Plot Summary:
In the previous post we left off Yugi being thrown to a dark room by a security guard in Black Clown store, Yugi finds Otogi Ryuji waiting for him to play the game he designed himself, D.D.M. - Dungeon Dice Monsters- , Ryuji doesn't explain all the rules to Yugi before they even start (tch, figures), Yugi learns all the rules and necessary information by Ryuji and insight through the progress of the game, when Yugi grows more determined, he is starting to catch up, Ryuji reveals he is after his millenium puzzle to become the king of games and his father (Mr.Otogi, the clown) plus Sugoroku backstory between master and pupil.
Yugi starts taking the lead, Mr Otogi irritated by this, he suddenly shows up and breaks the millenium puzzle to break Yugi's will to fight, with this turn of events, the millenium ring in Bakura's necklace senses something wrong with the puzzle and the spirit of the ring comes back again, Honda is walking with his dog and sees Bakura entering the Black Clown store, security guards blocking Yami Bakura and he knocks them out through the power of the millenium ring, as Yugi picks up, Ryuji helps pick them up, Otogi challenges to them solve the puzzle by whoever wins, Yugi starts losing the lead, then Yami Bakura showing his support to Yugi for his own reasons and confirming Yugi is the true host of the millenium puzzle, Sugoroku and Yugi's friends starts getting worried and Honda warned them about Yami Bakura coming back.
Thanks to Yami Bakura giving some encouragement and making sure Yugi's will to fight for his millenium puzzle was back on track, Yugi wins splendidly, Yami Bakura did something to one of the pieces of the puzzle to put a bit of his soul in it to spy on it once the puzzle would be completed and give it to Yugi, Ryuji calling out his father about his revenge and see the error of his ways, mr.Otogi pretended to regret it, he puts the necklace of the millenium puzzle and at this same moment stifles Yugi and drags him to a secret door that can only open from the inside, forcing him to play a forbidden game he played years ago against Sugoroku, allows you to age quicker as you advance the game (Sugoroku won) but as way in trying to kill Yugi and get the puzzle for himself, but before so he nailed the chains of the puzzle to a table where was a board game on top, Mr. Otogi tries to solve the puzzle but as he tries, the millenium puzzle drags him to some sort of labyrinth, panicking for sensing danger and loses balance, because the only light were candle, some of the candles falls and a fire starts...
Yugi and mr.Otogi can't open the secret door, they're stuck, fire starting on mr.Otogi, Yugi advises him to roll on the floor to help the fire disappear, he was surprised by Yugi's kindness after what he has done to him, they start screaming for help, Yugi's friends arrive and Bakura back to normal plus Ryuji, Honda and Jounouchi are able to break the door and save mr.Otogi, but Yugi insists on saving the puzzle, Jounouchi stays with Yugi to make sure they get out alive, Yugi begins solving the puzzle and in a few minutes he completed and lost consciousness, the fire was starting to surround them, Yugi strongly holding the puzzle, Jounouchi desperate, he heard Dark Yugi's voice and seem to have given idea how to unnail the chains and it works, Jounouchi get out of the fire while holding Yugi to bring themselves back to safety.
(what a big summary...)
Key Points:

I find Yugi choices of dices of type of monsters interesting, the black dice has unknown special kind of monsters and unknown, but the known colors monsters types dices gets me thinking, according to the info about types of monsters each color represent, Yugi choses between Warriors and Spellcasters, if we think about it, that's Yugi's deck tendency as well and few others types, to be honest, I would chose the same ones as Yugi.

It's very telling how well Yugi's friends know Yugi, they're very sure he is around, another detail about Jounouchi I like, Jounouchi has a pretty good intuition and they aren't easy to fool when comes to Yugi, Jounouchi and Ryou obviously suspect something is wrong and to the readers about some info on Yugi's habits when comes to his hobbies, from how Jounouchi's claims:
"He'd go without food for a day before he'd give up on a game!"
It got me thinking, it's possible Yugi may have sacrificed his allowances to buy games (I do it often to save money so I can buy video games), he may have done a few times from Jounouchi claim...
I take priority on my lunch if I'm at school or work and save money, it seems Yugi may have a bit of impulsive shopping when comes to games.
Ryou Bakura also has good intuition, he starts getting suspicious of the store and worried, in the panel, he isn't wearing the millenium ring at the same time foreshadowing future events.

