(Update 12/08/2018: This time around what will be updated will be a plot summary, fixing errors and re-upload of images...)
Plot Summary:
Kaiba arrives to a different entrance other than the main gate, the guards were surprise seeing Kaiba arriving since they were in wonder if something happened to the pilot due to have not receiving any info and didn't respond even though it was still transmitting and working (they should have work on that that was obvious clues of Kaiba realising and was coming...idiots), Kaiba demands the guards to take him to Pegasus, then Pegasus's butler, Mr. Crocketts coming out of the door and receiving him politely to take inside while trying to small talk, Kaiba gets irritated and demands to give back Mokuba (rightfully so) but the butler insists in continuing his manipulation games if is to see to Pegasus directly, he would have to go through the main gate with star chips that fit in specialised lock, so Kaiba feels forced to go along with it...
A nightmare inside happening inside Jounouchi's psyche reflecting the disturbance of his loss against Kaiba and wakes up early than everyone, but since he isn't someone who likes to mope around, he wakes up everyone being around 9 a.m., they wonder about Mai, Anzu informs that she lent the tent to them and food enough for them...so they start searching for an opponent for Jounouchi, while doing so, a pair of duelists are watching them, discussing about the group noticing two of them are duelists and recognise Yugi right away, so they feel a bit cautious and decide to tell someone called Keith then later to be Keith Howard who lost to Pegasus, who have been helping 3 duelists in winning bit by bit with the star chips, so they plan to target Jounouchi whom they sharply perceived as a beginner, they wait for an opportunity when Jounouchi separates from the gang separately for a little, the chance comes when Jounouchi needs to do his bathroom needs, poor guy. when he finished...the pair targeting him kidnaps him and drags him to a cave (at least they waited for him finish it), inside the Simulation Battle Box with graveyard field and "Ghost"Kozuka gives a creepy greeting for their duel, Jounouchi passes out (due his huge fear towards occult and graveyard stuff xD), the ones present find amusingly funny then Keith orders one of them to wake him up, by slapping him, Jounouchi gets irritated then realises where he is and gets a little scared but tries to keep his cool...
As the duel is about to start, the gang gets worried because he has been too long for someone who went to fill bathroom needs, they begin looking for him, the duel seems to be Jounouchi is the one in the lead while his opponent follows strange instructions by Bandit Keith, later to be revealed to be a bigger scale strategy that turns the tables, the gang not having much success in finding him but Yugi sensed he was in trouble, Dark Yugi takes over and tries to focus on the puzzle and gain a clue of where he is with a vision and telepathically talks with him to not give up, but Jounouchi keeps trying until find the right card that can help him and win the duel, the gang find Jounouchi who just won the duel.
Key Points:

The man who comes to welcome Kaiba's arrival is most likely Pegasus's buttler or steward named Mr. Crocketts, I'll call him Croquet out of spite, Kaiba demands to get to Pegasus immediately and inform them that he knows Mokuba was kidnapped by them, but Croquet keeps pretending he doesn't know anything, talk about irritating manipulation, I don't censor Kaiba getting more irritated...
But I find one of the details in this attempt of Croquet in doing small talk with Kaiba (which seems Kaiba seems to hate, I hate it too) that he was here before to celebrate completion of the Battle Simulation Box, this time around is the second time, which means Pegasus have been living here for quite some time and I don't think is his main house, because the location of the island in terms of distance between Japan and this distance is one who night, I would suspect is still part of Japan since this country has other smaller island around the main one, we could assume the castle is some vacation castle house that Pegasus owns...
But I find one of the details in this attempt of Croquet in doing small talk with Kaiba (which seems Kaiba seems to hate, I hate it too) that he was here before to celebrate completion of the Battle Simulation Box, this time around is the second time, which means Pegasus have been living here for quite some time and I don't think is his main house, because the location of the island in terms of distance between Japan and this distance is one who night, I would suspect is still part of Japan since this country has other smaller island around the main one, we could assume the castle is some vacation castle house that Pegasus owns...

So he guides to the main entance but is locked with a special lock, which is strange, in fact is kinda weird, even Kaiba thinks so, you can only enter unless you have 10 star chips, so only the participants meeting the requirements can enter, it's at least quite safe and the little manipulation games continues...
I don't censor Kaiba finding manipulation very annoying, in a whole storyline is even more annoying, I really don't like Croquet who's enjoying this, that grin won't last for long...

