Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá: Vol.4-7 Part 6 - Episodic Arcs Phase 7


Another post, this one will be the last about episodic arcs, the last mini-arcs, I like these ones, great characters development on Yugi, Dark Yugi and Jounouchi are the special highlights...
The Panels Ensembles are all done except for the One Shot Prologue of Dark Side of Dimensions - Transcend Game, but the manga overall of the 38 volumes is done now, now is smooth sailing for awhile on the weekends.

Plot Summary:

Chapter 46-47 || The Evil Dragon Cards

At the Kame Game Store present Jounouchi, Anzu and Yugi with his grandfather, Sugoroku provides some educational information about the history of games that dates back since ancient civilizations, the highlight being Ancient Egypt.
A boy enters the store who is at the same class as Yugi and Co., his name is Imori, he brought with him an artifact from Ancient China about a game with a seal, Sugoroku warns Imori as being dangerous and to never break the seal while explaining why.

A few days later, still around the summer, the students have P.E. in the swimming pool, Imori just watches his classmates, then "swimming pool time" is over, Jounouchi and Yugi go to their lockers to change, however Yugi finds his millennium puzzle missing and a message left for him from the "thief" to go meet him and the mentioned meeting place...in the classroom "C" (theirs is "B"), Yugi in a rush went to the meeting place to find Imori waiting for him wearing the millennium puzzle, Imori forces Yugi to challenge him to a game from the game artifact of "Evil Dragons Cards"...
The game consists of decks of cards of Dragons with the 5 elements in Feng Shui in different levels, whoever lost the game, loses the soul and gets inside the "game artifact" jar to be fed to the evil dragons, Imori clearly studied and learned in books, while with Yugi sudden and no time for preparation, Yugi lost the game and just in time, he touches the millennium puzzle Imori was wearing to help Dark Yugi to take over and have more chances to win against Imori.
Dark Yugi took over and challenges Imori to a rematch, Dark Yugi plays better (since he watched the previous match), he ends up winning against Imori who loses the soul, while Dark Yugi recovers Yugi soul back to Yugi's body, Dark Yugi put the seal back to the artifact thinking it should stay at a safe place and hidden.

Chapter 48-49 || Jounouchi! Soul Battle!

Yugi and Jounouchi are showing "Super Yo-Yos", which have new mechanical design to make it easier to use (supposedly), Jounouchi shows an old trick with a slight different name, while his classmates are laughing, Jounouchi getting irritated and uses irresponsibly and dangerously that could hurt others, a classmate of his called Nezumi calls Jounouchi out and expresses how much he hates yo-yos, according to him, some gang cornered him with Yo-yos close to his face to steal from him, Jounouchi offers to help the boy against this gang, Yugi was asked to come along by Nezumi, Honda offered himself but Jounouchi feels confident that won't be necessary...
Nezumi guides Jounouchi and Yugi to an abandoned warehouse, Yugi and Jounouchi immediately recognizes as the "hideout" of Hirutani to realizing it was a trap planned by Hirutani with Nezumi as the "bait", he orders his minions to grab Yugi and "hang" him through the millennium puzzle he is wearing using the lifting hook of the abandoned warehouse, for Hirutani blackmail Jounouchi to join his gang (and something else), Jounouchi refuses and goes to rescue Yugi, with some many yo-yos at them, Jounouchi uses his body to shield Yugi then to ask borrowing Yugi's millennium puzzle as centrifugal force to stop the yo-yos and hang the owners of the yo-yos to the lifting hook, Jounouchi gives back Yugis puzzle and Dark Yugi takes over by splitting it up, Dark Yugi takes care of the minions and Jounouchi VS Hirutani.
Dark Yugi creates a trap of his own around the annex roof of the warehouse, Jounouchi and Hirutani fight in another annex roof...both win their battles and come leaving and asking where Nezumi is...

Key Points:

**Chapter 46-47 || The Evil Dragons Cards**

Starting to quote Sugoroku explanation and the interaction:

Sugoroku: "I'm going to show you something different today! This is an Ancient Egypt game, two players race their pieces around the board shaped like a frog."

Jounouchi: "Ancient Egypt, huh....that sounds familiar...So they even had games way back then..."

Sugoroku: "The history of games goes back 5000 years!"

It's very fascinating when we get these trivia facts about games in this series, too bad later, it started to disappear from the moment the card game took over, it was something very rare.
It's not surprising, look at Go board game it was around 4000 years ago in Ancient China, well they have to find a way to kill time when they had free time, in Ancient Egypt was commonly used as it was mentioned in Vol.1 Chapter 2 "Lying Eyes" by Dark Yugi to Mr.Director saying that they usually invented games to stake their fate, sometimes to even decide the criminal's fate like we saw with Shadi to the former director of Domino Museum, Mr.Kanekura and grave robbers.
And Jounouchi thinking in how it sounds familiar, I guess he subconsciously remembering the Millennium Puzzle.

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We are introduced to this character named Imori and is in the same class, Yugi seems to know all his classmates...even the ones in the same year as him, that's some impressive memory, I say this because each japanese class is about 30 or 40 students...that's a lot, I'm used to have like 20 each...
The character has an interesting design, too bad he is an antagonist that behaves like a kid with dangerous ideas, what he suffers at the end is what he brought to himself, honestly.
According to Yugi in his inner monologue:

"I haven't spoken to Imori a lot, but...if he's coming to our store, maybe this is my chance to make friends with him!"

