In this post there is a lot of important conversations, expect many "important discussion/conversation" interruptions in the plot summary, since the important discussions/ conversations are focused on the key points.
Plot Summary:
After that important conversation with his grandfather and the next day being the day they will finally go to the museum, Yugi can't help but think and wonder about what his granpa and Yami Bakura said to him before, so feels restless and he is having difficulties to start sleeping, then he sees Dark Yugi sitting on the chair with an expression of contemplation looking into the window, Dark Yugi notices Yugi is still awake, he apologizes and asks if he woke Yugi, Yugi tells him like Dark Yugi, he is too excited to sleep (more like restless), Dark Yugi noticed slightly and in himself, that they both feel restless because of what kind of memories will be shown to him, but these two aren't the only ones feeling restless...followed by an important conversation...
The moment Yugi and Dark Yugi starts to sleep, there is some storm happening, the window is with a hole with few broken pieces over the table where the golden box is with his cards inside, a hand from the window reaches for Yugi's golden box to steal... as Yugi starts waking up because of the sound broken glass and sees the hand reaching for his box, the thief grabs the box and runs away, Yugi goes after him, Dark Yugi asks Yugi to be himself taking care of it, Yugi insists to be himself since he feels is his responsibility as a vessel to protect those cards, when Yugi starts catching up, sees the thief already unconscious on the floor and encounters Yami Bakura, both have a very important discussion...
The next day finally arrives, it starts the usual at school until is noticed Yugi and Ryou both have dark circles under the eyes, the moment the gang reunites inside the classroom before class starting , they start discuss about about the god cards and it's importance being connected to why they are going to the museum, being necessary to Dark Yugi for his quest into recovering his lost memories, Anzu is worried about something and Dark Yugi takes over and gives his reply...
After the school is over, they arrive to the museum with Dark Yugi already taking over, there they encounter someone already waiting for them, a man who is big and fat, who introduces himself as Bobasa, one of the tomb guardians and saves the millenium items in the surface of his belly of his body, with only two millenium items (Millenium Key and Millenium Libra/Scales), but it has other holes for the others, at start they don't fully trust him, however there is another important conversation, so Bobasa accompanies them to the famous and mentioned stone slab, on the way, Anzu ponders about something and goes to a small store inside the museum to buy something for Dark Yugi related to his quest, when they reached the stone slab, most of the gang is shocked, Dark Yugi then presents his three god cards...
Key Points:

This is one of my favourite conversations between these two, besides the one before the duel against the silent doll , because it reveals who Dark Yugi feels closest to and by an order of sequence who he met first and spends most time with as well, Yugi coming first, of course, he is the host, following by Jounouchi and Anzu, Honda and then many other friends, in this case is not favouritism, he mentions the four of them in specific and orderly too from closest to least close, because they are his closest friends...
Yugi being to whom Dark Yugi is closest too, it's very clear to all readers, hilarious even sometimes, since they started to be able to talk to each other normally (Pegasus's duel), it became part of their daily routine to a point even Dark Yugi giving fashion advice and rooting for Yugi about Anzu, also subconsciously they know each other longer than they think, specially Dark Yugi like I stated in the previous post.
Next is Jounouchi, it's another person who is closest to him after Yugi for obvious reasons, both of them in terms of games, they're more inclined towards Magic and Wizards/Duel Monsters TCG and very passionately too, both are emotive players and share in common in views and fighting spirit, strong friendship rivalry, also the way of them to communicate with others best is through dueling, and being a friend that he can easily relate to besides Yugi when it comes to games.
Then is Anzu, their close friendship takes a bit longer and is slower to develop, which is why it tends to be easily overlooked by readers, including myself in the past, what truly set it in stone for them sharing a fairly close bond was the "set up date", it shows when he talked about what he has been feeling and mind after the events of Duelist Kingdom to Anzu and her advice was very valuable and helpful to him and become someone he feels more comfortable to talk to when it comes to his personal thoughts, feelings and problems (I will write in more detail about the development of their friendship more towards the end of this post and close to the end of the series).
Lastly Honda, it's simpler, but can be easily overlooked, Honda is a very good supportive friend, when it comes to understanding and roots for him when it comes to his own decisions and friends, the little scene of Honda before the duel against Kaiba , just this small scene speaks volumes that Dark Yugi is very grateful for this kinds of supportive moments from Honda.
It's curious that he doesn't mentions Ryou Bakura, I guess is because he is very wary of the millenium Ring and the fact Ryou ignores their advice in not bringing and wearing the ring but considers Ryou as a friend, for him to say "lots of other friends", it means in a bigger scale, not just Ryou and Mai, he is including Kaiba, Otogi, Ryota, Rishid, Ishizu and Marik, even though Dark Yugi is a very reserved and awkward person, it still means a great deal for him, or else he wouldn't say:
"Now, I have new memories...the memories of being with my friends. No matter what happens to me, those memories will always be there."
Dark Yugi doesn't often speaks of his feelings about his bonds and memories like this being very dear to him, even more giving this kind of assurance to Yugi and more to himself, it shows that Dark Yugi has been thinking a lot about this quest and speculated of what could happen when the time comes.
Yugi's reaction to Dark Yugi's reflection on the people he met becoming important to him, he was quite touched, even Yugi himself got contemplative when Dark Yugi given assurance to him and noticeably to himself that he wouldn't forget them being his new memories, he doesn't seem worried about it in the quest for his memories, but...
(for a first key point of this post, it's quite huge, well it is a very important scene about Dark Yugi's character and development)
If you wish to continue reading, click "read more" below:

