Plot Summary:
Pegasus and the Big Five just got reported that Kaiba came out of coma and well, charging to Pegasus's island, they are very upset about this news and Pegasus tries to calm them down claiming he has everything prepared...
Dark Yugi left the battle box with the player killer of "darkness" staying still in shock through his penalty game, Dark Yugi tries to give to Mai her star chips, in the beginning she refuses based on her pride and leave the island, the rest of the gang hears their conversation and they try to convince her to accept the star chips while also implying they're friends then Jounouchi in his way of helping in making her accept her star chips back...she was moved by all their gestures and she promises she will get back the star chips she owes to Dark Yugi so she can earn the "right" to duel against him.
A helicopter crossing the ocean with Kaiba inside with a bodyguard and pilot, he discuss about the recent reports and events, feeling extremely determined in saving Mokuba and starts to realise they are going around circles, the "bodyguard" noticing Kaiba knowing there is traitors in the helicopter, he tries to kill Kaiba but in vain, since Kaiba was able to turn his favour with card and pick up the gun and tells them to jump to the sea and goes to Pegasus island.
They try to go to sleep but are interrupted three times, first Honda gets a scare for a vine falling from a tree by confusing with a snake and confessing his fear over snakes, reptiles and anything with a slippery skin, the second time was Ryou's Millennium Ring acting strange which was reacting to the presence of the Millennium Eye in the castle, the boys freak out for knowingly is a very dangerous Millennium item with a evil spirit inside, Ryou Bakura reveals the other reason of why he came along besides supporting and helping his friends and having to do with the millennium items...the last time they are interrupted is Kaiba arriving to the island, there is a conversation between them as Yugi gives Kaiba's deck back, Jounouchi challenges Kaiba to duel, but he accepts under one condition using his prototype duel disk on standard mode, Kaiba wins against Jounouchi with ease, Jounouchi is feeling very depressed as Kaiba insults him, Anzu not taking it anymore speaks her mind then almost followed by Ryou mentioning Jounouchi's sister which stuck in her mind... Yugi calls him out if Kaiba had changed at all, but then he responds is not that simple for him and brings Pegasus, the duel he watched... a duel he won without fighting against Bandit Keith (a card professor) under conditions being broadcasted on tv and a prize of 1 million dollars, the time came and started with Pegasus teaching kids to play the kid and gives a deck to a kid called Tom, when the duel start, Pegasus made his "mind scan" on Bandit Keith, he wrote instructions in how to beat Keith, he called the kid called Tom and duel for him by following the instructions on the paper he has given to him...the kid wins, Keith is in shock and check the piece of paper with the instructions, after the duel and Pegasus finished talking with Kaiba and came to congratulate the kid as chance to promote his card game.
Key Points:

So Pegasus is informed that Kaiba had awaken from coma and is heading to Pegasus's island and video chatting with his associates, "Big Five", from anyone who watched the series whether was subbed or dubbed, knows who they are, they are kinda important but wasn't never mentioned in the manga after the Duelist Kingdom, even though they appeared quite often in the anime with their own story arcs (The virtual RPG game of Duel Monsters and Noa's Virtual World Arc).
Pegasus certainly is insistent with the plan, the question is why? He has plenty of money and still gains a lot from Duel Monsters according to Player Killer of Darkness, so why? It can't be just the money but something else? it will reveal itself as we advance in the story.
But the "Oh No!" and "What a mess!", makes me wonder if is acting or serious, I think it's mostly serious because later just like them, he would prefer Kaiba to be dead, which is insanely disrespectful and even after kidnapping Mokuba.
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Pegasus certainly is insistent with the plan, the question is why? He has plenty of money and still gains a lot from Duel Monsters according to Player Killer of Darkness, so why? It can't be just the money but something else? it will reveal itself as we advance in the story.
But the "Oh No!" and "What a mess!", makes me wonder if is acting or serious, I think it's mostly serious because later just like them, he would prefer Kaiba to be dead, which is insanely disrespectful and even after kidnapping Mokuba.
Click "Read More" below to continue reading this post:

