(Update |14/09/2018|: I'm kinda sick - expectoration and also seems that I'm about having a cold, so the next posts will take longer but there will less changes after this, until I go start updating the 7 early volumes)
Plot Summary:
As we know, we left off of Yugi starting to cry after his loss and Kaiba quietly observing...
Pegasus is reported by one his henchmen about the result of the duel between Dark Yugi and Kaiba as Kaiba winning the duel and seems to have something in mind prepared for Kaiba in case he won...
The aftermath of the duel, Yugi is still crying about and talks his feeling and thoughts about the duel as he found as very disagreeable with himself and as to why he stopped Dark Yugi, Kaiba states his militaristic view on games and life, criticises Yugi's choice, then Yugi's friends go to his defense, specially Anzu and criticises Kaiba's view and pointing it's fallacies, Kaiba feeling slightly irritated by her extremely valid counter-argument, leaves saying to Yugi that he will defeat Pegasus....he has a bit of a chit-chat with Bandit Keith on the way inside the castle...
Yugi is feeling quite down after his loss, but his friends don't give up on him and go search for a new opponent together, but sadly the remaining duelists on the island already left besides the 4 finalists and Kaiba, Jounouchi seeing Yugi in a tight spot, he is willing to give 5 of his star chips to Yugi, so Yugi has a chance to save his grandpa's life, but Yugi rejects it because Jounouchi fought for those stars to save his sister from going blind, the Mai appears and she has 16 stars chips and willing to give back 5 of them to Yugi so they can have their duel in the last stage, Yugi initially refuses thinking this is what Dark Yugi would want, then Jounouchi speaks up his mind to Yugi and calls him out in his current attitude, with some convincing from Jounouchi and Mai, Yugi accepts the stars and they enter the castle...
Key Points:

We see here, Pegasus holding 4 cards and then picking one and talking to himself to inner monologue Kaiba did a good job and fullfill his deal that he will duel against him, but in a shadow game, in the next post we see what he means, he kinda of knows what Kaiba is thinking from a distance even without the millennium eye, that fact it involves a shadow game, it means there will be supernatural means besides the "mind scan"...we will see in the next post...

I find Bandit Keith's reaction to the result of this duel very interesting, Dark Yugi could have won but since Kaiba was foolishly willing to commit suicide because he was about to lose (since he doesn't know how to lose with grace), the others worried run to him because he was starting to cry, then Yugi tells why didn't continue his attack, Yugi thought Kaiba was serious about committing suicide (he definitely was serious), Jounouchi then realises that Yugi let Kaiba win as he was understanding what Yugi did, Anzu understood and you can tell she agreed with his choice, if she thought Kaiba was being serious thinking the duel was getting out of control...

To be honest, I think Yugi was very brave in making this choice, people usually think that being "coldhearted" is hard and "doing the right thing is easy by being goody two shoes", in fact is the other way around, in critical situations we humans tend to be selfish and try to save our own skin - for yourself, but the right thing is harder, much harder, there is a reason why through history of humanity struggled to do the right thing and we still do.
Yugi characterisation time, I really wanna write about it, I think this scene is a good chance, actually this post is a good chance for it, in this scene expresses Yugi in a emotional way about his principles, not just as a gamer, duelist but as a person as well...
"I'm scared...I'm scared of this game! and of the other me!"
It expresses, Yugi values life in general, no matter who is it, he is against violence and taking someone's life or ignore someone in danger for him is something out of question, people would think is weak but isn't.
People would think at first it implied Yugi showing his cowardice and weakness just for saying he is scared of where this was going if he didn't stop it and for stopping it. but is it really?
What is cowardice? the dictionary says "lack of bravery", it's true but in what situation would you call someone for doing something cowardly?
Would you think is a weakness about Yugi's choice?
I don't think so...I think Yugi was scared for very good reasons, it wasn't just Mokuba and his Grampa, it was Kaiba's life (for his recklessness)...
To Continue click "Read More" below:
Yugi characterisation time, I really wanna write about it, I think this scene is a good chance, actually this post is a good chance for it, in this scene expresses Yugi in a emotional way about his principles, not just as a gamer, duelist but as a person as well...
"I'm scared...I'm scared of this game! and of the other me!"
It expresses, Yugi values life in general, no matter who is it, he is against violence and taking someone's life or ignore someone in danger for him is something out of question, people would think is weak but isn't.
People would think at first it implied Yugi showing his cowardice and weakness just for saying he is scared of where this was going if he didn't stop it and for stopping it. but is it really?
What is cowardice? the dictionary says "lack of bravery", it's true but in what situation would you call someone for doing something cowardly?
Would you think is a weakness about Yugi's choice?
I don't think so...I think Yugi was scared for very good reasons, it wasn't just Mokuba and his Grampa, it was Kaiba's life (for his recklessness)...
To Continue click "Read More" below:

Kaiba certainly has a militaristic view about games, I mostly disagree, but this has to do with the huge influence Gozaburo Kaiba on current Kaiba Seto's beliefs "losing=death" in games, games can mean conflict and combat but still doesn't mean it has to be.
Quoting Kaiba comment on Yugi's choice "Caring about the enemy's safety first is the most foolish thing a duelist can do!" , yep Kaiba, put yourself in suicidal mortal danger on purpose without caring about your own safety is even more foolish.
Here is Anzu awesome response to Kaiba , it's my favourite moment of hers...
Here is Anzu awesome response to Kaiba , it's my favourite moment of hers...

