Update (25/09/2018): I have finished all Duelist Kingdom Arc updates now, 😌, it kinda took me one day...the early volumes gonna take awhile to update because there will be more changes, but not too much since the main story is on it's early stages...
Plot Summary
The last duel of Duelist Kingdom ended, Pegasus releases Kaiba brothers and Yugi's grampa souls, they start to get Yugi's prize ready, Dark Yugi starts asking how much he knows about the millenium items, Pegasus gives a reveals and begins to tell his backstory...
It all started when he met his lover when they were young blossomed into romantic love, Cyndia died at 17 years, Pegasus haven't gotten through her death, he tried to search to overcame it in Egypt, entering a village of grave robbers where he meets a thief trying to steal the Millenium Ring, it was caught by some other men, Pegasus meets Shadi for the first time, Shadi guessed right about Pegasus's loss, Pegasus shocked by his knowledge, he follows him in secret, inside a normal home of the village, and there was an underground temple, they tested the millenium ring on the thief, he died...the men and Shadi were discussing mysterious matters about millenium items chosen bearers, then they caught Pegasus watching them, so they tested the Millenium Eye on him, he saw the spirit of Cyndia, but couldn't reach her since she was dead and he was still a mortal, end of Pegasus's backstory.
Dark Yugi reflects on the new information, his friends discuss about Pegasus, Mokuba awakes and they reveal to him Kaiba is on the island, Mr.Crocket arrives to give the prize money and Kaiba's duel disk while revealing the reason why Pegasus wanted Kaiba Corp, after they search for Kaiba in the castle and when they're about to try out outside, Kaiba appears, the Kaiba brothers have their brotherly moment, no boats for the gang to leave, Kaiba brothers let the gang and Mai in the helicopter to be even on debt for saving them and the Kaiba Corp, the story arc of Duelist Kingdom ends.
Key Points:

Pegasus as a villain can keep his promise, what we usually see most of the time in villains, they don't keep their promise or honour their promise, Pegasus has enough character to do this much, let's picture if was Bandit Keith, he wouldn't keep it, there is characters who wouldn't, Insector Haga, Player killers, despite Pegasus was a coward and cheater (sorry, no mercy), yet he followed his promise to Yugi, he has some calibre to a degree, I'll give him that, but comes from a bit of a cliché source, it will be discussed later in this post.
if you want to continue click "read more" below:
if you want to continue click "read more" below:

What Pegasus reveals about the millenium items is very intriguing and very important to the plot, the hidden power of the millenium items, there is an evil power, he also adds there is evil intelligence, there is something I would like to mention without give in too much of analysis in the future, Dark Yugi senses some "will" that brought him and Yugi together" and then Pegasus adds an evil intelligence, one would think that this "will" and evil intelligence would be the same thing, it's possible it is separate, the "will" Dark Yugi sense it could be referring to his own will coming from his lost memories together with an evil intelligence - evil spirit and other things, it's already foreshadowing something about the past and history of the millenium items, a battle happened thousands of years ago.
Dark Yugi is deeply affected by this revelation about the millenium items (ability to create shadow games, of course it has evil power but intelligence is a new one, intelligence implies to something it can think for itself, an entity), it will be mentioned later...
Now amusing details on Pegasus's backstory with more information about the millenium items and how Pegasus is connected to the plot:

Dark Yugi is deeply affected by this revelation about the millenium items (ability to create shadow games, of course it has evil power but intelligence is a new one, intelligence implies to something it can think for itself, an entity), it will be mentioned later...
Now amusing details on Pegasus's backstory with more information about the millenium items and how Pegasus is connected to the plot:

It's funny when Dark Yugi says his name, Pegasus reacting for the first time knowing his name, once again Shadi makes a big turn in the events of the main plot, it's strange he never told his name to anyone except Dark Yugi and Yugi plus their friends, this guy likes to have a mysterious profile, it seems...
When Shadi revealed the village that Pegasus was in being a grave robber village, including it's name - Kul Elna, this grave robber village is an important localisation in the main plot, connected to the millenium items.
A curious details I would like to refer, that being how Shadi knew Pegasus was in the village for healing the loss of his loved one, it's about how the power range of the Millenium Key, it seems he can figure out and see something without using the "key" on the forehead on a person to read someone soul, which give us an idea of it's range power, when using the "key" in the person forehead, it is to "explore the room soul", while in this case, Pegasus described when he looked in his eyes, the desert became suddenly very cold, it could be the millenium key "reading" Pegasus's soul, we can assume Millenium Key is related to soul while Millenium Eye has similar abilities but is related to minds.
A curious details I would like to refer, that being how Shadi knew Pegasus was in the village for healing the loss of his loved one, it's about how the power range of the Millenium Key, it seems he can figure out and see something without using the "key" on the forehead on a person to read someone soul, which give us an idea of it's range power, when using the "key" in the person forehead, it is to "explore the room soul", while in this case, Pegasus described when he looked in his eyes, the desert became suddenly very cold, it could be the millenium key "reading" Pegasus's soul, we can assume Millenium Key is related to soul while Millenium Eye has similar abilities but is related to minds.