Yugi did spoke with him sometimes, in fact it seems Yugi talks with almost everyone (I say this looking around the chapter, including "Miss Chono" chapter, Yugi knew Miho's friends and her nickname that her friends give her), where is gloom part, Hanasaki? he may be reclusive and more timid before, as he becomes less timid thanks to Jounouchi and Honda's influence, he became easier to talk as Yugi felt more comfortable to talk with others...
Of course, Imori came with other intentions relating to what he was holding, he wanted the game shop owner to have a look at it.


There is this sealed jar and box with rope strings, Jounouchi and Yugi are curious and wondering...while Sugoroku is shocked as recognizing what it is, then Imori explains how come he has this:

"My grandfather picked it up when he was in Manchuria in World War II! My grandfather was a game collector, the other day I discovered this jar in the shed...I thought Mr.Mutou might know what it is...so that's why I'm here!"

From the way he was calm and pick out of all games collections, he picked this one with seals, which means is dangerous from Ancient China, I think he wanted to confirm a few things but already knew it (it kinda indicates that, it's suspicious too), Yugi thinks it doesn't look like a game while Jounouchi to him seems it looks like urns where you put people's ashes but are both curious, Jounouchi asks permission if he can open it (Jounouchi has learned some basic manners, finally after that Hanasaki's garage kit xDD) and Sugoroku...

"DON'T OPEN THAT!! I'm sorry for yelling at you...but you mustn't break this seal! This is an ancient chinese game called «Dragon Cards»! I've heard rumors but this is the first time I've seen it..."

This is quite fascinating, despite Sugoroku seeing it the first time, he still knew what this was and from rumors and recognized immediately, it shows that Sugoroku is very knowledgeable, it's not just in games alone, remember this is someone who travel around the world for games, the reactions of the boys was interesting due to Jounouchi's and Yugi's was separate from Imori in panels wise, I say it was intentional, Jounouchi and Yugi could be in the same panel as Imori and give more space to "Sugoroku panel" looking at the jar+box seal...Yugi had a "drop sigh", it's most likely as "it's really a game then"...Imori meant something else, I think he was impressed that "Mr.Mutou" knew what it was.


Starting off with Sugoroku's explanation:

"It's written that the dragon cards were used by a taoist master as a final test for Feng Shui students in China! Feng Shui is a form of magic that uses the energies of nature! It's been gradually systematized since China's Golden Age, four thousand years ago. You know about the concept of Yin and Yang in chinese philosophy...Yin means shadow, and Yang means Light...in other words everything in the world is a balance of Light and Dark! Right now, these dragon cards are Yin Shadow! The seal surrounding the dragon cards is Yang Light - creating a balance! If the seal on the dragon cards were broken, the yin and yang would clash creating a warped power! Imori, was it...?These dragon cards are sealed away along with the power of the shadows! Promise me! You must never break that seal!"

That was quite informative, to be honest, Sugoroku explained so well, I don't need go in detail and is well known, however over the course of this mini-arc we might get some details about the Feng Shui that uses the energies of nature, however is implemented in Taoism with concept belief of Yin and Yang as explained by Sugoroku, it shows that he is quite knowledgeable, as a gamer who travelled around the world and even considered a legendary gamer, which explains his expansive knowledge, from Imori reactions was more being impressed with Sugoroku's knowledge (I consider the possibility that if his grandfather was a collector gamer then must have known or about Sugoroku, as later we find in DDM that he was a legendary gamer, which is to say that Imori's grandfather must have known and told about Sugoroku and may have been admirer of his, Imori may have shown this jar to "test" Sugoroku's knowledge) while at the same time confirming as we see at the last panel in the Bottom Panels Ensemble, he was confirming the information from an experienced and knowledgeable gamer as Sugoroku, because from how Imori explained about his grandfather, it sounded as if he passed away...which means Imori was digging things he shouldn't be touching...or his grandfather is alive and is doing this behind his back, because is considered as collecting forbidden sealed artifact.
Yugi being Yugi, he is curious about the game, he might have thought if it could be "replicated" or "recreate" in a way so it wouldn't be harmful to players, Jounouchi being Jounouchi when comes to this kind of supernatural related to curses gets scared and super cautious (xDD), Anzu have recently getting irresponsible ideas like here but she is a bold person, who may not look like it but she does have an adventurous spirit (she is having part-time jobs without permission so she could save money to study abroad in NY in USA, the way she is making her decisions to follow her dream, shows she is pretty bold and adventurous even without the dangerous idea of going to a danger zone with bomber around...I'm just saying), this time around is not to make Dark Yugi to take over, but relates to her bold nature...Imori is just a boy who thinks "the power of shadows is cool", Yugi was like that at the start of the series too then the "blackouts" started to happen, not so cool anymore xDD.


