Wednesday, March 10, 2010

[Observations] Previews 102-104

Episode 102:
not really new... >>"

episode 103:
well, now this is other reason, the end part, the whole celebration in Team Unicorn garage (I think) XD, now this sounds fun :) and cool ;)

episode 104:

now this is the part... that SERIOUSLY PISS ME OFF...that's right...I'm sure this stupid team catastrophe did the same to crow, and now doing with AKI...WHAT THE HELL, 1ST DROP CHARACTER FROM THE TOURNAMENT, AND NOW ANOTHER MEMBER...?
what are the writers trying to do with this? D=<
I wish if Aki could use her psychic powers to cure herself...but I guess Aki doesn't know she can do that too... just use a magic card that gain LP and is done...or being psychic, she has more resistance or she made a way evade and not have a serious injury as Crow...
if it is how it seems is going (Aki not being 2nd Wheeler...), I'm telling you I will be VERY VERY VERY VERY PISSED...
I say there is a possibility of Aki still going in the tourament because, unlike the other previews between 97-99 didn't said anything about Crow suffer a crash D:, now Aki does? that's very weird, and even unconscious? different from Crow, didn't got unconscious...
this is very weird, so pay attention on this...

End of the Post.

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