Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá vol.4-7 Part 8 - Monster World Part 2/2

Sorry for taking so long, scanning vol.1 Duelist took longer than I expected, it will come out Duelist vol.1 for now, hope you don't mind, but next 3 volumes will be coming soon.

Update 23/04/2021:  This is an very old post, it's 8 years old...ha ha ha, this one has some proper key points, some of them I'll keep and of course renew it at the same time with panels ensembles that weren't here and remake some of them, it's mostly new.

Despite all of this, this is the last one about the 38 volumes, the last post of this "remake" of the analysis of the early 7 volumes, which means next up is Transcend Game One Shot (the Dark Side of Dimensions), this one gonna take less time since is two chapters and doesn't have the same number of pages as chapter 1 of Yu-Gi-Oh!, it's actually pretty small, the real challenge for me is the movie Dark Side of Dimensions, I have been making of the manga so far, it's a lot easier to refer the quotes, but the movie is everything always in movement...sometimes there will be animated gifs (I will try as little as I can) with screenshots. It will be quite tricky and challenging...

Plot Summary:

As it was left off, Dark Yugi just took over Yugi's body as the game continues and throws the dice making Honda's attack and to be successful at full force attack at Zorc's left hand...as Yami Bakura is assessing the situation about Dark Yugi, Yugi and Dark Yugi talk with each other for the first time, they both discuss in how to defeat Zorc and Yami Bakura...
They go through a lot of challenges, when Yami Bakura believes he has the upper hand, something else other than the gang did got in the way, Ryou Bakura was controlling his own left hand in parallel to Zork's lost left hand as a way to fight against Yami Bakura to attempt to help and protect his friends, for the most part Ryou is successful, which Yami Bakura struggles to keep control of things, since it's shown in his expressions sometimes where Yami Bakura is having problems in remaining calm and trying to block Ryou from interfering in his plans, Yami Bakura takes a drastic measure by impaling the left hand of Ryou's and mentions "Ryou Bakura" name, from this moment the gang realize the "Bakura" in front of them isn't Ryou Bakura, but someone else controlling his body.
After they figure it out, they decide to "brainwash" Zork's left hand to save Ryou's consciousness with Beast Tamer adventurer Yugi, they get the desired result and emerges the White Wizard Bakura who is Lv13 while the others are Lv1 or Lv3, which makes them gain a reliable ally.
Once again they face more challenges in defeating the final boss, the last throw of dice leaves the Ryou Bakura soul to break the dice of Yami Bakura's and sacrifice himself, so his friends would be victorious, they defeated Zork and Yami Bakura with the Millennium Ring fallen from Ryou's neck, however the gang is very saddened by Ryou's self-sacrifice and see it as unfair, the white wizard Bakura reminds them the miniature that represents Ryou soul and there is part of it says that he could use his healing magic to heal Ryou's consciousness and rest of the soul but the white wizard would restart over with his friends at the same level as them...Dark Yugi gives the final throw to get critical to heal Ryou, they felt that it would get critical and save Ryou Bakura with everyone else...
The next day, the gym teacher is back, Ryou Bakura joins the gang and shows them something, a diorama of him and his friends holding Dark Yugi with the dice as a reminder of their adventure. 

Key Points:


This part follows the panels where it left in the previous post in the same page, I find amusing that Dark Yugi just continued as if nothing happened but seeing Yami Bakura didn't expected him, he takes the chance with his guard down, gets to have Honda Magic Gunman to shot at Zork's left hand, this is important later because it influences the story and the game a lot, Zorc losing his left hand becomes an important loss later in this arc.

If you wish to continue reading this post click "Read More" below:


If we think about it, after what Honda says:

Honda: "I told you, horn face...with my friends helping me out...who'd be afraid?"

Dark Yugi: "Don't worry guys! Your lives are in my hands! And starting now...so is Zorc's!"

