Plot Summary:
In the last post I left when Jounouchi just saved Yugi from the fire, after this event Yugi stays in the hospital to be treated and healed while Jounouchi had minor injuries so he doesn't need to sleep in the hospital, Yugi is playing Duel Monsters/Magic&Wizards with Jounouchi, Anzu feels relieved Yugi survived the fire and feels grateful for Jounouchi being able to save him, Yugi and friends share their thoughts for Yugi finishing the puzzle so quick, leaving Anzu in deep reflection about the situation regarding Yugi and Dark Yugi and the recent info revealed by Pegasus, an old man who is Yugi's hospital room-mate calls him out about an article on the newspaper getting the attention from Yugi, an egyptian woman who's from the Egypt government with an millenium item quickly realized by Yugi and Ryou Bakura, millenium tauk, who is holding an Egypt antiquities exhibit in Domino Museum by name of Ishizu Ishtarl.
By night time, changes into Kaiba arriving at Domino Museum to meet up with Ishizu, Ishizu introduces herself and summarizes her job, Kaiba tells her he is only interested in creating gaming technology and not in history, Ishizu reveals the origin of Duel Monsters in a ancient egyptian palette and same kind of palette showing figures of what looks like Yugi wearing the puzzle with Dark/Black Magician and Kaiba with Blue Eyes White Dragon, Kaiba is shocked and in denial for a while, also reveals Pegasus created 3 Egyptian God cards, one of a kind each, the most powerful cards in Duel Monsters/Magic&Wizards were sealed in the valley of the kings for being too powerful, Ishizu informs him 2 cards were stolen by Rare Hunters Ghouls, a group that collect rare cards and sell in the black market, she gives to Kaiba the only one she was able to save from this group, "Obelisk, The Tormentor" and claims she trusts Kaiba, slightly suggests him to host a tournament to attract this group in getting the missing 2 cards...
The next day at the rooftop of Domino Hospital, watching the view while waiting for his friends to pick him up and talking to Dark Yugi, Yugi talks about what Yami Bakura and asks him if Dark Yugi knows anything about it and wonders to him if he is a king, Dark Yugi replies he doesn't know, he just knows exists in Yugi through the puzzle, they have an emotional moment and Yugi tries to dodge the subject saying he wants to leave the hospital early, Dark Yugi makes notice to Yugi their friends arrived early as well as they arrive at the hospital.
The scene transitions to Kaiba testing the new version of the duel disk and the Egyptian God card and challenges the deck used in Duelist Kingdom...
The week passes with Dark Yugi questioning his existence to Sunday, Yugi dressing himself for Anzu, trying to follow Dark Yugi's goth-punk fashion sense so he could make Dark Yugi take over, setting a "date" with Anzu because Yugi has been sensing Dark Yugi brooding...Anzu is feeling quite nervous for this "date", Dark Yugi arrives, Anzu jolts and blushes, they start the "date", Anzu and Dark Yugi share thoughts at some parts during the time spent and Dark Yugi confesses what is truly going on with him and says he knows where he wants and needs to go, the Domino Museum to see their exhibit, there they discover Dark Yugi is actually a soul of a pharaoh sealed in the millenium puzzle and they meet Ishizu Ishtarl, revealing some bits what is needed for him to restore his memories and future that soon she will meet an enemy with the last millenium item, they exit the museum, Dark Yugi asks Anzu to not talk about what they discover at the museum with Yugi.
Dark Yugi and Anzu still in front of the museum, Dark Yugi realizes they're surrounded by duelists, they find Mai, greet each other, both sharing some info, Kaiba appears to announce that he is hosting a Duel Monsters/Magic&Wizards tournament and informs the rules and conditions of the tournament.
Next day, Yugi and Anzu reveals about the tournament to Jounouchi and the others, after school they go to a card game store, Yugi has the highest level in skill so he gets a duel disk for free, while Jounouchi is level 2, you can only be over level 5 to enter, revealing Kaiba is selecting his contestants, the store owner notices Jounouchi has an ultra rare card (Red Eyes Black Dragon), the store owner suspiciously hacked and put Jounouchi on Level 5, after they leave the store to Yugi's house to discuss about Jounouchi's deck, the store owner calls the rare hunters.
When Jounouchi leaves Yugi's house is already at night, as Jounouchi walks by an alley to go home, he meets rare hunters and one of them challenges him to a duel and he loses and his Red Eyes Black Dragon by a rare hunter who owned an "Exodia, The Forbiden One" completed, the tournament still hadn't started, so it was an unofficial duel for the act of putting the rule of ante...
Key Points:

In this scene Anzu is feeling relieved, I think it was more towards Yugi, after all Yugi is her childhood friend, like I said, childhood friends usually gets special treatment, also there is her romantic feelings developing slowly for Yugi, she expresses gratitude to Jounouchi in her own way but her comment Jounouchi being really thick-skinned rings true figuratively and physically (pffft), physically is obvious due to his delinquent and harsh background and being very athletic, on a metaphorical side of it, even though when others (specially Kaiba) taunts (except Yugi) Jounouchi, he may be easily provoked by Kaiba but isn't easy to get him feeling down, even though his fake confidence was crushed by Kaiba before but he gradually got up on his own, now he is not as easily and strongly affected by Kaiba, he may get angered but don't act on it, holds back as well.

The author in these panels makes it clear Anzu still has a crush on Dark Yugi, just at the mention of him she blushes straight away, even there are 2 or 3 times when comes to Yugi because is slowly developing, it's not just at the mention of him anyway...(a bit later in the post will have some Anzu characterization).
I think is nice to know now Dark Yugi and Yugi talk to each other now often, everyday technically to the point of building a deck together, it shows how close they are since they share the same body, it's only natural.
Yugi thinking that maybe it was his wish and also suspects and consider it strange and felt it for him that it built itself because it took him a few minutes when for the first time took 8 years, I agree and disagree, when he started making real progress, it took him 2 days to complete, considering not progressing for 8 years, he was 16 years old when he started making progress, he had this puzzle when he was 8 years old, it shows that when he is motivated or determined or under pressure or when is necessary or important for him, he can perform extremely well, also wishes are a test to your determination, it was Yugi himself.
What Anzu says to Yugi and him agreeing it's meaningful in the depths of their thoughts related to Dark Yugi, deep down they know Dark Yugi is an entity of it's own.

aawww, Yugi, Yugi, I do get where it comes from, even for me is something embarrassing to say, he wished for true friends he could count on and being counted on, in this regard I can strongly relate with Yugi, people think having friends is just hang out and socialize with a group of people, in my life experience, it isn't true, it's hard to find the right people, finding someone you can trust and be trusted back isn't easy, it's actually very complicated and difficult because we humans are naturally complicated creatures, so relationships between humans are complicated (being family, friends, romantic partners, comrades, workmates, etc).
Yugi believes it was his millenium puzzle granted his wish, when it was his actions and choices made that happen, Jounouchi being moved by Yugi selflessness and shielding Jounouchi and Honda from Ushio, the same applies for Honda when Yugi tried to protect Honda's identity for the writing puzzle confession to Miho, they were moved by his kindness and slowly Dark Yugi realizes it was affected by him as well.

Yugi thinking that maybe it was his wish and also suspects and consider it strange and felt it for him that it built itself because it took him a few minutes when for the first time took 8 years, I agree and disagree, when he started making real progress, it took him 2 days to complete, considering not progressing for 8 years, he was 16 years old when he started making progress, he had this puzzle when he was 8 years old, it shows that when he is motivated or determined or under pressure or when is necessary or important for him, he can perform extremely well, also wishes are a test to your determination, it was Yugi himself.
What Anzu says to Yugi and him agreeing it's meaningful in the depths of their thoughts related to Dark Yugi, deep down they know Dark Yugi is an entity of it's own.