Here is the result when you fall into the penalty game of a shadow game, inside the illusion the opponent is in, it is that he dies, but technically and physically is he dead? I don't think so, I think it will take quite sometime to dispel itself, we see Ushio in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's free from it, then Kaiba who was under it twice (Sensation of Death and removing the bad seed off Kaiba's mind and Heart), among the enemies Dark Yugi punished, the only one was permanent into death was the runaway prisoner back in chapter 4 in the very first volume, I guess it's the only time he actually killed someone, but was mostly legitimate defense and was trying to save the hostages, Anzu specifically, as we advance in the mangá, actually technically he didn't killed him since the fugitive had the option in not pulling trigger, he did this to himself, his penalty games is a bit softer or very damaging mentally, but in comparison to other millennium item wielders, his penalty games is much lighter, depending the enemy he is facing.
He goes to Mai to give the 8 stars he gained from the player killer...

As you see, Mai takes sometime to think and (if you notice he is much tender now in how he addresses her, I guess of seeing her kind and more human side to her from Yugi POV, respects her as a duelist and sees her as a True Duelist)...I find this scene so cute.
Now this is the subject that I have said that I want to address, Duelist's Pride, this comes a lot of times in the manga, as you can see in the picture above, she rejects it, because she wanted those stars gained on her own, the pride's matter for her but a bit more ahead.
Dark Yugi gives valid points and arguments on the matter:
"Mai...You and I and Jounouchi came to this island to fight fair and square. But there are others who hired their skills out...who destroyed for the sake of destruction! Like Pegasus's Assassins...the player killers! They're not duelists as far as I'm concerned. I don't want them disgracing the honour of our battles! Here, Mai! Take these star chips! and let's decide which true duelist is the strongest!"
he sure is indicating he wants to duel her (he was already interested before Mai challenges Jounouchi) and presenting valid points in a cheesy manner, that's some amazing respect.
Anzu continues as being Mai's dream to duel Yugi, Mai in conflict with her pride...

You can tell Mai became a little attached to them that she feels sorry for having to leave not just because she wanted to duel against Dark Yugi but also the time she spent with the gang, she is even moved and find it sweet that even "saying goodbye", here is the rest of the gang just woke up, asking if she is leaving then Honda asks what time is it, Ryou confirms there is still 1 hour until midnight and Honda re-phrases Mai's "motto" "We'll be enemies tomorrow", since it wasn't midnight yet, so tomorrow hasn't arrived further implying that they're still friends while at the same time that they will always be friends (if only Honda could be this smooth in romance department and he would do well as a boyfriend), Mai was impressed and moved by these words...
The way she expresses "You do everything together...even say goodbye...", you can tell she finds sweet and adorable.
"Mai...You and I and Jounouchi came to this island to fight fair and square. But there are others who hired their skills out...who destroyed for the sake of destruction! Like Pegasus's Assassins...the player killers! They're not duelists as far as I'm concerned. I don't want them disgracing the honour of our battles! Here, Mai! Take these star chips! and let's decide which true duelist is the strongest!"
he sure is indicating he wants to duel her (he was already interested before Mai challenges Jounouchi) and presenting valid points in a cheesy manner, that's some amazing respect.
Anzu continues as being Mai's dream to duel Yugi, Mai in conflict with her pride...

then Jounouchi seeing that is taking he convinces in Jounouchi's style by taunting her and it works, she has her stars, he may not look like it, but he can be quite helpful when comes to this, I guess he also see through her prideful "mask" as everyone else, since himself does that a lot with the classic "trying act tough", so he messes with her nerves on purpose so she would admit how she really feels and those stars chips are hers and he just gives her stars chips back then he says...
I want to make a mention of Dark Yugi's expression that he was kinda surprised when Jounouchi just grabbed the star chips for Mai, he must have understood straight away his intent but surprised because it was sudden xD.
I want to make a mention of Dark Yugi's expression that he was kinda surprised when Jounouchi just grabbed the star chips for Mai, he must have understood straight away his intent but surprised because it was sudden xD.

