Friday, March 26, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangรก: Vol.4-7 Part 4 - Episodic Arcs Phase 5


I'm getting quicker with this, I'm on a roll recently, thankfully, I might finish this sooner than was planned and honestly I don't mind! 

Getting back to Episodic Arcs heavy posts for awhile before getting to the Monster World Arc (which is honestly one of my favourites arcs in the early 7 volumes together with Shadi's and Death-T, Monster World is my top), I want getting into some characters development, one of them will now get into the "awkward road" of character development (Anzu's), as much characters that don't appear often but is always nice to see them, getting to know better Jounouchi's character and his circumstances (this post, Phase 5), next post Anzu's awkward road character development and Yugi's character (Phase 6 post) and last episodic arcs will have heavy focus on Yugi's, Dark Yugi's and Jounouchi's characters developments (Phase 7).

Plot Summary:

**Chapter 41 - Let's Find "Love"!**

It starts with Anzu studying and thinking of Dark Yugi as she develops a crush on him to a following day starting with Yugi's mother in wonder why her son still hasn't come for breakfast, she goes to his room and find his son in front of socks scattered around the floor, then Yugi turns two socks and both of them being a pair with the same symbol, Yugi explains this is a game he made up to train your gaming's"sixth sense", his mother gets pissed and scolds him to use that energy for his studies/school, tells him that Anzu is waiting for him to pick him up.
After Yugi was done with his preparations, he walks with Anzu to school, Anzu reminds him about the achievement tests results that will be posted on the hall as she isn't looking forward to it while Yugi is excited about it because of a game he made up by using this achievement test results on the school hall, since Yugi spoke of games, Anzu gives Yugi a heart-shaped digital device where you put your birthdate and blood type, etc where it supposedly reads "bio-rythms" (that makes so much sense, being sarcastic here) from these kind of data and makes "beeps" sounds to say is compatible with someone who has the same device and close by...Yugi is very excited that his crush has given him a gift and disappointed that doesn't give *beeps* sounds, Anzu tries to cheer him up...
They reach school, Yugi, Jounouchi and Honda come close to see the test achievement rank results, taking notes, this is a bingo game involving the test results with numbers and colors...then the guidance counselor, Prof. Tsuruoka appears smugly and humiliate Yugi, Jounouchi and Honda about their own test results in front of the school and takes Yugi's digital device keychain and about to smash Yugi's heart-shaped digital device and Dark Yugi takes over to stand up for Yugi and friends, the teacher challenges Dark Yugi to a game in finding Yugi's heart-shaped digital device, they start looking and Dark Yugi suspects that is with the teacher, since he can't touch it, Anzu borrows her own heart-shaped digital device to Dark Yugi, they go to the teacher's office...the "beeps" sound come up...revealing Yugi's heart-shaped digital device was hidden under the teacher's wig who was bald and begs Dark Yugi and Co. to not tell anyone, Dark Yugi gives back Anzu's heart-shaped digital device.

**Chapter 42 - Get The Million!**

Jounouchi announces to his friends that he will participate in a TV Show game where you have chances to gain prizes, his friends will come to root for him...The challenges seems to go well in Jounouchi's favour, Yugi went to the restroom to find out that the challenges were rigged for Jounouchi to lose at the last challenge, him winning was just helping to increase the ratings of the show, so Dark Yugi takes over and challenges the producer of the show to a game with the risk of Dark Yugi revealing the truth and the game consists of pushing one of the strings that might pull a bucket full of paint..., the producer order his assistant to pull for him, then the bucket of paint and falls onto the assistant's head and splashes to the buttons used to "rig" the spin wheel, including the one that would make Jounouchi lose the challenge...Dark Yugi has given to the producer a penalty game and Jounouchi wins the fortune wheel challenge to then revealing that the whole show was lying and there was no prize at the end, since then the show was cancelled and bankrupt, Jounouchi didn't get anything in the end.