Looking at what Honda says with Dark Yugi giving a super critical attack for Honda, in a way it was Dark Yugi standing up for Honda from his courage being questioned and called a coward with action as if Dark Yugi was saying "don't you dare call my friends cowards", Dark Yugi just rolled a critical like that...
As for Yami Bakura inner monologue, this is a transition scene between chapters:

"[Chapter 53] Another Yugi...! [Chapter 54]  Yugi...?No! He's not the same person! It's another Yugi!!"

This is very fascinating because Yami Bakura is more or less as he wondered first but then quickly knew it wasn't "Yugi", but someone else entirely, however he refers as "another yugi", but he assessed this much more accurately regarding Yugi and Dark Yugi, he even noticed this to himself knowing as fast that is "not the same person", he quickly knowing "yugi" in front of him isn't yugi, there is a difference in noticing and knowing it, Yami Bakura didn't just notice, he quickly understood and got to know what was in front of him, we'll get in detail of this soon, but refer to himself as if was a "clone".


From someone who re-read this manga many times, this is probably one of the most important moments of the story and between the protagonists of the story, this is the first time they meet each other face to face and talk to each other between the host and the spirit.
I love this scene so much, it's so cute for the reasons just stated, in terms of character development and the growth in their relationship between host and spirit is so important too, remember Yugi may have been solving the puzzle for 8 years but is recent he started to wear the millennium puzzle, but even after this, it is not that simple for them to talk, it's only Dark Yugi being able to reach Yugi during the duel between Jounouchi VS Ryuzaki in Duelist Kingdom and not the other way around which only happens during and after the duel against Pegasus, because there is different circumstances from when they started to talk each other as if is a daily thing, Yugi is able to talk to Dark Yugi for this moment...for the time being.
Quoting their very cute interactions:

Yugi: "! So that is... the other me...This is the first time we've met..."

Dark Yugi: "Yes! That courage brought us together! You put your life on the line to fight with your friends!"

Yugi: "Yup!"

Aww, anyway, their reactions before they talk to each other...Dark Yugi knows how Yugi looks like since he watches over him so he wasn't surprised but Yugi was surprised, he might have thought that he might look scarier and wasn't expecting that he looked kinda "pretty" (he was kinda awe), but didn't for him besides since Death-T that has been noted that recently he has been watching Dark Yugi's battles from Dark Yugi's POV and his back, therefore Yugi didn't knew how Dark Yugi looked like when he took over, this is the first time.
When Dark Yugi responded to Yugi's talking to him, his expression says it all, he understood what Yugi meant with this decision, that Yugi saw him as friend too, he was happy and moved his host did saw him as a friend and wanted to fight with him and the gang as a friend, genuinely speaking this is when their friendship starts.
Dark Yugi to think "I must save my friends!", he sees his host as friend and as kind of "roommate" which he later calls "partner" during the duel against Pegasus...(yeah, this duel is that important).

Yami Bakura inner monologue after this:

"So you're the spirit of the Millenium Puzzle...my opposite number..."

Yami Bakura is the first and maybe the only one who comes to the realization in this way, from a logical standpoint (it's annoying that is the main antagonist who uses the right terms), that's how fast Yami Bakura assess and understanding the situation, to make it more curious, he says Dark Yugi-the spirit of the millennium puzzle is his opposite number, in mathematics (I don't get much) but it relates between two extremes opposites from a continuum numbers between positive and negative numbers, Yami Bakura for thinking he is his "opposite number", by this time he must be "realizing" that he is facing the pharaoh soul who still doesn't know he is a pharaoh soul, Yami Bakura being someone who likes to omit info when it feels convenient, he won't say anything...for now, until is convenient for his enemy to know, by his expression you can tell that realization which won't be that simple to get all millennium items if he has his "main obstacle/opposition" in front of him - the pharaoh soul.
This story arc will move the main story, the main story will start taking it's real shape and at the same time this RPG tabletop battle is very symbolic in many levels towards it's closure, I'll focus in this matter fits more ahead in the story.