This is what happens if you're not the "chosen bearer", in other words, the millenium items chose their bearers, now the consequence on not being the one can be disastrous, according to Shadi your soul and body would be burned alive if they aren't chosen and possess them when being tested by these items, what get's me thinking about this recent information is being "burned alive, body and soul...", body I can understand being physical, but soul?
Like I have said in previous post, I am a bit touchy on this subject, soul is the self, an energy with a conscience of it's own, there is life energy, it makes me wonder maybe burning soul and burning body, it may have different senses, losing connection to life instantly, in this case it's obvious the answer is that you die.
It's amusing Pegasus reaction describing as an awful sight, he clearly was disturbed by it, it seems his image still haunts him, it must be one of the reasons why he doesn't like to talk about Shadi either for this experience and others will show up ahead.
We can confirm Yugi is the chosen one (in 2 posts it will be confirmed more strongly).

These are very important revealing information, it foreshadows the future of the series and gives clues of what is this story is about in it's main centre of the story, into the detail of this new information, the men following Shadi asks when the chosen ones will appear and searching for suitable hosts and not finding the missing items (Millenium Puzzle, Rod and Tauk), Shadi explains Millenium Items are drawn to each other and they'll eventually be united and they're like pieces of a puzzle in the Tablet of the Pharaoh's Memories.
Pegasus point it out an additonal detail of this "Tablet", he described looking as a lid of sarcophagus, for those who don't know, a sarcophagus are stone coffins, usually was made for royalty and nobles, with the Evil Intelligence and Tablet of Pharaoh's Memories, we know Pharaoh is a symbol of authority and the sun and light while Evil Intelligence is connected to the darkness, we can determine at this point of the story, it's referencing to possible two entities, separate but connected by some event in the past since it mentions memories about a pharaoh and some other unknown evil entity.
When we can speak of entities inside millenium items, two of them is already known, the evil spirit of the millenium ring and the millenium puzzle spirit, in conclusion this scene alone confirms the spirit of the millenium puzzle is obviously the pharaoh, the evil power/intelligence is Yami Bakura, for anyone reading for the first time wouldn't fully realize, would go to the obvious answer Dark Yugi being the pharaoh spirit, but the other entity, we wouldn't be sure because of the other two millenium items still unknown at this time foreshadowing they will soon reveal themselves give the possibility these having an evil spirit/intelligence/power, Yami Bakura would be on hold candidate to it, it could have more than one evil spirit in one of these remaining two items.
To anyone who re-reads this manga knows who is referring to, Dark Yugi and Yami Bakura, it's so impressive and intriguing with this kind of information increasing the mystery.
Dark Yugi looks shocked, it affects him even more deeply...

Pegasus left eye was sacrificed for the millenium eye, what Shadi says to Pegasus is interesting when is about to test the millenium eye on Pegasus:
"If you are deemed worthy, you will be granted your dearest wish...We will open the door to the other world...and you will see your beloved once more."
This detail is an important one, this door to the other world they open for Pegasus to see the spirit of his dead lover, the door will be used again in the end of the series, it's hinting the end of this series, as you can see from the reunion between Pegasus and spirit of Cyndia only lasted for a moment, because as it's known the spirit of the dead can't return to the living, it's so subtle the reference to this door to the other world, it can be easily overlooked...I noticed the detail only when I was writing this post.
Dark Yugi reaction is very questionable, makes me wonder why he is so angry for Pegasus sacrificing one of his eyes to see a spirit of a loved one that can't be revived, also he was forced anyway, even if he didn't want to, I suppose Dark Yugi being smart he guessed the reason for the control of the Kaiba Corp and all that trouble is related to this wish of seeing his deceased lover...
The following scenes are bit mixed and traded for the flow of this about this recent information from Yugi's friends transitioning the focus on Dark Yugi...