What Jounouchi says in this scene is very right...
"Mai Kujaku...if your pride won't let you battle with those star chips...then throw them in the ocean! It's up to you! But if I were you, I wouldn't throw them away! Not the stars...and not your dream..."
Jounouchi can say very moving and cool lines like this one once in awhile (just like I mentioned about Honda...), I agree, he is general saying that she shouldn't let her pride blocking the way of receiving kindness of others, sometimes is pride it does this but sometimes is by mere principles, in her case is pride but not completely.
There is reasons why she is struggling in accepting it, remember in her inner monologue stated she was always alone, which sounds like it was most of her life (since there was something she cherished long time ago, probably when she was a child), loners are usually people who aren't used in receiving kindness of others and afraid of taking it selfishly, it's isn't just pride, there is thoughtful and selfless feelings behind it.
Mai moved by Jounouchi's words, she accepts the star chips (It's no wonder they're one of the most beloved shippings in the series), so she promises to Dark Yugi that when she wins the right to duel him to fight fair and square and he gladly accepts it, you can tell he pondered some thought about Jounouchi's words about pride (it's one of his biggest flaws, Mai learns a bit faster than him, it makes sense, since she is older than him).

Kaiba gets an update about the status of Kaiba Corp and Mokuba, there is some interesting details...
"This report details everything that hapened while I was gone...Mokuba left it with the maid, the only person in our whole estate he trusted..."
The maid he is talking about must be the maid we have seen taking care of Kaiba when he was in coma and tried to calm down Kaiba who was in a rage at the time after he just woke up from a coma, Mokuba must have been the one who requested the maid to take care of his older brother while he was abducted and given this report to her until he wake up, the bodyguard are not doing a very good job at hiding his real intention because it shows a certain worry that for the most part Kaiba already knows situation....when Kaiba mentions there was traitors in his own house to control his company (the bodyguards and the Big Five) plus kidnapping his brother, he is really mad about but when it comes to Mokuba, there is a tone of regret of what he almost did to his little brother.
"Mai Kujaku...if your pride won't let you battle with those star chips...then throw them in the ocean! It's up to you! But if I were you, I wouldn't throw them away! Not the stars...and not your dream..."
Jounouchi can say very moving and cool lines like this one once in awhile (just like I mentioned about Honda...), I agree, he is general saying that she shouldn't let her pride blocking the way of receiving kindness of others, sometimes is pride it does this but sometimes is by mere principles, in her case is pride but not completely.
There is reasons why she is struggling in accepting it, remember in her inner monologue stated she was always alone, which sounds like it was most of her life (since there was something she cherished long time ago, probably when she was a child), loners are usually people who aren't used in receiving kindness of others and afraid of taking it selfishly, it's isn't just pride, there is thoughtful and selfless feelings behind it.
Mai moved by Jounouchi's words, she accepts the star chips (It's no wonder they're one of the most beloved shippings in the series), so she promises to Dark Yugi that when she wins the right to duel him to fight fair and square and he gladly accepts it, you can tell he pondered some thought about Jounouchi's words about pride (it's one of his biggest flaws, Mai learns a bit faster than him, it makes sense, since she is older than him).

Kaiba gets an update about the status of Kaiba Corp and Mokuba, there is some interesting details...
"This report details everything that hapened while I was gone...Mokuba left it with the maid, the only person in our whole estate he trusted..."
The maid he is talking about must be the maid we have seen taking care of Kaiba when he was in coma and tried to calm down Kaiba who was in a rage at the time after he just woke up from a coma, Mokuba must have been the one who requested the maid to take care of his older brother while he was abducted and given this report to her until he wake up, the bodyguard are not doing a very good job at hiding his real intention because it shows a certain worry that for the most part Kaiba already knows situation....when Kaiba mentions there was traitors in his own house to control his company (the bodyguards and the Big Five) plus kidnapping his brother, he is really mad about but when it comes to Mokuba, there is a tone of regret of what he almost did to his little brother.

