Plot Summary:
After the revelation of the special conditions of the duel to those who are watching, Dark Yugi and Yugi are still determined to save Marik and Marik himself wondering why they are hesitating in order to find a way to save not only Yugi but Marik too...there is some discussion between Yugi and Dark Yugi come up with an idea in how to defeat only Yami Marik and saving Marik...
The plan is almost about to work but there is one problem, Ra special ability when the player fuses with Ra to take away the LP into ATK points until leaving 1 LP left for the player and Marik not having enough willpower to live, Dark Yugi and Yugi hesitates because the risk is very high, but the situation changes when Rishid arrives at the top of the Duel Tower after he woke up, he speaks to Marik by inspiring him to help restore Marik's willpower with enough to survive Yugi and Dark Yugi next attack, possibly weaken Yami Marik, Dark Yugi putting his faith on Marik to survive his attack, he gives the blow that decides Marik's fate, after the attack, Marik survived and their positions have been switched, Marik became the main player and Yami Marik being the "sacrifice", with only 1 LP left, Marik decided to surrender the duel, with this Yami Marik is gone, Dark Yugi and Yugi officially won the duel.
Key Points:

Marik does feel guilty not just about his father's death, put putting revenge on people who didn't deserved it, he is implying the pharaoh in truth that it didn't comes from Pharaoh idea or anything, also he is very moved that they're actually trying to save him and defeat only Yami Marik.
Now this is when it comes one of my favourite scenes of the series and my favourite of this duel, Yugi is advising when they have to focus and not give up of finding or creating a solution for this problem...
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Now this is when it comes one of my favourite scenes of the series and my favourite of this duel, Yugi is advising when they have to focus and not give up of finding or creating a solution for this problem...
If you want to continue reading click "Read More" below:

Cool detail on Dark Yugi's part, he knows Yami Marik will live and Marik dies if they beat this shadow game, since he applied shadow games and penalty games before and experienced created by others (I almost forgotten Shadi's shadow game, he created but he wasn't affected when he lost the shadow game as well), he knows those who create their shadow games whether they lose or win, they aren't really affected, only slightly weakened.
Now going to the best part of this key point and scene in general (it has 3 key points) is Dark Yugi is that he knows they have to focus only on Yami Marik but he is questioning how to do it without Marik being the one dying, then Yugi comes up with a solution, by finding the weakness in Ra most powerful ability, he is implying that Yami Marik fusing with Ra and leaving only 1 LP to make Ra god card more powerful and in consequence leaving the player and his LP very vulnerable, it also shows Yugi is very good at thinking outside of the box, it did already when he played DDD/DDM against Otogi, and how he beaten Pegasus's cartoons, creating solutions to very difficult problems, once again showing he is very smart and intelligent plus very creative (smartness and intelligence actually has different meanings, intelligence has to do with organising thoughts, perception, collecting info and memorising while smartness is more about using your intelligence to create solutions, reading situations and apply it and improvisation), if we think about it, it's not a solution that even very smart or intelligent wouldn't come up, for example Kaiba is more intelligence inclined while Dark Yugi is more smart inclined, while Yugi has both and high level too and with a bonus, he is very good at creative thinking and there is his quick-thinking too.
Now going to the best part of this key point and scene in general (it has 3 key points) is Dark Yugi is that he knows they have to focus only on Yami Marik but he is questioning how to do it without Marik being the one dying, then Yugi comes up with a solution, by finding the weakness in Ra most powerful ability, he is implying that Yami Marik fusing with Ra and leaving only 1 LP to make Ra god card more powerful and in consequence leaving the player and his LP very vulnerable, it also shows Yugi is very good at thinking outside of the box, it did already when he played DDD/DDM against Otogi, and how he beaten Pegasus's cartoons, creating solutions to very difficult problems, once again showing he is very smart and intelligent plus very creative (smartness and intelligence actually has different meanings, intelligence has to do with organising thoughts, perception, collecting info and memorising while smartness is more about using your intelligence to create solutions, reading situations and apply it and improvisation), if we think about it, it's not a solution that even very smart or intelligent wouldn't come up, for example Kaiba is more intelligence inclined while Dark Yugi is more smart inclined, while Yugi has both and high level too and with a bonus, he is very good at creative thinking and there is his quick-thinking too.
Dark Yugi's reaction to when Yugi said:
"I have an idea! Maybe his weakness is tied to Ra's special ability..."
His reaction to this is very interesting, you can tell he did understood a little in the "!!" as if he was thinking that might be something to go for...,his reaction when Yugi reveals his full idea...
His reaction to this is very interesting, you can tell he did understood a little in the "!!" as if he was thinking that might be something to go for...,his reaction when Yugi reveals his full idea...