Jounouchi is dreaming about his duel with Kaiba, clearly had a very strong effect on him, but it will prove useful to his growth, in becoming stronger by overcoming this current low point, he wakes up from the dream, which is understandable since it was a negative experience right before sleeping, it's like when our persistent thoughts become more negative and affects your sleep and what you dream...
Wonders what Kaiba meant by being scared of dueling again because for the most part he must think is being mostly silly since it's card game and no need to go so far, I agree with him too.
Then he looks at the others sleeping but focus looking at Yugi and thinks that Yugi have kept fighting without flinching and "he is just a little guy", sure Dark Yugi is quite short in Yugi's body but he is clearly referring to both Yugi and Dark Yugi, if Yugi can so does he, hey Jounouchi, someone's height isn't reliable to measure someone's worth, xDD, it's your actions and choices and how much effort we put on them, but just this part got me wondering, does the Yugi means is Dark Yugi or Yugi Mutou? or both? I think somehow is both, but when it comes to dueling means Dark Yugi, it seems Jounouchi has bigger admiration of Dark Yugi's skills than Yugi, which bothers me, I mean Jounouchi never dueled against Dark Yugi, but practices with Yugi a lot and it was Yugi who taught him and being natural (I guess Yugi makes it look easy), but I think even at this time Yugi's dueling skills were on par with Dark Yugi (which will be proven later), also Dark Yugi is more confident than Yugi (who we know has low self-esteem), also he has that intimidating expression with natural charisma,both have different personalities, so Dark Yugi stands out more, it's not just to Jounouchi - his friends as well.
Kaiba...I think he is aware of Yugi's potential (because he knows of the other Yugi, it was him who informed Mokuba about it in Capsule Monsters Story Arc, sees Dark Yugi as a rival), I mean Kaiba was surprised that Yugi was able to tell from an official and a fake one, so yes, he doesn't really underestimate Yugi, just aware of his potential that's just missing a few things (confidence, fighting spirit, takes dueling too lightly, lacks determination to win).

Wonders what Kaiba meant by being scared of dueling again because for the most part he must think is being mostly silly since it's card game and no need to go so far, I agree with him too.
Then he looks at the others sleeping but focus looking at Yugi and thinks that Yugi have kept fighting without flinching and "he is just a little guy", sure Dark Yugi is quite short in Yugi's body but he is clearly referring to both Yugi and Dark Yugi, if Yugi can so does he, hey Jounouchi, someone's height isn't reliable to measure someone's worth, xDD, it's your actions and choices and how much effort we put on them, but just this part got me wondering, does the Yugi means is Dark Yugi or Yugi Mutou? or both? I think somehow is both, but when it comes to dueling means Dark Yugi, it seems Jounouchi has bigger admiration of Dark Yugi's skills than Yugi, which bothers me, I mean Jounouchi never dueled against Dark Yugi, but practices with Yugi a lot and it was Yugi who taught him and being natural (I guess Yugi makes it look easy), but I think even at this time Yugi's dueling skills were on par with Dark Yugi (which will be proven later), also Dark Yugi is more confident than Yugi (who we know has low self-esteem), also he has that intimidating expression with natural charisma,both have different personalities, so Dark Yugi stands out more, it's not just to Jounouchi - his friends as well.
Kaiba...I think he is aware of Yugi's potential (because he knows of the other Yugi, it was him who informed Mokuba about it in Capsule Monsters Story Arc, sees Dark Yugi as a rival), I mean Kaiba was surprised that Yugi was able to tell from an official and a fake one, so yes, he doesn't really underestimate Yugi, just aware of his potential that's just missing a few things (confidence, fighting spirit, takes dueling too lightly, lacks determination to win).
I have already mentioned about the others, but Dark Yugi, there is a time in Duelist Kingdom when he comments Yugi's skills, I'll aproach very specially in that part that happens later, I'm gonna explore in special about Dark Yugi perception of Yugi skills a lot of times once comes the first time....
Continuing at the scene, Jounouchi wakes up the others by screaming
They realise Mai has left with a note and some of her things with them like food and tent for Anzu (that's very kind of her, Mai ^3^) and according to Anzu what she left in the bad in terms of food was heavy, but I like the detail she left for Yugi in the note, saying she owes 8 star chips to him, there is a drawing of 5 pointed star at the side of his name, then mark of her lips from the lipstick under her name, I think the star drawing is not just referring to the star chips but also the trademark of the shape of Yugi's hair but does it very fondly (that's sweet).
After Yugi bring up a new problem arising after the seeing 12 duelists going home and the "player killers" making the next contestants stronger than the day before, Jounouchi feels a little down but he isn't easily discourage, so his fighting spirit is slowly returning back.