This line from Dark Yugi...
"To me, the memories of my friends are an eternal treasure."
"To me, the memories of my friends are an eternal treasure."
It's very sweet, it expresses well how much he loves his friends (Yugi included) very dearly, Yugi put considered thought on "an eternal treasure"...while looking at the millenium puzzle...
"But...if what's ahead is...eternal..."
"But...if what's ahead is...eternal..."
What Yugi means in this thought about the future of Dark Yugi as eternal, he means by two manners of eternity, one of them was mentioned when Yugi was in a moment of reflection after the duel of Dark Yugi against Pandora , stuck forever inside the millenium puzzle or his eternity to be in the afterlife...
What he says to Dark Yugi is actually very interesting...
"Other me...this is just like when I put the millenium puzzle together...This time it's your turn to put the pieces of your memory back together! As long as you need me...I'll always be your partner!!"
Yugi is quite implying that he kinda has a good idea of how this whole quest of Dark Yugi's memories will happen, he must have a few theories and is something Dark Yugi has to go through himself in a way, but the last line that is emphasised the most, in bold and underlined by me, he is pretty much implying until the time he goes to afterlife...Dark Yugi's reaction to his words, he was touched and spoke in similar perspective like Yugi, one can wonder if at this time he fully grasped what Yugi meant in whole, to an extent he must have, but happy to receive an assurance from Yugi, his host being willing to help him for as long as necessary...

I wonder what he was thinking by putting in the open like that, under the window, but still that window would be difficult to reach, it's in a roof, slightly above the building to get there, at least it didn't took long for Yugi to realize and go after the thief, my favourite part of these chosen panels is when Dark Yugi asks Yugi to take care of the thief, it's interesting to see the development in Dark Yugi and close bond between them that the spirit of the puzzle asks his host for permission to take over, and kudos for Yugi's development in declining Dark Yugi's offer to interfere, to gather his independence and sense of responsibility, taking his duty as host very seriously.

I do think Yami Bakura is a bit right, he's not very careless, just a little, here is the interesting part of this scene:
"Every card collector on earth knows that you won the god cards at Battle City! They're the rarest cards that Pegasus left to this world. You should have known thieves would come after them."
"Every card collector on earth knows that you won the god cards at Battle City! They're the rarest cards that Pegasus left to this world. You should have known thieves would come after them."
Truth to be told, they're the rarest and most powerful cards in the world, of course, a card collectors would be greedy, including thieves, there is some who would be that crazy about cards, specially cards that are one of a kind each, from how rare it is to the level of the four Blue-Eyes White Dragon existing in this world, I do agree a little, but I think Yugi thought that in his room, no one would go for it unless the thief is crazy, but is a bit careless for putting his box of cards right under a window...
The most curious part would be "the rarest cards that Pegasus left to this world.", this is one of the confirmations that Pegasus is dead, besides his own death and reference from Espa Roba, it means we can confirm that everyone knows Pegasus is dead...