Anzu may not believe she just said that, but it means deep down she knew it as Yugi, Anzu as she accurately said " that just what I wanted to believe?", yes, because it would make look like he would be with you forever (I mean in a plural sense), this applies to Yugi as well like I stated in the previous post , Anzu and Yugi, they are both very smart and sharp characters, they both subconsciously and consciously know it and avoid the truth, because they believe if they continue thinking Dark Yugi is the other yugi, he won't leave them, it shows how attached Yugi and Anzu are to him, Jounouchi and Honda are simple minded, so they don't think much about it, they prefer to simplify it but unconsciously does the same as Yugi and Anzu.

Anzu being someone with already future aspirations to become a dancer in New York in USA, of course she would worry and questioning about the future of the spirit of the millenium puzzle once the puzzle is put on the tablet...she is considering something...

This scene means the main plot will start to move and also it will be harder for Yugi to avoid the subject about Dark Yugi and his duty as a vessel of the pharaoh spirit, Ryou Bakura and Yugi were quick to recognizing the millenium item, there is something I want you to be aware, if you notice, it doesn't seem Dark Yugi is seeing this, one would think he is, later it reveals he wasn't...

Yugi starts to become more aware that he can't dodge the subject about Dark Yugi and the tablet of pharaoh's memories forever, even he is sensing it...let's see how long you can avoid, Yugi...

I really find these panels quite interesting and a bit informative, such as carbon dating doesn't work with enough precision on rocks and the fact on a ancient egyptian palette or tomb with a cartouche means it's a pharaoh over it, about the world itself of Yu-Gi-Oh!, it means the spirit of the pharaoh is in the 18th dysnasty.
I'll talk about this palette in detail after Dark Yugi and Anzu reactions to it.
Kaiba's reactions to it is funny, he is in denial but also thinking at the same time about "the other yugi" (remember he knows of Yugi and Dark Yugi, he is one of the few who can distinguish as not the same person for real), because it matches...
Kaiba's reactions to it is funny, he is in denial but also thinking at the same time about "the other yugi" (remember he knows of Yugi and Dark Yugi, he is one of the few who can distinguish as not the same person for real), because it matches...

I laugh so hard at Kaiba's denial reactions, it's just too funny (pffft), then we get the reveal that Pegasus's creation of duel monsters/Magic&Wizards was based on stone slabs of the monsters from Ancient Egypt , there is also some titbit about how most games and certain cards were based on Ancient Egypt like Thoth Tarot based on the Book of Thoth, these small infos are quite interesting...

What I think is amusing about Kaiba and Ishizu discussion is that Ishizu knows the right notes and build him up for it for what he is really interested, from introduction of herself and her job to the origin of Duel Monsters/Magic&Wizards to the palette of the priest and nameless pharaoh together with the egyptian god cards, she sure knows how to gradually build up the hype on Kaiba, it means she gets his ego and prideful personality well, it's not like Kaiba doesn't make an effort to hide it, he bluntly shows it and it's not very difficult to get him pumped.
From how Ishizu explains Pegasus fear of the Gods cards to the point of sealing them, it suggests, it's no normal monster cards...

I think is fascinating, Pegasus fear of the power of the cards to the point of not keeping to himself, it says a bit more about his character even though at the current time he is dead, even Pegasus despite being after the illusion of his lover and acknowledges certain boundaries, it informs us readers, they are special kind of cards, their spirits are so powerful that it seems they can act on their own and feel it's powers and possibly chose their wielders like the millenium items, which can be confirmed later during the tournament of battle city.

This information about rare hunter, who steal rare cards and sells them on the black market and making bootleg cards, cards not approved in the official forbidden, banned cards and illegal ones, it seems to be quite a big deal duel monsters/magic and wizards in Yu-Gi-Oh! world, I know there is fake cards and unofficial ones in the world we live in but not like this to the point of cards being in the black market and hunters and thieves...
I like this titbit about dark creatures such as ghouls in Islamic legend, it's those nice little touches and references, it shows the author made his research to add more flavour to the plot and the villains of this story arc, I have a big interest in fantastic and magical creatures, since there is a lot of symbology and metaphors in them.

