Plot Summary:
After they left the Maze room, and a little bit more ahead they find stairs taking to to the exit of this underground place and Dark Yugi speaks a little about getting much closer to enter Pegasus's castle...
While this happens, Kaiba already took over his situation, he is using Pegasus's butler as hostage with duralumin case with his head in between being cut off...with the case opened...then Pegasus's butler has a flashback of how he was put in this situation with his life on the line, it was after when he was about to guide Kaiba into the castle, Kaiba used his duralumin case aiming for the butler's jaw, strong enough to make him lose balance as one of the guard named Saruwatari was about to threaten Kaiba with a gun, Kaiba was quicker by pointing the gun he took from the spy to blackmail the the butler is begging inside his head for Pegasus to save him...
Pegasus was waiting for reports about Dark Yugi's progress in the tournament with now having it confirmed he has now 10 stars chips, the moment he was waiting for, through video chat between the monitor in where Kaiba is and Pegasus, they have a conversation about Pegasus abducting Mokuba and Kaiba rightfully demand in giving him back, then Pegasus show in the monitor where Mokuba is, inside the dungeons, for a moment is focused in Mokuba perspective about his hopes in Kaiba coming back to him then goes back to Kaiba and Pegasus, Pegasus gives a condition by dueling and winning against Yugi as the only way to get Mokuba back...
When the gang is climbing up the stairs towards the entrance of Pegasus's Castle, someone is blocking their way in, Kaiba Seto...
The gang meeting Kaiba again waiting for Dark Yugi to duel...Kaiba challenges him to a duel, the gang disagrees because now Yugi/Dark Yugi and Jounouchi has 10 stars to enter the castle, Kaiba was surprised Jounouchi was able to get 10 stars, point of promoting him from loser to deadbeat (pfffft), Jounouchi tries hard to hold his anger, Kaiba starts directing to Dark Yugi by describing their "fated rivalry" in a poetic way with thorns against each other, similar to how Pegasus described their rivalry Dark Yugi accepts his challenge.
Key Points:

Here's a interesting tip Yugi's grampa gives to Dark Yugi:
"To be a true champion, you can't be afraid of losing...only then can true strength be born."
Someone who would read it for the first time would think, he's giving this tip to Dark Yugi thinking he is talking to his grandson Yugi Mutou, but in fact as the result of a future duel, you understand who he was directing this message to, for anyone who has read it, if you have read also the past of Sugoroku Mutou of how he got the millenium puzzle, he knew all along about a spirit of a pharaoh inside the millenium puzzle, yes, it was at Dark Yugi specifically, he knew his weakness at this time.
However Dark Yugi didn't fully understood what Sugoroku meant, to Dark Yugi at this time meant differently from what he meant, the expression in this situation is "not talking in the same page".
Dark Yugi interpreted "you can't be afraid of losing" as in order "to win" shouldn't be afraid of losing, because Dark Yugi still haven't lost once yet, you can think it was exactly this Sugoroku meant, but there is more depth to it, it will be touched again, it will be then I'll explain further what he means, as to what truly means it is approached later (the duel between him and Mai and after the duel against Kaiba from Anzu)...
This panels ensemble is foreshadowing a result of a duel, a very important one, extremely important to 3 characters development, Dark Yugi, Yugi and Kaiba.
To continue reading click "read more" bellow:

Wow Kaiba, you don't play around, he is very cold and a pragmatist, he doesn't like wasting time, very single-minded, when he has a goal or objective, he goes on full charge.
It's impressive how Mr.Crocketts still attempts trying to deceive Kaiba even with his life on the line and determined in not saying anything, that's some crazy loyalty to Pegasus, we can tell he is older than Pegasus, it's possible he worked for Pegasus's parents and saw him growing up, it's kinda pointless, what Kaiba is saying is you might as well be honest than lying, if the person lies he will be very ruthless, if the guy would be honest about, the scene wouldn't change much, but I don't think Pegasus's advisor's life would be in trouble.
It's impressive how Mr.Crocketts still attempts trying to deceive Kaiba even with his life on the line and determined in not saying anything, that's some crazy loyalty to Pegasus, we can tell he is older than Pegasus, it's possible he worked for Pegasus's parents and saw him growing up, it's kinda pointless, what Kaiba is saying is you might as well be honest than lying, if the person lies he will be very ruthless, if the guy would be honest about, the scene wouldn't change much, but I don't think Pegasus's advisor's life would be in trouble.

