Plot Summary:
Noticing Mokuba has gone, they're worried and suspect he was taken to Pegasus's castle, they can't do much unless they get more stars, since Dark Yugi has already six stars and Jounouchi only two, the gang try to help Jounouchi find a contestant but goes in vain since he is being accompanied by Dark Yugi, the participants feel intimidated just from seeing him right behind Jounouchi, as this happens, Mai just won the duel fairly easy and feeling bored, she takes a pause thinking for herself about her duel against Jounouchi and the riddle has given her, as she tries to find an answer, her thoughts are interrupted by Ryuzaki who challenges her and claiming he has already four stars then she shows she has 8 stars already, which means if she wins two more star chips and she gets to Pegasus's castle, her last opponent for these stars she wants to duel against Jounouchi but after some thought she asks Ryuzaki to duel against Jounouchi then she will duel against him, he reluctantly agrees with her condition.
As the gang having no success yet to find an opponent for Jounouchi, they meet up with Mai and Ryuzaki offering a willing opponent for Jounouchi, Ryuzaki, both bet two stars Ryuzaki easily takes the lead, eventually Jounouchi turns the tables, his first time taking a lead, it's over until Ryuzaki summons Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Ryuzaki and Mai already suspect Time Wizard is already face down, since it was a card that could beat Mai's deck, Ryuzaki suggests wager not just the star chips but also their cards such if Ryuzaki wins, Jounouchi gives his Time Wizard and if vice-versa, Ryuzaki gives is Red-Eyes to Jounouchi, Mai isn't liking this so Ryuzaki and Mai start discussing over it, Jounouchi surprised that his Time Wizard hold so much value to the point these fight over it, he gambles this card for his victory, it ends with Jounouchi winning the duel together gaining 2 star chips and Red-Eyes Black Dragon.
Key Points:

When the duel of Dark Yugi against the ventriloquist is over, Mokuba and the double agent disappears, they suspect they did go to the Pegasus's castle...I find the last two panels because of the sfx makes it quite funny, Dark Yugi with 6 stars is a "WHOOM" and Jounouchi with only 2 stars is "BOOM" 😀, what a funny transition...

The scene changes on focusing Mai duelling other person and win against him, we can see how deeply she was affected by her loss even though she doesn't want to admit the point that she isn't even using her "aroma tactics" anymore and she is so bored (it's quite amusing too), as if she is going through grinding in a JRPG that sometimes happens to anyone who played it, in a way she is, since she is gathering star chips, even though she kept winning her next duels after losing against Jounouchi but also as if she feels something is a miss as shown in the panels ensemble on right thinking about the riddle that Jounouchi has given her, foreshadowing her character development, she can't get the riddle phrase out of her mind...however it will take some time, she will get her own answer, it's still not the right part to explore will come later.

Ryuzaki appears to challenge her, but since she had beaten him before, she has no interest, then kinda boasts and reveals his current status being 5 stars chips while Mai of having already 8 stars chips, which is to show her level of skill is pretty much way above Ryuzaki, 3 stars above to be exact, when she fought Jounouchi, from 4 stars to 3 then jumped to five more stars chips, from 3 to 8 in 7 hours since she fought Jounouchi, it's very impressive and won 5 stars by playing half-heartly in a breeze, again is to say her skill is very close to Kaiba, Dark Yugi and Yugi, it's no wonder after the series is over, in spin-offs, movies and videogames, she has "legendary duelist" title like Kaiba, Dark Yugi, Jounouchi and Yugi.
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When Jounouchi is challenging others and they ran away is pretty funny, at first panel of the panels ensemble on the left looks like is because of Jounouchi, then we see who's behind him, Dark Yugi, it's so funny, because Dark Yugi has such an serious and intimidating and hard to approach expression and reputation of defeating Kaiba and in the tournament he won against Haga (number one in Japan), I laugh so hard and almost feel sorry for Jounouchi.
If you look at Anzu's self-talk, she is feels proud of Yugi that most contestants are afraid to duel against "Yugi", by the way she is expressing sounds is both Yugi"s", in manner that it feels refreshing to her, as something new, because she didn't ever seen Yugi in that kind of spot in being feared since he was child, remember during this time most of Anzu thought Dark Yugi as genuinely "the other yugi" in a literal sense, but as more time she spends with him during Duelist Kingdom, she becomes more aware it's not really the case to accepting not to be the case.