Kaiba is amazingly power-hungry, it's even funny, despite these panels make him seem like he hasn't changed one bit, but seems to put this nature of him in games, specially card games, interesting to see he isn't power hungry the whole time, it has to be worth it, if it isn't, he is just wasting time, as we have seen clearly he hates waste time in things he isn't interested or being played around, his obsession with power could be compared to the Rare Hunters Ghouls, but Kaiba has his own standards, policies and ethic codes.

I think is so funny the nurses commenting in whispering that Yugi was talking to himself while he was talking to Dark Yugi (same thoughts as his mother), Yugi be more careful...
I think is very nice of Dark Yugi thanking Yugi, while Yugi says it was Jounouchi who saved them, Yugi tendency to put his bravery, strength and his capacity to the side, sometimes annoys me a little, only a little because I do have an inferiority complex so I know, but I know when to acknowledge my achievements and feel glad it contributed to something even if it was small, Yugi seem to refuse or deny it because he was saved as well, it makes me want to say to Yugi - Dark Yugi wouldn't be saved if you hadn't completed it, so you played a part as well as much as Jounouchi and Dark Yugi sparking the idea, it was a team effort - it truly was a team effort, Dark Yugi response as "we have good friends...", the way he phrases it, he is indirectly saying Jounouchi helped as well not just Yugi, he knows it was team effort but most thankful to Yugi because if he didn't completed the puzzle, he would be gone, Yugi doesn't fully recognize it he trying to not admit to himself that Dark Yugi isn't his other make it more obvious...

This is a very important scene, it means Yugi have been reflecting about Pegasus's info and what Yami Bakura said to him while he was at the hospital, he asks if Dark Yugi is a king, it means he suspects he is the pharaoh/king spirit, further confirming he is trying to avoid and face it, the fact Dark Yugi responded he doesn't remember anything not even his name (emphasizing it's importance and foreshadowing we will know his real name), Yugi making 1+1, it kinda confirms to him he really is the pharaoh spirit with no memories he has to awaken...once he becomes more aware, realizing what it means if he admits it...

This time it's clear Yugi is trying to avoid, he is having a hard time to avoid the subject not just to Dark Yugi but to himself as well, he has been reflecting on it secretly, as for Dark Yugi is obvious he wants to know who he is and where he comes from but...

Even Dark Yugi is avoiding his questions and seeking answers but is it for himself or for others, Yugi specifically? You can tell he wants to know, but says is okay if he doesn't know since if he doesn't come to know he can stay always with them, so deep down he admits and Yugi avoiding to some degree admits knows if they go seek answers may mean Dark Yugi has to leave one day, admitting he is a spirit of someone who died, spirit of the pharaoh and that means once his "unfinished business" is completed, it means to go to afterlife, this applies to Anzu reflections as well, this is another personality traits revealed about Dark Yugi, he is very considerate and also accommodating sometimes, for someone with a tendency to be cocky and sometimes arrogant, he is quite soft-hearted...

It's clear Yugi is very attached to Dark Yugi, he is making a huge effort in avoiding as he says "y-you can have my" and crying, deep down he knows one day he has to leave, Dark Yugi always calm reaction at this scene, makes me question that maybe he understands why Yugi is so attached to him and of course moved by it, he saw his everyday life for a long time and knows better than anyone Yugi's home environment, Yugi doesn't have a bad one, but an absent father and being an only child probably bothers him but prefers not to think or talk about it, like this subject concerning Dark Yugi being a spirit possibly of a deceased pharaoh...

Kaiba was quicker to accept, he was in denial probably because they wouldn't be rivals as long as he wants to and sees currently Dark Yugi as a spirit with an unresolved past, he understood straight away the "yugi in the palette" was "the other yugi" he knows about, even though he is mentioning Yugi but he is referring to Dark Yugi, once Kaiba talks about only Dark Yugi and him has true pride, means he doesn't think the original Yugi doesn't have pride, which is true, Yugi is very humble and modest (it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing, mind you, the problem is his inferiority complex and low-self esteem he needs to overcome), but sees as something Yugi is lacking as "duelist" even though sees lot of potential, you already know my view about pride if you read this post, now if said dignity and integrity or respectful, that would be different and makes more sense to me, this shows Kaiba's confidence is based on past achievements and much to learn,,,Dark Yugi is slowly learning to have some humility.