I think it's funny how they didn't expected this, I mean seriously, did they thought Seto Kaiba was just a spoiled rich brat who didn't know how to take care of himself? pffft naive, you're messing with someone who doesn't trust anyone, he even said that many times to Mokuba.
For someone who grow up and lost his parents at 8, your own relatives (uncle and aunt) stole your inheritance and left him and his brother in the orphanage, at 10 started being raised by Gozaburo Kaiba, Kaiba foster father the way he was, once his uncle and aunt abandoned them in the orphanage, it must have been then Kaiba started to trust no one, it must have been a big blow to him right after losing his biological parents.
I think some of the reasons, Seto Kaiba is so protective of Mokuba, besides being his little brother, it's all he has left to trust and love and family, if we think about it, Mokuba at the age he was when was born, sometime after his mother died, Seto had 5 years old, when was their father, Mokuba was 3 and Seto was 8, Mokuba probably doesn't remember much his father much less his mother, but Seto must have the most vivid memories of his biological parents, making a much bigger burden to him, forcing him to grow and mature faster, Mokuba must also be to him his last remnant of his parents, childhood, family, trust and love he has.
I sounded very corny, I think they're the reasons Kaiba is so protective of his little brother.
I'm glad the butler realised a bit more quickly that Kaiba was serious, I mean come on, how else Kaiba was able to go to the helicopter by himself? by killing the pilot and the spy on the way, tried to kill him...he is someone who even dealt with the Mafia just to get the three Blue Eyes White Dragon, he is a very extreme person to the point that "ruthless" feels little when he comes down to business to whoever he considers an enemy, "merciless" is more accurate...
Another detail to take note about Mr. Crocketts is besides being fiercely loyal to Pegasus, he has a almost blind faith in his boss that he will save him and follow through the plan to the end is very impressive, I admit.😮
I think some of the reasons, Seto Kaiba is so protective of Mokuba, besides being his little brother, it's all he has left to trust and love and family, if we think about it, Mokuba at the age he was when was born, sometime after his mother died, Seto had 5 years old, when was their father, Mokuba was 3 and Seto was 8, Mokuba probably doesn't remember much his father much less his mother, but Seto must have the most vivid memories of his biological parents, making a much bigger burden to him, forcing him to grow and mature faster, Mokuba must also be to him his last remnant of his parents, childhood, family, trust and love he has.
I sounded very corny, I think they're the reasons Kaiba is so protective of his little brother.

I'm glad the butler realised a bit more quickly that Kaiba was serious, I mean come on, how else Kaiba was able to go to the helicopter by himself? by killing the pilot and the spy on the way, tried to kill him...he is someone who even dealt with the Mafia just to get the three Blue Eyes White Dragon, he is a very extreme person to the point that "ruthless" feels little when he comes down to business to whoever he considers an enemy, "merciless" is more accurate...
Another detail to take note about Mr. Crocketts is besides being fiercely loyal to Pegasus, he has a almost blind faith in his boss that he will save him and follow through the plan to the end is very impressive, I admit.😮

This is just the beginning of Pegasus creating low tactics to buy time through blackmailing and manipulation, Pegasus waited for a report for when Dark Yugi got 10 star chips and heading to the castle, so that everything is ready for something he is preparing and then goes to Kaiba...
I find a few things interesting, he is communicating with his guard and then Kaiba by video call through an electronic device that from far seems a portable pc, when is just a device for this purpose, Kaiba later uses similar technology in a tournament he is hosting but to his employees...
The other is that I find amusing how Pegasus asks cynically to Kaiba as doen't he have manner and emphasises the word "always" in other people's homes, he is obviously implying Kaiba's extreme methods...then when Kaiba tells him that he knows what Pegasus have been doing (trying to take over Kaiba Corp and abducting Mokuba), then Pegasus stops acting "innocent" and don't beat around the bush any longer...with "heh heh heh...well, sure...", this is when his manipulation game starts about Kaiba's demand in giving back Mokuba...Pegasus is willing to but...