Key Points:

**Chapter 41 - Let's Find "Love"!**

Ah! This is the time when Anzu's character development gets to an awkward road, she is not easy to like, it takes time to continue liking her character or you get starting to dislike her, or were already indifferent and then to dislike be honest I was one of those people, after some re-reads and analysis, come to like her character, she grows on you, it's just that her character development is very awkward, for noticing that, I came to like her character, truth to be told she has some relatable moments when she crushes on Dark Yugi, a little, only a little.
Regarding the Panels Ensemble in question, starting with "before she thinks of Dark Yugi" ๐Ÿ˜‘, what she wears at home while studying and her bedroom is quite interesting, slight look to her habits, she is studying which is to say she is diligent on her studies, she has a small bookshelves, a very economical desk (Yugi has a pretty good room, with lots modern takes at this 90s time to 2000s style, he even has tv in his room, well his father works overseas and his grandfather owns a game shop and was professional gamer, including in Poker, no surprise there), it shows Anzu has a more practical mindset, what she wears at home is different from what she wears when she hangs out with her friends, which is more baggy or slightly oversized clothes, once again she does have a more practical mindset, she prefers wearing something comfortable and easy to move around, despite her dรฉcor is more practical than cute dรฉcor, as girl she could have, probably in allowance wise she saves up money for her to study abroad and buy some clothes she finds cute.
Anzu's thoughts...she certainly feels a crush on Dark Yugi...getting into inner monologue first:

"Wh-what am I thinking? I was thinking about «Yugi» him...the other yugi..."

*deep sighs*The more important part of this inner monologue is that Anzu was more aware they are two different identities, but since she doesn't know his "name", then is "other yugi", later she didn't want to admit she was aware because would mean that one day she had to accept he had to "leave", for awhile she did had a crush on Dark Yugi, I would say attracted and infatuated, there is reasons, for starters, Dark Yugi is a very attractive young man/boy and has a more mature behaviour with a deeper voice (apparently, revealed later in Duelist Kingdom from Anzu) mixed with her idealization of a more "grown up Yugi" (a confident and mature "Yugi"), there is more reasons as to why she implements this "idealization" of Yugi on Dark Yugi, which will be in next post.

If you wish to continue reading this post, click "Read More" below:


It's the first time we see Yugi's mother, unfortunately we don't know her name, since I don't want to mention her as just "Yugi's mother/mom" then I'll mention her as "Mrs.Mutou" or "Mama Mutou", to make it easier...I like her character, too bad is very rare for her to appear.
I find it funny that Mama Mutou, she calls to her son and warning him that he will be late then the "stomping" for climbing the stairs and enters his room, we see Yugi doing whatever this is, from the sound of it is kinda often Yugi has some of his own weird quirks, however it usually relates to gaming like we see here, Mama Mutou asks Yugi what he is doing, he replies to not interrupt him as if what he was doing was very see Yugi is very comfortable in interacting with his mother.


Their interaction is so honest and cute ๐Ÿ˜‚, according to Yugi's explanation, this is a "concentration game" by using white socks pairs and putting symbols on it in pairs - you can clearly see Yugi invented this game and made it, interestingly it was with "hearts" which fits the title of this chapter ๐Ÿ˜‘ , where I wish to focus is their last conversation before Yugi leaves:

Yugi: "I'm training my sixth sense for gaming!!"

Mama Mutou: "Why don't you train your mind for school first?! Never mind that! Anzu came over! She's at the front door!"

Yugi:  "Huh?!Anzu?! Mom! Why didn't tell me that first!! Geez!!"

Mama Mutou: "You told me not to talk to you!"

Yugi: "See you later!!"

It may not look like it or is easily overlooked, but is actually relevant to Yugi's habits when comes to school and studies in comparison to gaming...even "love life" to an extent, like we see the moment his mother mentioned Anzu, he asked her to tell about Anzu's first and as rightly his mother said...he told her not to talk to him or not interrupt him because of his concentration game.
Overall we can observe Yugi consciously as subconsciously, Yugi prioritizes games over almost everything even replacing lunch or lunch time as Jounouchi mentions later in DDM Arc to a point that it starts being concerning, the way she phrases her concern is "it's okay to love your games and if you have the smarts to make these games, prioritise school first, then you can have your games", we have seen Yugi's intellect that he is very smart and intelligent but as we have seen from his mother talking about it and their interaction, he doesn't take his studies or school seriously...he needs to be more focused not just on games, his daily life and school as important, it will take this chapter for Yugi start to take seriously his studies, "love life" a little more.
It indicates that his mother knows her son is very intelligent but only uses it for games, she wishes for him to use on school first, at least.


