Monday, December 14, 2015

New Yu-Gi-Oh! movie coming 23rd April 2016 - Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions

I know I'm late on this, but the main reason doing this is because we had more reveals in the new trailer about the movie, which makes me want to advance my manga analysis faster and bring the subject up.

I'll start with the teaser trailer first...

Just the "Story - Script - Character Design - Executive Producer" and then "Kazuki Takahashi", the first time I watched it felt like a punch in the face when I read these words, anything about this movie throws at you is canon, official, it follows the original story of the manga (it means Pegasus is already dead, he's not alive like in the anime version and spin offs series) follows through 6 months after the Ceremonial Duel...
I'm not over yet...
The Newest trailer, let's call it trailer 2...

To me this movie seems to be a bit scary, I'm excited but also nervous at the same time for various reasons, I trust Kazuki Takahashi, I'm almost sure will be a splendid movie for big fans of YGO like myself, who've read the manga specially, this is a big deal, anyone who is still catching up with the spin-off series, it will change a lot in YGO! history forward after the events of this movie, even the trailer says itself, it's an original story, the development, writting, design by Kazuki Takashi, the creator of the original story of Yu-Gi-Oh!

We all know Atemu/Atem is coming back, the question is how?
 according to the trailers and  the plot synopsis:

"By completing the Millennium Puzzle, Yugi Muto awoke another personality inside himself, called “Yami Yugi”. Along with Seto Kaiba, the president of Kaiba Corporation, reigned as the pinnacle of Duelists, and their various friends and allies, both Yugis fought in many battles tied to the ancient past. Ultimately Yugi and Yami Yugi were forced to fight against one another, and in the end they bid farewell to one another as they walked their own separate paths… … …
Then, after their final Duel with Yami Yugi, Yugi and his friends returned to their normal lives.
But then a mysterious boy named “Aigami” appears before them.
As a series of cases of people disappearing happen one after another across the entire planet.And Kaiba single-mindedly searches for the Millennium Puzzle.
When all the pieces of the puzzle are reunited, the Duels shall begin again!"

We can assume and speculate, Kaiba because of recent mysterious events he searches for the Millenium Puzzle and seems Yugi completes the Millenium Puzzle, supposedly will bring him back and take over Yugi's body again and face this new threat, Kaiba and Yugi will duel against each other for the first time ever on-screen and Kaiba seems will have another rematch with Atem/Atemu. The question how Atem/Atemu comes back still stands, we all have seen for anyone who have watched episode 224 and the last chapter of the manga knows he did go to afterlife, so it's more complicated than it sounds, I don't think it's just completing the puzzle Millenium and is done.
I'm not sure according to the teaser and trailer 2 means, there were some analysis around the internet, tumblr specifically, in the teaser trailer and promotional images and some screenshots...

If you want to continue to read my thoughts and analysis, be my guest to click "Read More" bellow:

Just from these 2 pictures, in the poster of the puzzle is missing one piece, on the screenshot on the right, we see the missing piece, this raises lots of questions, we know Yugi maintained with him his millenium puzzle box and has the habit of putting his deck inside, we know from the plot summary Kaiba did go single-mindedly search for the millenium puzzle, it has been buried in the depths of the ruins where the millenium items were created, how and why the heck the missing piece is there? did something happen before Yugi left when the ruins were falling apart? is it possible Yugi did took away a piece of the millenium puzzle to keep as a memento to his partner since left to the afterlife? what it happens when Yugi completes for a 3rd time? Will Atem come back once completed transporting from afterlife to imprison him in the puzzle again and have ceremonial duel again and go to afterlife again?

On the subject of Atem, this teaser trailer screenshot where it proves he has the armbands he used in his pharaoh attire BUT he is without the millenium puzzle, so we go back the millenium puzzle being hinted to be completed again, what could this possibly mean? it can mean many things, many possibilities, it could be a sort of shadow like created in the ceremonial duel when to have his own body temporarily just to duel against Yugi or this scene in the screenshot, Kaiba was waiting him for Atem to duel could be in this scene in a virtual world or "somewhere else"? this place seems like an old building with some Gothic architecture...I wonder where this is, for all I know, the kind of places where has this kind of architecture is in religious catholic buildings, palaces, castles and universities.
I wonder what this means, seriously so many questions...

The villain called Aigami and the recently introduced new characters, the little girl is possible she is some sort of queen or princess because the villain and the boy with a blue tunic are using the pyramid upside down in their forehead, while the little girl is the only one with a tiara, in movies and shows like these means she has or represents some sort of authority wherever these 3 characters come from and they're connected and know each other and must be very important to the plot of the movie, what's curious about them are the symbols of what they wear, pyramids upside down and the Ankh symbols, the screenshot on the left of the teaser trailer, in the rock there is a big symbol of the Ankh and some scriptures to it's right and in the new trailer we see this place in the new trailer in some floating land above the pyramids.
It makes you wonder how this clues will connect and what the story will reveal...
I know lots of fans are worried about Atemu stealing Yugi's screentime and importance, I don't think it will   happen, Atem isn't wearing the puzzle, many getting irritated at Kaiba who think hasn't gone over it about Atem going to afterlife, look at the synopsis again, it mentions the disappearances happening around the world first and then as the following Kaiba searching for the Millenium Puzzle, it may be giving the hint  Kaiba is searching because of these mysterious occurrences and is connected to the millenium puzzle and also hopeful to take the chance for rematch again, there is also something I want to add about it between Yugi and Kaiba, according to some digging I did about Kazuki Takahashi said they will be at crosshairs, it means they will be the main focus AND what Kaiba said to Yugi directly in the trailer was:
 "It's been a while...I've grown tired of waiting for this day!"
Think it through, this will be their first duel as it clearly points from Kaiba for him say grown tired of waiting for this duel, he have been wanting to duel against Yugi for a long time, according to the original story of the manga, Yugi was the first and only one to defeat and surpass Atem fair and square, going all out (since the movie follows the manga only, it means Orichalchos Saga out), Kaiba has always kept an eye on him as a future rival for quite sometime, the one he was the most vocally quiet with was Yugi, he was surprised Yugi was able to tell a fake from the official card, he knows Yugi was the one who solved "1blood" riddle in Death-T, he probably knows as well he defeated Atem since he isn't wearing the Millenium Puzzle anymore and I pointed myself in one of my manga analysis before in this post:

and this post:

It's best not to be so quick to judge the characterization of the characters or their own plot when the movie hasn't even been in the theaters yet, I know there is many weren't this quick to judge.

I'm seriously looking forward to this movie, but also nervous...xDD wish I could watch it at the time once comes into the theaters (but I know it will never come where I live, I have no choice but wait to come the DVD and Blu-Ray release to watch :/)

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