At first read, you would think he was underestimating him, as we advance a little, we realize isn't really the case, Ryuji was provoking him to bring out his true ability like Mai did to Dark Yugi, I think it's fascinating how Yugi and Dark Yugi react differently to provocations and similar depending on their state of mind, Yugi is hard to get provoked whether unfocused and focused, while Dark Yugi on the other hand, when he is focused he can keep composed, sometimes has hard time doing it, when unfocused he is easily affected.
Yugi was affected by Ryuuji provocation, Dark Yugi is usually irritation, but Yugi are for different reasons, he doesn't get irritated, it makes him think because Ryuji's provocation ringed some truth to him, it made him realize he is very dependent on Dark Yugi, he is pretty oblivious to his own capacities, abilities and skills.

What I like the most about this game battle, it gets me excited, it's one of the rare chances the readers get to see Yugi, his strength starting to come out more and not wishing to be corny, blossoming.
This small arc is very very crucial to Yugi's growth and character development, Yugi's character arc is about independence and very promising potential residing within being explored and developed, it's actually a big turn of events for him, we can call it the awakening of his potential.

I love this scene, I feel very happy, it's rare seeing someone not underestimating Yugi at all, making it clear what he said earlier was a provocation to bring his true strength, also reveals something more about Ryuji's character that he wants to fight fair and square against Yugi while his father not so much.
I want to take some details in some parts, the scene where Ryuji asks if Yugi is scared then gets irritated and calls him out to not disappoint him and claiming he knows he is better than this, Yugi's reaction to this makes me feel intrigued, it showcases how oblivious he is to his capacities, also ironic enough Yugi always show his true ability in my interpretation, when he is playing while having fun, but because he is having fun while playing well, it's easy to overlook someone having fun when is being pretty good at what he is doing, since having fun while being good at something makes it look easy, when in fact isn't easy, when Yugi is under pressure, he has difficulties, now if he is willing to fight back, he comes out very strong.
Ryuji reveals knowing Yugi's history of the millenium puzzle, remember completing the millenium puzzle is very hard, you have to be very smart, making Yugi realize isn't just any average intelligent person to be able to complete the puzzle, Yugi's reaction again is interesting, can't help but wonder what he is thinking really, from the expression he wears must mean Yugi understanding Ryuji wanting him to give everything he got.
An observation to note, it's obvious Yugi doesn't think about being skilled or unskilled not even putting into consideration of himself as a duelist but considers himself a gamer, he just sees himself as someone who loves games, no matter shape or form, card games, tabletop rpgs, board games, video games, he isn't focused in getting better or being serious at them either, he is more focused in having fun even though he is extremely gifted at games.

I like that we get a bit of backstory on Yugi's grampa, I was a bit surprised of a possibility of existing master and pupil in games, some of it I get it like poker, chess, Go, shogi, but games in general? that's a bit unusual.
The game mentioned above has supernatural consequences like Evil Dragons, in Yu-Gi-Oh! seems to be a bit common between gamers existing forbidden games like these, it's cool we got info about Sugoroku at his prime was a legendary master of games, we see some panels of him when he was younger, showing again their crazy star-shaped hair is genetic, but what about the the tricoloring? it's very likely.
The game mentioned above has supernatural consequences like Evil Dragons, in Yu-Gi-Oh! seems to be a bit common between gamers existing forbidden games like these, it's cool we got info about Sugoroku at his prime was a legendary master of games, we see some panels of him when he was younger, showing again their crazy star-shaped hair is genetic, but what about the the tricoloring? it's very likely.
Even though Ryuji didn't said who this legendary master of games was to Yugi, once mention the millenium puzzle, Yugi quickly realized he referred to his grampa.
The fact Sugoroku had already the millenium puzzle was still a bit young, according to this source , he was 43 years old when he got the puzzle and this game must have been when he was 45 years old.
The fact Sugoroku had already the millenium puzzle was still a bit young, according to this source , he was 43 years old when he got the puzzle and this game must have been when he was 45 years old.

Ryuji in this panels reveals his true motives of challenging Yugi, it wasn't just for revenge of his father and to gain the title of king of games by winning the millenium puzzle, being a game designer and learning different kind of games from his father, who learned from Yugi's grampa.

I'm glad finally a character realizes Yugi's quick thinking which I mentioned before in this post , in fact Ryuji is the first to admit to himself that Yugi is very clever, while the others take so long, two of them later are very quiet or very slow to realize about it (Dark Yugi and Kaiba).
Ryuji isn't the only one, someone will be revealed soon who is aware of Yugi's strength...

It's intriguing how much Yami Bakura knows about the millenium items, what I find a bit confusing is when he is thinking that the ring and the puzzle are part of the same mind, this same mind he refers to must be the evil intelligence and sealed memories together with the pharaoh spirit inside.
It seems the millenium ring can detect any changes of events and moods regarding the millenium items.

It seems the millenium ring can detect any changes of events and moods regarding the millenium items.

