Friday, March 5, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá: Vol.4-7 Part 2 - Death-T Arc Part 2/3

Update 01/03/2021: 

hahaha, this is a very old post of this project, so old that the previous pictures I used for this one is not there anymore or not appearing anymore...good thing I had prepared panels for these "updated versions", there is some old text that I have to re-arrange because it relates to previous post and some to this one.
This is the main point of redoing posts about the first 7 volumes, there are things that needs to be fixed.

Plot Summary:

They just finished the riddle "bllood", they enter the basement after seeing Honda's nephew Johji being kidnapped, Kaiba threatens and blackmails for one of the gang face a murderer/serial killer he hired nicknamed "Choppman", Jounouchi volunteers to face the guy, both of them are handcuffed and they can choose the weapons hanging, Jounouchi chooses none and the choppman chooses a chain saw (of course), it proves challenging due to the serial killer monstrous strength, Yugi gives Jounouchi ideas by outsmarting chopman, they defeat him and rescued Johji.
The gang goes to the next challenge, Stage-3 (there is five), they see an empty room and get locked inside, they were silent for awhile, Yugi letting his low self-esteem getting the best of him for a moment, Jounouchi calls it out as much confesses a few things, same with Honda then Anzu cheers them up and themselves becoming more united, the real game of this stage starts with cubes falling, Anzu realises there is a pattern and guides them through, the exit was somewhere tall and cubes getting top of each other and use it as means to climb to the exit, however suddenly the pattern changed by the rhythm becoming faster, the gang had to quickly catch up, an accident happens with Honda getting stuck in one of the cubes and prioritising Yugi to get to the exit faster, the friends are shocked and devastated to leave behind their friend Honda who sacrificed himself....after clearing the stage, Yugi's emotions are at it's peak and feeling almost an headache or making a huge effort to hold it back something.
Mokuba goes to Seto commenting on the progress of the gang in the stages and they had a bet which stage "Yugi" would lose, there is some heated discussion between the Kaiba brothers...
Anzu and Jounouchi seeing something strange is happening to Yugi, as Yugi is trying to hold back Dark Yugi from taking over because more golden hair starts appearing (from Dark Yugi) and reveals about the existence of "other yugi" (Dark Yugi) and haven't telling them because he was afraid of losing his friends that he now has, Jounouchi and Anzu promised them they would still be friends with him no matter calmed him down, Yugi was very moved by their gesture...
When they were approaching Stage 4, Mokuba said it had to be Yugi only to come, Yugi who doesn't feel afraid anymore neither of Dark Yugi as much not losing his friends, he entrusted Dark Yugi to take over, his friends are surprised and amazed meeting Dark Yugi.
Dark Yugi enters Stage 4 to have a rematch of Capmon Chess against Mokuba, the game was rigged from the beginning, Dark Yugi won by outsmarting Mokuba, since Mokuba lost, Kaiba Seto is willing to make his little brother through a penalty game as the same as Kaiba did before but inside the simulator Duel Box, when it starts, Dark Yugi is shocked and worried for the kid, he rescued Mokuba and goes to the next Stage, the rematch against Kaiba Seto.

Key Points:


The way it shows how obvious is even to the readers and the boys that Johji (Honda's nephew) had betrayed them is so funny and amusing because of the kid's nature being quite dodgy and being  Kaiba's fan...Jounouchi is the most suspicious (it seems he can't stand brats or had bad experiences with them that he doesn't trust them easily), Yugi who have noticed his bad traits quite early and even a silent rivalry regarding Anzu and raised an eyebrow suspicious while Honda who knows his nephew more than the gang, he is suspicious of something.
The baby seeing his tactics isn't working and talks with the chopman saying they aren't coming, which pretty much confirms that their suspicions were correct.


If you notice, the last two panels ensembles are in a different tone, this is because the digital version that I downloaded didn't had the page which contains the last two panels ensembles, so I had to scan the page from my print copy.
On the subject of these panels ensembles, I want to start with Kaiba in the Top Panels Ensemble on Left, specifically on it's last panels, I'll be quoting:

"Mweh heh...of all games, I like card games the best...but chess is my second favorite...Right now, you are living chess pieces on the giant board that is Kaiba Land! I watch as each move bring me closer to checkmate...and I'm enjoying immensely."