Technically blackmailing him to defeat Yugi, but you know Pegasus is just playing around, this organized duel planned by him is just to buy time to get the key, so while Pegasus is waiting to find solutions to get the key swallowed by Mokuba, at least keeps him entertained with their duel, Kaiba knows Pegasus is playing around and blackmailing him, irritates Kaiba, I think it means deep down, Kaiba in their next duel, he wanted a respectful duel when lives aren't hanging in the balance.
I think what Pegasus is doing here, it's cruel, very cruel, playing with 2 lives to buy time and for his own amusement.
I think what Pegasus is doing here, it's cruel, very cruel, playing with 2 lives to buy time and for his own amusement.
I want to quote what Pegasus says in about Kaiba and Dark Yugi:
"You should know what it is...You and he are like the separates ends of this tie...If you tie it together, they pull tightly against each other sharing the same fate...bound together...each one straining against the other. The time has come... for two duelists to intersect."
I have to admit that is an accurate description about their rivalry which is mostly based on pride, big egos and overconfidence at the expense of being arrogant about their skills, when it comes to games, their nature is very similar, outside of it is different (Kaiba insults and mr.cynical while Dark Yugi is very reserved and awkward...).
This is after Pegasus saying to Kaiba that he has no choice but accept his proposal in defeating Yugi(Dark Yugi, we all know they're referring to Dark Yugi and not Yugi, which always kinda bugged me 😒) by showing Mokuba in a cell in the dungeons of the transfering to a surveillance camera...Update(27/08/2018):Think it through now, he did kinda had a choice...not listening to his suggestion, because letting everything depending on a duel is a bit silly, Pegasus is using Kaiba's pride and rivalry with Yugi to manipulate Kaiba, Yugi and Dark Yugi are in a situation they really don't have choice, we see that at first Kaiba is reluctant about it but...
In this scene we see from Mokuba's perspective in this situation bound by chains inside of one of the cells of the the castle's dungeons, despite feeling quite sad and helpless but doesn't give up, it's actually very moving, specially the one after this...yet he doesn't know Kaiba is back conveniently for Pegasus, because if he knew...he would say how to enter the location of where he is, I think he would be able to memorise since he is still conscious.

You can tell, that by Kaiba's body expression after he saw a glimpse of his little brother, Mokuba, from griping his hand to holding the pendant, there is a lot of regret and guilt, because as we see in Death-T that he mistreated his brother and neglected him enough that Mokuba wanted to defeat Dark Yugi, so he could get attention from his brother and Kaiba himself was willing to give him penalty game after Mokuba being defeated by Dark Yugi (Mokuba was misguided not completely like Kaiba), I wouldn't call it cold but merciless, he not only regrets but also is very moved by Mokuba's loyalty and determination in protecting Kaiba Corp and his faith in him even after how he treated Mokuba, I feel a bit sad for Kaiba starting to remember in valuing his brother more (but more sad for Mokuba...).
"You should know what it is...You and he are like the separates ends of this tie...If you tie it together, they pull tightly against each other sharing the same fate...bound together...each one straining against the other. The time has come... for two duelists to intersect."
I have to admit that is an accurate description about their rivalry which is mostly based on pride, big egos and overconfidence at the expense of being arrogant about their skills, when it comes to games, their nature is very similar, outside of it is different (Kaiba insults and mr.cynical while Dark Yugi is very reserved and awkward...).

