to determine my fate..."
In his self-talk, he reminds himself of how many enemies he fought in his journey, he thinks of those that really stand out to him in skills and how dangerous they were too, the ones that comes to his mind are Kaiba, Yami Marik and Pegasus, it's curious that Yami Bakura (Zorc) doesn't come to mind when he is the most dangerous one, I guess is due to Yami Bakura (Zorc) being more of an RPG Gamer, no matter how skilled he is in a duel...so he thinks of those enemies who are more Magic and Wizards inclined and clearly their favourite game as the same as his, he isn't even mentioning Jounouchi being a friend and their duel or Mai, then thinks of Yugi, not because he considers Yugi as an enemy but as a worthy adversary he takes seriously and in high regard as his enemies that stood out to him and two of these duels wouldn't have won without his help and advice (Pegasus and Yami Marik) and stopped him from doing something very stupid because he was afraid to lose and pride (Kaiba in Duelist Kingdom).
Also he is well aware of Yugi's main objective and depending on Yugi's performance in the duel, is what will determine his fate...

As we continue with his inner monologue in two parts in this key point, the first part:
"This trial isn't for me alone...The deck filled with his hopes and dreams is sealed in this puzzle box. Partner! I have hopes and dreams too...and I'll put them all into building this deck!"
I find this part of his inner monologue pretty interesting because if you have watched the Dark Side of Dimensions movie (specially in jap dub), it's possible Atem knows what Yugi wanted to be in terms of job and during this time, Yugi might have told two people first, it's also possible Yugi didn't ever told him and only the other person when he was younger but Atem could be present when Yugi told this person about his dream (remember he hold his memories from when he was alive and after he died from before Atem was reseted too), the one revealed in the movie who have known about it (I won't say anything about who and what until we reach the analysis of the movie 😜), of course, he also knows Yugi wants to become independent.
The most curious part in this key pont is what could be Atem's hopes and dreams...? I wonder myself, I have some suspicions though, it's in the last key point I will start approaching it and the next part of this volume...I think in Atem's perspective to be in the middle and neutral position...
The most curious part in this key pont is what could be Atem's hopes and dreams...? I wonder myself, I have some suspicions though, it's in the last key point I will start approaching it and the next part of this volume...I think in Atem's perspective to be in the middle and neutral position...
The 2nd part of his inner monologue...
"The stone slabs from Ancient Egypt 3000 years ago have travelled across time to be reborn as the cards of modern times!! These cards holds my soul as a duelist! It's ready! My most powerful deck!!"
This express and implies well enough of Atem remembering everything, before and after he died plus before the moment the puzzle was solved by Yugi, even the possibility of Atem knowing Yugi's dreams for his own future, not just hopes...

Continuing Atem's self-talk...
"This duel will determine where I spend eternity! If I win, I stay in the modern world! If I lose, I go on to the next life (afterlife)! I challenge you, partner!!"
We can confirm from this affirmation to himself, he doesn't mind going either way, because if he wins, he can stay in the modern world with his partner and his friends but with a heavy toll when it comes their time to die, he would be the one left behind inside the puzzle forever, if he goes to afterlife, he can see his family and friends again from the time he was alive that he hasn't seen after 3000 years and possibly watch over from afar in afterlife...but he must have a preference in which path to go...for Atem thinking "I challenge you, partner!!", he must be feeling pumped and looking forward to and more reasons behind it.

One can be confused at first few re-reads, but how this works with two shadows split in two and appears Atem and Yugi in front both them as if getting separated? is Atem with a body of his own?
I don't he think he truly just gained a body of his own...I didn't put a part here, but Ishizu mentions the "wadjet eye" at the door to afterlife/afterworld judges the truth, if it would judge the truth, it would know there is two minds in this body in front of it, therefore the shadows split in two and would immediately know the true owner of the body, the wadjet eye is separating Atem from Yugi's body since he doesn't originally belong there and is a temporary body given by his shadow reflected by the light of the wadjet eye (because of the ending of the series, wouldn't make much sense if was only a spirit) and it will be gone once the door opens, further proof in the last part of this volume and here in this key point...
Here we have the first clue in which path Atem prefers to spend his eternity...in his thinking...
"Can you surpass me...partner?!"
Before I thought it was because he thought of himself slightly more skilled than him, but is not really the case, if we think about Atem's and Yugi's wins and losses records in games, it's technically the same level, if we include Atem and Kaiba duel in duelist kingdom, it would one loss for both of them (remember Yugi was the one who stopped Atem from continue attacking and "surrender" the duel since it was becoming too dangerous, so could be counted as loss for both of them) and the rest is all wins, if we don't include Kaiba's and Atem's duel in Duelist Kingdom since the conditions and situations were unfair and dishonourable being forced by Pegasus, even Kaiba doesn't count as an official duel because it didn't give him a true victory, Yugi and Atem haven't lost once, which makes both of them either way exactly on the same level of skills.
What best way to know who is the most skilled?It's by trying to surpass each other.
It also implies that he would prefer to go to afterlife...despite not minding the other route, but since he doesn't like half hearted duels or being half hearted himself, he will go all out to see where this duel will take as a result.
Yugi is pretty determined to fill his final duty and responsibility as the person who solved the puzzle and vessel of the pharaoh to send Atem to afterlife.
Yugi is pretty determined to fill his final duty and responsibility as the person who solved the puzzle and vessel of the pharaoh to send Atem to afterlife.

I think Honda and Jounouchi of thinking "Yugi!!" can be be referring in two ways, one is could be the "two yugis" (their main yugi- Yugi and Atem-the other yugi), or simply worried about Yugi, since they have seen more duels of Atem in tough duels than Yugi, while Anzu and Ishizu is "Atem...", I think is Ishizu in wonder about his fate in this duel going to afterlife or not but most likely inclined to afterlife for important reasons as same as Yugi and Anzu is worried because she thinks is very possible of Atem losing and go into afterlife (she knows Yugi since childhood, by his records in games, he didn't lost once), the ones that isn't shown their thoughts are the most neutral but also aware what's best for both of them.
Detail to note, in every single re-read, I have always wondered about how each had their decks in their duel disks...then if we look closely at the last panel, with this link you might be able to see better, Yugi is holding his puzzle box where his own deck was in his right hand... I'm really absent minded for not noticing such detail...😑
See Ya Next Post!!
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