From the Panels Ensemble, quoting Yami Bakura:

"So, «other yugi»! From now on, you'll throw the dice and control the entire adventuring team! But if the player characters's hit points reach 0, your friends's souls and bodies will die!"

I want to start how Yami Bakura after assessing that Dark Yugi is the spirit of the millennium puzzle and his opposite number (pharaoh soul), he addresses Dark Yugi mockingly as "other yugi", Dark Yugi did had a silent reaction...Dark Yugi understood the meaning knowing that Yami Bakura is aware he is not "yugi" but someone else, while feeling suspicious of something (kinda like Shadi)...
On to the telepathic discussion between Yugi and Dark Yugi:

Yugi: "We're playing right into Bakura's script! We really are stuck in his game world!"

Dark Yugi: "You're right! Bakura made Zorc appear when the adventurers's guard was down, then he was able to seal your souls into lead figures! Everything's gone according to his plan! He's a game master to watch out for!"

Yugi: "And when Bakura rolls the dice, he always gets a critical! Is there any way we can win?"

Dark Yugi: "There is!"

This discussion between host and spirit reminds me of their duel against Yami Marik, here we see Dark Yugi who has idea in how to prevent Yami Bakura getting his way while when was against Yami Marik is Yugi who has the idea to turn around, it's interesting in that sense.
The other cool part of this discussion is how Yugi has been understanding that this game was rigged since the beginning and noticing Yami Bakura has been cheating with the dice rolls to always get critical...not knowing how is he cheating...Dark Yugi for having an idea is because he knows how Yami Bakura is cheating the dice roll and how he can turn around into a more fair game.


After few criticals, Yugi made his ideas using his ability as beast tamer to "convert" monsters enemies into allies, which was a dragon, to prepare entering the castle of Zorc and himself believing in Dark Yugi to stop Yami Bakura run of criticals (he knew he was doing something similar to Yami Bakura but with the intent to make Yami Bakura stop cheating) as we see Dark Yugi reveals his criticals are a cheat trick called Double Hit like Yami Bakura's Run of Criticals...Yami Bakura is surprised that Dark Yugi knew about it, at first you would think because of Yugi for knowing this and Yami Bakura presuming Dark Yugi didn't knew based on his "lost memories", but that's not the case exactly, it relates to his lost memories but in his subconscious...


As you can tell, Yugi didn't know about these "cheat" dice techniques, it's one of those examples of things Dark Yugi knows but Yugi didn't (like dice origins, yo-yos and the shell game in DDM arc), but Dark Yugi and Yami Bakura knew, there is many factors, Yami Bakura's side is that Ryou has been wearing the millennium Ring for 8 years with the "blackouts", Yami Bakura seemed well versed in computer, he might have researched, Dark Yugi has Sugoroku knowledge when he watched over when the millennium puzzle still in pieces and had his memories as in his subsconscious.
However these dice rolls can be and still is used sometimes in casino, since the dices goes way back in ancient times, these tricks may come back from this time, besides Tabletop RPGs main inspiration come from strategy games like chess and wargaming, in fact you can use chess to play tabletop RPG, you can just change the names, these dice "tricks" might come from this time and is in Dark Yugi subconscious memories and Yami Bakura would apply something similar (but it seems, since Yami Bakura didn't have smashed to pieces and reset, he might remember from his own memories for the most part).
It's quite amusing seeing Dark Yugi bluntly saying "if you cheat then so can I", Yami Bakura is quite irritated, that was the intent of Dark Yugi, if both cheat, it reaches an impasse between them, therefore forces Yami Bakura to play fair, then Dark Yugi does as well.


As expected, Dark Yugi is pretty smart but when he is nervous or cornered and he is in doubt, that's something similar to Yugi in a way when comes to dealing with pressure, with their faith in him, allowed him to solve the problem of the puzzle.
What is taking my attention is the "flash" thing from the puzzle while Yugi is inside his miniature...power of unity or spirit and host in "sync" in thoughts maybe, who knows...the irony of all in this is the correct answer was "33", in symbolism is a powerful spiritual number...was that intentional or not? I get that feeling that either 0-3-6-8-9 would do, it had to be two of these numbers and even repeating them would be fine.
Jounouchi's inner monologue is pretty funny..."Even with spikes in our heads, we believe in you!", they believe in him because Dark Yugi have been helping and rescue them a lot of times, because they know they can trust him and see him as a friend.