As a little break from the seriousness, specially after this, it will get a lot serious.
It's some interesting observations we can make, it's small hints of character development on Yugi and Jounouchi in daily life, I think I remember in summer, students can go swim freely at school in it's own days, Jounouchi doing his perverted actions (this is the main reason why you're not popular, Jounouchi and he needs to stop doing them too, which is why he isn't in my top 3 or 4), the more curious part is that Honda isn't mentioned, Honda did participated before with Jounouchi in his pervert endeavors (I call that sexual harassment), it seems Honda himself has stopped doing it, I would bet was after the Miho's incident, Honda on this matter had personal improvement, Jounouchi needs lot of work, Yugi is only recently experiencing from beginning of freshman year, Yugi is a little pervy and does it discreetly but is a gentleman, Honda is still a perv but has become more discreet and respectful about it by using some common sense, he has an elder sister, a friend who is a girl, Dark Yugi...I just don't know, he is pretty ambiguous, he certainly can feel some aesthetic attraction, from how he described Anzu and Mai good looks before (he has aesthetic sense, by looking at his fashion sense, you could say he does).
The comments between Yugi and Jounouchi when going back is also interesting, we can see Jounouchi likes doing exercise, but Yugi never seemed into it and him being short gives disadvantage to him in sports, but Yugi commenting that it felt good, which means, Jounouchi has been a good influence on Yugi in seeing sports that it can be a fun activity.
Is it me or Yugi is starting to get a little taller? ;)


Of course is Imori, is there anyway to leave your personal belongings locked at this school? because lockers would be useful, just in case.
Yugi seeing he had received a message and went to check the meeting place, what is interesting is what he says in the bottom panel to him:

"Y'know, Yugi...I've been interested in you for a while...heh heh don't worry not in a weird way...You could say I look up to you..."

...does he mean not in a creepy way...(he means not being gay or something, I don't know or in admirer sense, who knows), I think he became interested in Yugi since he got the millennium puzzle, from he was hiding himself all sneaky like when he stole the millennium puzzle, what isn't to say that Imori already knew Yugi was trying to solve the millennium puzzle before was solved, remember Yugi did in secret or tried to solve it in secret at school except at home...., it's possible that he knew by back then...so comes the "look up" to him and both being gamers, Yugi alone (even without Dark Yugi) is well known for being skilled or gifted at games...


Starting to quote Imori in the Panels Ensemble on the Left:

"You used to be bullied by everyone  but one day you got this millennium puzzle and gained the powers of darkness. Isn't that right, Yugi? My grandfather left me all sorts of books about games...and books on Ancient Egypt...At first I didn't think there was any connection...but then I found the secret of the millennium puzzle! It was written in that book...«the one who solves the millennium puzzle...shall gain the thousand ways of the shadow games and become the guardian of darkness..."

This is the first part, another one who presumed that Yugi was bullied by everyone...most of the time wasn't the case at all, from Yugi's class he was picked on only by Jounouchi and Honda, who were close to become full bullies, but few would pick on Yugi as an easy target because he looked like a "wimpy kid" to them like the karaoke guy, mr.director and the fugitive criminal, he was hit in the face by unstable individuals, a sheep and gangster (Ushio, Kaiba, bruce lee wannabe, the assistant director and gangster beanie boy) mix with abuse of power...
Regarding his intel about the millennium puzzle, in terms of plot, it's a way for the readers to not forget despite Dark Yugi using it's powers to punish those who harms his host and friends as well protecting them, it doesn't change they are "dark arts" being used, also the mention of guardian of darkness, it's not only applied to the millennium puzzle, the millennium items works the same way with the other wielder, as if to help to keep the "darkness" sealed away, but also deeper implications of "Dark Intelligence" as well to be mentioned, the other interesting part is that in these books, millennium puzzle is mentioned, which means the time Sugoroku picked the millennium puzzle, he let experts to evaluate the artifact, they tried to solve it but all in vain, it seems even Sugoroku tried but was unsuccessful, also does that mean that Shadi knew that someone had picked up and tried to solve but just didn't knew who currently possessed? it might be the case. 
Next quote from Imori from Panels Ensemble on the Right to Bottom Panels Ensemble:

"I swore to myself! I'd defeat you, Yugi...and take your place as the guardian of darkness! To get the millennium puzzle back, you have to defeat me! In this Shadow game!! After my visit to your shop, I did some research on the dragon cards...in a text about Ancient China! According to it, once the seal on the dragon cards is broken, a shadow game must be played or the people on of that land will suffer eternal disaster! There is only one way to replace the seal on the dragon cards...the loser of the game must offer his soul to this soul-eating jar to calm the wrath of the cards! YUGI! DON'T TRY TO BACK OUT! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THE DRAGON CARDS!!"

The thing is, even though he claims that he did his research after visiting Yugi's grandpa shop, the truth is that he already did it before...there were was a "few days later" gap, later we see is that he did research deeper on these dragon cards with the intent to how he claims that he swore he will defeat Yugi and takes his place as the guardian of darkness...So why now all of a sudden is aiming for Yugi, is it because he thinks is weaker and doesn't have to face Dark Yugi, or does he think Dark Yugi is a split personality, some of his actions feels unclear...he wanted to be like Yugi and wanted "shadow powers" too? He doesn't understand that these magical items chose their wielders...
Touching on lore and worldbuilding of the series of the dragons cards, as we can see, there is genuine magic in this world, but it's system rules are different from what commonly known, most of the time involves around psychology, spirituality and philosophy to most extent, Feng Shui relates to that, how the shadow games from millennium items works in similar ways as well and with "mind games", it revolves around a lot on games as form of magic too, technically these dragon cards shadow game is a card game but has different rules from Magic&Wizards.
My biggest pet peeve from Imori is coming...