If you read and look at how Yugi is addressing "Bakura", he is speaking carefully with him as suspicious that is Yami Bakura taking over and not Ryou, by of course noticing "Bakura" is wearing the Millenium Ring implying that Ryou got it back as Yami Bakura mentions from the time they were leaving the Alcatraz Island, we can judge from the panels with Yugi's reaction is that he already knew and suspected much, if we remember in the epilogue of battle city, Dark Yugi try to hide the Ring from Ryou and how Ryou himself got it back in the end , Yugi must have noticed when he reached home to re-check if everything was in place, those off-panels scenes we usually don't get to see.
But this is when their conversation starts to get very fascinating to read, he is kinda right that the Millenium Ring belongs to himself since he is a spirit of the Millenium Ring, however it does sounds fishy being Yami Bakura saying he will hand over the Millenium Ring later when the time Yugi needs it's obvious he is scheming something...

In this scene, it's to make known to the reader what we have been suspecting about two options depending on the individual, one of the options which Yami Bakura being "the shadow power" he is after but like any smart villain as he is by omitting a crucial detail to our heroes, while the other that Yugi knew all along from the moment he suspected Dark Yugi was the spirit of the pharaoh mentioned from the Tablet of Pharaoh's sending Dark Yugi to afterlife once his quest for his lost memories is over...he already thought this much ahead, Dark Yugi has also realised this duty of Yugi and what Yugi is doing in becoming serious about his duty as vessel and decisive to become more independent but just bit later... , which is more set up in what to expect at the end of this story...
I gotta say, I do like Yami Bakura's manner of speaking, it's very amusing, few villains can amuse me this much with the way they talk, he has a fishy way of speaking and chill while confident because he uses truth and knowledge to his advantage and omitting a few crucial things for his own selfish convenience and goals...
But this is when their conversation starts to get very fascinating to read, he is kinda right that the Millenium Ring belongs to himself since he is a spirit of the Millenium Ring, however it does sounds fishy being Yami Bakura saying he will hand over the Millenium Ring later when the time Yugi needs it's obvious he is scheming something...

It's strange to think that he is willing to give the Millenium Eye, Yugi's reaction is quite curious, of shock, basically, what's curious are his thoughts to this revelation...
"No one knows what happened to Pegasus after Duelist Kingdom Tournament...H-How did Bakura get the Millenium Eye...?"
We can have a good guess from the first phrase of what it means, it's that no knows how Pegasus died and it was after Duelist Kingdom tournament ended, that's just how much they know.
At first one would think why Yugi would make such a question with an obvious answer in front of him...but is phrased as a pondering question, so he is considering possibilities of how he got the Millenium Eye...

As Yami Bakura explains the obvious that Yugi already knows, Yugi is watching him carefully, by this time he must have concluded that is very likely he got the Eye from Pegasus by killing him since after their duel, Pegasus was quite weakened, as he finds fishy of Yami Bakura giving the Eye like this in trade of the Ring being on hold for Yami Bakura - the spirit of the millenium Ring until his is the last one promise...

Despite himself saying this, it was open before without all the millenium items being placed in Pegasus backstory , but it's all because of the special condition given to who wears the eye for sacrificing one of your eyes for the Millenium Eye (it will be approached in detail in later posts...but we have to remember for Pegasus it was just to see his deceased lover, the meaning of Yami Bakura's words in the conditions of putting all the 7 seven millenium items about the door to afterlife is a bit different, you have full access to open the door to afterlife or the other world beyond and what it happens when you do...

In this scene, it's to make known to the reader what we have been suspecting about two options depending on the individual, one of the options which Yami Bakura being "the shadow power" he is after but like any smart villain as he is by omitting a crucial detail to our heroes, while the other that Yugi knew all along from the moment he suspected Dark Yugi was the spirit of the pharaoh mentioned from the Tablet of Pharaoh's sending Dark Yugi to afterlife once his quest for his lost memories is over...he already thought this much ahead, Dark Yugi has also realised this duty of Yugi and what Yugi is doing in becoming serious about his duty as vessel and decisive to become more independent but just bit later... , which is more set up in what to expect at the end of this story...
I gotta say, I do like Yami Bakura's manner of speaking, it's very amusing, few villains can amuse me this much with the way they talk, he has a fishy way of speaking and chill while confident because he uses truth and knowledge to his advantage and omitting a few crucial things for his own selfish convenience and goals...

