It's focus will be about the "True Duelist" subject, not full on yet, it's just a reminder to pay attention, since is important to the main characters development, including secondary characters, their own interpretations, convictions, ideals and principles of what means to be a true duelist and being a constant topic being discussed between the characters.
Plot Summary:
After the duel, the gang discuss the result of Jounouchi winning on his own, Dark Yugi has his own interpretation, then have a talk with the ones who dragged about what means being duelist, as they leave, going through the way back from they come from so they can reach the exit, when they're in front of it, they see Bandit Keith and the others closing the entrance of the cave with a huge rock to block the entrance..., the gang are stuck in the cave, so they have to search another way out but as the millennium ring works for their way out with time finding themselves inside a maze, when they reach the exit of the maze, they enter into a room with a Battle Box Simulation in front of them, suddenly martial artists making a flashy "kun-fu" introduction being twins calling themselves as the Meikyu Brothers, they challenge Jounouchi and Dark Yugi with the condition in wager their star chips and play as a tag team, they both accept.
Key Points:

These are some of the panels always caught my attention everytime I read them, it starts with little humour from Honda, even though his friends thinks were mostly luck, Dark Yugi even though doesn't speak up about, he thinks wasn't really luck, but the desperation to win, the concern for his burden being the true strength of a duelist, I do understand and agree it wasn't solely by luck and Jounouchi's burden played a part (Jounouchi's sister), but desperation to win, hmmm I'm not so sure about, I can see where it comes from, I can't help but have negative thoughts about "desperation to win", just the word "desperation" has already negative implications.
If someone's is "desperate to win" means generally to win at any cost, even if you have to trample over others or cheating or play dirty, I don't think it applies to every regular player/duelist, not even Jounouchi, I have already stated in the previous post, but I can add it was courage, guts and determination is what kept him going and fighting back, those are traits to describe Jounouchi and his strength of character.
If someone's is "desperate to win" means generally to win at any cost, even if you have to trample over others or cheating or play dirty, I don't think it applies to every regular player/duelist, not even Jounouchi, I have already stated in the previous post, but I can add it was courage, guts and determination is what kept him going and fighting back, those are traits to describe Jounouchi and his strength of character.
There will be occasions when contradicts his view on the matter "desperation to win", it makes me wonder if was a mistranslation, I don't think it was, his actions in the future will prove it isn't a mistranslation, if was "determination to win" I would let it slide.

Jounouchi calls Bandit Keith with following reactions of Dark Yugi surprised the latter mentioned prize hunter by Kaiba, Jounouchi explains he was dragged by the three duelists in front of them and forced to duel one of them, Jounouchi calls out to Bandit Keith to play fair next time.
I'm very amused about a word in specific, I don't know if is translation directly from japanese, or an editing choice is how Jounouchi explains being kidnapped by them as "shanghaied" and later I researched being a method of kidnapping around the time when people were kidnapped, tricked, drugged and intimidated to be forced to work as sailors from America, France, Britain to China in Shangai, interesting finding, I didn't knew "shanghaied" was a word, at first when I read it I thought it was gangsters movement (due to him being a former delinquent and gangster with Hirutani), it must be a used term for gangster moves, then found there was a history behind this word, interesting...
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Keith feeling insulted by being called out by an amateur, then he tells his own perspective about card games:
"Did you say «play fair?» Don't make me laugh! Card games are about outwitting your opponent! And that starts even before the game! So don't talk about @#$§ you know nothing about!"
I agree about the outwitting your opponent to an extent but the "before the game" in card games that is different, card games relies on luck on good portion with skill and intelligence, when there is "before" a card game, one can easily suspect there isn't much honour behind it and sounds cheating, I think it says he was heavily disturbed by that duel against Pegasus, he may have suspected that Pegasus kinda cheated (technically he did because he read his mind to beat him), there is when revenge plays a role in his motives and driving force. He then continues...
Some interesting points I want to bring up about this exchange of ideas between them, I'll start with Keith claiming card games is about outwitting your opponent and it starts before the game, you can tell it's emphasizing to us readers specially his experience with the duel event created by Pegasus, it had a very strong effect on him, because technically the duel itself seemed to be that way, by writing instructions for the kid to follow before the duel and the kid win, it does seem Pegasus outwitted Keith before the duel, even though we know Pegasus mind scanned him, it was a downright humiliation, he got one thing a bit correct, it is to outwit your opponent to a degree limited by the luck in the draw of the card, but when it says before the duel, we know it means not playing fair, Pegasus didn't either.
"Tell me you're faking it, Jounouchi! Why don't you stop pretending to be the nice guy? Then the prizes and glory will come your way!"
The way he phrased it, as if he could tell through that Jounouchi was once a delinquent, someone who had it rough when growing up, Bandit Keith is a very smart man, he may not look like it but he can read people well and being a professional and shows off under his unsleeved jacket 12 different decks, Dark Yugi seems to be the only one who isn't surprised...
I'm very amused about a word in specific, I don't know if is translation directly from japanese, or an editing choice is how Jounouchi explains being kidnapped by them as "shanghaied" and later I researched being a method of kidnapping around the time when people were kidnapped, tricked, drugged and intimidated to be forced to work as sailors from America, France, Britain to China in Shangai, interesting finding, I didn't knew "shanghaied" was a word, at first when I read it I thought it was gangsters movement (due to him being a former delinquent and gangster with Hirutani), it must be a used term for gangster moves, then found there was a history behind this word, interesting...
If you wish to continue reading this post click "read more" below:

Keith feeling insulted by being called out by an amateur, then he tells his own perspective about card games:
"Did you say «play fair?» Don't make me laugh! Card games are about outwitting your opponent! And that starts even before the game! So don't talk about @#$§ you know nothing about!"
I agree about the outwitting your opponent to an extent but the "before the game" in card games that is different, card games relies on luck on good portion with skill and intelligence, when there is "before" a card game, one can easily suspect there isn't much honour behind it and sounds cheating, I think it says he was heavily disturbed by that duel against Pegasus, he may have suspected that Pegasus kinda cheated (technically he did because he read his mind to beat him), there is when revenge plays a role in his motives and driving force. He then continues...
Some interesting points I want to bring up about this exchange of ideas between them, I'll start with Keith claiming card games is about outwitting your opponent and it starts before the game, you can tell it's emphasizing to us readers specially his experience with the duel event created by Pegasus, it had a very strong effect on him, because technically the duel itself seemed to be that way, by writing instructions for the kid to follow before the duel and the kid win, it does seem Pegasus outwitted Keith before the duel, even though we know Pegasus mind scanned him, it was a downright humiliation, he got one thing a bit correct, it is to outwit your opponent to a degree limited by the luck in the draw of the card, but when it says before the duel, we know it means not playing fair, Pegasus didn't either.
"Tell me you're faking it, Jounouchi! Why don't you stop pretending to be the nice guy? Then the prizes and glory will come your way!"
The way he phrased it, as if he could tell through that Jounouchi was once a delinquent, someone who had it rough when growing up, Bandit Keith is a very smart man, he may not look like it but he can read people well and being a professional and shows off under his unsleeved jacket 12 different decks, Dark Yugi seems to be the only one who isn't surprised...

Bandit Keith reveals to the main characters, he isn't technically an official participant and to him means the rules doesn't apply to him, touché, expresses his *cough*desperation to win*cough* to get to Pegasus's castle with his own burden being revenge, this time is Dark Yugi who calls out to Keith by stating:
"The Duelist Pride is the rule on this island! Remember that..."
And Bandit Keith responds with a laugh even calling Dark Yugi "baby goth" (pfft, sorry it's just funny, they're aware of his clothing style and his strange tricolored star-shaped hair many times), Keith keeps moving forward to the exit of the tunnel, Jounouchi wanting to say he's gonna beat Keith but it doesn't being too strong, becoming more determined to become stronger.
"The Duelist Pride is the rule on this island! Remember that..."
And Bandit Keith responds with a laugh even calling Dark Yugi "baby goth" (pfft, sorry it's just funny, they're aware of his clothing style and his strange tricolored star-shaped hair many times), Keith keeps moving forward to the exit of the tunnel, Jounouchi wanting to say he's gonna beat Keith but it doesn't being too strong, becoming more determined to become stronger.
Second point, it has to do again with Bandit Keith, being an illegal participant of the tournament, the rules of the tournament doesn't apply to him being illegally participating in the tournament, funny enough, he brings a valid point, even we don't want to admit it, not a good "justice" one, but a valid convenient point, in this case helps keeping a low profile and get to the get castle by not doing much but giving instructions to 3 teens, to be honest, I think he is an interesting antagonistic character with some development.
Last point, Duelist Pride according to Dark Yugi is the rule of this island, let's see if I agree with him or not, pride in my own life experience have constantly proven to me is rather a negative influence or effect in building your personality and easily betrays you when you least expect like a perceived close friend stabbing you in the back and is also a distraction, it easily blinds you by giving too much confidence, it's always best being down to earth and humble and keep moving forward, keep fighting against your struggles and keep learning, the rule of the island I perceive as "Survival of the Fittest", as much as I despise it's idea, but it's true, how can pride involved here in this tournament being the rule of this island? it may be Dark Yugi being cheesy, but by what he meant with it? the desire and chance for the player to prove himself as a duelist? the build up confidence of his deck and skills? build up in confidence of his own convictions and principles being correct by winning? or satisfaction of winning duels? we have to remember at this time, Dark Yugi still haven't lost once a game, he can't truly speak for other duelists, not really relate to them yet, so for now is naiveness.
When others say, let's get out of the cave would be Jounouchi, I wonder who replied "yeah..." but suspect it was Dark Yugi (which would mean he was pondering about what Keith said and himself) and "I hate dark places..." is definitely Jounouchi, because Jounouchi before being interrupted by Kaiba's arrival, he was thinking that he wanted to go to sleep so it feel the night went quicker because he doesn't like the night and looking forward to the next day, which implies he doesn't like or fears the dark, the occult stuff, scary stories, ghosts, when looking at a bigger picture, in it's base he fears the unknown which is a relatable fear, but death not as much as we will see later, which is curious, most fears it because of the unknown after death...
Next up is Jounouchi's intuition that has improved to have a good hunch their next duel would get them to have ten star chips...