Oh Mai, you can be so provocative, but I like her humour, so I laughed at this one because she isn't really wrong about the ducklings because they follow Dark Yugi's lead like that and their reactions were funny and bothered by that statement, Ryou was the only one indifferent by her remark though, probably he thought she had a valid point, then when she addressed to Dark Yugi wondering if he doesn't feel being hold back since she thinks if he had gone alone, he would be at the castle by then, Dark Yugi is kinda sensitive to these kinds of remarks about his friends even if is somewhat right (even though he's one to talk too, he is very provocative too), Mai then starts getting cautious by seeing his expression from stopping provoking him since it isn't the right time, she has good instincts.

Jounouchi accepts Mai's offer of a challenger without second thought, I guess because for such a long time he was searching for an opponent and now he has an willing challenger, he got pumped even if he is the runner-up of Japan, when Honda asks to put into consideration, Jounouchi replies he isn't an duckling, Mai's remark did sting him (he thought she had a point) but also inspired freethinking on him...
The inner monologue of Mai is more or less revenge on her loss against Jounouchi being a beginner who defeated her, a more experienced player, it hurt her pride and ego but using Ryuzaki to look less petty and for Anzu's own monologue, she naively thinks is because Mai is afraid of losing to Dark Yugi for going after Jounouchi, which indirectly implies her still lack of faith in Jounouchi (that's not good, Anzu), it's not the case, her strategy is saving the best for last, so she has more chances in finding potential weaknesses and Mai is after Jounouchi for childish reasons.

From here on we see a constant growth on Jounouchi as character, person and duelist, with no advices or help, I do agree with him, there are very important parts of an individual can only be gain on it's own and not by been given help, it's not healthy to someone's personality relying too much on others and constructing strength.
At the beginning (from the panels ensemble on the left), you see the gang and Dark Yugi have a bad habit in sheltering Jounouchi in Duelist Kingdom a little too much, specially Anzu basing on pity (I just have a visceral dislike for this word), which isn't good, the same applies for the rest of them except Dark Yugi (it isn't based on pity but his protective nature), Yugi...a little more ahead.

It's nice to see Jounouchi's humble side in admitting his own fears and weaknesses, I think is kinda courageous to show a little of vulnerable side to your friends (believe me, it isn't easy, so I can relate a little with Jounouchi here) and tell them what made him take the decision of accepting the duel so promptly and asked Dark Yugi and Yugi to not giving any advice as he explains in the panels ensemble on the right, because he wants to win on his own, it's to show that when Mai remarked the gang as ducklings inspired him freethinking and also character development, you can't forge your own path if you don't do it with your own hands, this is an important moment for him.
The logic behind Jounouchi about if he win then Shizuka win too, it sounds cheesy at first, but he means is that he feels more hopeful that if he wins then he feels more confident about what his little sister going for Dark Yugi, of course he agrees, since he is the one doing all the fighting for Yugi, without even asking (this is one of my problems with the story, if there was some balance between sometimes Yugi to be the one do the duelling and other time being Dark Yugi when Yugi would be really in danger - against the player killers, Yugi's growth and character development would be a little more clear... but what can you do? what is done is done...).

It's very sweet of Dark Yugi to show how much trust he is putting into Jounouchi that he can win on his own, however there is little notes I would like to take, what kind of position puts Yugi in the middle of this role for them? By Dark Yugi hiding in the millennium puzzle? then Jounouchi getting worried about absence of Dark Yugi's presence and being the main Yugi? why would take away in difference of votes confidence? Because it shows even though subconsciously, once again gets me the impression they underestimate Yugi (I found that really irritating sometimes, Anzu is the one who realizes sooner), no matter how many times is proven to us readers, but his friends doesn't really help and some Yugi's issues, unconscious of his own strength and potential doesn't help much, however some circumstances that will prove to Yugi and the others (Dark Yugi included, however him and Kaiba are the slowest to get it, which I will point later and later) how strong he is.
There is something that bothers me with Jounouchi, it's his inconsistency of his awareness of Yugi's skills, sometimes he is aware but sometimes isn't...
Next up is Anzu on the panels ensemble on the left, you can't see well above so look into this link to see it better, she starts blushing, actually this is the first time she blushes around Yugi, because after 9 hours of around Dark Yugi with the gang, she got used to him and now seeing Yugi, she got a little conscious of him.