This is after Pegasus saying to Kaiba that he has no choice but accept his proposal in defeating Yugi(Dark Yugi, we all know they're referring to Dark Yugi and not Yugi, which always kinda bugged me 😒) by showing Mokuba in a cell in the dungeons of the transfering to a surveillance camera...Update(27/08/2018):Think it through now, he did kinda had a choice...not listening to his suggestion, because letting everything depending on a duel is a bit silly, Pegasus is using Kaiba's pride and rivalry with Yugi to manipulate Kaiba, Yugi and Dark Yugi are in a situation they really don't have choice, we see that at first Kaiba is reluctant about it but...
In this scene we see from Mokuba's perspective in this situation bound by chains inside of one of the cells of the the castle's dungeons, despite feeling quite sad and helpless but doesn't give up, it's actually very moving, specially the one after this...yet he doesn't know Kaiba is back conveniently for Pegasus, because if he knew...he would say how to enter the location of where he is, I think he would be able to memorise since he is still conscious.
This scene is very moving because is quite heartbreaking, to finish it off unfortunately I couldn't make it fit here because there is so many panels in this scene, Mokuba in attempt to help Kaiba solving the puzzle of his heart is this pendant with shaped like the back of Duel Monsters/Magic and Wizards card with a picture divided in two, one for Kaiba focusing on Mokuba and the other focusing Kaiba to Mokuba, as a way to express his wishes that by the pendant that Kaiba will come back to him, the last words before it transitions to Kaiba about solving the puzzle of his heart as he hold tight the pendant to his chest is that:
"The puzzle of your heart...this is the final piece..."
I can't help be a bit teary about it😭, this is when it marks his huge growth from here and on, with each re-read, just like Anzu, I didn't like much Mokuba but he grown on me, with this analysis project even more to a point that I like him more than Kaiba Seto and hold a soft spot, to be honest, I think he has a stronger heart than Kaiba because he isn't afraid to fail and doesn't give up in what he believes...

You can tell, that by Kaiba's body expression after he saw a glimpse of his little brother, Mokuba, from griping his hand to holding the pendant, there is a lot of regret and guilt, because as we see in Death-T that he mistreated his brother and neglected him enough that Mokuba wanted to defeat Dark Yugi, so he could get attention from his brother and Kaiba himself was willing to give him penalty game after Mokuba being defeated by Dark Yugi (Mokuba was misguided not completely like Kaiba), I wouldn't call it cold but merciless, he not only regrets but also is very moved by Mokuba's loyalty and determination in protecting Kaiba Corp and his faith in him even after how he treated Mokuba, I feel a bit sad for Kaiba starting to remember in valuing his brother more (but more sad for Mokuba...).

I want you to notice something interesting in this panel, Kaiba in this panel, how is drawn in the eyes is different from before, from how we know already in battle city... it happens a few times, I think it's starting to express his mind becoming clearer...

Jounouchi quickly loses his temper just by the sight of Kaiba blocking the entrance to the castle (it's more the entrance to the other entrance...😒), Dark Yugi instead tries to have a more "diplomatic" method by humbly asking Kaiba to let them go into the castle, which is not often we see him act like that even in gesture movement is graceful (even when removing the mini-tv to talk with Yugi's grandfather), which is already implying something (because Yugi doesn't gesture like this), most readers already suspect who truly is, the puzzle pendant being shaped like a pyramid upside down and some "other self"/spirit of the puzzle pendant appears...

This is one of those moments in his eyes shows his mind is clear in what is saying, but part of what he is saying doesn't make much sense in his claim of letting Dark Yugi fighting other opponnents because and get ten star chips and believing the only person who can defeat him is Kaiba himself (he is kinda wrong about that, I agree there is only one person suitable to defeat Dark Yugi, but isn't Kaiba...for anyone who have watched the japanese version and read the manga to the end knows who I am referring to), but the "that's why I let you fight them" in a sense since he arrived the island, what this got to do with anything with what he is saying? when he arrived the island wasn't with the intent and expectation to duel against Dark Yugi but to save Mokuba without resorting to a duel because logically thinking, Mokuba wasn't exactly in a impossible situation to be rescued through by only through a duel being imprisoned in a dungeon in comparison to Yugi grandfather being hold hostage through supernatural means...take out that line, the meaning of Kaiba's words overall in this scene wouldn't change being about their "fated rivalry", so the "that's why I let fight them" is unnecessary...
Anzu is starting to think this is getting ridiculous, I don't censor her, as for Dark Yugi's inner monologue is curious, as it hints that he doesn't just see Kaiba as a rival but he also wishes Kaiba to be his friend too, now that he has a friend like this being Mai, that meaning is fine being rivals when it comes to competion or a game battle or duel and outside of it being friends.

