Wednesday, April 28, 2010

[Opinions&Observations] Episode 107 & Preview 108


I will go straight to the point, there was some unecessary things in this eps, I will put into list:
- Bruno go all typical superhero with his moto and suit transformation, WTF with that?
- Placido turned in a centaur robot with wheels...that was very very unecessary -.-

so Placido goes all out turning himself into a centaur robot.
the comet and yusei travelling and all was a bit stupid, but okay, is to give him his accel schyncro anyways....

well I don't have much to say unless is not yet the star shooting dragon and still thinking placido centaur robot looks very stupid and ridiculou


the card goes like a comet as the emperor cards, so is suppose go against the emperor or ally? interesting glass mask being bruno, and bruno being yusei destiny helper ally
though there some stuff needs to be solve D:

a duel between yusei and the ridiculous placido robot centaur and forgeting all the other characters, one in special again

in general of all this lately...they have been ignoring the other characters lately, it is pissing me off, and then is this what I have to say...
bye, it come a little late the preview D:

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