When others say, let's get out of the cave would be Jounouchi, I wonder who replied "yeah..." but suspect it was Dark Yugi (which would mean he was pondering about what Keith said and himself) and "I hate dark places..." is definitely Jounouchi, because Jounouchi before being interrupted by Kaiba's arrival, he was thinking that he wanted to go to sleep so it feel the night went quicker because he doesn't like the night and looking forward to the next day, which implies he doesn't like or fears the dark, the occult stuff, scary stories, ghosts, when looking at a bigger picture, in it's base he fears the unknown which is a relatable fear, but death not as much as we will see later, which is curious, most fears it because of the unknown after death...
Next up is Jounouchi's intuition that has improved to have a good hunch their next duel would get them to have ten star chips...

Next scene, our main group starts moving as well towards the tunnel exit, when they were reaching the entrance, they saw their entrance started being blocked by a big rock, of course, the 3 teens doing all the dirty work with Bandit Keith stating to the group:
"If the «Law of this Island» is to win with duels... then my law is to win like this!"
So much for desperation to win to make strength of a true duelist, after this he thought twice about this matter, despair/desperation isn't healthy source of strength even though it looks irresistible at first...
"If the «Law of this Island» is to win with duels... then my law is to win like this!"
So much for desperation to win to make strength of a true duelist, after this he thought twice about this matter, despair/desperation isn't healthy source of strength even though it looks irresistible at first...
Jounouchi furious screams...
"Bandit Keith! I'm going to beat you!"
He couldn't restrain that fighting spirit of his any longer, right Jounouchi? xDD Takahashi-sensei were you foreshadowing their duel possibly? ;)
"Bandit Keith! I'm going to beat you!"
He couldn't restrain that fighting spirit of his any longer, right Jounouchi? xDD Takahashi-sensei were you foreshadowing their duel possibly? ;)

After successfully blocking the exit of the tunnel, Keith kicks Kozuka for losing the duel while Kozuka responds that he followed Keith's instructions, I want to point out Ghost Kozuka actually felt bad blocking the exit from the gang, questioning and thinking they might have gone too far...even Kozuka does have some conscience in there...he isn't the only but for different reasons...
When he is taking the beating from Keith, the other two boys helped together with Kozuka blocking the exit with, one is shocked while the other feels bad in doing nothing being afraid to take beating as well as he sees Kozuka being beat up conflicted in doing something while at the same time he is going too far, to some extent the tallest one does see Kozuka as a friend, then what Keith says lastly is really mean..."You lost your star chips...Now you aren't good for anything! Just die!" it's not often you see these kind of "comments" in the digital age with the internet, this is because he already become someone toxic with driven by revenge...
Then Keith asks the other 2 teens how many stars, conveniently for him each had 5 stars chips, he forced them to give him all their stars chips with a classic manipulative move of "you did go this far thanks to me", jerk, making Keith with 10 stars chips being the first to enter the castle and beat them up, now going to Pegasus's castle.
When he is taking the beating from Keith, the other two boys helped together with Kozuka blocking the exit with, one is shocked while the other feels bad in doing nothing being afraid to take beating as well as he sees Kozuka being beat up conflicted in doing something while at the same time he is going too far, to some extent the tallest one does see Kozuka as a friend, then what Keith says lastly is really mean..."You lost your star chips...Now you aren't good for anything! Just die!" it's not often you see these kind of "comments" in the digital age with the internet, this is because he already become someone toxic with driven by revenge...