According to the rules, it sounds fair and relies on luck a lot, right? As for according to Imori's inner monologue in the Bottom Panels Ensemble:

"Heh heh...I've studied this game thoroughly, I know all the ways to win! Without the millennium puzzle, as your plain old self, there's no way you can beat me!"

For someone who studied thoroughly and researched the game and the ways to win (like looking at a cheating guide for a video game or when you study to become a professional player at one of board games like chess, Go, shogi, poker) and didn't give any time for Yugi to learn within the same time as him, that's some entitlement, Imori pretty much cheated! he says Yugi as his "plain" self couldn't beat him?! F@#$ off! He knows if given to Yugi the same resources and preparations plus same time, Yugi would win for sure against him and would lose his own soul! 😠 Playing something this dangerous with staking the soul on the line because he wanted to be a "guardian of darkness"...is he an idiot?
That's my biggest pet peeve!


Imori who have studied and researched this card game, despite confident, he prepared everything so he could win at any cost, Yugi didn't had the chance to learn the inside and out, he had to learn on the moment with no preparation and suddenly at that, it's a complex card game, remembering all the Feng Shui nature rules too and forced Yugi to play with no choice with the dragon already released, with no time to prepare, Imori clearly cheated and did it unfairly!
Yugi, despite have lost and learn with no preparation, he quickly understood what did go wrong in this turn and why...Besides something important to observe, here is where Yugi starts his development as a gamer, before it was more for fun, here Yugi for the first time he has to take on someone on his own sometimes, although not successfully, it isn't to say he can come with other "solutions".


We see Yugi stretching his left arm to reach something in the Panels Ensemble on the Left, in Panels Ensemble on the Right, he had already reached the millennium puzzle the time the dragon attacked him to Bottom Panels Ensemble when Yugi did indeed had his hands on his millennium puzzle, this shows  Yugi having quite a lot of quick-thinking in here to see other solutions even after he lost the game and right before losing his soul, he grabs in time to grab the puzzle, so the spirit of the millennium puzzle would come out to help him as much his growing trust in Dark Yugi and he is building some dependency on Dark Yugi...rely on him too much (remember Yugi's arc is to become more independent, it's not just mentally, intellect, psychologically, it's to become emotionally independent, he becomes aware of this problem on his own).


I'm going to say, there is something that Dark Yugi said to Imori which kind of bothers me a little:

"Just in time...Imori...Next I'll stake my other soul!!" (Chapter 46)

"Just in time...If I hand't snatched back the millennium puzzle, my soul would be entombed in the shadows forever!" (Chapter 47)

These lines are "transition scenes" between chapters, ending old chapter to beginning new chapter...There is also additional lines, they both matter, going to where it bothers me, the one in chapter 46 doesn't bother much, him saying "my other soul", he doesn't mean himself, he means Yugi, my problem comes when he says if "himself" hadn't snatched back the puzzle, when it was Yugi not Dark Yugi, it kinda looked he took credit to himself on this one... he might speaking for Yugi since they're sharing the same name and body.
But the more interesting part is when he says if Yugi didn't snatched back his puzzle, he said his own soul would be "entombed" in the shadows forever!Why is it interesting? It indicates further evidence that Dark Yugi knows he is his own person and if Yugi didn't touched the millennium puzzle, Dark Yugi would be forever inside the millennium puzzle never knowing who he is (in the shadows forever). 
The most intriguing is that he used the term "entombed", as if his millennium puzzle is his "eternal tomb", does that mean that he knows that he is a soul of a deceased? Possibly suspecting to be a pharaoh at this time and that mural was confirmation of what he wasn't sure of himself of who he is.

Dark Yugi is becoming more protective of Yugi, not just being his host, but for his host entrusting him to save Yugi as much caring for Yugi too.
As for Imori inner monologue in the Bottom Panels Ensemble:

"Shoot...Yugi's soul is like two sides of a coin! I defeated the «front» Yugi on my own...I was just about to become the new guardian of the darkness...but I awakened the other yugi..."

He is an ignorant boy who doesn't know what most didn't understand...if the individual who wields is not the "chosen" wielder, the individual is going to die, later is mentioned in Pegasus's backstory and Yami Bakura called Otogi Ryuji that he couldn't because he wasn't a "chosen" wielder, if he tried to solve or wield it, he would die, these are some of the rules of the millennium items to be one of their wielders "chosen".
His interpretation is pretty flawed, it's phrased as if Yugi and Dark Yugi are split personalities, but it's visible even deep down to this boy, they're not split or "other personality", just two minds sharing the same body and name (temporarily until is "uncovered"), for him think that "he did it and defeated Yugi on his own" as if was a big accomplishment, it means he knew he would lose to Yugi if Yugi had the same preparations in the same fairness, tch, still a cheater.
The character who truly has this nature of "front light" and "back shadow" is Marik due to his PTSD and DID.


Imori, it was already kinda stupid for him to make this dangerous shadow game and cheating (prepared and researched while Yugi the opposite, did on purpose, so he could "easily" win against Yugi), him wanting shadow powers and be the guardian of darkness is kinda ridiculous already without investigating anything more such it's history inside the pharaoh tomb about the millennium puzzle...who would stake for their own soul to gain shadow powers, I'll never understand the characters for these or anyone, so he could feel he has some "power", is he the kind of the weak who seek power and believe in a "lie" they took power for himself and convincing himself that he earned it like a sheep pretending to be a wolf.
In the Bottom Panels Ensemble, we have this interaction between Dark Yugi and Imori, I think we should observe:

Dark Yugi: "But..will I get my soul back even if I win?"