What I love about this scene, she is saying the truth here and Kaiba hardly can retort back, the best he could get was "Say what you want, it's still the howl of a loser." - to me what you just said "I don't want to admit you're right when you're the one who lost the duel" - I will always find stupid deciding if someone's right between winning and losing in a game or battle in the media story, what usually decides in a debate/discussion are strong valid arguments over weaker ones, Kaiba arguments compared to Anzu, Kaiba were weaker than Anzu.
Kazuki Takahashi conceived here through Anzu arguments, Kaiba was the weaker one here, I do agree with her as well, I would like to add reckless, irresponsible and stupid (I'll point out in my next post why), to the readers, there was more depth, not only shows Kaiba being weaker but also a coward, Kaiba scared of losing and keep living after defeat, running away through death instead of facing his problems and himself, death can be an escape to many.
While Yugi was way stronger than Kaiba and Dark Yugi, not only he chosen to lose because he wasn't afraid of losing, to not let the duel get out of control and stopped Dark Yugi from doing a terrible choice and Kaiba from suicide.
After this exchange of ideas, Kaiba leaving the scene...

Back to Yugi and his friends, Yugi had no success in finding a new opponent, Jounouchi was about to give up half his stars chips for Yugi and one of his arguments reminding that Dark Yugi and Yugi were the ones who initiated the chance for Jounouchi gain star chips on his own, to begin, it's a fair argument but doesn't want due to Jounouchi's hard work for his sister for him to save his grandpa, Jounouchi but Yugi's reluctance doesn't just come from thinking about Jounouchi saving his sister, there is deeper reason...
They were interrupted by Kujaku Mai, she had 16 stars chips (pretty amazing), 5 of them to Yugi to give for what she owed to him for winning her stars for her 2 duels before, to gain the right to duel him but...

Kazuki Takahashi conceived here through Anzu arguments, Kaiba was the weaker one here, I do agree with her as well, I would like to add reckless, irresponsible and stupid (I'll point out in my next post why), to the readers, there was more depth, not only shows Kaiba being weaker but also a coward, Kaiba scared of losing and keep living after defeat, running away through death instead of facing his problems and himself, death can be an escape to many.
While Yugi was way stronger than Kaiba and Dark Yugi, not only he chosen to lose because he wasn't afraid of losing, to not let the duel get out of control and stopped Dark Yugi from doing a terrible choice and Kaiba from suicide.
After this exchange of ideas, Kaiba leaving the scene...

Yugi's friends cheer him and remember him there is still a chance to gain more stars chips, Yugi should consider himself lucky that he has friends to help him see the bright side, which is something Yugi has difficulties even Dark Yugi can be sometimes be a little bit more positive, he struggles more in getting strength back but same can be applied to Yugi too...
Then Kaiba claiming he will be the one who beats Pegasus, Kaiba meets Bandit Keith commenting their duel (for interesting note, Keith was shocked for Yugi losing on purpose and laughing for Kaiba's craziness of implying if lost he would kill himself, I don't censure him thinking he is messed up a little, though I like Kaiba), here is an interesting exchange between them...
Then Kaiba claiming he will be the one who beats Pegasus, Kaiba meets Bandit Keith commenting their duel (for interesting note, Keith was shocked for Yugi losing on purpose and laughing for Kaiba's craziness of implying if lost he would kill himself, I don't censure him thinking he is messed up a little, though I like Kaiba), here is an interesting exchange between them...

Even Pro-Duelists, Kaiba looks down on them, his arrogance still quite impressive, insults them and everything, Kaiba clearly has his own standards of what he considers a true duelist, prize hunters seems to not fill his standards, is he saying he doesn't agree dueling for money? for Kaiba clearly has to do with conflict and need an opponent to take down, a battle, extreme and passionate as expected, but you know the arguments Anzu presented may have struck him more than you think in the future (and no, I don't think he falls in love with her neither does she because that's just ridiculous.)

Back to Yugi and his friends, Yugi had no success in finding a new opponent, Jounouchi was about to give up half his stars chips for Yugi and one of his arguments reminding that Dark Yugi and Yugi were the ones who initiated the chance for Jounouchi gain star chips on his own, to begin, it's a fair argument but doesn't want due to Jounouchi's hard work for his sister for him to save his grandpa, Jounouchi but Yugi's reluctance doesn't just come from thinking about Jounouchi saving his sister, there is deeper reason...