Before focusing on Dark Yugi, Honda noting Dark Yugi doesn't seem too happy about defeating Pegasus, well, not all victories are particularly happy, some can be really sad ones, in Dark Yugi's is reflecting on the new revelations about the millenium items, Jounouchi thinks he should give him a Penalty Game, Bakura comments Pegasus is unforgivable but feels empathy for him, Anzu comments the death of his lover was the start of his tragedy (spot on), Anzu's role in the main plot starts coming more and more into light by her thoughts and interpretation of Dark Yugi choice of not giving Pegasus a Penalty Game, she is mostly right, not because there is a flaw, but there is other elements missing, it made Dark Yugi re-think about shadow games and penalty games including the ones he given, just the name shadow and penalty has already negative and dark connotations, also being a bit prideful of his righteous personality, it was shock to him because he could have realize it sooner since he did out of good intentions, he didn't realized it, he was softer on penalty games and shadow games and well-intentioned, however using them on Pegasus would be admitting he was right about evil intelligence...

The other elements are being Dark Yugi reflecting on the recent information about millenium items, this is when he starts being fully conscious and realizing he is an entity of his own, not someone's other self, I think he has been avoiding these questions for a long time, the current situation makes him compelled to question his own existence, realizing he has no memories of why he is sealed in the millenium puzzle, Mai's answer to the riddle of the puzzle plus the new info all coming together, this is an important turn not only on his character development and the main story but also the objective of the progress of this story.
Dark Yugi asks to himself where does he comes from, yes, the millenium puzzle comes from the Tablet of Pharaoh's Memories in Kul Elna in Egypt, before that he questions who he was and where he cames from or where it came from, him finding himself sharing the same body of Yugi through the millenium puzzle, the question "where do you come from...?" can have a deeper meaning, he means before being sealed and his own entity and identity originally.
It's curious how he name of the robber village sticks with him, village of Kul Elna, specially after Memory World Arc, we understand why...
It's curious how he name of the robber village sticks with him, village of Kul Elna, specially after Memory World Arc, we understand why...

By the way, I think the art in this scene is amazing, big thumps up for Kazuki Takahashi for the drawing and ink work on these panels.
On the subject, this vision of his younger self guiding his way to find the last piece of his heart, we can say this is a spiritual experience for Kaiba on his quest to be whole, since Pegasus was defeated by Yugi, he was released from his cell, Kaiba is half surprised and understanding at the same time, after all he was 6 months in coma completing the puzzle of his heart, missing only one piece, so he is aware to some degree.
On the subject, this vision of his younger self guiding his way to find the last piece of his heart, we can say this is a spiritual experience for Kaiba on his quest to be whole, since Pegasus was defeated by Yugi, he was released from his cell, Kaiba is half surprised and understanding at the same time, after all he was 6 months in coma completing the puzzle of his heart, missing only one piece, so he is aware to some degree.

Here we have the reasons of why Pegasus was desperate to get Kaiba Corp, but you know, he didn't have to go through all that trouble, if he wanted it, he could have just waited to be ready for the public or pay for it to have sooner, he's rich but because he is stingy, he caused all this trouble to others, it was a selfish reason, it wasn't for greed or power, it wasn't for survival, after something impossible to return, it's not healthy, like Mr.Crocket accurately states after the illusion of his deceased loved, the truth is some people go all through this unnecessary trouble when could be done in some simpler ways like I stated above or overcome his loss (it's hard and takes very long).
This time around Dark Yugi has a quiet reaction, he understood what Mr.Crocket said was very true.
I also find it curious that Mr. Crocket explains to Dark Yugi, beside he says "I believe...it was all for that duel disk...", Pegasus didn't ever told him, but he suspected, it could be said he must have worked for him for years, maybe for his family to know about the death of Pegasus's lover and his loyalty to him, but he seems relieved but for Pegasus, so Pegasus could stop dwelling on the dead...
I also find it curious that Mr. Crocket explains to Dark Yugi, beside he says "I believe...it was all for that duel disk...", Pegasus didn't ever told him, but he suspected, it could be said he must have worked for him for years, maybe for his family to know about the death of Pegasus's lover and his loyalty to him, but he seems relieved but for Pegasus, so Pegasus could stop dwelling on the dead...

Jounouchi and his tactless jokes and seems to like a bit of dark humour, he can be quite tactless sometimes (Hermione from Harry Potter would say "you've got a emotional range of a teaspoon!"), thank you Anzu for calling him out, it seems sometimes their friends, but it seems Anzu and Honda are the only ones who calls him out, when is to Yugi is Jounouchi and Honda, Anzu is only soft to Yugi, Dark Yugi is very soft on those he cares deeply, Yugi does in his own shy way only to those who're going too far with violence and extreme.
Kaiba brothers reunion is sweet, still love the symbolic art of younger Kaiba of completing the puzzle his heart, the last piece being Mokuba, the friends realizes Bakura disappearance... I wonder...