Look at our little boy, he is growing so much, as you can see, Yugi doesn't let his guard down that easily , when he asks Yami Bakura why he wants to help him, also Yami Bakura is slightly surprised that Yugi is suspicious of him and he had think through what kind of reply he was going to give that might convince Yugi, so Yami Bakura gives a curious reply, in this part he is telling the truth...
"I, a soul in a millenium item. I was sealed in the Millenium Ring for 3000 years. I can't do anything without a host body..."
As you can see, he is using the truth to his advantage, that like Dark Yugi, he is a spirit sealed in a millenium item, but doesn't mean he is always telling the truth, sometimes he says half truth while omitting a few things and half lying, it will be seen in the next key point...

If we look at the rest of his answer, he isn't fully lying, actually he is telling mostly true except the part he wants to go to afterlife, he wants something from there - "the world beyond", "the other side of the door", but judging from Yugi's expression to his reply that he can't help suspect there is something fishy due to his history with them and possibility that he must have considered that he killed Pegasus...
But even Yami Bakura wonders if he has given the right answer, which means he will be start getting a little cautious with Yugi...
But even Yami Bakura wonders if he has given the right answer, which means he will be start getting a little cautious with Yugi...
Here is some interesting revelations to the readers inside Yami Bakura's thoughts of the real and main reasons why he is helping Yugi, it's not just the seven millenium items being enough to open the door to afterlife, there is another key and that he doesn't know yet...
The other reveal being is that this other key is inside the Pharaoh's memories and to have access to the pharaoh's memories, you need the three god cards which Yugi and Dark Yugi already have, it's all he has to do is to let Yugi do the work and steal the key, Yami Bakura is very sly...I may not like him, but it can't be denied he is an interesting villain, his methods is what an actual smart villain would do...
The other reveal being is that this other key is inside the Pharaoh's memories and to have access to the pharaoh's memories, you need the three god cards which Yugi and Dark Yugi already have, it's all he has to do is to let Yugi do the work and steal the key, Yami Bakura is very sly...I may not like him, but it can't be denied he is an interesting villain, his methods is what an actual smart villain would do...
As for Yugi's thoughts about Yami Bakura's answer in the two key points above, it makes it clear he didn't fully believed him, he could sense he scheming something and there is second intentions to his help, but he knows as suspicious Yami Bakura is being, it doesn't change he needs the seven millenium items, he doesn't know yet that you need another key but he will know soon...

You could think in a negative way of this scene with Anzu, being wishy washy, but it's actually a valid concern, because this quest to pharaoh's memories is unknown of what will happen when it comes and when is restored what will happened, when what's ahead feels uncertain of how it will work out, one can't help but feel anxious and concerned and she is worried for all of them too...they all look at her because it is a valid concerned since mostly what's ahead is Yugi having received the assurance from Dark Yugi from the night before and Yugi gave the look that Dark Yugi has something to say and to not to worry, since he has given to Yugi already, so...

Why not give the same assurance to all of them as they are present? more to Anzu since she was the one who brought up the possible problem.
Now going to Dark Yugi response...
Now going to Dark Yugi response...
"Tch...'Course I wouldn't forget you!"
It's amusing he expressed like that, it's not often he makes the "tch" either, it's either annoyance or admitting when someone brings a valid point (he did to Kaiba a lot in their duel of Battle City and sometimes in Teamwork against Ghouls Masks whenever Kaiba brought valid points), so this "tch..." of his means "it's a valid point, I appreciate your concern but you're overthinking this", being most likely the case, he has a good point, overthinking and worrying tends to make you anxious and think of possible negative results and consequences, with that smile, we can confirm is the case.
Anzu's reaction by blushing when Dark Yugi took over and assure her that he won't forget them gives hints she still has a bit of crush but also it has to do with his good looks being her first crush, in her defense, she isn't the only one blushing here, Honda is blushing a little but for a different reason, he is embarrassed by what he just said and how he said it, if we remember well Honda is a bit sensitive about how people phrase things (ex: the sort of Tamagotchi game where your digital pets could becomes friends with other digital pets by connecting two "tamagotchi-like" devices, it's pretty hilarious, the Death-T scene of the rhythmic cube game when Yugi was feeling guilty and then there is the "Jounouchi Fire" pfft), this won't be the last scene will see Honda blushing xDD, the next time is quite funny, Jounouchi isn't bothered because well, he is more simple-minded (I mean it in a good way).
Jounouchi brings a pretty good point, however Bobasa answer is very interesting because we get to know a little bit more about the history of the clan of tomb guardians, here is what he says:
This alone explains why one part of the clan protected two millenium items in one family (the Ishtar family - Millenium Rod and Millenium Tauk/Necklace) while the other side of the clan in the Tablet of Pharaoh's Memories in front of the door to the world beyond guarding the Millenium Eye, Ring, Scales/Libra and Key, but it makes me wonder what caused such rivalries, I have headcannons and theories as to why, because is strange one part of the clan protects two millenium items while the other and probably most of the clan protects the most millenium items in the Tablet of Pharaoh's would think they would be on the same wavelength to protect the millenium items.
Dark Yugi's reaction to Bobasa explanation about the current situation of the clan being split, understanding with probably the same wonder as I pointed out.
I find it curious when Bobasa speaks of Master Yugi, he is addressing more to Yugi himself than Dark Yugi, but is pretty much both of them...there is a reason behind it, one of the hints is that he will accompany them in this journey as they learn to trust him, I will approach this a little more over the course of this post and future post (Part 4 of Volume 1).
I do quite like what Dark Yugi response to Bobasa when Bobasa tells that one day they will be willing to leave the millenium items in his care:
Dark Yugi is pretty much implying to Bobasa that he is giving the benefit of doubt but he has no intentions in giving the Millenium Puzzle because the reasons are quite obvious being in order to protect his host, friends and himself and also being what connects him to his host and friends, the Millenium Puzzle just doesn't represent being a tool but also to what connects and contact to the bonds of loved ones he shares with (like when he went to cheer up Jounouchi and give chance to save his sister, to cheer up Anzu, speaking with his host daily, he doesn't just use to protect but also to communicate with his loved ones).