The next scene focus on Kaiba's current situation, remembering his last duel with Dark Yugi as the last thing he remembers, there is something that he said bothers me is that he says Dark Yugi's fighting technique, I don't know if is because of translation from this edition VIZ Media or if is a correct translating, because it's not what I consider a "fight", "dueling" or "gaming" or "card" technique would have made more sense...Kaiba for wishing to duel him again is when his obsession to win against Dark Yugi begins, more literally when Dark Yugi defeated him for the first time...and what's with the baldyguard (bodyguard, get it? because it sounds similar? 😜) trying to blame everything on Yugi as an enemy, when was Kaiba's fault who wanted to put on a show like that in Death-T...attempting to change target from Pegasus to Yugi.😒
He also notices something odd with the helicopter movements with the moon, realizes they're going around on circles...buying time looking for the right time to kill him without anyone knowing in the middle of the ocean on the way to Pegasus's island, since is extremely hard to find a dead body on the ocean/sea, smart on their part in terms of location but pretty dumb in trying to fool Kaiba and kill him, by Kaiba's expression that the baldyguard and the pilot are traitors and hired by Pegasus, he is someone who loathes traitors and seems to be used to be a target of attacks or assassination attempts, Kaiba pretends he is surrendering himself and lift up one card on his right hand close to the baldyguard's gun, the ones on his left at the same time...

He also notices something odd with the helicopter movements with the moon, realizes they're going around on circles...buying time looking for the right time to kill him without anyone knowing in the middle of the ocean on the way to Pegasus's island, since is extremely hard to find a dead body on the ocean/sea, smart on their part in terms of location but pretty dumb in trying to fool Kaiba and kill him, by Kaiba's expression that the baldyguard and the pilot are traitors and hired by Pegasus, he is someone who loathes traitors and seems to be used to be a target of attacks or assassination attempts, Kaiba pretends he is surrendering himself and lift up one card on his right hand close to the baldyguard's gun, the ones on his left at the same time...

I have always found strange the way Kaiba sometimes protect himself like this moment and later in Battle City with card and other methods, this time around using the card to block the hammer of the gun, then he snapped the guy's fingers with the gun and takes away his gun for himself and says above, Kaiba's obsession with this card game is impressive and a bit concerning, he gets easily angry if he is forced to damage a rare card of his and his enemies has to go through his cards first...

Kaiba shows is the kind of person who doesn't forgive traitors, no matter what form or shape and has some anger issues (a bit of a funny way), seems to view traitors as "lowly dogs"...he even looks down on them arrogantly as well, kinda amazing, he also can fly a helicopter which seems to be he is kind of used to this, this is someone who likes to be prepared for any situation and this is the person who dealt with mafia after all just to get Blue-Eyes cards...