Seeing them with summer school uniform indicates that summer is very close or has already arrived, as it haven't been obvious enough that Yugi has a big crush on Anzu, possibly since childhood, she brings up to Yugi that this day at school will be annoying because of achievement test scores have come up, it's classic like we see in anime and manga, where they also see their ranks at school and is published the results on a Student Notice Board, there is nothing good about it, an attempt to instigate motivation to improve? through competition or public humiliation...? This kind of method doesn't work with everyone.
While Yugi is pretty excited about it, I wonder why as explained, Yugi is playing a game with the boyz based on the achievement test need to sort your priorities a little...Anzu is not surprised, which seems to know that Yugi is always making games...his head revolves around games...which "reminds" her of something (so sneaky, she knows Yugi so well and knew Yugi would bring games in the conversation eventually).


Ugh, Love's funny how Yugi wonders if is a "new keychain game" (like the digital pet one), Anzu explains is not exactly a game but is a "portable love tester" called "Lovely Two" (even the name is lame ๐Ÿ˜‘) and all the girls have them, apparently you input your data like your name, birthday and blood type (Japan gives a lot of importance to the blood type for some reason), she doesn't know how the program works but it's intent is to create a "special waveform" from your personal data...if you press a button on the "love tester" device together with someone with a love tester and if makes the same "ringing" sound means they are perfect for each other, that makes so much sense...๐Ÿ˜’, Yugi is slightly disappointed that it isn't really game ๐Ÿ˜.
The more curious part is that Anzu had two and is giving one of them to Yugi (she planned this...sneaky), Yugi's reaction is  what perks my interest after Anzu said he could keep it:

"Really!? It's mine?! All Right! ๐Ÿ’“ [Inner Monologue: Anzu gave me a present! Could this mean...]"

They are supposedly childhood's surprising Yugi is surprised that Anzu has given a gift as if it was the first time ever she had given, which is weird, it's not uncommon for "childhood friends" give gifts on their birthdays and even obligation chocolates on Valentine or souvenirs gifts, since Japan has this very strong "giving gifts" culture...It might that their friendship since childhood wasn't as strong as recently have been since Jounouchi and Yugi became friends, it gradually became stronger.
However after Dark Yugi«s existance reveal to his friends, makes very suspicious if she didn't given him a gift takes awhile for Yugi to realise...since he has a crush on's not just crush, I think he really liker romantically...but Anzu is complicated to explain as stated in the beginning, but you can tell she is being quite sneaky...


It didn't ring (of course, it didn't, I think the program plays at random :p), Yugi feeling disappointed that it didn't ring, he was hoping for it (yes, it shows he has a crush on her and like her romantically), the bothersome part of her character development getting awkward is that Anzu knows Yugi holds romantic feelings for her, here is the sneaky in a bad way of her character, that's a more unpleasant trait of her, she is more or less using Yugi's feelings for her to an extent to get closer to Dark Yugi, she even does "the cute/pretty smile" (it isn't genuine, it can be pity to cheer him on or something, I don't know, I just don't trust these kind of smiles)...she also has hopes, remember she is crushing on Dark Yugi subconsciously and consciously and mixing with her "idealisation of grown up Yugi" while hoping Dark Yugi has feelings for her like Yugi does, as "Yugi"...that's why I say is complicated and her character development is so awkward...๐Ÿ˜ฉ
I'm sure is some of the reasons why manga readers aren't fond of Anzu and neither Peachshipping as much Revolutionshipping, using someone's feelings for you to get closer to someone is not okay.
It took very long for me to even appreciate Peachshipping due to it's weird and awkward development, it grows on you.