The moment Dark Yugi understood the weakness of when the player becomes a monster (player fusing with Ra), the change of expression as when he grasping what weakness Yugi is referring to as I mentioned above, from putting the idea to consideration to fully grasping it, he thanked him straight away, it became more clear to him in what he has to do and pumped about the idea Yugi came up with too, he isn't really surprised as before anymore, he is starting to understand Yugi's thinking process and capacities and the differences between them with much clearer insight.

I love when Dark Yugi shows these extremely caring and protective nature of him, he does with the gang, but these traits goes to the max when Yugi is in mortal peril, in this moment it shows that is not just about protecting his host in terms of responsibility and duty, he does care for his host, when he panics seeing Yugi vanishing most of his body and it reveals that he relies on him, some of the reasons for this is that he's not fighting the shadow game alone, in a shadow game, it's usually just you alone, but this time around he isn't facing and fighting it alone, in this duel they're technically "brothers in arms" (same way it was against Pegasus) but this time is stronger, since this is the second time they're fighting together (as "brothers in arms").

The importance in this moment to make it glaring that these two cards actually have a very strong connection to his past without even realising it himself but is probably in the subconscious or his subconscious memories, Dark Yugi to give his final attack by using these two to serve as a reminder that they are very important cards and will be revealed later in the series why is the case.

You can see Yami Marik actually panicked when it was revealed what Dark Yugi was about to do on this turn, but then Yami Marik reveals another problem is Marik will be only left 1 LP, if he doesn't have enough willpower, he will this information, he comes back with the dilemma...

Now we see why Yami Marik had the idea of "human sacrifices", it was to use Marik main personality as his hostage, it's a very low move from him, but is still in Dark Yugi's turn, so this turn is on hold for decision before there is someone who will be crucial in turning the tables for Marik and then for Dark Yugi...but before we go to this moment, I want to quote Yugi's line to Dark Yugi:
"Marik doesn't have enough willpower left to go on living with only one life point...Don't do it, other me! We need to make another plan...!"
Even though Yugi pretty much knows and is well aware that Dark Yugi is entity of his own, so is Yugi himself, until they know their true name, he will address him as "other me", I think one the reasons why Dark Yugi call Yugi mostly "partner" and occasionally "other self" while Yugi is what we know, since they don't know the pharaoh spirit's name, so for the time being they share the name, also would be confusing to know if they call each other partner, this way we can distinguish who is saying what and who are they talking to...besides it would sound so weird if Yugi started addressing him as "spirit of the pharaoh" or "faraoh" or "spirit of the millenium puzzle", I guess it's easier for Yugi for the time being...
Another detail is when Yugi suggests that they "we" need to make another plan, in other words, Yugi came up with the idea, but the plan itself was made by both of them and Dark Yugi executing the plan, it's teamwork from them.
"Marik doesn't have enough willpower left to go on living with only one life point...Don't do it, other me! We need to make another plan...!"
Even though Yugi pretty much knows and is well aware that Dark Yugi is entity of his own, so is Yugi himself, until they know their true name, he will address him as "other me", I think one the reasons why Dark Yugi call Yugi mostly "partner" and occasionally "other self" while Yugi is what we know, since they don't know the pharaoh spirit's name, so for the time being they share the name, also would be confusing to know if they call each other partner, this way we can distinguish who is saying what and who are they talking to...besides it would sound so weird if Yugi started addressing him as "spirit of the pharaoh" or "faraoh" or "spirit of the millenium puzzle", I guess it's easier for Yugi for the time being...
Another detail is when Yugi suggests that they "we" need to make another plan, in other words, Yugi came up with the idea, but the plan itself was made by both of them and Dark Yugi executing the plan, it's teamwork from them.