It's kinda cute of him being a little protective though for his own reasons, how he thinks "After all, he is the only host the puzzle has chosen in 3000 years", it's obvious others have tried to get it, Sugoroku obviously from the looks of Ryuji shared info, only Sugoroku at his prime was able to get it but seems it wasn't able to complete it, meaning only Yugi was able to wear it by the millenium puzzle.
The scene of how Honda's dog, Blankey reacted to Yami Bakura caught my attention, it's commonly known other animals species has sharp intuition and 6th sense, of course the purpose of this sequence was to warn Honda, for Honda take notice and tell the others.

Yugi recognizes straight away the millenium ring, Yami Bakura informing Ryuji about it, in the manga series from this point on always emphasize only Yugi is the suitable vessel of the spirit of the pharaoh, in other words the host of the millenium puzzle,
The few characters who doesn't underestimate Yugi so far are Yami Bakura, Ryuji, Anzu and Kaiba (he's the most quiet).
When Ryuji is asking himself who Bakura is, he is noticing something unfamiliar difference with Ryou Bakura from this one in front of him, he starts to suspects millenium ring has it maybe a conscience of it's own.
When Ryuji is asking himself who Bakura is, he is noticing something unfamiliar difference with Ryou Bakura from this one in front of him, he starts to suspects millenium ring has it maybe a conscience of it's own.

Well, Yugi, he is telling the truth alright, it's just for now his and your interests align, that's why he is giving his support because you were the chosen one by the millenium puzzle for a reason, Yami Bakura is extremely aware of it and reveals further to him, reminding the millenium items are pieces of the puzzle of pharaoh's memories.
It hurts me a little the way Yugi realizes the most important thing to do is if his "other self" what would he do and think and that he would feel the same, it makes it obvious he sees Dark Yugi as his role model, deep down Yugi is concious he is an entity of his own but...(it will be discussed next post)

The indirect reference to this difference between Ryou Bakura and Yami Bakura, as referring Yami Bakura being the claws and Yami Bakura knowledge of the millenium items, once again emphasizing the millenium items choses their bearers for special reasons and purposes, it's not just a matter about it's powers and is worth to bear it, it is about hidden conscience wills (pharaoh spirit and his memories plus the evil intelligence), it seems he does remember burning that thief into ashes...
He is also pretty confident no else can solve it unless is Yugi since it chosen him for a reason...

Here is an amusing development on plot and character development of Yugi, it's ironic the main villain helping Yugi for his own purposes, this scene was vital to Yugi maturing, growth.
Yami Bakura claims this will be another test for Yugi, the pharaoh's final challenge if Yugi is truly the chosen one and true sucessor, I find this part a little "puzzling" (get it? :p), how can it be? Dark Yugi give this chance as final challenge to be the true successor of the millenium puzzle to be his host, hmmm, unless he is referring to the hidden will that comes from Pharaoh/Dark Yugi's memories, because as Yami Bakura says and informs Yugi that only one person can solve it and be chosen for the duty of awakening the pharaoh's memories and emphasize it strongly, even Yami Bakura knew it as other characters with millenium items like Shadi and will appear in the future, remember Yami Bakura for a long time was in the tablet, he knew this information based the time he was still in the tablet while Shadi and the men in black tunics searching for proper hosts of the millenium items.
Yami Bakura makes a fascinating villain, what he says is the truth but omits some crucial facts to his advantage, he knows more than he is letting on, he implies there is special reasons for someone to be chosen by a millenium item, it's more about something or someone's will than just their powers, it's to fill a special purpose, he went to Yugi to make sure he continues fills his purpose and giving a bit of info, to remind him and us there is more to the millenium items than just relics with hidden powers, they exist for special purposes.
Yami Bakura's words did affected him and shook him a little and made him think, a lot of what he was saying coincided with the recent info they gathered in the duelist kingdom from Pegasus, making Yugi very perceptive and also when Yami Bakura calling him out to be such baby and stand up, it really affects him, realizing bit by bit he can't rely on Dark Yugi forever and fight himself sometimes, Yugi goes back on track, turns the table and wins, once Yugi gets focused and resolved, his true ability really shines.

Yugi is right, to him the millenium puzzle is what he believes given true friends he wished, he met "his other self" - his role model, someone he can easily relate to and talk to everyday like a brother he never had, the puzzle he built for 8 years, Yugi is strongly attached to the milleniun puzzle, it's not for it's powers but what it means for him for very personal reasons mentioned in the latter.
Yugi isn't someone who is greedy, not comfortable in the spotlight, doesn't care about titles, he is very humble and very pure hearted person, what matters to him the most are his loved ones and games.