This is important, Ryou Bakura reveals the reason why he came to accompany him, it wasn't just to help them but also to try to discover more clues about the milleniums items, as to be a frequent reminder to us, readers, to not forget about it, even if we're caught up in the development of the characters and story arc, but not to forget the main story, Pegasus has clues but not the whole truth, he only knows a small portion, but important.
But I find it curious of how Ryou is interested in the millennium items, is he trying to find some truth, specially regarding his father, who supposedly bought from an antique shop, seeing Yugi has a millennium item puzzle seems to have a spirit reside within just like his and now someone with a millennium item appears (but in Dark Side of Dimensions tells otherwise, but also hints to why of Ryou thinking was an antique shop...), that's what makes a shame for his character development, in Duelist Kingdom Arc he has nice character development but then comes Battle City, it drops and backs up again in Dark Side of Dimensions...😕
There was a scene when Ryou wake up the boys because the Millennium Ring was reacting, the boys kinda freak out and worried about Ryou and thinking it wasn't a good idea of him carrying it around...they're right even Yugi advises him in no matter the situation to not put on him...Ryou might be assuring now but...Yugi is still bit worried, Jounouchi who is scared of occult stuff and even more being a evil spirits, which is amusing to think about it when it comes to Dark Yugi which follows similar logic with the difference Yami Bakura is evil but what he has seen from Dark Yugi is that since he protects them and Yugi plus commonly acts on his sense of justice, he admires and treats "the other yugi" as even one of his best friends, which has to do about gaining trust or proof of being worthy of trust.
Even Yugi questions it as well, but he's taking priority to rescue his granpa and rightfully so, but thinks about it, even his questions holds some answers, but confirmation first and focus on the rescue mission first, right?
It hints even what will get to know much later, I'll quote where...
"The mystery of the Millennium Items...when I solved the puzzle, my other me came into was he there all along and I didn't know it? I want to know the truth too..."
This is a great hint, it shows too that Takahashi knew all along...we get the confirmation about before the puzzle was solved if he was always there all along or not and Yugi suspect it that Dark Yugi isn't "his other self" at all but someone else and own person.
(Update | 09/08/2018| if you're back for a re-read of these posts on updates in case of new points in case you have read the Memory World Arc, this is a cool foreshadowing of the prologue of Memory World Arc)
But I find it curious of how Ryou is interested in the millennium items, is he trying to find some truth, specially regarding his father, who supposedly bought from an antique shop, seeing Yugi has a millennium item puzzle seems to have a spirit reside within just like his and now someone with a millennium item appears (but in Dark Side of Dimensions tells otherwise, but also hints to why of Ryou thinking was an antique shop...), that's what makes a shame for his character development, in Duelist Kingdom Arc he has nice character development but then comes Battle City, it drops and backs up again in Dark Side of Dimensions...😕

There was a scene when Ryou wake up the boys because the Millennium Ring was reacting, the boys kinda freak out and worried about Ryou and thinking it wasn't a good idea of him carrying it around...they're right even Yugi advises him in no matter the situation to not put on him...Ryou might be assuring now but...Yugi is still bit worried, Jounouchi who is scared of occult stuff and even more being a evil spirits, which is amusing to think about it when it comes to Dark Yugi which follows similar logic with the difference Yami Bakura is evil but what he has seen from Dark Yugi is that since he protects them and Yugi plus commonly acts on his sense of justice, he admires and treats "the other yugi" as even one of his best friends, which has to do about gaining trust or proof of being worthy of trust.
Even Yugi questions it as well, but he's taking priority to rescue his granpa and rightfully so, but thinks about it, even his questions holds some answers, but confirmation first and focus on the rescue mission first, right?
It hints even what will get to know much later, I'll quote where...
"The mystery of the Millennium Items...when I solved the puzzle, my other me came into was he there all along and I didn't know it? I want to know the truth too..."
This is a great hint, it shows too that Takahashi knew all along...we get the confirmation about before the puzzle was solved if he was always there all along or not and Yugi suspect it that Dark Yugi isn't "his other self" at all but someone else and own person.
(Update | 09/08/2018| if you're back for a re-read of these posts on updates in case of new points in case you have read the Memory World Arc, this is a cool foreshadowing of the prologue of Memory World Arc)

I find it amusing that they were surprised he had recovery then followed by another questioning surprise, why was he here,Yugi feels bit nervous at first since Kaiba has an intimidating look as Dark Yugi (remember even when Yugi talked to Dark Yugi for the first time in Monster World and even later despite of trusting him, he did found him bit intimidating and hard to approach because they are both very serious characters) and happy for seeing Kaiba has recovered from his coma and takes chance to return his deck.
A detail to notice is when Yugi was going towards Kaiba, his friends were worried, thinking Kaiba could still be dangerous based on their Death-T experience.
The next curious thing is how Kaiba addresses Yugi from this moment and onward in comparison to Dark Yugi, it's always calm and quiet with a mix of rivalry...
Kaiba thanks him for giving back his deck, but then warns him that just because of his loss in Death-T, doesn't mean they becomes friends (to be honest, he does kinda have point, winning or losing), for the way he says though and thanking him to move into rivalry, I think is safe to say he does remember Yugi visiting him to an extent, this rivalry thing is addressing to Dark Yugi and Yugi, since he feels more comfortable in seeing Yugi as a rival than a friend, yet he feels a stronger rivalry against Dark Yugi because they have similar attitude in duelling (cocky, prideful, arrogance and overconfidence), with Yugi, he saw his performance in Death-T in the haunted mansion, he must have also checked his background and knows he is a gamer since he was child like him plus a very skilled one as someone who didn't ever lost a game like himself and payed attention to Yugi that he followed him to his granfather store when he was first introduced in the series...

