This will focus more on the duel between these 2 bellow, specifically "Dark Yugi".
Update (03/08/2018): for a change, it has finally an introduction, now it seems will be maybe lighter...but due to recent events and I haven't been well focused on these updates as much as I'd wish to...😕
Plot Summary:
Dark Yugi accepts the duel (more like ordered to) by the player killer clown face guy, they sit down and the player killer introduces himself as Player Killer of "Darkness (so lame 😑), explains the whole situation about the tournament, the duel starts, the player killer duelling style he uses the night as where part of the field can be darkness which can favours his monsters cards attribute being of darkness, therefore gets special advantage in hiding in the darkness, player killers is feeling overconfident, Dark Yugi is the same but not to the point of bragging like the player killer does, Dark Yugi is more or less testing the waters first until he figure out in how to beat him and claims he will win in 5 turns, he does achieves it but not just with card skills and confidence like he usually does...
Key Points:

As usual "Dark Yugi" accepts the challenge specially against those who cross the line when it comes hurting his friends or whose he does respects, Kujaku Mai.
I know these panels in particular aren't important, but I like the sense of movement in Dark Yugi's bangs when he is taking over from how was drawn, which is something I have always found curious, Yugi grows 1 to 3 cm and more golden hair and the hair gets bigger too, Yugi's eye shape changes a little, we know is the spirit of the millennium puzzle taking over, so these physical changes in Yugi's body when Dark Yugi takes over, obviously is from the magic of the millennium puzzle to emphasise Dark Yugi isn't "other yugi" but someone else entirely (it is obvious).

That is it's true purpose for the tournament being rigged is to force Dark Yugi on an official match with Pegasus so he could win against Dark Yugi and get Kaiba Corp, poor Yugi and "Dark Yugi" forcefully involved in this mess, and there is still more...

That's pretty much it, Pegasus besides being a terrible a tournament host, in fact in how terrible of tournament host he is in not providing basic needs like food, bunk beds or sleeping bags, the ones who all star ships leaves the island on boat instead of the same ship they came from, he doesn't give the impression he is stingy at all...
Thanks player killer of "Darkness" for being captain obvious, no one realised that at all 😒, as for prize money, like I have said before, this tournament is rigged by the host himself and he is pretty lazy to give the prize and send player killers if they defeat Dark Yugi or Yugi first then is the other contestants so that more skilled players arise...all because so he doesn't have to give the prize money to whoever reaches 1st place even though he can easily give it...
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Chuunibiyou case much?
for anyone who doesn't know what chuunibiyou is -> Click Here to know what Chuumibiyou is
His case must be subcultural+Evil-eye
To me he is an idiot, anyway while he brags, trying to act as if he is the monster under bed like is something cool and makes him strong and smart, infallible, to me he is one of those naive villains who thinks darkness give power and make you stronger...

It made me almost ship them (still kinda do :p), now on serious business, it shows "Dark Yugi" has a lot of respect for her as a duelist, recognizes her skills and also he wants to duel her as well as Mai wants to duel him, so I think is neat, I like these kind of things, I always get a little excited and this respect, specially between a male and female characters (even between females, males is way too common that gets me kinda bored, unless they have an interesting dynamic - ex: Hikigaya Hachiman vs Hayato Hayama and Hikigaya Hachiman vs Yukino Yukinoshita from Oregairu).
The other reasons is by this time he considers her as a friend (since he is showing his caring and protective nature on her) and also to return his thanks for what she did for the gang, plus understanding her personality very well that like himself under their prideful posture, they softies, so he easily sympathises with her, it's also sweet she is a bit moved but not realising the reasons yet.
I do agree with "Dark Yugi" here, that is an act of a coward forcing someone to duel without their consent even more wjem their guards are down, specially sleeping, to me is not just coward, but is among other descriptive adjectives to this blockhead and I do agree he shouldn't be considered "duelist" either.

"Dark Yugi" suggests a deal with the blockhead, he'll bet all his 6 star chips for 8 star chips and to make up for the difference, his life, I wish he could have stop doing this during this time, he may say "his life" but technically is Yugi's life if he thinks of himself as Yugi here (which make it obvious that they're not one and the same, they're actually two different people)....also does he mean it? he is most of the time serious, I suppose he is serious, but that doesn't mean I agree with it and I don't think Yugi would agree with it either, so Dark Yugi in a sense, as much I dislike to admit it, he shouldn't bet on "his life", without asking his host...he does this more out of confidence that he thinks and believes he will win, but player killer with some valid point that talk is cheap, so...

It's despicable in how player killers in general to use this kind of rope against other duelists who doesn't want to duel (forcing them to a duel without their consent), seriously, Pegasus is a really awful tournament host and terrible at it, when looking in scale is badly organised and in comparison to Battle City, huge difference...Dark Yugi is already preparing a penalty game for the player killer already.