How did Yami Bakura knew about this Labyrinth of Darkness inside the puzzle if wasn't the chosen one completing the puzzle? how could he got that info? The millenium puzzle was the whole time in a pharaoh tomb already broken inside a box (for anyone who knows the whole manga and story already), unless Ryou Bakura got the millenium ring a bit later after Shadi came for the first time in the manga, because Shadi have been inside the puzzle before, that's the only explanation I can think of.

It's true if wasn't for Yami Bakura's support he wouldn't win, because his words stroke him, after this Yugi starts becoming more independent, it's interesting and so ironic how crucial the main villain was influential to Yugi's growth, Ryuji was influential as well.
"I want to believe he's my least, he is now..."
Just how he states of wanting to believe means he won't let his guard down completely, for the time being, he doesn't fully trust him.
Plot details...
Plot details...

These panels just confirms, all the information he knows about the millenium items comes from when he was in the tablet...(how else would he know the labyrinth of darkness in the millenium puzzle?)
Now further information....

This shows he knows, revealing information to the readers exclusive only to the keepers of the millenium items and the tomb keepers which will appear in the future, it wasn't even revealed to Dark Yugi and the others not even Pegasus doesn't know about this warning text, the evil power it mentions obviously is the evil conscience/intelligence, the same way is predicting what will happen in the further future (Memory World story arc), but the keepers of the millenium items only know half of it, the tomb keepers knows the other half and Shadi, the holy door is reffering to is not the one to the afterlife that someone would think but another one which will reveal itself in the next post.

The Millenium Ring powers are interesting and creepy though, here is an intriguing reference about the true room of the soul confirming my only logical explanation to how Yami Bakura knew of the Labyrinth of Darkness in the puzzle Shadi experienced, Shadi must have confided with the keepers, from him being able to hear through the millenium ring while in the tablet and this special info about the warning text in the Tablet of Pharaoh's Memories, it makes him a special kind of entity of his own and is strongly connected to the items, he also knows Dark Yugi is actually pharaoh's spirit, he sometimes mentions him as the king's memories and not pharaoh's memories, it's already hinting he is the evil spirit/conscience/intelligence from ancient times that had been sealed in the millenium items together with pharaoh spirit and memories, the "Parasite Mind" is already a clue too.

It is conspicuous how contagious Yugi's personality is, his pure heart and kindness, friendly manner makes it extremely hard to hate him, grow some attachment to him, but it isn't contagious enough to some, for Kaiba be most quiet with Yugi, he has difficulties to hate him as well, but the most influenced by him was Mai, Honda, specially Jounouchi and Dark Yugi, while Yugi is so oblivious to it.

Jounouchi's right, Yugi, don't be this negative, but one person can't look away Yugi's determination to complete the puzzle and see Dark Yugi again, I don't censor him, you have finally someone to be an active role in your life and easy to relate to, you wouldn't want to, it shows deep down Yugi knows Dark Yugi is an entity of his own, he probably believes by sharing his body, name and being always with the puzzle, it will always be his other self and won't leave him behind.

Yugi is not your fault, it was a well planned kidnapping and Otogi's state of mind was just messed up and sore loser who broke puzzle just to break your will to fight back because you were taking the lead in the game, Yugi has such an negative opinion of himself, when we think about it, he tends to blame himself a lot for certain events, when it isn't his fault at all, it is quite the contrary, he is so oblivious of his own strength showing at the moment with determination to complete the puzzle while blaming himself.
Jounouchi isn't fully aware, maybe he is but is easier for him to distinguish this way the 2 entities since they don't even know Dark Yugi's name or anything yet, I'm impressed Jounouchi's being very aware of their bond, his own dilemma shows he cares deeply for both.

In just a few minutes he finished the puzzle, it's very impressive, Yugi determination in not letting go of the puzzle no matter what, his attachment to it is very strong...see at this very moment once he touches and try to move his hand and holding Yugi from the puzzle he hears...

It's how this happened, Dark Yugi able to comunicate with him in this small instant and him hearing, it seems Dark Yugi spark an idea of how to save them in him, Jounouchi followed it, the question is how, I have my own explanation and theory, when Jounouchi tried to move the hand and was holding Yugi in trying to shield him from the fire, because Yugi is sharing his body with Dark Yugi and Jounouchi being part Pharaoh's new memory and bonded as trusts him as well, he couldn't just take over, because Yugi's body was lacking oxygen already, Dark Yugi was able to communicate Jounouchi through the puzzle and Yugi being the host, since in Battle City there is a time, Jounouchi's wearing the puzzle, Dark Yugi couldn't communicate with him telepathically.

The art at these panels are amazing, Jounouchi's emphasized Yugi's stubbornness and being able to complete the puzzle in a few minutes, emphasize the word "chains..." which symbolizes the very strong bond between Yugi and Dark Yugi.
phew, this was super huge...see ya Next Post about the Prologue of Battle City!
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