But Jounouchi isn't satisfied since this was the 3rd time someone interrupting his sleep, he didn't forgiven Kaiba from Death-T and also his personality and his condescending attitude towards Jounouchi during this time, Jounouchi challenges him to a duel...even his friends think is crazy (so do I, it's just not worth your time), despite his arrogant attitude, he will teach an important valuable lesson about ego to Jounouchi, despite himself having them but not realising it, he can make sharp observations of others but doesn't at himself that he has this kind of problem however is because he thinks his skills and intellect plus pride (as if is actually a good thing) compensate for it...
A detail to notice is when Yugi was going towards Kaiba, his friends were worried, thinking Kaiba could still be dangerous based on their Death-T experience.
The next curious thing is how Kaiba addresses Yugi from this moment and onward in comparison to Dark Yugi, it's always calm and quiet with a mix of rivalry...

Kaiba thanks him for giving back his deck, but then warns him that just because of his loss in Death-T, doesn't mean they becomes friends (to be honest, he does kinda have point, winning or losing), for the way he says though and thanking him to move into rivalry, I think is safe to say he does remember Yugi visiting him to an extent, this rivalry thing is addressing to Dark Yugi and Yugi, since he feels more comfortable in seeing Yugi as a rival than a friend, yet he feels a stronger rivalry against Dark Yugi because they have similar attitude in duelling (cocky, prideful, arrogance and overconfidence), with Yugi, he saw his performance in Death-T in the haunted mansion, he must have also checked his background and knows he is a gamer since he was child like him plus a very skilled one as someone who didn't ever lost a game like himself and payed attention to Yugi that he followed him to his granfather store when he was first introduced in the series...

But Jounouchi isn't satisfied since this was the 3rd time someone interrupting his sleep, he didn't forgiven Kaiba from Death-T and also his personality and his condescending attitude towards Jounouchi during this time, Jounouchi challenges him to a duel...even his friends think is crazy (so do I, it's just not worth your time), despite his arrogant attitude, he will teach an important valuable lesson about ego to Jounouchi, despite himself having them but not realising it, he can make sharp observations of others but doesn't at himself that he has this kind of problem however is because he thinks his skills and intellect plus pride (as if is actually a good thing) compensate for it...
Some points Kaiba addresses about Jounouchi having fake confidence/ego made of glass because he is getting carried away with his progress, that's easy to break, he may be acting arrogant but he has a point.

Now, now Kaiba don't go overboard, I think deep down he doesn't really mean it (because he went quiet twice when Yugi called him out and after he said that, so he regrets a little in what he said), it's that he is a loner, he is used at doing things alone, not trusting anyone except for his brother, too much pride, he feels more comfortable seeing Yugi as a rival, to have excuses to duel against him...
He goes as far quietely starting a conversation with him...

By revealing what he knows of Pegasus through telling the story of an event that Kaiba witnessed himself, he speaks of card professors, the pre-pro duelists (before "pro duelists" became a thing) because it was a huge success in NA, who were more or less prize hunters on tournament that had given huge prizes and there is millions of players (which is a lot) even by card game standards...

Kaiba using Jounouchi to test his new invention of card battle machine, Kaiba keeps overwhelming Jounouchi with his powerful monsters, Kaiba reveals through his thoughts the objective of creating this card battle machine.
I want to mention, that Kaiba is very impressive and excels when it comes to technology, I would even dare he is a genius, I mean the battle box was all himself who developed, he may be arrogant about his skills, but the battle box was there a lot of hard work as Mokuba implies, as he was inventing the battle box, he was creating a prototype duel disk like this, he is one of those genius who explores to his genius fullest intellectual and inventive potential.
As for the reason he invented this, he was always a very driven person, it seems he started to invent before Death-T and after some event which seems to imply above and himself reveal to others that he knows Pegasus can read minds...