Then Keith asks the other 2 teens how many stars, conveniently for him each had 5 stars chips, he forced them to give him all their stars chips with a classic manipulative move of "you did go this far thanks to me", jerk, making Keith with 10 stars chips being the first to enter the castle and beat them up, now going to Pegasus's castle.

Back to the current situation of the gang, now the tunnel exit being blocked, they have to find another exit, they go around trying to find other paths, Ryou's Millenium Ring starts reacting pointing the right direction, main story subtle moment.
We can see, Dark Yugi pays close attention to Ryou and the Millenium Ring, taking the possibility Yami Bakura may be slowly regaining control over Ryou, again foreshadowing it's importance to the main story that it's still flowing as well and also Yami Bakura is gaining bit by bit control over Ryou's mind, that's right Dark Yugi keep your guard up, but also explains why he doesn't feel as close as he does with the other three and later Yugi, he even feels less awkward with Mai than Ryou in the future, probably because he feels bothered that he listen to the millennium ring like being guided here by it than the advices to his friends, but Yami Bakura is being quite smart in helping him while waiting for an opportunity to take over...
We can see, Dark Yugi pays close attention to Ryou and the Millenium Ring, taking the possibility Yami Bakura may be slowly regaining control over Ryou, again foreshadowing it's importance to the main story that it's still flowing as well and also Yami Bakura is gaining bit by bit control over Ryou's mind, that's right Dark Yugi keep your guard up, but also explains why he doesn't feel as close as he does with the other three and later Yugi, he even feels less awkward with Mai than Ryou in the future, probably because he feels bothered that he listen to the millennium ring like being guided here by it than the advices to his friends, but Yami Bakura is being quite smart in helping him while waiting for an opportunity to take over...

Anzu, I'm liking her sense of humour, she is trying to hold her laugh from the dramatic introduction, Jounouchi thinking is a lame and ludicrous (however his expression is priceless 😂), Dark Yugi is surprised and impressed then goes back to his usual serious with a more straightforward thinking demeanour noticing the important details about the twins being player killers (assassin duelists) in being curious, if we remember in the early volumes despite being against violence, he likes a fighting anime and games, he probably admires martial artists, but Dark Yugi isn't Yugi neither vice-versa, I do think Dark Yugi likes it, since in general Yugi's and Dark Yugi's interests are very similar.

The twins give them the condition in letting them go to another exit by challenging Jounouchi and Dark Yugi to a tag duel, the way they are speaking, the are hinting at something when they first addressed them as "lost travelers" as if foreshadowing something about this exit.
I find it funny the "Mario Brothers" reference, it could be from the japanese manga or an editing choice which is very amusing...
Jounouchi bets 2 stars, Dark Yugi bets 4 stars, it's amusing for the first time Jounouchi is ahead of Dark Yugi who have been since the beginning always with more stars than him, now this time around they bet the necessary stars they needed to go to enter the castle...Dark Yugi being 4 and Jounouchi is 2, this foreshadows a huge progress in duelling and this duel will be the glaring display that shows Jounouchi's improvement in this card game.
This is the first tag duel appearing in the series, they're getting ready to duel...
I find it funny the "Mario Brothers" reference, it could be from the japanese manga or an editing choice which is very amusing...

Jounouchi bets 2 stars, Dark Yugi bets 4 stars, it's amusing for the first time Jounouchi is ahead of Dark Yugi who have been since the beginning always with more stars than him, now this time around they bet the necessary stars they needed to go to enter the castle...Dark Yugi being 4 and Jounouchi is 2, this foreshadows a huge progress in duelling and this duel will be the glaring display that shows Jounouchi's improvement in this card game.
This is the first tag duel appearing in the series, they're getting ready to duel...
Other detail is the landscape being a labyrinth field mentioned by the twins and Dark Yugi mentions where is labyrinth, since there is none yet...and pays close attention to the two doors in both the field and the ones that lead to the surface, you can tell he is growing suspicious of something being as sharp and deductive he is.
See Ya Next Post!
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