This "Achievement Test Bingo Game"...clearly it was Yugi who invented it (and the author as well), from the rules, the game seems really complex to invent it, because the test achievement results are organised by rank, to be honest, I don't understand half of the make it this way, shows that Yugi creative intelligence is pretty high and also very smart, we have seen these moments showing of how clever and intelligent Yugi truly is, the potential for him to be a "Top Student" is there but for someone who prioritises almost everything on games over studies (mentioned by his mother), lunch time (Jounouchi in DDM Arc) and subconsciously his "love life" (yes, he does slips sometimes on this one, when comes to Anzu), he easily gets distracted with games...I wonder what kind of results does that give to Yugi for not sorting his priorities...


Professor Tsuruoka, who is according to Honda, he is the guidance counsellor at school or in their class, you can tell from the way he acts, he is pretty arrogant and prone to humiliate the students that apparently don't take school seriously (or should I say, who he considers lazy to become drop outs or NEETs, you know societal expectations in Japan) and plus he likes to use his power as a teacher.
As much I don't agree with his arrogant, abuse of power and his method to humiliate students who don't take studies seriously, he is not wrong about the fact they didn't took the achievement test as important and seriously (it's similar to national exams) as they should and them making a game out of it, it's a mockery to the students who take it seriously and the achievement test itself.
The boys were embarrassed, rightfully so, a guidance counsellor should call them out about their grades on the teacher's office not in front of the other students.
My most confusing part is the "out of 400", does the school has 400 students? There is no way, the average is usually more than 1.000 students, 400 is almost half of the student body, so is kinda confusing, unless this is Top 400 students? If that's the case, there is less reason for him to humiliate them, they may be at the top bottom, it's not that bad, this is almost half of the student body, to be honest Yugi is the one who needs to "step up his game" in studies...specially with his dream job (revealed in the Dark Side Dimensions movie -   g-me----d---g--r ,  it would require some degree of mathematical knowledge and little on business side, due to find the publishers...having good grades would increase chances in getting approval, since the standard in Japan in academic is very high, almost everywhere...), Honda would need it too, Jounouchi who is at most disadvantage in financial and familial circumstances, Anzu  as she takes it seriously, we don't have to worry, she is a responsible girl on these matters (irresponsible on "other matters", getting part-time job without school permission), probably to get a scholarship for when she studies abroad.


Dude...that's going too far! picking that...he wrongly presumed it was a game...the other girls have, so it should be fine, take as something decorative, it's harmless.
A small cute detail is where his love tester keychain was, it was in a pocket, but is the pocket on the chest, which stays on the left side, by the way, that's where the "heart" is ๐Ÿ˜, what a sweet boy, he could have put in his pants pockets...quoting him standing up for himself:

"Hey! Wait---! [The love tester Anzu gave me!!] Please Give it back! It's not a game! It's very important to me!!"

It may not look like it, but this is huge coming from Yugi, who is usually timid and sometimes passive, seeing Yugi standing up for himself to protect what was very important to him (a gift from the girl he likes romantically),  against a teacher, no less, that's character development right here, he may be nervous but was still standing up for himself, I think that slight moment of Anzu was she might have noticed the small detail and blushed a little (she was moved by it for sure).
Does this kind confirms this was Anzu's first gift or is because she is giving him outside of his birthday? (looking at their uniforms, summer uniforms, it might passed June 4th already - Yugi's birthday), that's might be why he was surprised, it was gift/present besides his birthday, then thinking being chances of maybe Anzu liking him or not...


After Yugi standing up for himself, his friends Honda and Jounouchi stand up for him too, then this teacher (I hate him):

Tsuruoka: "Unskilled slackers like you have no right to talk back to a teacher!"

Jounouchi: "Grrr...whaddaya mean «unskilled»?!"

Tsuruoka: "Education is a noble profession! We teachers have the right to do anything to slackers like you! I could even...SMASH THIS THING!"