Even Jounouchi was moved by it, not hating them but still disliking them and later we see Jounouchi actually has weak spot about bonds between siblings.
This talk between Dark Yugi and Jounouchi about the prize money and Dark Yugi takes the chance to bring up the duelist subject to Jounouchi, he is implying he wants to duel against Jounouchi, remember Jounouchi always dueled against Yugi not Dark Yugi, now Dark Yugi has fully realized he is an entity of his own which is why he is implying what he is implying while taking over, their friends still think them one and the same but at the same time not, to them Yugi and Dark Yugi are important to them whether they're the same person or two separate entities as Yugi explains to Dark Yugi in this scene:
This talk between Dark Yugi and Jounouchi about the prize money and Dark Yugi takes the chance to bring up the duelist subject to Jounouchi, he is implying he wants to duel against Jounouchi, remember Jounouchi always dueled against Yugi not Dark Yugi, now Dark Yugi has fully realized he is an entity of his own which is why he is implying what he is implying while taking over, their friends still think them one and the same but at the same time not, to them Yugi and Dark Yugi are important to them whether they're the same person or two separate entities as Yugi explains to Dark Yugi in this scene:

It gives a feeling of assurance to him, Dark Yugi when is looking at his friends, you see he is quite more reflective than usual, considering what could mean in his quest of searching for his identity and origins he deeply wishes, in this current situation of both these two being able to talk to each other side by side, between host and the puzzle spirit, they're officially friends from here on out...

Because of the anime acceptable adaptation there was a lot of confusion between the Yu-Gi-Oh! community years ago when the anime series was fresh in the overseas whether Pegasus was dead or not, while the manga being the original story, it seemed to imply he was dead, but what Yami Bakura says already kinda confirms and it's obvious he is dead, the author confirmed as well in this interview , like the interview stated Pegasus's death means his role in the main story has ended, Yami Bakura took the millenium eye, emphasizing he is the main villain, though there is new villains to come, it's just a reminder of his importance in the main story.

Kaiba is vocally quiet to Yugi is obvious here, here is more proof Kaiba is aware there is two different entities but since doesn't know anything who Dark Yugi is really, he just refers Dark Yugi as "the other yugi" when talking to the real Yugi, when talking to Dark Yugi is Yugi, it is to let them know he is aware of the "two yugis" - he knows it is two separate entities deep down, by the way, you may not know but Yugi usually calls Kaiba with honorifics of -kun, while Dark Yugi with none, Kaiba wanting a true battle, with no outside interferences, fair and square as a true test to decide who is the best duelist, the other thing is he might not want to admit, Anzu's counter-argument about games and life, therefore his wish in having a duel between true duelists with no lives at stake but being their "duelist pride" on the line.
The other thing is Yugi reminding and ask him to take care of Mokuba, which shows he gained a protective soft spot on him as Dark Yugi, Anzu and Honda, as if saying "this time around be a good big brother to your little brother", Kaiba way of saying thanks is "I owe you for saving Mokuba...", this guy doesn't know how to say thanks...he means to go all the trouble to save and protecting Mokuba's body until Mokuba would be back to his body and free him from the soul card...

The other thing is Yugi reminding and ask him to take care of Mokuba, which shows he gained a protective soft spot on him as Dark Yugi, Anzu and Honda, as if saying "this time around be a good big brother to your little brother", Kaiba way of saying thanks is "I owe you for saving Mokuba...", this guy doesn't know how to say thanks...he means to go all the trouble to save and protecting Mokuba's body until Mokuba would be back to his body and free him from the soul card...

Pegasus showing once again he is a terrible tournament host, but to be fair he is already dead when Bakura reveals there is no boats in the island...when Mokuba asks Kaiba to give the ride in the helicopter, Kaiba's reaction to it is so funny and it gets funnier...
😂, you're too funny, Kaiba, Mokuba is having a blast though, Kaiba is really being stubborn in not wanting to be friends with them of point in claiming they're even for debt for saving Mokuba...
It shows too that Mokuba came to like the gang and also for going all the trouble in saving him (body and soul) :), deep down he is a sweet kid.
It shows too that Mokuba came to like the gang and also for going all the trouble in saving him (body and soul) :), deep down he is a sweet kid.

The End of Duelist Kingdom Arc
See Ya Next Post!!
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