I feel so sorry for Ryou, who is the bigger victim, the gang believing the "Bakura" in front of them is Ryou Bakura, not guessing some "other party involved" from Ryou's warning.....
Going into their thinking:

"Bakura, we agreed to play this game because we thought you were our friend! But not only did you betray us, you turned us into this!!"

Honda: "Let me kill him! I'll never forgive you in a million years! I'll put a hole in your brain, Zorc!"

They are quite blinded by their anger for the time being, yes, blinded...because Ryou did try to warn them before they even come to their house, when he was leaving school for their own safety...the strange incidents, as blinded they are for their anger and forgot about Ryou's warning...I'm just saying...the weird patterns specially noted by Yugi but they are all are blinded by anger during this time so they're not thinking quite clearly or not seeing the bigger picture that the person in front of them is someone else not Ryou yet, being blinded by anger can do that to you.


Yami Bakura, of course has his own other means to win, since the gang have roll dice to their "power of unity" and "faith", Yami Bakura uses the means from his own Millennium Ring from sealing souls into objects to make results to how he wants them too, with this in Zorc's turn, he gets critical on the gang, they barely survive with 1HP....that reminds me so much of JRPGs, despite the game being in Yami Bakura's favour for being rigged and the adventurers be at Lv1 (I did find odd there wasn't any "level up" in the first battles with monsters, honestly).
But what stands out in this scene for me, it's certainly Dark Yugi's reaction seeing everyone did survived the blow, his inner monologue:

"I knew it! I knew they'd be okay...and my other soul couldn't be dead! Even when our souls are separated, we're never apart! If my other soul died, my soul would die too! The game isn't over yet!"

Yugi: "Yup!!"

This is a growing friendship between them, bit by bit, you can tell when comes to his friends and host, Dark Yugi's complexion becomes a lot softer...regarding the terms, they might be aware this is a shadow game or be considered as such, according to it's rules if we remember Pegasus duel and Yami Marik duel, it's in that sense of what it means, besides the soul doesn't really "die", soul is a form of energy, you can't destroy energy, but it can be severely weakened, put more in this sense.


This is a transition scene between chapters, when the next chapter extends the same scene a little, this is close to end in Chapter 56...according to Yami Bakura's explanation with his left hand moving on it's own... to take from the Monster World Game progress, Yami Bakura being the Dark Master(Game Master) controlling Ryou Bakura's body and since Zork represents the Dark Master, the moment Honda shot Zorc left hand awoken from deep down Ryou Bakura being able to control his left hand.
There is some interesting detail regarding this Yami Bakura's observation about his left hand...in his inner monologue:

"Could it be...?! My own soul is linked to the Zorc miniature in the game world! But Zorc's left hand was cut off when the adventures caught him off guard! It's impossible...But it's real! Ryou Bakura is controlling my left hand!"

The more curious detail is that Yami Bakura's thoughts is that Zorc is linked to his soul, it's pretty low-key from Takahashi-sensei, to the readers it implied that Yami Bakura's real name isn't "Bakura" from "Bakura king of thieves memory world" (like Ryou...he was also a puppet of Zorc) but Zorc...
I love this moment of Ryou, in fact is my favourite, because this is when he truly shined in the series, the irony is how Ryou says "I am Ryou Bakura", it's not just Bakura, but he includes his personal name too, another way of saying he is his own person and willing to fight back.
From the Bottom Panels Ensemble, that's some impressive entitlement to think "you're doing a favour" in letting them live as miniatures... you call that "being nice"? Now he is willing to killing them all...good grief, he technically he was giving them a "slow death" from being in PVS anyway, where is the difference?