That's abuse of power! Education is a noble profession as long is meant to share knowledge! That's why is a noble profession! It isn't noble acting like a dickhead and abusing the power of a teacher!
The teachers don't have the right to do "anything" to "slackers" or students for that matter, besides that sounds wrong saying it like that, no thick eyebrows teacher! A teacher attempting to smash student's belonging is not an "exemplary teacher" should do and humiliating the student! It's confiscating it discreetly!
That was fast for Dark Yugi to take over...I guess since Yugi trusts him now, the "mind shuffle" is faster now, but still has the "flash" thing xD, it's during the duel against Pegasus that starts to disappear, it's one of those times that Dark Yugi's sense of justice starts to come up as much is the "spirit guardian" standing up for his host like Honda and Jounouchi did, however the way he defends Yugi is a bit wierd … but makes it more relevant later on his fear of losing, Dark Yugi believes in his own abilities as a gamer that "he never loses a game" as much in Yugi to an extent (since he underestimate him quite often). 
As for Anzu's reaction, she blushed a little with Yugi having the "love tester" closer to his "heart" (the pocket on the chest), but she blushed more when Dark Yugi appeared...(remember she is crushing on Dark Yugi and infatuated but is also mixed with the idealization of "grown up Yugi").


Of course! A game is the challenge or else wouldn't be Yu-Gi-Oh! (which means king of games), it's similar to a "hide-and-seek" game but finding an object, it starts 30 minutes later, the time limit is 1 hour...sounds fair so far and the condition, he'll give back the keychain but if he loses, he is expelled, that's some serious throwing power around.
There is a line I always find it amusing when it appears, when the challenger initial line starting to explain the rules, which is "the rules are simple", even Dark Yugi says it a lot, just an amusing trivial fact.


A drop sigh from Dark Yugi! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm sorry is just so rare of him making these kinds of expressions, Kaiba is even more rare that I would be willing to throw a party (there was this one time in Duelist Kingdom when Kaiba watched Pegasus duel, Pegasus started to promote his card game, Kaiba drop sighed, it's still funny ๐Ÿ˜†).
You know what I find interesting is Dark Yugi mentions the gift given to him and Yugi...he says "Anzu's game", while Yugi is "the love tester Anzu gave me", it shows the difference in feelings that Dark Yugi and Yugi holds for Anzu, apparently he sees her more as friend while Yugi has a crush on her.
There is might be another "drop sigh" besides the one Dark Yugi made with Honda and Jounouchi (Panels Ensemble on Left (for better view)), there is this "drop sigh" and blushing a little when Dark Yugi is trying to find the "love tester" in the Panels Ensemble on the Right, at the corner left panel (for better view click here), Dark Yugi is sensing Anzu staring at him and blushing a little, feeling awkward, huh? We can assume by this time, Dark Yugi already noticed her crush on as always, well, it's a bit obvious, Yugi isn't seeing yet... but he will figure out.
As much I'm not a fan of Anzu's behaviour in this chapter, I'll give credit to her in considering the one she owns might help, well she is smart, sometimes she uses the right way and other times doesn't >_>".


To be honest, I don't censure her getting all timid and unsure around her crush (I would run away or being very stiff ๐Ÿ˜ฉ, coming off cold that others misunderstand ๐Ÿ˜ž), so sometimes for me is conflicting...
Dark Yugi, you can tell he noticed, because that "Anzu...", it could have been "you're willing to give away...your spare", technically she has given to both "Yugi"s, Yugi, she had given to him with confidence while here is more timid and shy, with Yugi feels more "sharing a heart", here is "giving her heart". The question does it make the "giving her heart" as stronger and more important than "sharing a heart"? From my experience in different kinds of relationships, be it friends, family and couples I am acquainted to, "sharing" is more enduring and you're not really losing if is shared plus feels more balanced, while "giving a heart", like giving so much of you but that can make you lose balance, amusingly enough in later chapters and in sense she loses a bit of balance but recovers again later.
Sometimes the things you want are not the things you need.
It means as well that Dark Yugi did watched Yugi's and Anzu's interactions and knows the "love tester" beep sound thing, hey it's missing 3 minutes.

From Tsuruoka's reaction when they entered the room to Dark Yugi confirming his suspicions by judging the teacher's reaction, does that mean he has been suspecting for awhile but was looking for another "love tester" to ring at random? If that's the case, as expected of what has been showing so far, he is good at reading people, he explains his reasoning to Tsuruoka:

"I thought hard! Where would I hide it if I were you! First, I would use the privileges of a teacher!! Students can't hand to a teacher...they can't even touch a teacher! In other words, the safest place is on your own body!!"