Imori: "Heh heh...are you worried? The soul of your «front» self is still sealed in the soul-eating jar...But there's nothing to worry about! This jar takes three months to digest one soul. If by some extraordinary fluke you actually manage to win the next game. You'll get your spare soul back good as new!"

Dark Yugi worried and wonders if he wins he can get back Yugi soul...it's a pretty valid concern even from a logical stand point for how the "jar" works, because there could be a possibility of there wouldn't be any garantee that if he won, Yugi's soul would be free, according to Imori's explanation, the jar can only take one soul at a time and takes three months to digest a soul, therefore if Dark Yugi wins, he would get Yugi soul (rescue Yugi) but the loser soul (Imori) would be the one in the jar, instead(which is what will happen).
Imori's behaviour from the first two panels there is a lot of reticence regarding seeing Dark Yugi ("back" Yugi) worried about his host ("front" Yugi), which is to say that Imori actually aware Dark Yugi being a spirit of the puzzle (therefore his reasoning of having to defeat "both yugis" to become a guardian of darkness), he is using different terms between "host"(front) and spirit"(back) and noticing that the spirit (Dark Yugi) is genuinely concerned for his host (Yugi) and wanting to save him, because usually the spirit would take "advantage", right? But Dark Yugi doesn't, he is really concerned about him, which shows that Dark Yugi already has a soft spot for Yugi (his host), becoming protective of his host.
For Imori feeling this confident that he will win because he "studied" and "researched" and didn't give the chance for Yugi to do the same...cheater, but isn't aware or didn't consider the possibility of Dark Yugi did watched (or else he wouldn't go around challenging others to shadow games and giving penalty games if he didn't) therefore he would be more ready.


In summary of this scene, Dark Yugi has already understood how to play in more detail by watching Yugi VS Imori match, getting to that detail later in next key point, what I want to give more attention is more towards when Dark Yugi starts making a comeback at Imori, but the line of what Dark Yugi says:

"You can't get me with the same trick twice, Imori!"

Dark Yugi also thinks what Imori did forcing Yugi to a match with no preparation chance for Yugi, while as someone as Dark Yugi who can read people so well, he noticed Imori had researched and studied and say that he can't use the same trick twice on him, the "trick" was this, it's how Imori cheated, Dark Yugi watched their match, he is more prepared than Yugi.


It took awhile for Imori realise that Dark Yugi pretty much understood how it works, put Imori did put up a good fight since he studied and researched, while as for why Dark Yugi, like Yugi, he also learns very fast but he is more attentive than Yugi (Yugi kinda has short attention span...from how he easily gets distracted), specially when comes to details, he is resourceful, very smart and intelligent as he is pretty well-known , Dark Yugi is also very good as been shown to be very good at reading people's from emotions, recognizing patterns habits, good investigative skills, besides as at the beginning of DDM arc, Dark Yugi knew of games and other things that Yugi didn't know himself (Monster World Arc is one of them), it's possible in Dark Yugi's subconscious that he has Feng Shui knowledge as much through watching and learning from Sugoroku (remember the prologue of Memory World Arc, Sugoroku could see and hear pharaoh Atem, when Atem saved him) as much from the time he was alive as Pharaoh Atem.
The reasons why Dark Yugi's intellect doesn't have as much focus as on Yugi's intellect is because in the media,  fandom and part of the plot intent is overlooked, only a few characters sees through, some take time learn it...Dark Yugi is one of those takes time to learn it.
In the Panels Ensemble on the Right, Dark Yugi says something funny and sassy:

"Imori! Here's your penalty game! Normally I try to come up with something original, but... Now it's your turn to feed your soul to 25 ravenous dragons!"

😂😂 That one of "normally I try to come up with something original", that's amusing that he tries to be creative with his penalty games, well he is usually creative with his games challenges, it's also another way of saying that Imori brought this to himself, endangering his host, whose soul was indeed go to the jar, now is Imori...basically the karma did the job for Dark Yugi...karma is a b*7c@, I feel sorry for Imori but at the same time not really, he was being quite irresponsible after warnings and ignored it, the dragon cards thing wasn't produced by Dark Yugi's millennium item, but the Evil Dragons Cards don't care if you're good or bad or neutral or innocent or guilty, lost the game, go to the jar, I have to say this Ancient Chinese Evil Dragons Cards game is dangerous, ruthless and merciless.
But is this game Evil Dragons Jar more dangerous than the millennium items? That's debatable, since millennium items depends on the wielder's agency of how dangerous can be, but nonetheless they are both dangerous artifacts.

In summary of Dark Yugi's monologue (in a monologue, it's like talking to yourself) as I stated a few points back, that Imori more or less implied that the jar can only hold one soul at a time...it's Dark Yugi  understand why it works that way...the more important part is Dark Yugi's Inner Monologue:

"Thank goodness...I got my soul back! Dragon Cards...This is a terrible game that brings disaster...this seal must never be broken again!"