This scene is from Chapter 56 to 57, the extension of the same scene, the "left hand" is explained again, Ryou Bakura added more words...it's similar to what he said before, I have to say, it shows how smart Ryou actually is, he finds a way to fight back, Yami Bakura getting irritated tries to stop Ryou's intervention to make the portable pc away from the left hand (hmmm, a portable pc at this time was pretty expensive...this chapter was already '97 or '98...but these many expressions from Yami Bakura's reaction to Ryou's intervention won't go unnoticed...


After Yami Bakura laughing at his left hand as we see in the Panels Ensemble on Left, after his put away the portable pc from his left hand...Dark Yugi is observing all these changes of expressions...with his inner monologue:

"Bakura's changed when checked the game data on the computer...what in the world is going on? I know he made some kind of miscalculation...maybe that's the key to defeating Zork!!"

Since Dark Yugi is good at reading people's emotions and change of patterns in behaviour, he was able to tell from recent unusual behaviour from Yami Bakura, there was more than miscalculation on Yami Bakura, remember this is him still thinking the "Yami Bakura" is "Ryou Bakura", he is starting to suspect there is more to what is front of him and might be the way to defeat him, Dark Yugi can be quite intuitive too.

I have to say, not only Ryou is smart and intelligent as much as sharp but he is capable to be very resourceful, using his knowledge on RPGs tabletops with his left hand, when looking at this, Ryou is more or less outsmarting Yami Bakura, which is downright impressive, it's not easy, using his left hand to hold the brainwashed dice and make normal dice close to his "right hand" so that Yami Bakura would mistake for his brainwashed dice.
Dark Yugi with his sassyness again repeating what Yami Bakura said before, standing up for Yugi in the beginning when Yugi asked Yami Bakura what he did to the dice, Yami Bakura said "the dice don't lie", which shows again, Dark Yugi watches over his host most of the time.


If we look at what the "dice" is saying, it was Ryou in the dice saying it, which means, Ryou somehow transferred himself to the brainwashed dice...going to Yami Bakura's "monologue" but is more "talk" to his "host" Ryou:

"Urrrgh! This...this blasted left hand!! (impales Ryou's left hand) H-Ha ha...H-ha ha ha ha! How do you like that, Ryou Bakura?!  How does the «durable polyresin» feel?"

Dark Yugi's inner monologue: "What? Did he just say «Ryou Bakura»? It can't be...!"

Yami Bakura wasn't just pissed seeing his host outsmarting him, he was supper annoyed and furious, Yami Bakura cares so much for his "master" that he impales his left hand...it looks terrible...
Dark Yugi on the other hand, he was surprised while figuring out what is going on when he heard "Ryou Bakura", because is odd "Bakura" calling his left hand "Ryou Bakura", right?
But the "it can't be" must be more related of a possibility of Ryou being a "millennium item wielder" and the one in front of him is a "spirit of the millennium item" like himself, since it sounded unlikely but the "shadow game" (miniatures talking) and "penalty game"(mind doll) style miniature are patterns used to someone who wields a millennium item and this moment indicates to be the case.


Can I say when Jounouchi said:

"He looks terrible! I'm almost sorry I hit him in the face!"

It's very funny? like the "even having spikes in our heads we still believe in you!", the "durable polyresin" was funny, Takahashi-sensei does seem to have a bit of dark humour, sometimes it shows like these moments and the one in the beginning of Yami Bakura VS Yami Marik, Yami Marik calling main Marik a "father killer" and Yami Bakura joining the joke (pfft), "the yo-yos is a dangerous weapon in the hands of an idiot", sometimes low-key and other times not so low-key.
Regarding the gang figuring out as well the whole situation too, Yugi noticed after Dark Yugi figuring out what was actually going on, then the rest of the gang caught up, finally understanding this "Bakura" wasn't Ryou Bakura (it took awhile), but after this the gang (including Dark Yugi) come to trust their instincts and intuition more.
I cut some panels after this part, as Yami Bakura stated in the Bottom Panels Ensemble, it was "beast tamer Yugi" 's turn now, then we see them believing in Ryou after realizing the situation, after this they were all in sync (including Dark Yugi), and knew what needed to be done, so Yugi "beast tamer" uses his ability to "brainwash" the destroyed left hand of Zorc to rescue Ryou Bakura...