That's rude, Jounouchi...this man introduced himself politely, you should do the same.
This new character just recently introduced named Bobasa, it's definitively odd how the heck these holes were made to fit the millenium items... I think I prefer to not know the answer to that...
This new character just recently introduced named Bobasa, it's definitively odd how the heck these holes were made to fit the millenium items... I think I prefer to not know the answer to that...
During the introduction of this character, to me this character sometimes feels a bit forced or it feels strange because the tomb guardians usually seem very serious people, while this one is very friendly and also how the gang reacts to this man, specially Jounouchi of how he behaves towards Bobasa doesn't help, I don't censor him, due to their experiences related to millenium items, Dark Yugi recognises straight away the millenium items placed in Bobasa's belly and chest surface...

Can I say is pretty cool that Jounouchi did also recognised the millenium items that Bobasa are protecting belong to Shadi? also Jounouchi really is the kind of person who holds a grudge for a long time (he has mostly forgiven Kaiba, but took very long) - I can't fully censor him in the grudge part but no need to be this rude to someone who is speaking politely and friendly to you.
Now looking at Dark Yugi's behaviour and when he address Bobasa shows signs of growth from him in how he speaks to others because previously he tended to speak rudely, I haven't forgotten when he first met Ishizu and how he spoken to some characters when they were polite with him, even if some of them were enemies, so it's very nice to see that he is more calm and not rude.
Now looking at Dark Yugi's behaviour and when he address Bobasa shows signs of growth from him in how he speaks to others because previously he tended to speak rudely, I haven't forgotten when he first met Ishizu and how he spoken to some characters when they were polite with him, even if some of them were enemies, so it's very nice to see that he is more calm and not rude.
I feel bit sorry for Bobasa in this situation, kinda receiving what Shadi did to them, he even tries hard to explain himself and Shadi's intentions behind his shadow game, it was to test Dark Yugi to make sure if he was the spirit of the pharaoh, I think I remember I kinda implied that Shadi started to suspect Dark Yugi was a spirit of the pharaoh...but how he did wasn't exactly what I would call it practical to test doesn't excuse most of his actions...after Bobasa said it was the duty of the tomb guardians to watch over the pharaoh and the millenium items, Jounouchi's response....