To me this is one of the funniest scenes 😂, from this point on the interactions between Jounouchi and Kaiba becomes very amusing and hilarious, but on a serious note, this shows Kaiba acknowledging in his cynical and sarcastic way about Jounouchi's progress and growth by promoting him from "loser" to "deadbeat" (pffft), not that I see it that way with Jounouchi but from Kaiba over the top standards's perspective is pretty funny, what he means hidden here is that even after losing against Kaiba, he still got up and didn't stop from keep moving forward and trying until gets all the star chips and seeing he is hard-worker and kinda impressed but since Kaiba is more into insulting and arrogantly speaking manner, because is a sign Jounouchi gained some respect from Kaiba, Jounouchi feels a bit conflicted while feeling irritated to be called deadbeat...(he is kinda happy and also not happy with the "promotion" xDD, Jounouchi's reaction is a good bonus for a laugh).
When Kaiba gets back to his original business to be blocking their entrance, he starts speaking of himself wondering why he lost at Death-T and suspecting that Dark Yugi had the answer he himself back then didn't have...the possibility he considered he came to, he doesn't speak to them and instead...
Their dynamic is very funny, at least Kaiba recognizes his growth to some degree, Kaiba enjoys mocking him, their dynamic is like a cat at the tree looking down on the angered dog being mocked by the cat, like cats and dogs, it seems he becomes attached in calling him deadbeat in the future.
The meaning of "deadbeat" intriguingly fits current Jounouchi's financial status, I guess that's why Jounouchi holds back his irritation a little more than usual - admitting his economic status for paying his parents debts and also for Kaiba recognizing him a little.
Their dynamic is very funny, at least Kaiba recognizes his growth to some degree, Kaiba enjoys mocking him, their dynamic is like a cat at the tree looking down on the angered dog being mocked by the cat, like cats and dogs, it seems he becomes attached in calling him deadbeat in the future.
The meaning of "deadbeat" intriguingly fits current Jounouchi's financial status, I guess that's why Jounouchi holds back his irritation a little more than usual - admitting his economic status for paying his parents debts and also for Kaiba recognizing him a little.