Awww, the way he expresses such a huge relief for rescuing his host, take note for future reference in Monster World as to why Dark Yugi mentions Yugi soul as "his other soul" being related to how two minds sharing the same body and name...there is more emotional attachment and soft spot for his host.
I wonder where and how Dark Yugi took this Game Jar Dragon Cards, theory time, Dark Yugi still taking over, he given this "jar" to Sugoroku to hide away this game, as he rightfully thought as very dangerous, that's not to say some of his weren't dangerous at all...in retrospect of the series, there is even more dangerous games by more dangerous individuals...as been stated, Millennium Items can be extremely dangerous depending on it's wielder's agency.

Chapter 48-49 || Jounouchi! Soul Battle!!


These are some Yo-yos, this is the late 90s, I remember playing them in '93 to very late 90s, I lived the 90s all the way through xDD, so this stuff hits me in nostalgia, it's interesting because it goes with the time, Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga in Japan started to be published in Weekly Shonen Jump in '96, this chapter must be around late '97 or early 98 (the yo-yos were popular back then, kids at my school back then had them, even myself), with their uniforms, Summer is over, it's already Autumn.
In summary to what is going on this scene, they are showing off, but I say is more Jounouchi who presented the Yo-yo to Yugi, because Jounouchi said "hottest street item", that's more of a Jounouchi thing, Yo-yos point is to make tricks with it like the string tricks (which were popular in mid-90s, but you can make mini-games out of string tricks), Yugi explaining in simple manner that is easy to understand, Jounouchi tries to show off his "new" trick that he learned, it's actually a pretty old one, "walk the dog" but with a different name "parade the pooch", the boys of his class laugh hard for this very reason, they're not making fun of Jounouchi, is just that they think Jounouchi is very funny, he doesn't try it, Yugi and Honda are the only ones who are not laughing...Jounouchi feeling embarrassed about it and tries something crazy and harmful like the one we see in the Bottom Panels Ensemble, even Yugi and Honda are running. 


In summary of this interaction, Nezumi, one of his classmates, he sounds like he is dramatizing a little too much (he is a little to a point that it feels forced), he explains his "grudge" against yo-yos (which is a bit silly), Nezumi has a bruise in his cheek from a Yo-Yo gang attack where they use yo-yos as a weapon at someone's body and face instead the ground, the kid was mugged by this gang, therefore Nezumi's "grudge" against Yo-Yos, it's plausible gang use yo-yos as weapon that looks mostly harmless and cheap being more accessible...but there are some made of stainless steel and aluminium that could hurt a lot if throws at someone's body and face...


First I want to mention the best line of this scene, being from Honda:

"In the hands of an idiot, a Yo-Yo is a dangerous weapon..."

😂😂😂😂 Honda's dry comments always hit the spot 😆😆😆😆, this one in particular is very funny while Yugi in his pacifist principles mindset (as someone who is against violence) and being an empath..., Jounouchi offers to help Nezumi to revenge on the gang, Jounouchi feeling impressed that Nezumi is willing to "show" him where they are because usually they wouldn't want to come back to the same place after being mugged...it may seem normal so far...Honda invited himself to help, but Jounouchi feels confident that he can take care of them himself, then Nezumi asks for Yugi's company...that starts being suspicious already...(That one of Jounouchi "Those who laughed at Yo-Yos...will cry at Yo-Yos!" 😂😂😂 this is also very funny), Yugi seeing where Nezumi is guiding not having houses or shops as scary neighborhood, that's pretty suspicious, what the kid was doing passing there in the first place?  suspicious...as we see in the Bottom Panels Ensemble, in the middle bottom panel, we see Nezumi is indeed up to something no good...

Jounouchi may be starting to get suspicious of this place...from Nezumi's description, they have good aim with the yo-yos using as a weapon, truth to be told, you would have to have good aim and somewhat skilled in the Yo-Yos to have a good aim, however the way he describes it felt forced and a bit cheesy...


They reach the place, that being an abandoned warehouse and familiar too, Yugi is the first to recognize as the "torture chamber", funny that Jounouchi remembers the name Hirutani given to this place himself..., Jounouchi thinking he has a bad feeling, you should have had from the moment Nezumi was guiding to a "neighboorhood" with no shops or houses, that is suspicious alone...it means is a place that if got injured even with no one beat you up, forget asking for help unless you have a cellphone and if it is a place with no mobile network, that's even worse (it's similar to abandoned towns), places like that are quite dangerous to be alone or with someone.
Then comes the gang attacking, Jounouchi impressively realizes it was a planned attack, it was targeted at him and Yugi...Jounouchi does have street smarts.


Hirutani is the mastermind, to be honest I'm impressed, like Honda stated before that Yo-Yos can be a dangerous weapon, specially in the hands of an idiot (pfft, I won't forget that one), it makes an efficient and cheap weapon with those are skilled with it and depending on the material like stainless steel and aluminium, it's a cost-effective weapon (😂 , it's true though but also funny 😂), however what is important here is their interaction:

Hirutani: "See, Jounouchi...I'm the persistent type... I want you in my gang and I'm not going to stop 'till you're in it. I'll do anything it takes."

Jounouchi: "Grrr..."

Hirutani: "It's not like I'm making you one of my henchmen, you know. You'd be my number 2! Second in Command! How about it? Does it sound good?"

Jounouchi: "Sorry to disappoint you, boss monkey! I don't think I'd like it in your cage!"