In the panels, it is visible to see, you can use the power of millenium puzzle to tell where someone is through whom you are connected to, Yugi used once to find Jounouchi when was "kidnapped" by gangsters, now is Dark Yugi, he is somehow trying to send a message to Jounouchi telepathically to not give up and their promise to save their loved ones as duelists...
It still gets harder with Kozuka drawing and activating the card "stop defense", for every monster you summon to be forced in attack position, so Jounouchi is trying to keep his faith thinking of his sister and promise to Dark Yugi...
Continuing at the scene, Jounouchi wakes up the others by screaming

They realise Mai has left with a note and some of her things with them like food and tent for Anzu (that's very kind of her, Mai ^3^) and according to Anzu what she left in the bad in terms of food was heavy, but I like the detail she left for Yugi in the note, saying she owes 8 star chips to him, there is a drawing of 5 pointed star at the side of his name, then mark of her lips from the lipstick under her name, I think the star drawing is not just referring to the star chips but also the trademark of the shape of Yugi's hair but does it very fondly (that's sweet).
After Yugi bring up a new problem arising after the seeing 12 duelists going home and the "player killers" making the next contestants stronger than the day before, Jounouchi feels a little down but he isn't easily discourage, so his fighting spirit is slowly returning back.

Yes, yes, it's nice how a previous chapter was foreshadowing his appearance to the next chapter, important character to the Duelist Kingdom Story Arc but not into the main story, his role in this story arc is of big importance to Jounouchi's growth and development as character, Kozuka is the smaller one but the more bulky on his side is definitely sharper and wiser than Kozuka, but mentioning the name "keith" rings bells the reader and kinda knows who he is referring who they are talking when informing that Yugi wouldn't be best to play against since he was the one who defeated Kaiba, Keith seems to not care about this "Yugi" but later we see is not really the case...

In the panels, the 3 teens get overconfident with just Bandit Keith saying "I don't give a @#%& (probably shit or the F word) if it's Yugi or whoever...The four of us are going to the castle! That's how is gonna be!" by relying on Bandit Keith advice or could be said help, the panels expresses the real Bandit Keith thoughts, he was and still is deeply affected by that Pegasus event to humiliate him nationally and to advertise Duel Monsters, he is very driven to get his revenge (to be honest, it's quite understandable for him to be this bitter against Pegasus), he does it in a way to keep his low profile, since he wasn't invited, so he entered the tournament illegally like Jounouchi but a bit differently, so they make a nice parallel which will be more noted much more ahead in this story arc, also he's famous, he's using these teens to get to the castle, most likely to use their stars while keeping a low profile, they have decided on Jounouchi being their target because not bad judgement being an amateur, in other words, for an easy target, Keith asks the short one called Kozuka to check his deck (zombie deck), Keith perceives as not good enough, so he borrows some of his cards and builds his deck.

We all know Jounouchi is very sensitive to these things such occult and and doesn't like dark places to the point of nearly or completely pass out, this is the second time we see it happen (the first time we've seen was at Death-T, tunnel of horror if we want to call it), it's pretty funny though and Keith finds it rather amusing and the other finds it funny and mocks him (I agree is funny but no need to make fun of him like that, his friends knows how to do it, very similar to my siblings).

You can see Jounouchi is still affected by Kaiba's duel, but his fighting spirit slowly returning despite being scared of the place more than dueling again 😜, he definitely doesn't like to be called loser...if we think about his background, it isn't surprising for someone who had a rough childhood and was a former delinquent...the other reason being slowly his source of regaining courage is Dark Yugi in this case...

Even though this scene is funny how Honda describes Jounouchi's sense of orientation, but there is some points I want to mention about Honda, the panels above shows how well Honda knows Jounouchi, it means they've been friends longer but not in comparison with childhood friendship between Yugi and Anzu, he is also aware of Jounouchi's issues of self-esteem(desperate to prove himself) and fighting spirit plus how reckless he can be, Yugi is getting the hang of it for him to suggest to split up in pairs to search for Jounouchi...(usually is Yugi in charge, when is Dark Yugi tends to be Jounouchi since Dark Yugi is more reserved than Yugi).

Jounouchi looks like he is taking over, but Kozuka is following the directions of Keith and he doesn't like it as something he learned about the importance to stand on his own, who we readers know Keith has some kind of plan being a card professor, Jounouchi realising the guy giving advices to Kozuka that he is clearly his knowledgeable on Duel Monsters and asks who he is...it shows Jounouchi's growing sharpness, when the guy introduces himself as Keith, "the bandit Keith", he becomes aware that his situation is more grimmer and difficult than he thought being the number one in America...