This where Dark Yugi personality plays out a lot, specially his flaws but using it as a weapon, but at this time he's not conscious being a flaw, though can be useful depending on your opponent, in this idiot, it works, it also worked on Haga, because he did pretty much the same, it seems the more his opponent brags about his "invincibility", also the more he provokes, the more predictable his opponent becomes for him.
But he means it when he makes these kinds of claims besides he already has experience in fighting monsters he can't see ...
But he means it when he makes these kinds of claims besides he already has experience in fighting monsters he can't see ...

Dark Yugi also points that the card he is holding is the key and he boldly shows the card to blockhead-kun, the other bold claim he makes is that the duel will end with the player killer's loss in 5 turns and showing the key, he only acts like this is with the kind of opponents who love to brag but is interesting that Dark Yugi brings up that he finds the player killer has some pride even though he doesn't consider him as a duelist because of the way he drags duelists without their consent and respect and when they have their guards down just to go to sleep is cowardice (and downright mean) for the player killer not accepting Dark Yugi's claim that the player killer will lose in 5 turns even if is me I wouldn't say pride, guts and fighting spirit is the better word and fits better for the blockhead-kun too (he only has guts by hiding himself in the darkness)...the reasons why Dark Yugi is speaking boldly and showing the card is...

Now this is when things becomes interesting, Anzu asks Mai if it's okay for "Yugi" shows his card like that, Mai being sharp and perceptive as she is, says it isn't, so she hints that maybe "Dark Yugi" is using something else as a weapon besides cards that can be used through the darkness...Also something cool here in the interaction between these two, Mai have been realising that Anzu is a intuitive and smart girl implying the "other weapon" Dark Yugi is using...

It shows how sharp and smart Anzu and Mai are and can be, which is nice to see being them the ones awake watching Dark Yugi duel and telepathic talking and eyes, and also some of his characteristic traits here that I will approach a bit further, making Mai more attentive and in a future duel that she will be inspired by his duelling style.
Dark Yugi using words as a weapon is something we often see against most of his enemies even the main villain just to buy time for the gang do their part (Memory World Arc), because there is opponents he faced who he doesn't consider as an enemy like Ryota, Mai and later Kaiba, enemies for him are the ones who crosses the line in his sense of justice and when loved ones are in danger.
Also, last mention is that Dark Yugi is really determined in getting Mai's star chips back, not just because he considers her as friend, thanking for helping his friends, wants to duel against her and disagrees what Pegasus is doing with the player killers, he also finds unfair someone who is so close to enter the castle with 8 stars chips and with two more she will be in, it's like seeing all that effort to get those star chips going to waste by someone forced a duel without the duelist's his sense of justice kicking in.
Dark Yugi using words as a weapon is something we often see against most of his enemies even the main villain just to buy time for the gang do their part (Memory World Arc), because there is opponents he faced who he doesn't consider as an enemy like Ryota, Mai and later Kaiba, enemies for him are the ones who crosses the line in his sense of justice and when loved ones are in danger.
Also, last mention is that Dark Yugi is really determined in getting Mai's star chips back, not just because he considers her as friend, thanking for helping his friends, wants to duel against her and disagrees what Pegasus is doing with the player killers, he also finds unfair someone who is so close to enter the castle with 8 stars chips and with two more she will be in, it's like seeing all that effort to get those star chips going to waste by someone forced a duel without the duelist's his sense of justice kicking in.