It's in inner monologue...:
"Can a person be strong when they are shouldering the weight of protecting somebody...? Yugi...the only way I can be sure of the answer is by winning a duel!"
This is the theory he came to, to be honest, it's true the weight of a burden can give considerable strength and drive someone in focusing to achieve the desired result, but that's not all to it, it has it's flaws in this theory that proves to not be black and white, the reality being quite grey, for example Dark Yugi and Kaiba will be fighting with the same kind of burden on their shoulders to save and protect someone they hold dear, if we follow the logic presented in his self-talk, it reaches an impasse by getting them nothing (if it would end in a draw) or one of them losing something important if seeing black and white, how this duel will end is evidence that isn't black and white between win and loss...but he wants to confirm this theory first...(which kinda makes sense if is what he really is going for), because he thinks he had no choice but follow through Pegasus's proposal by winning the duel.
I find interesting is Dark Yugi acknowledging that this time around there is something different in Kaiba compared to what he knew from the past, as we seen in the panel ensemple on the right that focus on Kaiba showing his flaming spirit starting to awaken... (later it becomes visible).
Kaiba tells Dark Yugi about their last duel which made him question to himself how Dark Yugi about was able summon a "miracle", he put the possibility being the weight of protecting someone become strong? This is actually an interesting question, I have been wondering the same when I watch the anime, mangas, cartoons, movies, is it true? to be honest I can't be sure if we can take our world's reality into account for this, I suppose it can be an contributing factor, but is it the main one? the most important one? I think it has to do with how strong your will is and the way you chose to apply it, you can have all the weight of the world on your shoulders but would you be willing to do it, not giving up... there is even an english expression "where there's will, there is a way", but not everyone has the same kind of will and way, since each individual is different.
However is it applicable in a card game where it relies a lot on luck with a win/loss situation? in stories like these mediums, I guess is possible, but what happens when the 2 duelists clash against each other with the same kind of weight? like in this case between Kaiba and Dark Yugi, it's like a test of heart or who has a stronger desire to win or who is scarier to lose? It's intentional from the author Kazuki Takahashi, because we see in many stories in many different platforms when good triumphs over evil, or how strong you come to get for fighting to protect someone you care or the world? some stories put these situations into question.
The real stories we heard, it's not always the case, but is possible, depending how you commit yourself to one goal and your will, you will have difficulties, just because there is will and a way, doesn't mean not existing obstacles, but are these very obstacles to make it necessary the will and the way to overcome it and keep moving forward...
The fact he wants to test it in a duel is crazy and questionable, since Kaiba thinks he has no other choice but duel against Yugi, it's a chance for him to test if he can summon a miracle, I'll let it slide (since he tried to save Mokuba without relying on dueling for now...).
Kaiba tells Dark Yugi about their last duel which made him question to himself how Dark Yugi about was able summon a "miracle", he put the possibility being the weight of protecting someone become strong? This is actually an interesting question, I have been wondering the same when I watch the anime, mangas, cartoons, movies, is it true? to be honest I can't be sure if we can take our world's reality into account for this, I suppose it can be an contributing factor, but is it the main one? the most important one? I think it has to do with how strong your will is and the way you chose to apply it, you can have all the weight of the world on your shoulders but would you be willing to do it, not giving up... there is even an english expression "where there's will, there is a way", but not everyone has the same kind of will and way, since each individual is different.
However is it applicable in a card game where it relies a lot on luck with a win/loss situation? in stories like these mediums, I guess is possible, but what happens when the 2 duelists clash against each other with the same kind of weight? like in this case between Kaiba and Dark Yugi, it's like a test of heart or who has a stronger desire to win or who is scarier to lose? It's intentional from the author Kazuki Takahashi, because we see in many stories in many different platforms when good triumphs over evil, or how strong you come to get for fighting to protect someone you care or the world? some stories put these situations into question.
The real stories we heard, it's not always the case, but is possible, depending how you commit yourself to one goal and your will, you will have difficulties, just because there is will and a way, doesn't mean not existing obstacles, but are these very obstacles to make it necessary the will and the way to overcome it and keep moving forward...
The fact he wants to test it in a duel is crazy and questionable, since Kaiba thinks he has no other choice but duel against Yugi, it's a chance for him to test if he can summon a miracle, I'll let it slide (since he tried to save Mokuba without relying on dueling for now...).

After Kaiba, challenging them, Anzu and Ryou suggest to not risk it and is pointless now he has 10 star chips to be able to enter the castle, honestly, I agree with them, then Sawatari comes along interrupting his friends saying Yugi can't run away from this and claiming either Yugi and Kaiba enter the castle not both of them (that's just silly), then Jounouchi reasonably mistaking Kaiba being a traitor and working for Pegasus but Kaiba finding as an insult that he is not challenging for Pegasus but there is other reasons (Mokuba and Kaiba Crop) first Dark Yugi might be considering his friends advice at first but then Kaiba talks about "their duelist blood" by their "fated rivalry" brought them to duel against each other again (the way he phrases it though, if you remove the rivalry sense of his words, you would think is something else 😑), he is also speaking about "true duelist principle/rule" in accepting always a challenge from a fellow duelist...(by the way, I'm not a fan of this duelist "principle/rule", I find a bit silly), to me is just a natural instinct between people with competitive traits, since Dark Yugi is reservedly competitive, in his head he agrees with him in principles, it just seems a part of him doesn't want to admit he is actually competitive, so he accepts the duel.

This is after Bandit Keith enters the castle and sees there is Kaiba and Yugi, who are considered as the strongest players in Japan, which makes Bandit Keith very interested and curious, which is to say something for a number one prize hunter, while being impressed that the gang left the cave, but this also foreshadowing to the readers we will see his thoughts as he watches their duel...
See Ya Next Post!
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