After this, there is something Bandit Keith and Kozuka following him say that confuses me a little:
"Let tell you something, after I beat someone, they never play Duel Monsters again, any card game ever again! you know, why? Because I beat them so bad, the mere sight of a card cripple their whole body!"
and Kozuka:
"Me too! I'll make you say «farewell» to cards forever!"
What's so good about it, really? what's the benefits instigating fear on others by playing a card game? To show off how powerful you are at playing at card game to satisfy your ego? then what? are you keep going until there is no one to beat and alone with no opponent to duel? you're just after empty victories, empty goals, empty trophies, you're grasping nothing but air. I'm pretty sure the main objective of card game is to have fun and friendly competition, a chance to explore your potential, learn more about yourself and others as well, it's not keep us living inside a bubble. Also it's terrible for businesses, maybe that's why Pegasus defeated Bandit Keith like that, to end someone's who's being an hindrance for his business to grow...
"Let tell you something, after I beat someone, they never play Duel Monsters again, any card game ever again! you know, why? Because I beat them so bad, the mere sight of a card cripple their whole body!"
and Kozuka:
"Me too! I'll make you say «farewell» to cards forever!"
What's so good about it, really? what's the benefits instigating fear on others by playing a card game? To show off how powerful you are at playing at card game to satisfy your ego? then what? are you keep going until there is no one to beat and alone with no opponent to duel? you're just after empty victories, empty goals, empty trophies, you're grasping nothing but air. I'm pretty sure the main objective of card game is to have fun and friendly competition, a chance to explore your potential, learn more about yourself and others as well, it's not keep us living inside a bubble. Also it's terrible for businesses, maybe that's why Pegasus defeated Bandit Keith like that, to end someone's who's being an hindrance for his business to grow...
Kozuka draws Pumking - King of Ghosts, thanks for being in a graveyard field, gets power bonus and make the other Kozuka's monsters more powerful, so Jounouchi is in deep trouble, very hard to get out of it...
When Jounouchi kinda calls out for Yugi in thoughts for some inspiration and mostly Dark Yugi, it seems it had reached Yugi and Dark Yugi...this may be related to millenium puzzle being about Power of Unity, their minds and hearts being connected, when they're in trouble they can sense it, Yugi and Dark Yugi, possibly?....I think it is the case as we see in the third panels ensemble in not just have a some sort of telepathic thought through connection but also to see where Jounouchi is which something similar happened before with Yugi only and now with Dark Yugi, to continue further...

When Jounouchi kinda calls out for Yugi in thoughts for some inspiration and mostly Dark Yugi, it seems it had reached Yugi and Dark Yugi...this may be related to millenium puzzle being about Power of Unity, their minds and hearts being connected, when they're in trouble they can sense it, Yugi and Dark Yugi, possibly?....I think it is the case as we see in the third panels ensemble in not just have a some sort of telepathic thought through connection but also to see where Jounouchi is which something similar happened before with Yugi only and now with Dark Yugi, to continue further...

In the panels, it is visible to see, you can use the power of millenium puzzle to tell where someone is through whom you are connected to, Yugi used once to find Jounouchi when was "kidnapped" by gangsters, now is Dark Yugi, he is somehow trying to send a message to Jounouchi telepathically to not give up and their promise to save their loved ones as duelists...
It still gets harder with Kozuka drawing and activating the card "stop defense", for every monster you summon to be forced in attack position, so Jounouchi is trying to keep his faith thinking of his sister and promise to Dark Yugi...

Once one of them started to call him "loser", his fighting spirit reached it's peak, he really hates to be called that, then he draws "Shield and Sword" magic card, the card he needed, this card takes Jounouchi to victory because zombie cards have 0 Defense points, just by switching between ATK and DEF in all monsters...,, in this case kinda works as a direct attack.
It's to show Jounouchi not only is quick to adjust to hardships, he can recover from a slump very quickly, Jounouchi is spacing out that he just won on his own which seems to take awhile to sink in...I don't censor him after being kidnapped and dragged to some sort of graveyard underground, an environment he is heavily scared of...because a lot happened to him.
It's to show Jounouchi not only is quick to adjust to hardships, he can recover from a slump very quickly, Jounouchi is spacing out that he just won on his own which seems to take awhile to sink in...I don't censor him after being kidnapped and dragged to some sort of graveyard underground, an environment he is heavily scared of...because a lot happened to him.
So Jounouchi won and his friends find him...

Now Jounouchi, this time has overcome his own weaknesses and fully recovered his fighting spirit and resolve, I think only now he is finally starting to get the hang of it, he is starting to figuring out on his own, he won on his own, he thinks it was solely by luck, which isn't completely 100% true, it's true the necessary cards came when he needed the most which is decided by luck, but the decision and choice to play the card you just draw or in your hands at the certain time is still yours, Jounouchi, it wasn't only luck but the decision of keeping moving forward and taking risks.
Dark Yugi is obviously happy like a proud friend, the other 2 impressed and happy, of course, I think it's cute, it shows how much faith Dark Yugi has in Jounouchi, I do think he has some admiration for Jounouchi as Yugi does, I can see why, Jounouchi has this wild, stubborn and strong personality and is a hard worker who keeps fighting against his daily struggles (works part-time to pay his school fees, his father's debts, the food, goes to school all on his own, that's no normal feat), Jounouchi underestimates himself to a certain degree, Yugi is still a worse case that needs work.
See ya next post!
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