So it was for awhile for thinking hard, he got to the right answer, he checked the teacher's desk and his entrance shoes locker, so he knew it would be inside, around when was missing 45 minutes was vague, 20 minutes he must have the answers, he was fast figuring out, the problem was how to make it reveal itself if is somewhere you can't touch? That's why when Anzu's "love tester" would help in this situation but that would require luck for it to randomly ring...missing 30 seconds.
I think this kind of school or education system is giving too much power to a teacher...there needs to be balance and boundaries, so the teacher won't be tempted to abuse it's power.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Professor Tsuruoka has a superiority complex ๐Ÿ˜›, in case you don't know is a an attempt to look "powerful" and "using that power" to hide his own insecurities for being bald and using a wig to hide it ๐Ÿ˜.
As for the whole scene, the group is quite lucky, more specifically Anzu, why I say this? Usually when she goes in this kind of "prayer mode", it usually works, she is always the first to do so like in Death-T, here, Duelist Kingdom (strongly when Dark Yugi and Yugi against Pegasus, which blocked Pegasus Mind Scan when Yugi and Dark Yugi couldn't use mind shuffle since the shadow game deeply affected Yugi), this might be implications that Anzu may have subconsciously strong affinity to spirituality, she is very intuitive too, I would say even more than Yugi, Dark Yugi and Kaiba, because sometimes her intuition can predict the future sometimes, like the "love tester", learning to accept Dark Yugi going to afterlife one day, the cartouche in Memory World, among other times I can't remember.
I find it so funny how Honda and Jounouchi from the moment they figure it out it came from the head, they went for it, Dark Yugi was just watching the whole thing ๐Ÿ˜„.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚I'm sorry, it's just so funny, even after finding the "love tester", they were so surprised that it was inside the wig, because they just witnessed something unusual while their teacher begging to not say that he is bald and wears a wig ๐Ÿ˜†.
Dark Yugi is just happy that he got it solved and celebrating the victory, then came this moment after Jounouchi has given back Yugi's "love tester", Dark Yugi who is still holding Anzu's "love tester" and Yugi's "love tester" in his right hand, then given Anzu's to her, but...

"Thank you...Anzu!"

Dark Yugi is blushing slightly is that, yes he already knows Anzu's crush on him at this time, but he feels a bit awkward about it, it's that feeling of embarrassment in a "shy" sense while feeling flattered that someone holds a crush on you, remember he wasn't sure if Yugi's friends would accept him to be their friend and one of them has a crush on him, it's very flattering while feeling awkward, there is a chance he maybe had something for her or wasn't sure or really sees her as friend but moved that she had crush on him, so far not sure.
Putting Anzu's cheesy inner monologue crushing on Dark Yugi aside, that's a pretty good shot of Dark Yugi.
Reminder, there is something similar happens, in Memory World Arc, however at the time, Anzu's crush on Dark Yugi is disappearing and sees more Dark Yugi as an important friend, Dark Yugi knowing his name as Atem sees her as very dear friend that the cartouche she had given him for him to put his real name was big help, if anything was what saved them, it's a closing circle of their "awkward friendship" xDD.

**Chapter 42 - Get The Million!**


This whole section is a good way to understand Jounouchi's character more and his familial situation, starting to quote the gang interaction and Jounouchi's inner monologue:

Jounouchi: "Heh heh heh! After this, I won't have to work my butt off at part time jobs anymore!"

Honda: "Hey, you haven't won the money yet!"

Jounouchi: "Grrr! I've gotta win it! My days of struggling are over! [inner monologue: If I win, I can pay off my old man's gambling debts and liquor store tab! I won't have to run from the collection agencies anymore! It's gonna be a new life!]"

Anzu: "You've been working to put yourself through school for a while weren't you, Jounouchi."

Honda: "Remember that paper route in middle school? Everyone called him the «lone paperboy»."