The "representative of Ryou's consciousness" is a NPC named White Wizard Bakura with Lv13 when Ryou plays as the game master...Yami Bakura is shocked not that he didn't knew of this NPC but how and why did the NPC appeared as "representative of Ryou's consciousness", it actually makes sense, when Yami Bakura isn't the game master, Ryou is the game master, since Ryou is the host of Yami Bakura/Zorc, these are linked, "sharing" the same body and both play "game master role".
A small detail that I liked is when the White Wizard Bakura introduced himself:

"I'm the White Wizard Bakura! I'm an NPC, a «a non player character» created by Ryo Bakura! Please let me join your party!"

I like that Ryou's NPC/representative emphasizes with Ryou's full name as "Ryou Bakura", this might indicate Ryou actually wants his friends to call him by his name not surname.
His NPC basing on his own (Ryou Bakura), White Wizard Bakura coming out of Zorc's left arm, even though Yami Bakura and Ryou Bakura are connected because both one is the vessel/host and the spirit, they act independently and opposite and quite an complex situation, Ryou Bakura being good-natured and kind while Yami Bakura is manipulative, sneaky, no qualms.
There is some interesting relationship differences and similiraties between millennium ring wielder and millennium puzzle wielder, their conditions are the same, even though the personalities of both wielders are very similar and they even share the same love for games (not video games, outside of video games) and talented in gaming, the difference between the spirits sealed in the millenium items is huge in personality and have the abilities to release the powers of their millennium items even though is a bit different even how it manifests their main powers.


Since the NPC White Wizard Bakura is Lv13 and is white wizard class, so what he just did is a common abilities from white wizard class in RPGs, specially in JRPGs such lowering the defenses of the enemies, increasing ATK of the party members and "light magic attacks" plus "revive" and "restore" spells, Lv13 ally in comparison to Lv1, makes a huge difference, it makes White Wizard Bakura as considered by Dark Yugi being a powerful ally (coming from him, it says something, like Kaiba, but Dark Yugi is more low-key to be hardly impressed too)...besides in more detail since this is a transition scene between chapters, it always extends the scene with WWBakura (white wizard bakura) saying he is a NPC created by another "game master" named Ryou Bakura, as implied in the previous key points...
Yami Bakura's reaction is seeing that the game is getting more fair and the existence of his host's NPC as game master allows the gang having more chances to defeat Yami Bakura/Zorc.


I find very cute the "poki" monster by the way, he was willing to sacrifice himself, it shows as been noted before when comes to shadow games, your true nature comes up, since the gang are quite caring specially when comes to friendship, it influences their allies monsters too like "poki" in acting on their own, but the gang aren't willing to sacrifice any of their allies or friends that fought alongside them (comrades in arms, not leave their fellow soldier behind).

Awww, so sweet, "Poki" was so moved by their gesture and willingness in not sacrificing anybody, including their monster ally/friend that he got teared eyed.
Yugi is slowly becoming confident and courageous, while Dark Yugi with his complexion becoming softer and less sinister, even when he is determined...when you think about to how he was when Dark Yugi was alive as Pharaoh Atem, he was honorable, protective, caring and capable of selfless deeds, while in the beginning after he was "resetted", he was a lot sinister and twisted even though it was to "punish" those who harm his host and friends with his penalty games be mostly temporary, Dark Intelligence did influence him for sometime, even Dark Yugi later admits it in Memory World, but the gang and Yugi was a huge influence in "restoring" Dark Yugi true self and becoming a better person all the same.