What he says here is very fascinating not only learning about his favorite games as much seeing a little how he sees games in general and how he implements to his views of life...which is more militaristic view of games, the other thing being that he doesn't just likes only Magic&Wizards (Duel Monsters) but cards games, probably specifically being TCG and CCG, his biggest obsession is obviously the former, then in second being chess, it might be because it feels closer to real life for him and he says that he is enjoy watching them play his "Death-T" because is like playing chess but in "real life" form, that's a dangerous way of seeing which in future almost endangers himself (his will to commit suicide if he lost against Dark Yugi in Duelist Kingdom).
In the following scene we see that Kaiba is willing to kill a baby if no one is willing to volunteer to play a game against the Chopman, the Chopman is a serial killer who Kaiba hired, a serial killer, that's nuts, Yugi was on to say and tell to not touch the kid, despite him not trusting him, he is still a child/baby/kid and he is ready to defend him, he isn't the only one thinking that...

If you wish to continue reading this post, click "Read More" below:


In the beginning it was Honda who was about to volunteer but Jounouchi interrupted and offer himself to come instead...his reasons being about his principles:

"That weird-looking diaper-bag saved our lives more than once! I hate his guts, but I pay what I owe!"

What I wish to emphasise is what is underlined, it's very important to his character, I can't say much here for the time being, but will be mentioned in two posts ahead, there is deeper meaning for Jounouchi feeling to pay something they owe, it was similar a little with when Yugi shielded him from Ushio and go pick up the missing puzzle piece for Yugi...We'll get deeper in later posts as to where it comes from.
Kaiba's perception of Jounouchi in his role as chess piece is a knight is very interesting because it fits well his character, I wonder about Anzu role...Yugi is the "king", so Anzu might be the "queen", so Honda's role would be...
As suspected, Johji did betrayed them that he handcuffed Jounouchi, that's the 3rd time he gets handcuffed xDD, Johji motivation is that he is too cute too die...


In this scene in the Panels Ensemble Top Left, there is this comic sfx (comic sounds) that appears as "RMB" is important to note since it will happen often for awhile...because looking at the Panels Ensemble Top Right looks like the following idea came from Dark Yugi in the Millennium Puzzle, next key point shows isn't the case at all because first Yugi suggested something with a point somewhere in this locked room...then Yugi notices the use the first it looks like came from Dark Yugi...even the "flash" thing...


At the Panels Ensemble on Left, the "RMB" effect appears again and is around the may seem at first this idea to solve the locked room with a candle and using the chopman's brutal strength, since the liquid in the floor is oil as commented by Jounouchi once he entered...the guy got burned, well it was kill or get killed would think is from Dark Yugi again in the millennium Yugi suggests the idea to Jounouchi, Kaiba was very impressed with this idea-solution, which is pretty for the real reason of the "RMB" effect (which might mean is vibration) in later key points...this more for a reminder and build up for the right key point to be heavily focused because these will be mentioned.

What Kaiba says in his monologue as he comments about their progress to inner monologue:

"So they've made it to «Death T-3»...Not outside of the realm of chance but...looking over their progeress, I see some factors I underestimated....They're a good team...their close friendship has been the real key to beating the games... [Inner Monologue: I need to break up that union...After all friendship is just an illusion...Everyone care the most about himself...When they find themselves in real trouble, they'll soon betray their friends to save their own hides! That's where «Death T-3» comes in...mmeh heh heh...]"

Kaiba sure snickers a lot with "meh heh heh" even in Battle City he still does it 😂, regarding Kaiba's observations over the gang's progress, he is technically correct, however there is a slight misinterpretation on his part, true to be told is their close friendship and good teamwork that has been able to overcome the challenges, he thinks that eventually they will betray each other to protect themselves and this stage they entered will bring that out, this is when can be pointed out his slight misinterpretation is that it is these challenges that makes their friendship stronger and becoming closer than before, this next challenge specially shows that it has the opposite effect that Kaiba was expecting.
Despite these Kaiba's views, it might come from experience or something he witnessed rather often, he is not wrong, real friendship is rare after all.


This scene reminds me a lot in Duelist Kingdom Arc after the duel Dark Yugi VS Kaiba, Yugi was putting himself down like this time and Jounouchi calling him out on it, here the reasons are slightly different, Yugi blames himself thinking he got his friends involved and in constant danger...looking back at early chapters, Yugi did many times behaved secretly with them in attempting to not get his friends involved like the Karaoke Guy and Shadi initially, that's some examples.
With mention of what happens later and here being similar, it seems Jounouchi can't stand watching Yugi looking down on himself and seeing Yugi having such a very low self-esteem because clearly Jounouchi believes and thinks Yugi doesn't deserve feeling and thinking this low of himself and making it clear that they are with him because they're friends and they want to help him go through this and not let Yugi bear it alone.


