Saturday, October 17, 2015

Blog News: Some Changes in the blog and download links

Hellos!! It has been a long time since last time I have wrote here in this blog...
Busy years, one of them were games investment and small project that didn't work the way I'd wish to, so I wanna take a break on this one from games...

 I'm sorry for being in a hiatus for a long time, so I'll continue where I left off.
This is when I'll announce a few changes on this blog! the download links have been changed, no need to worry about passwords downloads, must have been annoying, right? so you're downloading in cbr files.
Now the scans, it will change, from scanning my print YGO mangas, damaged them a bit, specially volume 8 duelist, so I'll change the platform... they will be digital manga from 9 and to the last volume, I don't know about Yu-Gi-Oh! R...I will see about that...
 another thing, I'm finally watching Yu-Gi-Oh! GX but subbed, I finally could find all complete japanese with english subs to download, because it was hard over the years, now I can catch up efficiently... I'm on the 3rd season, almost half way through of the season, now as for my thoughs on it so far will posted next post.


  1. Hello, Are those YGO mangas buyed by yourself or are they from internet? Hope you can answer me.

    1. I bought them and scanned them, because it damages a little bit my printed copies, so I will start buying and scan digital versions instead (thankfully the digital ones is almost half the price of the printed ones).
