Monday, October 26, 2015

I have some bad news

Remember 2 posts prior I said I would scan the digital version as I buy it?
Well, I won't be able to because being european, doesn't allow me to access it, also the credit card I use is VISA Electron, I tried Kindle version but is US only, even if I wanted the UK ones (which has the first 7 volumes), it is still UK only. Through paypal it comes to a similar problem with the VISA Electron.
I think this is very unfair to be honest, I was about to buy it.
I won't be able to scan it anymore ( as I've said before I don't want to scan my printed versions copies, and damages a little bit and bit loose, 4 pages of Volume 8 is loose and was ironically Pegasus's death scene), unless it's specific pages to approach certain scenes, but I will still keep writing my interpretations and observations of the manga series.

However I can give you a nice download source:

This is someone who collected over the years, so there is some nice quality and low quality, but still readable.
for anyone in US and CA, you can buy it, in Nook, the digital version is cheaper than amazon by the way, and there is NOOK for PC and tablet, if you do, it would be nice of you to scan it.

for anyone who have read the manga through the source I gave you, but want to reread again, buy the printed version or digital version...
I think is such a shame such a good manga not having better quality in scans, I wish I could continue scanning the printed version, but I can't, I have all 38 volumes, I was able to buy them at a one-of-lifetime chances from 1 month of internship money in a course I was in, I don't get this chances often, best 255€ I ever spent ( I received 670€ btw), so I want them to endure and alot...
digital versions you don't have to worry about damaging the pages or anything, if I could buy it, I would buy it as well.
So I'm sorry I can help you, but the scans in YGO Media will remain though...

next post will be the continuation of thoughts and observations...

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