Since there is many posts of my analysis over the course of 5 years and 5 months, I think is around hundreds... I'm starting the process of organization, re-arrangement, reformulation of most posts...

As I re-upload images to the currently image host I'm using in the missing Battle City Arc posts, DDM, then will be Duelist Kingdom and lastly the early which more episodic arcs, as I do this, I will keep post links, including updated ones, but only in this post, you will be able to tell when is new updates...The orders of the links of the posts will start from Memory World Arc and upwards, the new ones will always be above the previous posted links.
You might wonder why I'm troubling myself with this, it's because before I go into analysis of Transcend Game One Shot and Dark Side of Dimensions movie, I want my analysis of the manga to be polished first since my manga analysis posts will be constantly mentioned, specially the movie (so yeah, the Transcend Game and the movie Dark Side of Dimension is literally the expansion of the manga).
Thoughts and Observations of Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga Series Links
The Early 7 Volumes:
The Episodic Arcs Part 1
(The next update is starting about the early volumes posts, the new extra post for this will be starting consisted of the episodic arcs only before Shadi's character debut arc)
The Episodic Arcs Part 1
- Thoughts and Observtaions | Mangá: Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangá 1-3 Part 1 [The Beginning]
- Thoughts and Observtaions | Mangá: Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangá 1-3 Part 2 - Episodic Arcs Phase 1(New Update)
(The next update is starting about the early volumes posts, the new extra post for this will be starting consisted of the episodic arcs only before Shadi's character debut arc)
Duelist Kingdom Arc:
- Thoughts and Observations| Mangá vol.8-11 Part 1 (Duelist Kingdom prologue)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 2 (On Board to Duelist Kingdom)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 3 (Dark Yugi VS Insector Haga)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 4 (Jounouchi VS Mai)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 5 (Dark Yugi VS Ryota Kajiki)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 6 (Dark Yugi VS Player Killer "Puppeteer")
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 7 (Jounouchi VS Ryuzaki)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 8 (Mai and Friendship)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 9 ("Dark Yugi" VS Player Killer "Darkness")
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 10 (Duelist's Pride Pt.1 and Kaiba Arrival)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 1 (Jounouchi VS Ghost Kozuka)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 2 (Duelist Pride Part 2)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 3 (Dark Yugi&Jounouchi VS Meikyu Brothers)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 4 (Prologue to Dark Yugi vs Kaiba)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 5 (Dark Yugi VS Kaiba)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 6 (Duelist Pride Part 3)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 7 ( Pegasus VS Kaiba and Plot)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 8 (Dark Yugi VS Mai)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 9 ( Jounouchi VS Bandit Keith)
- Thoughts&Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 10 (Dark Yugi and Yugi VS Pegasus)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.12-15 Part 11 (End of Duelist Kingdom)
↑The Updates are starting↑
(It's worth a re-read for the first post of Duelist Kingdom Arc)
(The next updates will be coming as I complete the "editor cut" and restructure them of Duelist Kingdom Posts then the Early Volumes(It's worth a re-read for the first post of Duelist Kingdom Arc)
Dungeon Dice Monsters Arc:
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.16-17 Part 1 (Dungeon Dice Monsters Part 1)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.16-17 Part 2 (Dungeon Dice Monsters Part 2)
Battle City Arc:
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.16-17 Part 3 (Prologue of Battle City)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.18-19 Part 1 (Battle City Begins - Dark Yugi VS Rare Hunter Exodia Deck)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.18-19 Part 2 (Battle City Begins - Jounouchi VS Espa Roba)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.18-19 Part 3 (Battle City Break)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.18-19 Part 4 (Dark Yugi VS Pandora)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.18-19 Part 5 (Jounouchi VS Insector Haga)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 1 (Battle City Break Part 2)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 2 (Dark Yugi VS Silent Doll "Marik")
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 3 (Battle City Break part 3)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 4 (Jounouchi VS Ryota)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 5 (Battle City Break Part 4)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 6 (Battle City Tag Duel: Teamwork and Power of Unity)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 7 (Battle City Break Part 5)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 8 (B!Jounouchi VS Yugi)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 9 (Prologue of the Battle Ship Stage)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 10 (Dark Yugi vs Yami Bakura)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 11 (Battle Ship Break Part 1)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 12 (Jounouchi VS Rishid)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 13 (Battle Ship Break Part 2)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 14 (Mai Kujaku VS Yami Marik)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 15 (Battle Ship Break Part 3)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 16 (Kaiba VS Ishizu)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 17 (The Tragedy of the Family Ishtar)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 1 (Prologue of the Semi-Finals)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 2 (Yami Marik VS Yami Bakura and Marik)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 3 (Finals Destination: Alcatraz Island)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 4 ( Battle Royale )
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 5 ( Yami Marik VS Jounouchi )
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 6 ( Duel Tower Break Part 1 )
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 7 (Dark Yugi VS Kaiba Part 1/2)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 8 (Dark Yugi VS Kaiba Part 2/2)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 9 (Duel Tower Break Part 2)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 10 (Dark Yugi/Yugi VS Yami Marik Part 1/2)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 11 (Dark Yugi/Yugi VS Yami Marik Part 2/2)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 12 (Epilogue of Battle City)
Memory World Arc:
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.32 Part 1/4 (Memory World Prologue)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.32 Part 2/4 (To The Domino Museum)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.32 Part 3/4 (The Prelude of the World of Memory)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.32 Part 4/4 (Bakura, The King of Thieves)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.33 Part 1/3 (The Quest for the Pharaoh Lost Name)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.33 Part 2/3 (The Death of Priest Mahado)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.33 Part 3/3 (The Girl and The White Dragon Residing Within)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.34 Part 1/3 (The King of Thieves Strikes Again!)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.34 Part 2/3 (Riding Battle Between The Thief and The Pharaoh)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.34 Part 3/3 (Memories Being Tampered)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.35 Part 1/4 (Reversal of Time to the True Course of Events)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.35 Part 2/4 (The Birth of the Millenium Items)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.35 Part 3/4 (Kisara, The Lady of the White Dragon)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.35 Part 4/4 (The Village of Kul Elna)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.36 Part 1/3 (The Death of the King of Thieves)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.36 Part 2/3 (The Shadow RPG)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.36 Part 3/3 (The Betrayal of Akhenaden)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.37 Part 1/3 (Yugi Mutou VS Yami Bakura Shadow)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.37 Part 2/3 (Confrontation Between Father and Son)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.37 Part 3/3 (The Pharaoh's Lost Name)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.38 Part 1/4 (Pharaoh Atem VS B!Priest Seto/Dark Akhenaden)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.38 Part 2/4 (Preparations for the Ceremonial Duel)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.38 Part 3/4 (Rite of the Duel: Yugi VS Atem)
- Thoughts and Observations | Mangá Vol.38 Part 4/4 (The End)
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