They were interrupted by Kujaku Mai, she had 16 stars chips (pretty amazing), 5 of them to Yugi to give for what she owed to him for winning her stars for her 2 duels before, to gain the right to duel him but...
Wow, what Kaiba said must have affected him, but thinking him interfering the duel and losing was selfish? Yugi, what you did definitely weren't selfish, au contraire, you were selfless and did the right thing, you're always selfless and considerate, it really bothers me of how Yugi speaking on behalf of Dark Yugi like this, as if Dark Yugi is the one who makes decisions (I don't think so Yugi, I think Dark Yugi feels glad you stopped him but won't admit it), Mai comments Dark Yugi (calls him "other yugi") for having massive pride (you tell me, one of his biggest flaws), Jounouchi getting tired of seeing Yugi always being selfless and considerate he finally speaks up and good...

Jounouchi was sharp enough to notice Yugi inferiority complex towards Dark Yugi and calls out on it (thank you Jounouchi since Anzu didn't).
Even what Jounouchi speaks up to him is mostly right, regarding duelist pride, Jounouchi is spot on (I already wrote what I think about pride in general a few posts behind, Jounouchi is giving me more valid arguments) and even points out what's more important, fighting for what's precious to you and before the "title of duelist", you are your own person (Dark Yugi you better have listened to what Jounouchi said here), pride isn't worth to sacrifice your life or of others.
Now why I say he is mostly right and what bothers me, when Jounouchi said:
"Why do you feel so inferior?Just 'cause he is a good duelist , doesn't mean you don't matter too!"
I understand his good intentions and his point, but Jounouchi overlooking Yugi's duelist skills bothers me a lot, he is the one who teaches you, give advices to become better and with whom you practice with and lose always against, I know Yugi makes it look easy with his kind, fun-loving personality, Jounouchi should know better as much Dark Yugi of Yugi being a natural at games and lots of potential also being very smart, there is 4 characters who overlooks him as a duelist from the least to most is Kaiba Seto, Dark Yugi, Jounouchi Katsuya and finally Yugi Mutou.
"Why do you feel so inferior?Just 'cause he is a good duelist , doesn't mean you don't matter too!"
I understand his good intentions and his point, but Jounouchi overlooking Yugi's duelist skills bothers me a lot, he is the one who teaches you, give advices to become better and with whom you practice with and lose always against, I know Yugi makes it look easy with his kind, fun-loving personality, Jounouchi should know better as much Dark Yugi of Yugi being a natural at games and lots of potential also being very smart, there is 4 characters who overlooks him as a duelist from the least to most is Kaiba Seto, Dark Yugi, Jounouchi Katsuya and finally Yugi Mutou.
As we progress on this manga analysis, I will touch on it as to why I see in this particular order.

Even what Jounouchi speaks up to him is mostly right, regarding duelist pride, Jounouchi is spot on (I already wrote what I think about pride in general a few posts behind, Jounouchi is giving me more valid arguments) and even points out what's more important, fighting for what's precious to you and before the "title of duelist", you are your own person (Dark Yugi you better have listened to what Jounouchi said here), pride isn't worth to sacrifice your life or of others.
And finally to convince Yugi starting to agree with Jounouchi...

Mai also agrees with Jounouchi and her statement about pride is that it can be a pain sometimes to me is a pain specially a backstabber, admits besides fighting for her duelist pride, it was mainly for her to see them again while regret honestly expressing to them, being moved by them for seeing her as a friend and herself giving the star chips as symbol of their friendship, the gang was moved by her words (I think this scene was very moving), Yugi then accepts the star chips, since it was sacrificing anything and was given more as token of friendship, Yugi was more willing to accept the token and of course, Jounouchi told him the importance to sort his priorities and pride shouldn't be at the top and neither let his inferioty complex get in the way of his rescue "mission" to save someone important to him either.

I do like how Jounouchi tells Yugi if Dark Yugi starts to complain, to bring him out so he can give a scold and "knock" some sense in him, but Dark Yugi have been pretty quiet, it's his quietly agreeing with Jounouchi and also I think what Anzu said to Kaiba did affect him a little but since he is still quite prideful, it will take awhile to learn to "swallow" his pride, someone will teach him that but after that it will take awhile since pride is still a problem however not as strong as during this time.
As honourable mention is when Jounouchi knock the guard for not letting the cheering section enter, he makes a funny reference to classic cartoons comics and animation and stars chips together xD.
As honourable mention is when Jounouchi knock the guard for not letting the cheering section enter, he makes a funny reference to classic cartoons comics and animation and stars chips together xD.
See Ya Next Post!!
Thanks again for this. I'm doing some research on Kaiba for a story and a blog post in the future so this kind of analysis really help. I like what you said about the Anzu/Kaiba argument and how she calls him out although it's hard for him as in the end he was going to sacrifice himself for Mokuba as well as his pride that couldn't permit him to lose or ask for help at that point. But she of course doesn't know the history there. I obv don't think in canon either of them fell for each other after that but my shipper heart does love this potential and no-one can tell me otherwise so there lol. It does annoy me though when she says to Yugi 'boys don't cry' as part of the pep talk, I know this is written in the 90s but WTF that's such a toxic thing to say. I love Anzu normally but ugh. I also love as you pointed out Yugi's strength in his compassion and vulnerability - it's actually something the series does a good job of promoting whn they aren't saying annoying things like this. Anyway thanks again for this.