It's obvious to see Kaiba seems to hold some grudge regarding the words related to past and prefers to look at future based on the present, you can see he has his own opinions, in fact he is very opinionated, also he thinks his opinions are based on logic, but militaristic or dogmatic logic connected to his competitive trait, when he says that "duelist greatest enemy is a monster called fear in our hearts", something duelists shouldn't have, to me fear is a natural response when you recognize and sense a threat or danger, I think is an important emotion that is part of survival instincts, it's neither a good and bad thing but useful to warn us to be careful.
But Kaiba assuming he stood up without fear against his blue-eyes, Dark Yugi had no fear, he is not aware is that courage is facing the challenges head on when you're scared, he may not know but Dark Yugi was scared but faced the challenge, even Kaiba says at the end is a bit contradicting "you took the challenge and you won." - he is referring to the Death-T duel and probably almost about to win in Duelist Kingdom.

Dark Yugi is in contemplation about his own existence and sense the answers it's closer in the museum, I want you to remember that's where Millenium tauk is plus the palette with Dark Yugi in it, Shadi stated millenium items are drawn to one another to be united one day, we can assume it is these 2 millenium items sensing one and another put also as if guiding for specials purposes mentioned in the former.
He is avoiding the questions as well, he wants to seek answers, yet for how long he can avoid it?
He is avoiding the questions as well, he wants to seek answers, yet for how long he can avoid it?
These panels make it sound days are passing by as he meditates on these questions and thoughts, according to the following Yugi has been sensing it and suspecting it so...

This chapter doesn't fail to make me laugh, specially this scene and others, but let's focus on this scene, it makes it clear Dark Yugi is a peachshipper, so when Yugi just says "I'm meeting Anzu today!" and Dark Yugi quickly assumes is a date, is pretty interesting, and Yugi responds it's not really his date, hinting at the readers it will be Dark Yugi who will be the one taking over.
I'll go for how quickly Dark Yugi assumed it was a date, it seems he is more caught on the modern times through Yugi than he is letting know, not just games but daily life as well such as date, giving Yugi fashion tips and how to impress Anzu from someone who has no experience in romance, to me means he must have been paying attention to the media even when Yugi wasn't looking.
I'll go for how quickly Dark Yugi assumed it was a date, it seems he is more caught on the modern times through Yugi than he is letting know, not just games but daily life as well such as date, giving Yugi fashion tips and how to impress Anzu from someone who has no experience in romance, to me means he must have been paying attention to the media even when Yugi wasn't looking.
Now as for Dark Yugi rooting for Yugi with Anzu, for anyone who has read the chapters of Anzu trying to approach Dark Yugi like chapter 41 and 45, I did question if Dark Yugi had a crush on Anzu and to me doesn't seem to be that way, but I maybe wrong, he blushed a little at the end of chapter 45, but him rooting like this for Yugi, he is aware Anzu has a crush on him but roots for Yugi (he also knows Yugi has a crush on her), so very likely he doesn't hold these romantic feelings for her, however I always wonder what are his thoughts about it, the manga didn't ever mention, we can look by his behaviour and thoughts at certain situations and speculate.
It's obvious Yugi is up to something and mischievously...