Yami Marik trying to make a pointless effort to convince Rishid that anything he says won't restore anything in Marik's psyche and willpower, what Rishid says to him is quite interesting, there will be two key points to be divided in two parts:
"Master Marik... The cruel fate of the tomb guardians is what brought this tragedy upon us...Hatred and resentment...created the evil heart within you..."
Deep down is not fully their fault but the traditions and living conditions of the tomb guardians, specially the main family to not only guard the pharaoh's memories (until the spirit of the pharaoh is ready to retrieve it) and to keep it secret too, so they had to live underground, the heir of the clan with no contact to the outside world, even their father hold resentment for these traditions and living conditions so in turn he became twisted, the way Marik coped with the situation was creating and splitting a part of him and was born within Yami Marik in his subconscious as a coping mechanism, that's what Rishid is implying.
Continuing with what Rishid says...
Continuing with what Rishid says...
"Master Marik... You are about to throw yourself into the darkness of despair...But...You must keep living, even if your path leads into darkness!"
It's a bit hard to explain what he means, in a sense he is speaking the darkness in life and the reality we all live in, even when we're at our lowest point or going through a hard time, when we have suicidal thoughts or when we feel anger or pain or other aggressive emotions, etc, when we're filled with negative emotions and thoughts and even with all of this, he has to keep on for living for the reasons stated in the next key point.
Continuing with Rishid speech...
Next key point in two parts:
Next key point in two parts:

"That is not just the fate of the tomb guardians...It is the fate of every human being!"
I agree with him, we have to remember human beings are still technically living beings and species, the point to be a living being is to live and experience different things to learn and grow, of course in between you will find darkness and light as much other things, you can see these words deeply affected him because it rings true and makes sense.
"Master Marik...It is not through death that people go into the light...There is light only in life!"
I do agree and disagree with Rishid in this because there is different types of light, the light he refers to, I see as the light from the continuum nature of life (light and darkness), the kind of light that there is darkness too.
As for "not in death people go into the light" part, it's the same, I always get the feeling that in death or afterlife isn't truly light but isn't darkness either, neither grey, it's something else, I think it's more related to energy in general (there is others kinds of energies besides negative and positive energy), to most extent I do think he is right (but I still hold some questions about these kinds of subjects but will take time to get the answers but I'll find it on my own, I'm not in a rush to find my own answers).
You can see the change of his expressions for sometime ago (from some posts and key points ago) from broken to becoming a little more enlightened just seeing from a different angle that Rishid spoken of, just from that as Marik's mind became clearer, it started to affect Yami Marik deeply because Marik main self was becoming stronger from the wisdom given by Rishid and Yami Marik starting to get weaker...then...
As for "not in death people go into the light" part, it's the same, I always get the feeling that in death or afterlife isn't truly light but isn't darkness either, neither grey, it's something else, I think it's more related to energy in general (there is others kinds of energies besides negative and positive energy), to most extent I do think he is right (but I still hold some questions about these kinds of subjects but will take time to get the answers but I'll find it on my own, I'm not in a rush to find my own answers).
You can see the change of his expressions for sometime ago (from some posts and key points ago) from broken to becoming a little more enlightened just seeing from a different angle that Rishid spoken of, just from that as Marik's mind became clearer, it started to affect Yami Marik deeply because Marik main self was becoming stronger from the wisdom given by Rishid and Yami Marik starting to get weaker...then...

Look at the difference in Marik's expression the moment he heard those inspiring words from Rishid, those are eyes not just about seeking truth about and test himself, there is hope and inspiration too, he is trying also to test a theory in his mind, Dark Yugi reaction is interesting, he is still not quite sure but at the same time he sees Marik's willpower has ignited...

I really like this scene too, you slowly seeing Dark Yugi's mind processing when understanding what Marik meant, accept his choice and change of expression from worried about Marik's condition of giving up in himself and weakened state and now to faith in Marik of seeing Marik starting to not give up on himself, so he strikes, the last section of panels shows that it worked, Dark Yugi and Yugi's plan worked, Rishid inspiring him and Marik got through, the confirmation that he is back to his original self and body to the readers, Dark Yugi and the closest to Marik and albeit surprised that it worked...

The gang are a little apprehensive but trying to double-check, the most interesting part is Rishid's perception and being the least surprised and knows now he will be okay and glad that Marik overcame his own darkness:
"Master Marik...You had the strength to live...That strength overcame your dark half..."
"Master Marik...You had the strength to live...That strength overcame your dark half..."
I do agree fully with him in this one, when you believe and think there are things you still want to do and needs to be done when alive, some cases is enough if these wishes are sufficiently strong...