Burn! Blockhead-kun, Dark Yugi is right, he said the card was the key to his victory but didn't said it was the card he played facedown on board, reveals being "Spellbinding Circle"
He plays "Swords of Revealing Light" facedown for real this time and...
Puts another facedown card, now he has 2 facedown cards, putting blockhead-kun off balance more, Dark Yugi provokes him even further describing the steps to his loss in "shadow game fashion" and also announcing now that there is 3 turns is it happening, it's simply because is a shadow game but a very light but at a crawling pace...which would feel sinister and the response is the following...
His opponent getting more irritated (it's funny =D) ,comes to realise that illusion he saw, the man doesn't and does at the same time kinda knows that he is playing a shadow game...
What I find here most interesting is what he says to the player killer...:
"Heh heh...Darkness is a mirror that throws your own fears back at you. Fear that swallows those with weak you."
He is right, but that's not what all darkness depends on your perspective and angle, what Dark Yugi points out is just one of them, the best way to refer with similar nature is our subconscious and also how it influences our consciousness.
Interesting to notice that Mai reveals to the readers with her observation, that his dueling style is offensive, which may not look like it from the way he interacts with his close ones, since he is reserved and has tendency to hold his true feelings and emotions back, even though he is very emotive despite his calm and taciturn face or smug expression, he may be the offensive type, but not the kind who would do it blindly, he is an offensive strategist, which isn't really common, since strategic minds tends to balance between defence and offence, even defensive strategists isn't much common either, I think these are interesting traits of Dark Yugi to take into account, it's not a common mixture of personality traits either, however there is more to explore about his character as we advance in the series.
So Dark Yugi describes blockhead-kun defensive dueling style is of a coward, that reveals his true colors and insults him for not having any balls (in other words, no guts), yes it said that in VIZ Media edition, xDD, talk about being cheeky, getting blockhead-kun even more irritated than already is, he can't handle being called coward, can't handle the truth...
Dark Yugi reveals that he predicted that he would use a shield, once again showing that he can think ahead once he learns the "ropes", get it? xD, lame joke aside...
The person would think he is bluffing, he does tend to do that, but in this case is taunting him with truths about his actions, it's actually possible to do that, you can use truth and honesty as weapons too.
His real intent isn't really to scare him as Mai and player killer think it is, it's also to irritate him , because the player killer is mixed with slight fear with irritation and encourages his defensive style even further, he is a sheep disguised in wolf clothing joined in a wolf pack, figuratively speaking...his monsters of darkness is the wolf pack and the "darkness" he claims to be is the wolf clothing he is wearing, that's what cowards do, specially cowards who are traitors, being a sheep who follows whom he believes is the strongest to protect himself from the strongest...
Another thing, I want to mention is how security and being too much on defence can be a trap, this can be applied even in the metaphor I mentioned, the more involve himself in a wolf pack, the harder it is to escape due it's rules (the hunting chase something bigger than them with risks of causing casualties and the fights about who is the "alpha male", etc), besides relying too much on defense and it can weaken you on other "stats" that could be improved.
And that's how he wins, what he says, he usually means it, he's mostly honest, even though smugly most of the times and acts cheeky when he duels.
One can wonder what is going on with this penalty game, did he died...?
Here is something what he says about pride, that is said pride goes before the fall, that might be true even for Dark Yugi.

Puts another facedown card, now he has 2 facedown cards, putting blockhead-kun off balance more, Dark Yugi provokes him even further describing the steps to his loss in "shadow game fashion" and also announcing now that there is 3 turns is it happening, it's simply because is a shadow game but a very light but at a crawling pace...which would feel sinister and the response is the following...

His opponent getting more irritated (it's funny =D) ,comes to realise that illusion he saw, the man doesn't and does at the same time kinda knows that he is playing a shadow game...
What I find here most interesting is what he says to the player killer...:
"Heh heh...Darkness is a mirror that throws your own fears back at you. Fear that swallows those with weak you."
He is right, but that's not what all darkness depends on your perspective and angle, what Dark Yugi points out is just one of them, the best way to refer with similar nature is our subconscious and also how it influences our consciousness.

To observe and read from Anzu and Mai perceiving Dark Yugi tactics, despite the description of Dark Yugi's tactics working with words with very good timing, to us readers indicates that he can be a little manipulative if he wants to,provocative and uses power of suggestion, Dark Yugi would be a very skilled mentalist, he uses some mentalist techniques, he is also very bold and takes risks, as Mai also stated he has amazing amount of self-confidence, being one of his biggest flaws is and also very cheeky, there is others flaws that will be revealing as we advance in the series, and virtues.
Blockhead-kun starts making hasty moves, such summoning a very powerful monster , so for safety he activates over the only card in defense mode , so the attacking monsters that are below this card doesn't get attacked, revealing him being more of defensive player but in coward fashion, increasing their defense...

Interesting to notice that Mai reveals to the readers with her observation, that his dueling style is offensive, which may not look like it from the way he interacts with his close ones, since he is reserved and has tendency to hold his true feelings and emotions back, even though he is very emotive despite his calm and taciturn face or smug expression, he may be the offensive type, but not the kind who would do it blindly, he is an offensive strategist, which isn't really common, since strategic minds tends to balance between defence and offence, even defensive strategists isn't much common either, I think these are interesting traits of Dark Yugi to take into account, it's not a common mixture of personality traits either, however there is more to explore about his character as we advance in the series.

So Dark Yugi describes blockhead-kun defensive dueling style is of a coward, that reveals his true colors and insults him for not having any balls (in other words, no guts), yes it said that in VIZ Media edition, xDD, talk about being cheeky, getting blockhead-kun even more irritated than already is, he can't handle being called coward, can't handle the truth...
Dark Yugi reveals that he predicted that he would use a shield, once again showing that he can think ahead once he learns the "ropes", get it? xD, lame joke aside...

And that's how he wins, what he says, he usually means it, he's mostly honest, even though smugly most of the times and acts cheeky when he duels.
One can wonder what is going on with this penalty game, did he died...?
Here is something what he says about pride, that is said pride goes before the fall, that might be true even for Dark Yugi.
See Ya Next Post!
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