Yeah, Anzu, why so nervous? you're the one who was pretty gutsy to put yourself in danger just to have a date with Dark Yugi only, seriously I do wonder, I think some of the reasons, now she has seen him and talked to him a bit more often, so she was able to get the idea of how he is, she is so used to his company with the others around but alone with him not much and also slowly developing romantic feelings for Yugi but still has a bit crush on Dark Yugi, these things don't go away fast, after all.
Now as for Yugi seems blushing but calm in front Anzu (so cute), Yugi's intentions to set them up on a "date" with Anzu to put Dark Yugi in a better mood? sounds suspicious, Yugi says Dark Yugi won't tell anything, Yugi, you can't fool me...I think Yugi knows very well what is going on...I'll let the next panels to the end reveal itself and approach it along the way...
It's funny how nervous she gets and jolts once he arrives...

It's funny how nervous she gets and jolts once he arrives...

Anzu reactions are funny of seeing Dark Yugi all dressed up (not bad choices, Yugi ;), you made Anzu skip her heart a little, since Dark Yugi is pretty good looking already), Dark Yugi reactions of Yugi making him take over on purpose even funnier (pffft hahahaha).
In all seriousness, I find intriguing when he is complaining to himself about Yugi hiding and making him to be in this situation...I think is pretty obvious to me at least, that he is trying not to interfere with Dark Yugi decisions and since he doesn't want him wandering by himself then let Anzu being the best choice to accompanying him (let's be serious, if were Honda and Jounouchi it wouldn't work well for him to go to the museum, if was just put him in a good mood, Jounouchi and Honda wouldn't be a problem), Anzu is best to handle serious matters and being a confidant...Yugi believes in Anzu will be able to help Dark Yugi better than him at his current mind state about Dark Yugi identity and entity...

When Anzu tries talking to him and he doesn't say anything, as Anzu says "it's a dead silence...What do I do...?mm-" - awkward silence would be more accurate, he was looking at the window, probably thinking of wanting to go to the museum but avoiding these thoughts at the same time, Anzu is pretty good at starting a conversation if you ask me, once she started talking about his accessories and shirt, Dark Yugi started commenting Yugi doesn't have much fashion sense...Dark Yugi is aware of Yugi's secretive trait and tendency, when Dark Yugi mentions this shows he noticed this trait in Yugi's everyday life, Anzu states Yugi is worried about him, it left it in Dark Yugi an considered thought and then he probably noticed Yugi real intentions and Anzu slowly realizing Yugi intentions...Dark Yugi comments they're the same of not knowing where to go...

I think what she says in this scene is really important not just to him but to us readers as well, I think is an important message when we think about our future, because if we're doing nothing or gaming or whatever you're doing, time is always moving even if you don't move or when we're taking a break as we're aging, like she said we all have limited time, not just until death but phases of life like being children to pre-adolescence to teens, etc have limited time as well , as she talks she is thinking about what she's saying, she becomes more aware the time they spend with Dark Yugi is limited as she is more conscious of Dark Yugi being an entity.
The importance to go after your dreams and goals as time passes becomes closer every second, we always have to move forward even when there is times we don't feel like it or don't want to or too scared to keep moving, but it is these times we need to move forward the most to stand up and walk or run ahead.

The importance to go after your dreams and goals as time passes becomes closer every second, we always have to move forward even when there is times we don't feel like it or don't want to or too scared to keep moving, but it is these times we need to move forward the most to stand up and walk or run ahead.

Dark Yugi in volume 9 and 10 is when he is the most expressive of all volumes, the most common expressions of his are surprise, anger, eagerness, serious, smugness, determination and sometimes happy, it's rare seeing him pumped or hyped or teasing or like the one above of Dark Yugi advising to not pay attention to the guy challenging her, totally uninterested expression.
These panels and this scene in particular shows Anzu's competitive side, it's not often you see this side of her but is related to what she likes, some people who are very competitive overall tend to be in almost everything, but there are some who are but focused on their activities, athleticism, dance, games, pro chess players, some aren't competitive but prefer to just plainly focus on their projects, for example Yugi isn't really competitive, Yugi is more of an explorer of his activities as a gamer and making him more creative in his play style, Anzu's case is very understandable because the dance world is very competitive, almost anything that involve arts, to be part of it, usually you have to be very good...
The Johnny guy really pisses me off, these are the kind of overconfident people I hate, I don't get anyone who behave like him, their attitude always confuse me and is irritating.