As Honda reminds Jounouchi who he is right now, Jounouchi admitting to himself that himself and Honda were stupid punks, Honda agreeing...Jounouchi admits the following to Yugi:

"Living in a stupid society...with stupid parents...and my stupid self...I never learned to like myself until I met you, Yugi! You were this innocent little kid...everyone took advantage of first, I couldn't stand to watch you! I thought you were an idiot...but...I wasn't really mad at you, Yugi...I was mad at myself..."

This quote doesn't only shows Jounouchi's character development as much reveals some hidden things regarding his familial situation, it's not just his father but also his mother, since I've done Duelist Kingdom and Battle City analysis, his mother technically abandonned his son to fend for himself with a alcoholic father that throws bottles at him and took his sister...Jounouchi is consciously aware that his parents didn't took responsibility as parents and mentioning as stupid society it may imply social security didn't help much with his specific his "stupid self", he might be good at fighting but when he was kid who had to fend for himself must have felt quite powerless and still does sometimes...
Jounouchi's perspective about Yugi before becoming friends with him, Yugi look like a innocent little kid and Yugi's kindness always bothered him ("everyone taking advantage of you"), you can tell is not 100% the case or even 50%...just 40% the case from previous chapters...then confesses that he wasn't "really" mad at Yugi but himself, it may relate that deep down he thought Yugi was a better person than him and thought Yugi didn't deserve to be taken advantage off.

Then comes Honda's turn...:

"I know how you feel...I was the same. I would get so wound up...I just needed to pick a didn't matter who...some local punks...even a telephone pole...I'd hit them with everything I had...then I'd realise, the person I really wanted to hit...was me..."

It makes you wonder about Honda's life is like to make him be kinda a delinquent or so...from what we see in his familial situation doesn't seem bad, it might relate to school days when he was younger, remember Honda is someone to be easily embarrassed as sensitive and can get a little violent (remember how he was shaking Yugi about his own crush on Miho...), it might come from his own awkwardness...


The following scene is starting from Panels Ensemble Top Left, it's first panel you see Anzu noticing one of them clenching their first as if trying to hold back, I would say is more likely Jounouchi.
Jounouchi confesses:

" remember when I stole part of your puzzle? When I gave that can laugh, but that took more courage than anything...but just then...I started to like myself a little bit...for the first time in my life...LISTEN TO ME, YUGI! You know what friends are!! They're someone you like! And because of them you learn to like yourself! That's why I hang out with you, Yugi! So if it hurts, or whatever--Let me share it! That's what friends are for!"

I do mostly agree with Jounouchi, I understand that doing the right thing is pretty hard and also Jounouchi probably when he did go retrieve the puzzle piece related to "he pays what he owes" kind of principle, this might be the part of himself that he learned to like a little about himself, because he was so moved by Yugi's gesture for shielding him, Yugi's kindness touched him into motivating to improve himself, since Yugi tries to see the best of others, Jounouchi learned from him and now is giving it back here in this moment.
Does friendship helps in learning to like yourself? that's questionable, it depends from person to person, there are those "friends" who use their friends to feel better about themselves, when is genuine is by being honest and watching each other back and share good and bad moments, trusting is a maybe, but it's a two-way street case...there are times to learn to like yourself is enjoying your own company as slowly building your confidence by steps, etc, what I'm trying to say is that there is more depth in learning to like yourself and is still an individual journey but emotional support is important, specially early on to grow into adulthood, if you don't have it, it will be tough in the future in your teenage years as in adult.
Also interesting that by his first lines in this scene, Jounouchi knew Yugi did know it was him who retrieved his missing puzzle piece, Jounouchi must have eventually confessed to Yugi and Yugi in return that he already off screen/panels moment, huh?
Yugi was very moved, that he cried, truth to be told, he does cry a bit easily but usually is something very important to him like his friends, but that's because he is more sensitive and emotional plus somewhat vulnerable, it's not a bad thing, in fact a good thing that he cries when he needs to cry, it's important to your health physically and mentally.
This scene is important to their friendship because they are being honest, that's always extremely important in any healthy relationship.