Jounouchi finally draws a very powerful card "Red Eyes Black Dragon" and defeats one of Kaiba monsters but gets a little too confident about it, Kaiba was actually impressed by Jounouchi's dragon, it is a very strong card...

Kaiba literally crushes Jounouchi (sorry, Jounouchi), after Kaiba stating that now his fake confidence was ruined and guessed pretty much everything about his progress, it's like he can see through Jounouchi so well, during this time even I have to admit as much as I hate it, he can be more emotionally mature than Jounouchi but only to certain extent (when it comes to interpersonal maturity, he is a little more above Kaiba), asking if was educational, then he crosses the line for me (seems for others as well) when starts insulting Jounouchi, it hurts a lot more emotionally.
I love the moments Anzu stand up against Kaiba in speaking, she is right in everything she is saying and also so done with Kaiba's attitude (xD, I don't censor her), just because he won he can't go around say whatever he wants by insulting (even Dark Yugi comes to a point he becomes sick of Kaiba insulting Jounouchi) without knowing Jounouchi's hardships and own reality (it also shows that some of previous points Kaiba said were right for Anzu until he started insulting Jounouchi), followed by Ryou almost about to fully reveal Jounouchi's purpose to be in the tournament, Jounouchi's stops him to not gofurther, I guess pride or refuses pity from Kaiba but also he doesn't him as friend to let him know what he is fighting for (in this case I agree, since pity is an condescending feeling, not because of pride, simply because his struggles and hardships is a very personal and private that is best to be confided with whom he trusts like Jounouchi did with his friends, not something spread around), Mai catches a bit and wondering, Kaiba responds as...

I love the moments Anzu stand up against Kaiba in speaking, she is right in everything she is saying and also so done with Kaiba's attitude (xD, I don't censor her), just because he won he can't go around say whatever he wants by insulting (even Dark Yugi comes to a point he becomes sick of Kaiba insulting Jounouchi) without knowing Jounouchi's hardships and own reality (it also shows that some of previous points Kaiba said were right for Anzu until he started insulting Jounouchi), followed by Ryou almost about to fully reveal Jounouchi's purpose to be in the tournament, Jounouchi's stops him to not gofurther, I guess pride or refuses pity from Kaiba but also he doesn't him as friend to let him know what he is fighting for (in this case I agree, since pity is an condescending feeling, not because of pride, simply because his struggles and hardships is a very personal and private that is best to be confided with whom he trusts like Jounouchi did with his friends, not something spread around), Mai catches a bit and wondering, Kaiba responds as...

He has got some points right but by which sense he means? depending the sense he means, I agree and not agree, it can be both ways, such:
"The only thing that matters is...If you let yourself be crushed...or if you can fight to protect those crucial things."
Does he means by your fighting spirit or winning/losing and both being connected? if being connected, that's not always the case, leaving your fighting spirit and determination to decide the match, a bit short-sighted there, Kaiba, in card games is not really the case since is a good percent relying on luck, not just skills and determination.
Kaiba is also going over the top claiming after this duel, Jounouchi will be too afraid to duel again...Kaiba, this is a card game, I would understand in sports competitions and board table games competitions like chess, Go, Shogi, Poker, etc when someone wants to take in as his future career and ambitions besides Jounouchi isn't someone who gives up easily fact this duel will make him a stronger player...
"The only thing that matters is...If you let yourself be crushed...or if you can fight to protect those crucial things."
Does he means by your fighting spirit or winning/losing and both being connected? if being connected, that's not always the case, leaving your fighting spirit and determination to decide the match, a bit short-sighted there, Kaiba, in card games is not really the case since is a good percent relying on luck, not just skills and determination.
Kaiba is also going over the top claiming after this duel, Jounouchi will be too afraid to duel again...Kaiba, this is a card game, I would understand in sports competitions and board table games competitions like chess, Go, Shogi, Poker, etc when someone wants to take in as his future career and ambitions besides Jounouchi isn't someone who gives up easily fact this duel will make him a stronger player...