Jounouchi brings a pretty good point, however Bobasa answer is very interesting because we get to know a little bit more about the history of the clan of tomb guardians, here is what he says:
"Long ago, the clan was united...but we were split apart by rivalries over the items we sought to protect. But the clan itself is not your enemy! I come to master Yugi by the will of the Millenium Key!"
Dark Yugi's reaction to Bobasa explanation about the current situation of the clan being split, understanding with probably the same wonder as I pointed out.
I find it curious when Bobasa speaks of Master Yugi, he is addressing more to Yugi himself than Dark Yugi, but is pretty much both of them...there is a reason behind it, one of the hints is that he will accompany them in this journey as they learn to trust him, I will approach this a little more over the course of this post and future post (Part 4 of Volume 1).
I do quite like what Dark Yugi response to Bobasa when Bobasa tells that one day they will be willing to leave the millenium items in his care:
"Even if I did believe you. I can't let you have this!"
Dark Yugi is pretty much implying to Bobasa that he is giving the benefit of doubt but he has no intentions in giving the Millenium Puzzle because the reasons are quite obvious being in order to protect his host, friends and himself and also being what connects him to his host and friends, the Millenium Puzzle just doesn't represent being a tool but also to what connects and contact to the bonds of loved ones he shares with (like when he went to cheer up Jounouchi and give chance to save his sister, to cheer up Anzu, speaking with his host daily, he doesn't just use to protect but also to communicate with his loved ones).

I wonder if what Bobasa just did with the key is even possible...because there is people who can do almost the impossible, what I find the most amusing in this scene is Dark Yugi's reaction, just like the others, specially Jounouchi, he was quite grossed out while trying hard to keep his poker is a little bit disturbing...even if a "safe of flesh" is the most secure...

This time, Bobasa in this scene, he is addressing directly to Dark Yugi, as the spirit of the pharaoh while at the same time introducing to the protagonists but also the readers of the concept of the journey to search for the pharaoh's lost memories by going inside the world of memory, Bobasa is implying that Dark Yugi will experience his own memories inside the world of memory and gives an important advice:
"No matter how painful the experiences that await you there, you must not look away!"
He is quite right, you know, even in real life (we can't pretend or ignore the problems existing, or else it won't get better or you won't ever be able to make it better), it's also a set up for huge character development and growth for Dark Yugi, being the most important one too since is the last arc of the series.

It's always hilarious in some panels when we see "the gang", because Yugi is short, you only see half of Dark Yugi's hair or little of it... in Battle City timeline, Yugi was a little more shorter, we didn't see this much hair of Dark Yugi as we see in this mentioned panel, which means Yugi has grown a little taller (In Dark Side of Dimensions, he is definitively grown more taller, he is starting to catch up to Anzu's height).
Now to serious business, Bobasa also tells the gang that they will also play a role in the world of memory but implies that is different from Dark Yugi, Dark Yugi is to experience his memories as Bobasa emphasises when Dark Yugi asks about how much he knows about his memories and the secret of the millenium items (Dark Yugi is suspicious of something about some dark secret, probably based on the already known knowledge of the evil intelligence inside the millenium items) and Bobasa says he will know the truth by experiencing the memories himself and learn it himself.
It seems Yami Bakura didn't knew about this...
Anzu comes back with a necklace to give to Dark Yugi, when Dark Yugi asks what this is, he is blushing a little, we can confirm he was and still full aware that she had a full crush on him and still has a lingering crush on him, because he is a bit awkward and tries to keep cool when he feels awkward, however the blush is because he thinks it might be related to her little crush on him...he is not completely wrong...
Then Anzu explains is a cartouche pendant like a nameplate and reveals that ancient pharaohs always had their names written on cartouches, nice thinking ahead and shows she made her research about Ancient Egypt before coming to the museum, so she could be well prepared just in case... (she is not the only one...)
As he wonders there is no name (since usually nameplates necklaces have names), when she tells she wants him to carve his real name on the cartouche pendant, he does make a very surprised expression as if he didn't thought this through before for being so used to be called "Yugi" while at the same time for her to bring up, he senses there is something important about it and forgot he must have had a name, his own name, she explains is so when he gets his memories and real name back, so he wouldn't forget it again, she definitely sensed it must be very important as even Dark Yugi thinks to himself or else wouldn't his name be scratched out in the engraving of the stone slab where shows the pharaoh and the priest and he has also forgotten his own name, emphasising more it's importance...
It really is to help him as a friend but also...
It seems Yami Bakura didn't knew about this...