As we can see from overall from their interaction, Jounouchi has special permission by the school to work in part-time jobs because of his financial situation from his father's debts and abandoned by his mother, in consequence Jounouchi had to fend off for himself for a very long time, which makes me wonder again about the social security system in Japan, or at least at this time, he might receive a pension but might not be enough due to his father's debts, living expenses and school to a point he has to run from debt collectors, Jounouchi has it very rough for a very long time, it's quite unfair to him, it's already impressive that he is barely scrapping by.
As for between the producer of the tv show and his assistant or secretary, from his assistant:

"We've done a through background check on him. His father is an unemployed alcoholic with gambling addiction! The boy works part time to pay back his father's debts! He's honest to goodness, 100% poor!"

We already knew Jounouchi's father was alcoholic and later in the beginning of this chapter is heavily emphasised about his gambling addiction, but he is also unemployed...basically Jounouchi is paying everything by himself, for a 16 year old teenager that's way too much burden, he shouldn't be the one to pay his father's debts at least...
I hate when companies uses other people's misfortunes to get more money for themselves, when could be given to these with more misfortune, obviously the game challenges are rigged, specially the last one.

This is before the final challenge which is in a spin wheel, Jounouchi's inner monologue is the more important part in this Panels Ensemble here:

"Pop...if I win the million yen...I'll put all of the past behind us, we'll be a real family again! Just you wait!"

Of course, "Pop", he is referring to his father, to be honest, I don't think it would work if his father is alcoholic and has gambling addiction, it would repeat all over again, however where it hits the string is when he thinks to himself that he would put the past behind them and be a "real family" again, looking into Duelist Kingdom when Jounouchi revealed about his mother and's possible that Jounouchi was hopeful that this money would "fix" his broken family, Takahashi-sensei may already have done all Jounouchi's background for quite some time when he was create the characters, family must be very important to him, from childhood is very important for the family be active, it will affect later, specially into adulthood.


I'm with you, Yugi! But the way is phrased in Yugi's inner monologue about Jounouchi as being "desperate hopes", clearly he sees what Jounouchi goes through is very unfair and hearing people using his misfortune to get money for themselves, money they don't need, it's rotten greed.
Dark Yugi goes "let me take care of this!" and takes over and he was angry, but he approached who he wanted to punish calmly and confidently...from that moment he had the game already planned...


Dark Yugi just starts explaining explaining the rules of the game, but the producer refuses until Dark Yugi warns him that he could tell the public about the rigged spin wheel as a way to convince the producer to play his game (which is more or less blackmailing the guy and still giving the guy the chance cover it up), the producer wonders how he did knew, dude, when you left the restroom at the same time as Yugi, you were speaking loudly about it when someone was just leaving at the same time as you...usually if you don't want anyone to find out, speak somewhere private and empty, no?
The producer asks his assistant to do it for him, the assistant makes his choice and Dark Yugi goes with the rope that was left (since it were two), they pull the ropes...


That's some amazing luck, the bucket paint not only went to the assistant's head and splatter over the buttons to "rig" the spin wheel...this guy...calling Jounouchi a shiftless bum when he is the opposite, the producer is the one who is shiftless making others do the dirty job for him like rigging the game, picking others to chose a candidate and their backgrounds...
Going into this guy's penalty game called "mind on air", his eyes looks almost like is poping out, it doesn't pop out really...what will actually do is the following...


This guy ends up showing his true nature in live public, the show host of the show commenting that they're done, sucks to be you and your career hanging on the balance as tv show host ๐Ÿ˜›...
Dark Yugi says something interesting:

"Apparently true poverty lives in the soul! Isn't that right...Mr. Producer?!"

He is being quite cynical by telling the truth, it's not often we see this side of his, it's those poor of spirit, it's not only greedy people like the producer here, there is different kinds of people from different backgrounds and circumstances while still being poor of spirit (even the poor can be poor of spirit), it depends on your attitude with life and community.
Several days later, it was revealed that the tv production company was a fraud and went bankrupt...then Jounouchi has their check as a worthless piece of paper, he is even crying...๐Ÿ˜ข He really doesn't have much luck! ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

See Ya Next Post!!

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