Now, now Kaiba don't go overboard, I think deep down he doesn't really mean it (because he went quiet twice when Yugi called him out and after he said that, so he regrets a little in what he said), it's that he is a loner, he is used at doing things alone, not trusting anyone except for his brother, too much pride, he feels more comfortable seeing Yugi as a rival, to have excuses to duel against him...
He goes as far quietely starting a conversation with him...

By revealing what he knows of Pegasus through telling the story of an event that Kaiba witnessed himself, he speaks of card professors, the pre-pro duelists (before "pro duelists" became a thing) because it was a huge success in NA, who were more or less prize hunters on tournament that had given huge prizes and there is millions of players (which is a lot) even by card game standards...

Then introduces Keith Howard with the nick name as "Bandit Keith" being the number one in America out of these millions players in America is a foreshadowing and also implies that he is a very strong player, he challenged Pegasus, whom at first wasn't interested under specific conditions, the way Pegasus did this to Keith was downright cruel humiliation in public in a stadium and broadcasted in all tv stations, that's just mean then writting the intructions for the kid to follow and the kid won without himself playing against Keith...that was mean...😕
As you can guess, obviously, Kaiba being intelligent, sharp and perceptive as he is, understood Pegasus could read minds just from this duel he watched and was shocked, Pegasus even took the chance in turning the whole tournament into a commercial for his card game emphasised by Kaiba that even Kaiba, even Kaiba dropped sigh (😓), this is the only time we have seen him doing this classic "funny expression" 😆, which is quite an impressive accomplishment on Pegasus part. 😏
Yugi just confirmed his suspicions (which means he also watched the whole duel of Dark Yugi against videotape Pegasus and realised this much), Jounouchi is also shocked...who wouldn't for someone who prefers to not be involved in this kind of stuff, Yugi isn't shock is more "*gasp* I was right! I called it!" kind of thing, Kaiba still doesn't fully accept that it might be some psychic or magical ability going on because of kinda having a sceptic mindset and intends to win against Pegasus with duel disk, Yugi's response is not angry really but more so feeling incensed of having a different opinion and thinking is no excuse of insulting Jounouchi wanting to say something and ends up being...

As you can guess, obviously, Kaiba being intelligent, sharp and perceptive as he is, understood Pegasus could read minds just from this duel he watched and was shocked, Pegasus even took the chance in turning the whole tournament into a commercial for his card game emphasised by Kaiba that even Kaiba, even Kaiba dropped sigh (😓), this is the only time we have seen him doing this classic "funny expression" 😆, which is quite an impressive accomplishment on Pegasus part. 😏

Yugi just confirmed his suspicions (which means he also watched the whole duel of Dark Yugi against videotape Pegasus and realised this much), Jounouchi is also shocked...who wouldn't for someone who prefers to not be involved in this kind of stuff, Yugi isn't shock is more "*gasp* I was right! I called it!" kind of thing, Kaiba still doesn't fully accept that it might be some psychic or magical ability going on because of kinda having a sceptic mindset and intends to win against Pegasus with duel disk, Yugi's response is not angry really but more so feeling incensed of having a different opinion and thinking is no excuse of insulting Jounouchi wanting to say something and ends up being...

Dark Yugi to finish it off, also because he wanted to say something to Kaiba too not just Yugi and Anzu, despite what he said was in a cheesy manner, he is right, because if Kaiba was going first and actually gonna defeat him first, it would make his journey on this tournament to save Yugi's grandpa pointless and lose chances to save him and take away Jounouchi's chances to help his sister...
There is also a competitive and prideful side...Kaiba and Dark Yugi now competing who beats Pegasus, they are so competitive...(to an embarrassing level in my opinion) -.-".
I will touch further in this "True Duelist" theme in manga as we advance, this weird mindset that I don't agree with as we go along...
See Ya Next Post!
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