As you noticed when Dark Yugi meets for the first time Ishizu asks who she is and surprised she has a millenium item, that I didn't shown because of the many panels ensembles, in other words Dark Yugi didn't knew about the newspaper article, implying Dark Yugi isn't always present on what Yugi is doing and Yugi never told him either, furthering proving the "date" he set up is for Yugi himself to not interfere Dark Yugi descisions, also because Yugi himself doesn't feel fully ready yet to do his duty as host of the pharaoh spirit and taking Yugi's secretive personality trait, Yugi was actually being considerate of Dark Yugi and at the same time not fully ready for not revealing the article of the newspaper regarding Ancient Egypt Exhibit and Ishizu plus her millenium item to him and Anzu.
The only thing Yugi doesn't know is the contents of this Ancient Exhibit that Dark Yugi and Anzu is seeing, on account of Yugi's sharpness and perception on reading the article, he is pretty suspicious of it's contents may be related to pharaoh spirit's memories, for this reason didn't informed Dark Yugi about Ishizu and indicating Yugi is almost sure Dark Yugi is the soul of the pharaoh who lost his memories.
It's interesting that he recognised the man under Blue Eyes White Dragon resembling Kaiba straight away, one of the obvious being the monster then carved drawing holds some resemblance to him too.

These panels and this scene in particular shows Anzu's competitive side, it's not often you see this side of her but is related to what she likes, some people who are very competitive overall tend to be in almost everything, but there are some who are but focused on their activities, athleticism, dance, games, pro chess players, some aren't competitive but prefer to just plainly focus on their projects, for example Yugi isn't really competitive, Yugi is more of an explorer of his activities as a gamer and making him more creative in his play style, Anzu's case is very understandable because the dance world is very competitive, almost anything that involve arts, to be part of it, usually you have to be very good...
The Johnny guy really pisses me off, these are the kind of overconfident people I hate, I don't get anyone who behave like him, their attitude always confuse me and is irritating.

I really like their interactions in this chapter (I'll inform you I'm not revolutionshipper), when they talk attentively, it's usually more serious subjects, Dark Yugi is confirming to Anzu he is an entity and identity of his own and what he has been reflecting on it, subtly saying what he wants to do but indirectly avoiding.

As Dark Yugi is trying to avoid his wish to seek answers to his questions, Anzu hits hard on him when she asks if he is really alright like this avoiding himself, Dark Yugi finally admits to himself and confess to Anzu what has been keeping him from going after his answers, it's because he is being considerate of Yugi, as Anzu noted and to herself being considerate of Dark Yugi in helping him in encouraging to go after what he truly wants to do.
To me it shows a difference in maturity of the characters of this gang in the story progress, Anzu is the most mature of the group, then is Dark Yugi, after is Yugi and the following is Ryou Bakura, Honda then Jounouchi, if we include Mai, obviously Mai is the most mature.
To me it shows a difference in maturity of the characters of this gang in the story progress, Anzu is the most mature of the group, then is Dark Yugi, after is Yugi and the following is Ryou Bakura, Honda then Jounouchi, if we include Mai, obviously Mai is the most mature.

Anzu is now in a situation where she can't see as two sides of Yugi she likes "romantically" anymore, furthering proving Dark Yugi to her is an idealized version of a more taller(Yugi gets to the same height at the end of the series), confident and matured version of Yugi, she loves Yugi's kindness and pacifist views and bit of his childish and pure side, but gladly she was slowly accepting and realizing they were two entities of their own, she gets through smoothly at this point.
The way Dark Yugi mentions himself at this panel as "Lost King" while 1 or 2 pages ago he referred of pharaoh 3000 years ago, I don't know how it works for more accurate translation from japanese, he thinking there were no doubts it was him on "the pharaoh looks like Yugi in the palette" is Dark Yugi, it means he have considered Yugi suspicions of him being the pharaoh or king, the palette just confirmed their suspicions.
It's funny they recognize straight away first is the signature star-shaped hairstyle and of course the millenium puzzle and everything starts making sense.