Initially when he says he is the "persistent type", he make it sound as if he is infatuated with Jounouchi, his last mini-arc sounded similar too...sometimes I wonder if he is gay or bi, I wonder, it wouldn't be ridiculous, he wants him be his right-hand man, or another way of saying and asking Jounouchi to be by his side...it wouldn't be far-fetched 😕, I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually the case.
As for how Jounouchi response...Jounouchi has a wild personality, it can be said that he isn't someone who can be tamed, being wild is part of his strongest characteristic and trait, I think it has been obvious that he isn't someone to follow orders or doesn't like being ordered around.
Then Hirutani calls out Jounouchi as warning and showing that Yugi has been taken as hostage, it makes me wonder why Dark Yugi still hadn't take over, I guess, it doesn't feel practical to do so or isn't in a situation where he can't do much (he isn't a martial art expert or can't do much if his movement is locked like this case for Yugi, he is waiting for the right moment)...but there is more to it as taking Yugi as hostage...


Hirutani could have done this in different ways for example hanging Yugi by the collar...but he wanted Yugi as hostage and Hirutani aimed for the Millnnium Puzzle at the same time, I mentioned before in his previous arc that seemed he didn't noticed the difference between Yugi and Dark Yugi but he is like Kaiba that seemed didn't noticed, but Hirutani noticed, therefore so Dark Yugi couldn't take over, in another words, he sees Dark Yugi as a threat while at the same time blackmailing Jounouchi to join his gang with taking Yugi's life as hostage, this was a very smart tactical move from Hirutani, he is a pretty smart antagonist who doesn't get enough credit for his smarts, honestly (I see the other villains like Pegasus, Marik, Yami Marik and Yami Bakura, even Akhanaden as someone can be easily hated).

Here they find out Nezumi did betrayed them and was part of the plan...well, it was suspicious from the beginning anyway, but can see in his expression that he doesn't feel good about it, despite he was grinning awhile ago.


This scene is one of Jounouchi's biggest moments in his character development that anime viewers only will never get to experience, manga readers does get, it's so crucial to his growth, shows his massive willpower, strength of character, how protective Jounouchi had become of Yugi too, his growing loyalty too...what moves me the most besides this display of loyalty...it's his inner monologue in the Bottom Panels Ensemble:

"Anyone who stands still and watches a friend die...doesn't have a right to live!"

I have to 100% agree, to me it just doesn't apply to a friend, watching someone die can become a trauma or wound or sight that you can't never forget...Jounouchi when came to rescue Yugi, he did it quite gently as if holding something fragile that can break at any moment while asking him to take the hook off his neck, Jounouchi is capable to be quite gentle if is someone he deeply cares about like here with Yugi and also in DDM arc and Battle City, with Mai too (like we see bit in convincing her to take Dark Yugi's offer of the stars coins in Duelist Kingdom and using himself as shield against Ra's Yami Marik attack, wanting to challenge and win against Yami Marik to save Mai), when comes to his little sister Shizuka.
Nezumi was so shocked by Jounouchi's display of loyalty, Hirutani was but with a "tch", is that jealousy, Hirutani? (I think so, he wishes Jounouchi could be this loyal to him and not to Yugi).


Jounouchi affirming and explain why he did such a bold choice to Hirutani:

"Hirutani...the pain of these bruises...is nothing compared to pain of betraying my friend!!"

I can somewhat relate to what Jounouchi says, in these situations is crucial, specially when your friend's life is in danger, but it's not to say that Jounouchi later in the series also become very protective and even somewhat sheltering Yugi as well into growing independent, right now is a good example of being a friend in times when we most need it as there is many other times.
Jounouchi is also indirectly calling out Nezumi as well.
Hirutani is doing the "tch" again, yep, is jealousy.


When Yugi stand up for Jounouchi for his trust and faith in him, you can see for a moment Jounouchi was moved for Yugi's faith and trust in him, then he emphasizes to Hirutani saying that's what a real friend would say, something happened in the past for Jounouchi to say "real friend"...does that relate to Jounouchi almost going to jail, is it linked to Hirutani? hmmm, very likely, it's possible Takahashi-sensei had this idea but never got the chance to explore it and could have Hirutani appear again in the series, it doesn't happen since later becomes a focused card game battle manga series...


I do like it a lot when it shows his street smarts but also his intelligence (being smart is more about using tools at your disposal be it practical or cognitive while intelligent is more about absorbing information and learning), may not be smart and intelligent as Yugi, Atem or Anzu or Kaiba, but not far off if he puts the effort, now recently getting better environment for studying thanks to his friends, remember what he used here is what you learn in science and physics, this idea he got on his own as much him being quite resourceful.


Why only now does Dark Yugi take over? It's possible the events happened so fast there wasn't enough time, remember during this time, it still takes time for Dark Yugi to take over, then comes the "RMB" with only one touch, against Imori, took a little while but here was faster, but still has the "RMB" and "Flash" effect xDD, it means it takes awhile, he straight away said "it's payback time!", he didn't like what they did, Jounouchi's reaction is still the "oh the cool looking «yugi»" appeared xD.
Something curious to note is how Dark Yugi knew how to use the Yo-Yo, Yugi was starting to get into it as it shows in the beginning of this arc, there is no way he could have learned these tricks that fast, besides Yo-Yos is a tricks/performance-oriented toy not a game (Yugi is game-oriented), how come Dark Yugi knows and Yugi doesn't? I would think maybe since Yo-Yos is a toy that goes back in ancient times, the first mention is in 500BCD in Ancient Greece disk, by that time period the Ancient Egypt was gone and Persian Empire took over, however the Yo-yos is said to be originated from China, the earliest most powerful Ancient Civilizations were Ancient China, Ancient India, Ancient Egypt and Mesopotania...there is thoughts that these ancient version of these toys appears in drawings in Ancient Egyptian Temples, what I'm trying to say, Dark Yugi knowing how to use them so skillfully means it may come from his subconscious memories from when he was alive still a "crown prince" or "royal prince" (I can imagine once you become a pharaoh, you have to stop playing with toys) and couldn't be from Sugoroku for the same reasons as Yugi as someone more game-oriented.