I like this scene between these two (I'm not a shipper of them, I can assure you), because it touches of how much has evolved their friendship, what still lingers inside Anzu and something else...
I find amusing when she just mumbled Yugi subconsciously (sometimes we do that without realising) and Dark Yugi heard her then turns around asking her what's going on as he thought she just called him, Anzu response is very relatable (I mean it's embarrassing when someone hears you mumbling something subconsciously, it's the name of the person you commonly call (Dark Yugi as Yugi) that you feel a lingering crush and is someone who is a bit intimidating in a sense he is mostly wearing a serious expression), Anzu's excuse is a good one (it might be half truth), Dark Yugi wasn't really convinced...remember when I said before that he must be aware of Anzu's lingering crush on him? we will get there in a bit.
I find amusing when she just mumbled Yugi subconsciously (sometimes we do that without realising) and Dark Yugi heard her then turns around asking her what's going on as he thought she just called him, Anzu response is very relatable (I mean it's embarrassing when someone hears you mumbling something subconsciously, it's the name of the person you commonly call (Dark Yugi as Yugi) that you feel a lingering crush and is someone who is a bit intimidating in a sense he is mostly wearing a serious expression), Anzu's excuse is a good one (it might be half truth), Dark Yugi wasn't really convinced...remember when I said before that he must be aware of Anzu's lingering crush on him? we will get there in a bit.
Now we see from Anzu's perspective, that she is much more down to earth than Yugi (because Yugi still mentions and calls Dark Yugi as "other me"), she fully acknowledges Dark Yugi that he is his own person, the way she thinks is part of Yugi is that Yugi is sharing his body and name with Dark Yugi in a sense when he takes over, it's sinking in Dark Yugi is a spirit of a pharaoh who died 3000 years ago, the most impressive part of her is here and in the next key points, she is a very smart and thoughtful girl, her intuition is scary too (more than people give credit for), she is thinking things through when she thought of Dark Yugi's name, the name of the spirit of the pharaoh was lost along with his memories, she must have sensed that his name is very important for Dark Yugi not the way, it is very important indeed (a set up as well for it's importance), so she goes to buy something...

Anzu comes back with a necklace to give to Dark Yugi, when Dark Yugi asks what this is, he is blushing a little, we can confirm he was and still full aware that she had a full crush on him and still has a lingering crush on him, because he is a bit awkward and tries to keep cool when he feels awkward, however the blush is because he thinks it might be related to her little crush on him...he is not completely wrong...
Then Anzu explains is a cartouche pendant like a nameplate and reveals that ancient pharaohs always had their names written on cartouches, nice thinking ahead and shows she made her research about Ancient Egypt before coming to the museum, so she could be well prepared just in case... (she is not the only one...)

As he wonders there is no name (since usually nameplates necklaces have names), when she tells she wants him to carve his real name on the cartouche pendant, he does make a very surprised expression as if he didn't thought this through before for being so used to be called "Yugi" while at the same time for her to bring up, he senses there is something important about it and forgot he must have had a name, his own name, she explains is so when he gets his memories and real name back, so he wouldn't forget it again, she definitely sensed it must be very important as even Dark Yugi thinks to himself or else wouldn't his name be scratched out in the engraving of the stone slab where shows the pharaoh and the priest and he has also forgotten his own name, emphasising more it's importance...
It really is to help him as a friend but also...

"I want it for myself, too...I want to know your real name..."
It makes perfect sense in her wanting to know, not only does shows she fully acknowledges Dark Yugi as his own person, being one of the few people who is aware that eventually he will go to afterlife,of course before he leaves, she wants to know the real name of her first crush ("first love") as his own person and not as "the other yugi" (also to see Yugi as her Yugi she knows since childhood), in many ways is so she can move on from the lingering crush on him, because currently she sees him more as a friend than as a crush, it was for herself for the reasons I just stated (she knows well, crush on someone won't be just gone by clapping your fingers), Dark Yugi's response to this gift, I think he understood very well her intentions (the ones I stated) and was moved by her gesture.
Her gesture is genuinely from friendship, as I underlined above, she sees Dark Yugi more as a friend than someone she has a crush on, this scene is showing the signs of the growth of their friendship, yes, I do like their friendship, it has an interesting development and growth, as to why I like it, when we reach close to the end of the manga series, I will write about it...:)

Anzu did told most of it to them, just omitted that the priest looks like Kaiba, probably if she told them this detail would make much less sense to them, since it didn't made much sense to them about the figure of the pharaoh looking like Yugi and why they have to go to the museum for the quest of the pharaoh's lost memories by using the three god cards...they are really shocked, it's a shame we don't see Yugi's reaction to it (probably because he wouldn't be shocked since he knows and understands who Dark Yugi is way long before Anzu told them)...

See ya Next Post!
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