I like this scene very much from this key point and onward because it's very amusing, first as we look at the first panel, you see is Yugi making the observation to Dark Yugi about not only is Marik in control and Yami Marik is now the sacrifice, Yami Marik asking to himself how the "main personality" as he calls to Marik to be in control and himself becoming the sacrifice, he thinks it's just do with Dark Yugi at first but as he starts to speak nicely to Marik, realises it isn't just Dark Yugi but from Marik's own strength...Here is what Yami Marik says to Marik...
"L-listen to me, Master! You and I are the same! I've always thought of us as friends sharing the same body!"
That's funny seeing him speaking so nicely to Marik now after what he did to him, what makes it more amusing is that he thinks he can convince that they're like Yugi and Dark Yugi bond, that's amusing and impossible because they share an unusual friendship, it's impossible for Yami Marik compete with them in this regard, pitiful effort.
Yami Marik, his flattery won't go anywhere now that Marik regains his strength and body with now knowing the truth and after what Yami Marik has done to him too recently and much more enlightened...Yami Marik is the one in real trouble.

You can see by the expression Marik is wearing that he already knows what he is going to do next, while Yami Marik is overconfident that he can't be destroyed and do not understand that Marik can overcome him by his sheer will along with his own decisions for his future, the funny thing is Marik really means it with this line: "I will destroy you with my own hands!" but not in a way one would expect...
Marik's own asnwer to Rishid's words, what he means by carrying his guilt while seeking the light of life, he is pretty much implying to others and more to himself that while he continues living with his guilt and will be seeking to improve himself learnt from his mistakes and Ishizu will add more positive angle in this (which will be approached in the next post).

This is a very graceful scene, I like that Marik addresses Dark Yugi as a soul of the pharaoh, it doesn't only means he acknowledges him as the spirit of the pharaoh but also implying that he can identify clearly who is Yugi and Dark Yugi as different as being separate entities and identities, even more after he have seen Yugi and Dark Yugi interact with each other during their duel to know that they are very distinctive individuals plus their bond...
Next up is Marik thanking Dark Yugi for saving him, I wouldn't say it was entirely Dark Yugi but I wouldn't add just Yugi either, I think Marik did play a part to save himself and Rishid was the pillar of inspiration for Marik in order to overcome his dark self, Dark Yugi helped weakened a great deal but it was necessary for Marik to regain enough willpower to continue living to make it happen, it was effort from both Dark Yugi, Yugi, Marik and Rishid, I wouldn't truly call as team effort either, each played their own part (the plan to defeat Ra third power was team effort from Yugi and Dark Yugi).
I have to say this is the second graceful surrender we see, the first was from Mai in Duelist Kingdom and now we see Marik, the panel of how was drawn, it's very beautiful...Dark Yugi is interesting because he is very surprised he surrendered and at the same time understanding the effect it would have afterwards...

This is what Marik meant by destroying his dark self with his own hands, what I find interesting he does it by surrendering the duel, the common way when it comes to these situations, it's usually the player winning the duel or his opponent/enemy being defeated from the main character final attack, it usually follows this kind of trope, but Marik's case is unusual, as if accepting what happened to him, what he did and what he will do onward, his mind becoming more clear and Yami Marik truly disappears, when we think about it this was the best way to do so because Marik ending the duel for Dark Yugi victory not by letting him give the final blow (because would have a worse effect on Marik himself) but by surrendering himself by his own will and strength which makes more of a difference to definitively defeat Yami Marik(his dark self) and more efficiently too.

In this moment Marik thinks he did lost everything, but isn't the case as Ishizu thoughts implies, you see that she is relieved seeing Marik overcoming his own darkness and grateful by acknowledging that Dark Yugi had faith in Marik to continue to live and helped Marik to turn the tables for Marik himself over his dark self, Rishid is glad too for Marik.
Now I love this moment of Dark Yugi's thinking:
"Marik...You may have lost the game...but in the most important way, you were victorious..."
While he thinks this, his expression speaks for him that Marik's surrender was a learning experience for himself for seeing more clearly that winning and losing isn't black and white, impressed and moved by Marik's feat in overcoming his own dark self and last panel of this key point, you see Yugi and Dark Yugi happy for this Marik's own personal important victory even though the duel was won by Dark Yugi.

See Ya Next Post!
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