Anzu doesn't know about Yugi's suspicions of Dark Yugi being a spirit of a pharaoh because Yugi hasn't told what Yami Bakura told him and as Dark Yugi stated Yugi has a tendency to be quite secretive, this may be the only trait Yugi has that Anzu is oblivious of, considering his innocent and fun-loving personality easily fools someone plus his child and physical appearance making it hard for others taking him seriously.
She gets worried if Yugi will accept, as I stated in the latter, Yugi was already suspicious but didn't said to her due his secretive trait, this "date" was precisely for this purpose of what you're doing now and probably preparing himself.

As you noticed when Dark Yugi meets for the first time Ishizu asks who she is and surprised she has a millenium item, that I didn't shown because of the many panels ensembles, in other words Dark Yugi didn't knew about the newspaper article, implying Dark Yugi isn't always present on what Yugi is doing and Yugi never told him either, furthering proving the "date" he set up is for Yugi himself to not interfere Dark Yugi descisions, also because Yugi himself doesn't feel fully ready yet to do his duty as host of the pharaoh spirit and taking Yugi's secretive personality trait, Yugi was actually being considerate of Dark Yugi and at the same time not fully ready for not revealing the article of the newspaper regarding Ancient Egypt Exhibit and Ishizu plus her millenium item to him and Anzu.
The only thing Yugi doesn't know is the contents of this Ancient Exhibit that Dark Yugi and Anzu is seeing, on account of Yugi's sharpness and perception on reading the article, he is pretty suspicious of it's contents may be related to pharaoh spirit's memories, for this reason didn't informed Dark Yugi about Ishizu and indicating Yugi is almost sure Dark Yugi is the soul of the pharaoh who lost his memories.
It's interesting that he recognised the man under Blue Eyes White Dragon resembling Kaiba straight away, one of the obvious being the monster then carved drawing holds some resemblance to him too.

Dark Yugi, sometimes he can be quite rude and a bit rough (informal and bit quiet around friends), even if the person is talking to him very politely, drops formalities, he needs to have some manners once in awhile at least to those who speak politely to him.
Ishizu confirms to him the millenium items have evil intelligence, but only limited to some of them, Millenium Eye and Millenium Ring is confirmed to have it, Ishizu informs to Dark Yugi his next enemy has the last millenium item and evil intelligence inside it, we have seen the others including Millenium key and libra, leaving only the Millenium Rod, amusing enough, the Millenium Ring, Eye and Rod are strongly connected to the main villains of Memory World Arc...

The way Dark Yugi phrases explaining to Anzu why not to tell about Ishizu or stone slab to Yugi, it means he is aware Yugi is suspicious but not ready to accept yet, he may think Yugi is preparing himself but he still has no confirmation.
Now as for them commenting Yugi is a tough kid, they are aware of Yugi's strength but not of it's scale, not even Anzu who is his childhood friend (she isn't aware of Yugi's tendency to keep almost everything bottle up).
Now as for them commenting Yugi is a tough kid, they are aware of Yugi's strength but not of it's scale, not even Anzu who is his childhood friend (she isn't aware of Yugi's tendency to keep almost everything bottle up).

I do agree fully with Dark Yugi's policy, the cards you chose are usually cards you identify yourself with, not even a matter if is powerful or not, they're cards you become attached and become familiar with, it took longs hours to chose and build the deck (every players knows how long it takes to build a deck).

Anzu at this moment realizes Yugi is way too sharp and Yugi will figure out before long, Yugi when said "I think...he must have some other reason...", well, Anzu, he is already figuring out or else he wouldn't omit some information from Anzu and Dark Yugi about the newspaper article, Dark Yugi is may be aware of Yugi is considering Dark Yugi being the pharaoh soul, not just by how close they are but also the information they keep from each other and has similar contents.

The reveal of the new enemy with last Millenium Item, Millenium Rod.
This Post was super huge, good grief...See ya Next Post!
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