There is a contrasting differences here in this scene between the gang and Yami Bakura, as well a difference in attitude in the beginning of this post.
Starting with the difference between in the beginning when they thought Yami Bakura was "Ryou Bakura" they channeled anger into the dice and was blinded by anger and didn't see clearly it wasn't Ryou who was in front of them, while here, they aren't channeling anger but faith instead, it shows growth, how seeing things with clear mind and truth, makes the difference, the way Dark Yugi does, it has a "roarrr" effect, which reminds me of a lion as king who shoulder his people's and country's will, it fits so well too (trivia fact, according to egyptian calendar to our current calendar, Dark Yugi/Atem Birthday is 26th July, making Dark Yugi/Atem Zodiac Sign to be Leo), the power of unity as well, it is one of the powers of the millennium puzzle.
Regarding the difference between the gang faith energy all together "Power of Unity" while Yami Bakura as can be noted he likes to work alone (having puppets, it's still alone, he wants to be in control of everything), with malice and ruthless way...
Mentioning Yami Bakura/Zorc, his inner monologue is interesting too (for lore and worldbuilding):

"It's useless to struggle...you will die in this world, along with Zorc! Even if my avatar dies as long the Millennium Ring exists, my soul will live forever! And now with the Millennium Ring, I'll take the step I can only take once!! I'll seal a part of my own soul into these dice! I'll call them...the doppelganger dice!!"

Yami Bakura is well aware who and what he is, since he didn't went through the "reset" process like Dark Yugi did, he remembers his past with Pharaoh Atem, besides as he stated in his inner monologue, he is confident about it because even if his avatar dies, he still exists in the millennium ring, since he is a sealed soul, however the other part is when he seals part of his soul into the dice, since was into dice he called "doppelganger dice", but the name of this ability is "parasite mind", which is how he technically functions....while Dark Yugi is similar but with some differences....
Yami Bakura is Zorc Necrophades, the millennium items when created and intent was to "summon" Zorc from the "door to next world", Yami Bakura/Zorc existence are connected to the millennium items, Dark Yugi on the other hand, as Pharaoh Atem sealed Zorc and himself into the millennium items, it was intended to be both in the millennium puzzle, but Zorc slipped away to be sealed in the millennium ring where darkness/negative energy was stronger, Dark Yugi is connected due to his past when was alive but technically his existence is mostly independent but as Yami Bakura stated before in previous post that the millennium items work like "portable tombs", the millennium puzzle for Dark Yugi/Pharaoh Atem is technically a portable tomb, since he didn't wear it when was a crown prince or child, he is mostly independent until he became a pharaoh and was inside a "portable tomb" which lasted for 3000 years, then he came his time to afterlife to be free from it...


The scene is when Ryou sacrifices the rest of himself-soul to save his friends, remember as stated before, Ryou Bakura consciousness went to the "brainwashed dice" in his own -left hand-, Yami Bakura may think it was when he sealed part of his own soul, but Ryou was already there long time ago, he has been outsmarting Yami Bakura for awhile...great thinking ahead, then he looks at his friends and says:

"Yugi...everyone...thank you for believing in me..."

I find this scene a bit heartbreaking for me...with what he says and the gang reaction including his "representative", you see there is some regret for not believing in Ryou from the beginning and now that they were fighting together against their enemy, Yami Bakura and that he helped so much and willing to sacrifice himself, as being very unfair...of course, not wanting to lose a friend.


Dark Yugi still senses Ryou soul somewhere, not just in the dice (like stated, soul is energy, technically energy can't be destroyed but it can be severely weakened), it's still impressive that Ryou as noble sacrifice was yet he was able to shatter the dice...then Anzu gets her shinning moment, Anzu did get get a lot of moments to shine in this arc...