Here comes "the rules are simple" xD, Dark Yugi's expression is already up to something...so Dark Yugi is in charge of Hirutani's minions, the Panels Ensemble on the Right are the more interesting in the interaction between Hirutani and Jounouchi after Jounouchi said "let's settle this once and for all!" then Hirutani responds:

Hirutani: "Heh heh...I've heard you say that before...back in middle school...at the start of our beautiful friendship! Remember how we used to fight until we were both on the ground? Nobody won..."

Jounouchi: "That was before you were so screwed up in the head...Today, I'm not holding back!"

Hirutani: "heh heh..."

That's a very interesting conversation here, since you learn some facts about their past friendship...fighting wise they were on the same level and were always fighting and ended on a draw...yeah...he wants Jounouchi by his side...(I just suspect it and wouldn't be surprised if was actually the case), however is how Jounouchi emphasized this time period was before he got "screwed up in the head", he thinks Hirutani gone crazy (lol) but also it might kinda confirm that the time Jounouchi almost went to jail might be connected to Hirutani, Hirutani might have been the one who end up in jail while Jounouchi almost went to...and how Hirutani might got screwed up in the head in prison 😕, this might be Jounouchi indirectly saying that, honestly I'm quite interested in Jounouchi's story in his delinquent days, I wish I could get to know more about it as much Hirutani as a villain.

Going back to Dark Yugi, in the Bottom Panels Ensemble, he is completely calm and composed after using Yo-Yos on the ground to make holes surrounding the minions, the minions thinking that they got him cornered, even the last panel his expression says "everything is set and ready".


As expected from Dark Yugi who is very resourceful using the environment as "weapon" for the roof being rusty and old, it wasn't the yo-yo really as weapon, yo-yo was to set up the "weapon", and noticed they aren't really bright, in fact kinda dumb, to him this was easy, a walk in the park.
 To me the most amusing part is Dark Yugi's lecturing the minions:

"You don't aim Yo-Yos at people! You aim them at the ground! Think about that...in the hospital!"

Did Dark Yugi took Honda's dry comment with him? Yo-Yos is a dangerous weapon at the hands of an idiot...these guys were idiots for not realizing his trap earlier...it was a bit obvious, but the way this line was phrased, it's just kinda funny, because is more or less the gang who uses physical violence with hand-to-hand combat, stun guns and now yo-yos, so their penalty game is to be in the hospital 😏, usually he uses "the illusionary" that last for few hours, it's usually one person when comes to "illusionary penalty games" not multiple with exception of the criminal fugitive and poison man...the more dangerous ones were in situations when life of his host and friends were in danger or get very physically injured and be in the hospital.
I think is kinda funny because is rare him saying it like that, I'm quite amused. 😃


I'm not gonna pretend that Hirutani's tactic is low using breaking glasses and throw at someone's face specially after someone being out of touch or got rusty on fighting, but is a smart move to protect yourself yet low in conduct, but this is more or less how street fighting is...there is no rules but survival, technically.


From someone who is pretty smart that was pretty stupid move, walking on the glass, however I think eventually would give him away to Jounouchi due to the rusty metal roof would start to creak...but this shows Jounouchi has experience as much having good hearing and sense of smell while at the same time is smart, Jounouchi has implied that he actually has good memory, remembered where the glass that Hirutani when he tossed at his face in that quick action moment, it's impressive.


Are these Yo-Yos slightly heavy? to make it like that or did make Hirutani's fingers just lose balance? I'm just questioning the physics of this scene of a fictional work, it's interesting despite his wild and sometimes boasting personality that makes him do something stupid, he has a more humble side that he doesn't show to others and seeing him admitting he is practicing the other tricks, it's not often...
Bottom Panels Ensemble is an adorable interaction between Dark Yugi and Jounouchi, first confirming each other if they're alright and relieved all the same... then spoke of Nezumi to a subject to be about their friendship:
Jounouchi: "Hey, where did that little rat Nezumi go, anyway?!"

Dark Yugi: "Good question..."

Jounouchi: "When I find him I'm going to kick his butt! I'm sorry, Yugi...Getting you caught up in my problems again."

Dark Yugi: "Your problems are my problems...Jounouchi..."

It's so funny about Nezumi 😂😂😂😂, Dark Yugi wondering where he did go, did he wanted to give him a penalty game...? maybe he didn't...Jounouchi on other hand was pissed, rightfully so, but then comes the heartwarming part, Dark Yugi does have such a soft spot for his host and friends like this shown in here as much in the previous mini-arc (Evil Dragon Cards) and that is mutual.

See Ya Next Post!

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