This was after Jounouchi made a beginner mistake, he may feel a bit down at start, then he started glancing Yugi inside his inner monologue and then remembered his own promise to himself (it's the inconsistency when it comes to knowing Yugi's skill level, it's not only Yugi who gets underestimated and underestimates himself, but as we see here, Jounouchi recovers relatively quickly because of his impressive capacity to adjust to new and difficult situations, Jounouchi it's just starting get the hang of it while Yugi is already experienced and naturally good but yet is underestimated...(they just know he is good at games and let it be).

This is an important detail, the strong players like Mai, Ryuzaki and Yugi knows the card Jounouchi just put facedown is the Time Wizard and being aware that Jounouchi doesn't it's full power, this shows their level is pretty advanced, we usually have these kinds of small instances before he starts to shine, in fact he have always been a very skilled player all along, there will be another instance...

Anzu and co., I understand you want Jounouchi to be helped but you can't "sheltering" him, how can someone grow, learn and become stronger if you keep sheltering him like that? The way they're doing is with such lack of faith and the gang start pressuring Yugi in helping Jounouchi as he revealed before this conversation with the gang that there is a way of him winning, these three who underestimate Yugi but underestimate Jounouchi the most, because for them about Yugi is common knowledge that he is natural with games and experienced while Jounouchi is new to games...
Next up, I don't agree with what Anzu says when tries to convince Yugi in helping Jounouchi...
"Yugi! Think about Jounouchi's sister! What will happen to her if he loses...? I know you want to protect Jounouchi's honor, but wouldn't be true kindness be to lend him a hand right now...?"
When she said what will happen to Jounouchi's sister for Yugi thinking twice, she makes it sound as if she is going to die...honestly...that's kinda rude for those who are born blind and others who became blind, going blind isn't death or the end of the world, it means it will be difficult to adjust but not much of a choice but move forward and the surgery has 50% chance to succeed, what you can do, it's moving forward, for Shizuka would be terrifying even if the surgery succeeded, because she would be afraid to open her eyes and not seeing, it's facing adversities head on and move forward independently of the results, even this moment for Jounouchi is no exception.
Lastly about "true kindness" that she mentioned by helping Jounouchi to "save" his sister, she will learn in a very hard way that True Kindness isn't about giving help all the time in a blunt way by giving advice and solutions on a silver platter, sometimes is about to make hard choices, by giving space to the person so it can have space and room to grow and shape their own strength, it's unhealthy to both sides if one side is giving help all the time and the other receiving help all the time, which makes a co-dependent relationship (including friendship, it's possible, believe me), real kindness in this particular situation is letting Jounouchi find his own strength and learn to help himself.