After they defeated Yami Bakura, the Millenium Ring had an interesting reaction, the rope holding onto Ryou's neck broke, however as Yami Bakura said before, even if his "avatar" dies (Zork), he won't disappear because he is sealed in the millennium ring, therefore he didn't disappear while implying that he will come back but certainly was severely weakened, he wasn't the only one....
Dark Yugi thinks he is dead (that's too soon), he thought himself that he still felt Ryou soul somewhere in the previous key point, this is when White Wizard Bakura comes:

"No...Ryou Bakura soul is still alive...Inside of me...The master created me into this world and through his adventures made me grow. Over time, I became a level 13 white wizard. And now I can pay my master back."

He is the "representative" of Ryou's consciousness, that is why is still around too, Ryou was severely weakened from his sacrifice, he went from Zorc's destroyed left hand due to Ryou got control of his left hand, there is other factors as the WWBakura said through his adventures, he had grown, in more lore and worldbuilding aspects, taking to account Ryou has been wielding the millennium ring for 8 years while playing these RPGs with this NPC as game master and millennium ring ability to seal a part of soul into an object...Ryou might have done it subconsciously into his NPC WWBakura...that's why a part of Ryou is in this NPC miniature.
When Ryou Bakura did the selfless act as much he put part of his soul in the white wizard, which allows him to be still alive, even Ryou Bakura has his own strengths similar to Yugi, kindness and selflessness.


Quoting the full line of White Wizard Bakura:

"Since I'm level 13, my healing magic should be strong enough to transfer my soul back to the master! But I'm a lead figure in a game world...I can't move without the will of a game master or a player. So, Yugi! Throw the dice for me! Make the roll to do my magic! The next time we meet in this world I too will be a level 1 white wizard without any experience...Farewell...everyone..."

In other technical terms, White Wizard Bakura was more or less saying that he as part of Ryou soul, he will come back to his body "transfer my soul back to the master", however it has it's own cost, such that next time Ryou plays this NPC at Lv1 White Wizard, another way of saying, since Ryou sacrificed himself, only a part of him will come back, so Ryou soul is severely weakened and will take time to restore and heal...
Judging from Dark Yugi's expression it was soft while somewhat concerned but understood everything what WWBakura meant as stated before and promises to be successful on the dice roll to get their friend back, the gang were confident that the dice roll would be a "critical" and both successful.
I find interesting since they don't know Dark Yugi's name, even Ryou+WWBakura calls him Yugi too, Ryou also kinda admires Dark Yugi as well, however it just feels weird seeing call him Yugi, with Yugi in miniature there...just saying >_>".


Here we are, close to the end, so WWBakura was one of those "pretty" and detailed figurines, I wonder when it happened and how the whole gang coming back to their bodies, it's possible since from this point on, the shadow game was over, so they could go back, so now Yugi is taking over, it's interesting Yugi describing their miniature as "motionless" but looked happy, might be because both left the miniatures with a smile, let's say is an "adventure" they will remember.
The biggest shame for me is that after this Ryou doesn't have big moments because well, Ryou soul is still weakened after this event, with Yami Bakura abusive and manipulative and coming back, Ryou didn't had much of a break, poor boy...until after got separated permanently from the Millennium Ring (which was after Memory World).

Ryou Bakura is also a cinnamon roll too, aww, this was a very sweet gesture, I like this scene a lot because his diorama is so nicely detailed, he even made Dark Yugi miniature holding the dice, you can tell that he can see that the "two yugis" - the "real yugi" and the "other yugi" were different people from one another, he even added the "gold lightning" upwards hair shape from Dark Yugi and Yugi has the "little" golden bang hair at front, Ryou also put colour to the characters eyes (Dark Yugi, WWBakura, Yugi and Anzu) except Jounouchi and Honda remain mostly the same with more detail in their outfits, Ryou even added "Poki" and the "little dragon", I think I made it obvious that I love the diorama? I just love the detail so much in the art of the diorama, it's so cute.
The diorama memento represents many things, it's a symbol of their friendship and their battle together expressed by Ryou, very interesting enough is the first time ever, when they were all fighting together like this, the spirit of the millennium puzzle together with his host and friends, it will happen in the future something similar.

See Ya Next Post!!

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