That also applies to Yugi *cough*cough* even though Dark Yugi gives chance to Jounouchi but not much to Yugi (because of his duty and being protective of his host, he will learn in a most striking way), including this moment, because why Dark Yugi did hid in the millennium puzzle in order to show his trust in Jounouchi by Yugi taking over...? Then later stopping Yugi saying this now, why couldn't he be watching without saying anything himself? If is to trouble himself in stopping Yugi from giving advice...he could be just himself still taking over and not saying anything... It's strange...Dark Yugi would have known if Yugi knew the way to beat Ryuzaki and with Yugi being a giver, he would have guess he would do this? it could be he trusted Yugi wouldn't tell Jounouchi...however...I have mentioned before and I will constantly mention, it's notable that Dark Yugi underestimates Yugi, so I think it's more inclined in underestimating Yugi than actually trusting him, the trust is there not taking chances wouldn't be better and practical to not say any advice at all without saying anything...I think Yugi would learn a lot faster about what Dark Yugi says in this moment.
Dark Yugi sure gives some fair points about gaining confidence (such determination, for example in Jounouchi's case), but is something you gain through growth as a person, even if you reach the point of confidence, it can stagnate the personal growth or make it decrease if is too much confidence, so it's always important to make mistakes, having weaknesses, vulnerabilities, flaws and insecurities, keep us our feet on the ground and humble, it all relies on the balance like of Yin and Yang basically, negative and positive, where there is negative there is positive and positive be negative, remember when I mentioned some analysis ago, when righteousness can be a flaw, many times can be virtue but also flaw if becomes to an arrogant and judgemental extent, also a flaw can be a virtue sometimes, Dark Yugi will be the example of this in the next analysis...
Dark Yugi is right about other thing, Jounouchi decided to took the challenge on his own free will, it's not just about respect one's wishes, but decisions too and let him take responsibility for his choices and resolve, to gain confidence takes initiative too.
Lastly, this is the first time we see Yugi and Dark Yugi interact like this from Dark Yugi taking initiative during this time, it seems he can reach to talk with Yugi relatively easy, but what about the other way around?

When Yugi putting himself in Jounouchi's perspective, he comes understanding Jounouchi better, which is to show that maturity wise, he is a bit more than Yugi and the others, he also treats Yugi like is his pupil and himself being Yugi's mentor, then he brings up Jounouchi's recovery from his low self-esteem, the transition from panels ensemble left to the right, so is his determination and his fighting spirit is much more focused, the gang's reactions, both of them are impressed and moved by his determination plus his fighting spirit haven't extinguished...

Jounouchi finally could turn the tables for the time being, while Anzu comments to Mai with a rhetorical question, while Mai try to hide how deeply she was affected with excuses, even though she is a bit right, Jounouchi kinda cheated because of an hint advice Dark Yugi had given, and both send piercing glares to each other (it's funny) and then starts cheering Jounouchi (I think she started to kinda understand what Jounouchi meant and Dark Yugi),

Despite of some inconsistency of Jounouchi's judgement on Yugi's skills, it's not that he doesn't think he is bad, he knows he is good, but sometimes seems to think duelists like Dark Yugi, Kaiba and some others (Dark Side of Dimensions) are more skilled than Yugi, other times just as good as the others like this moment and when he glanced Yugi almot to ask for his advice, it's this inconsistency of his that irritates me.
Another detail to note, the middle panel to the panel on the inferior left corner, it's evidence that Yugi is very good at thinking ahead, he is more of a cautious player, even than Dark Yugi, someone being cautious gives a cognitive advantage of thinking ahead, being someone humble, extent with more of his intellectual skills.

Jounouchi is not realizing yet the Time Wizard but when Ryuzaki suggests the standard rule of TCG, such the winner gains a card from his opponent, for Jounouchi's Time Wizard to have higher chances of winning against Mai and if Jounouchi wins he gives his Red-Eyes, he starts remembering of Time Wizard and does some free thinking and the other interesting thing is that he is willing to wager his Red Eyes for the Time Wizard, it's very risky move if you think about it since Jounouchi was able to turn the tables before in this duel, it's to show he thinks highly of Mai in terms of skills specially after have seen 8 stars Mai won with ease to the point to wager his ace monster for the Time Wizard being practically the only card so far that can defeat Mai with efficiency besides it's effect being quite powerful, so is worthy.

After Ryusaki suggestion, of course Mai doesn't like the idea since that card can easily weaken her Harpy Lady, so Mai and Ryuuzaki start bantering and fighting about the card, that's when he starts realising and bets on Time Wizard, what's amusing and kinda funny is that their fighting over the card inspired critical thinking for Jounouchi realising that Time Wizard is a powerful and a crucial card just by it's effects alone, remembering it has to be since it was Yugi who has given to him, another one of those inconsistent moments of Jounouchi when comes to Yugi...

So Jounouchi wins the duel and also Red-Eyes Black Dragon which becomes an important card to Jounouchi later, this card will also play an important role around Jounouchi, Yugi and Dark Yugi later in manga.
It's so funny how Mai slips away celebrating with the others out of relief in her case...
See you next post!
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