After speaking honestly to each other, as for learning to like yourself is not by themselves according to Anzu, in the previous key point as I stated is more or less agree to disagree, it's just that self-love and self-esteem is more complicated than it looks even with "emotional support".
Into the more important moment here for their friendship being the famous "smiley face" mark, I say famous because there is a magic card in YGO card game that has this very moment and the first episode of Duel Monsters anime version...the following line of Anzu (I do agree with her):

"Listen Up! Even after we graduate and go our separate ways, if we're ever alone...we just have to think of this smiley face...and we'll remember being here, and being friends! Even when I'm studying dance in New York, I'll always remember the time spent with you guys. The ink of the marker will wear off...But in our hearts, the ring will always be in there!"

In terms of character development, this is an important moment for her character because she mentions about their graduation and having to go separate ways and her going to study in New York, even in Battle City, she is still thinking about this, this scene is before knowing the existence of Dark Yugi, which makes a constant concern and struggle for her that one day herself and her friends will go separate ways that they might forget each other, which is why she made this gesture and shows she treasure her friends a great deal and was moved by the boys honest talk about their feelings, you see the boys were moved by her speech and feeling motivated, but this speech didn't only affected Yugi, Jounouchi and Honda...


Death-T Arc stands out a lot because each character has their time to shine in these challenges, Jounouchi surprise attack, Honda in the shootout, even the pervy baby Johji who is currently sleeping in the middle of this mess, Yugi that showed his smarts and intellect mixed in later with Jounouchi's courage and now is Anzu using her rhythmic sense in telling where the cubes will fall, each of them has their own individual talents and using them and smarts to help each other, the boys are impressed, Yugi is as well since because the rhythm in this game seems very easy for Anzu, Yugi gives his observation:

"I get it! The mechanism of this game is too big for the computer program controlling it to be too complex! They had to keep it simple!"

As Jounouchi understood what Yugi explained that the cubes falling knows only easy dances/easy rhythmic games (could it be as I suspected...? Kaiba isn't an expert in rhythmic games? 😂 I don't know why I think this is funny).
Regarding Yugi's observation is very interesting again, because it was very easy for Anzu as she said for her was a simple dance and noticed that the cubes was playing a rhythm game on beginner difficulty level or on easy mode by understanding the mechanism, it's also very impressive, these are early hints that Yugi and Anzu are the clever ones (like the "bllood" riddle, Anzu was able to tell the numbers in front of them was a computer code and Yugi solving the riddle), Jounouchi and Honda are street-smart oriented.


This scene I find curious on some aspects as much it shows Honda's character development, as I stated, in this arc, the characters really have their time to shine, there is one more arc like this (Monster World Arc) such is this Honda's selfless act in being caught in a accident and prioritizes Yugi, I have to say, it's very impressive of Honda being able to grab Yugi and hold him with one hand for as long as he did, I'm sure Yugi having an appearance, height and weight of a child, Yugi might be quite light but this is with one hand, that's a lot of strength, too bad isn't enough to lift the cube that got him stuck, Yugi was very surprised, Jounouchi about to do the same in holding the same way for awhile to holding as if he was a little kid (well he kinda perceived Yugi that despite being the same age)...
We see Yugi does really struggles when comes to athletic ability, him being very short does get in the way a bit.
What strange kind of accident, mind you isn't uncommon in real life seeing yourself stuck because your jacket got stuck, but the way it shows is almost anti-climatic 😐.


The rest of the gang is cling to the door of the exit and the baby sleeping in floor (how is he even doing it?), Jounouchi is the stubborn one and having faith in his friend, Yugi is disturbed and something else, the "RRMMB" is back and this time doesn't have the "B", I think the "RMB" and "RRMMM" is something vibrating, his body or the puzzle, usually the Yugi we have seen so far would possibly's possible there is a mix of emotions of Yugi and Dark Yugi or even deeper reasons.


Despite Jounouchi's eyes is bringing his "Fight Mode On" while also having faith in his friend, he is teared-eyed, remember they have been friends for a long time and apparently before high school, however something fascinating for me is happenning, is the "RMM" again, as we see some extra hair is appearing, at this point we can guess Dark Yugi is trying to take over because he feels a sense of emergency to help his host while Yugi is clearly trying to hold him back, even his friends is noticing is not just Yugi feeling disturbed by being separated by his friend Honda.

Here is one of Kaiba's analogies regarding chess he spoken awhile ago with the gang and that relates to the pieces of chess, so Honda is the rook and Yugi is king...what about Anzu? hey Kaiba, why did you, just ignored her? 😄 from the pieces in the panel on the right there is a pawn with the knight and king, I'm surprised she isn't queen and is a pawn no less...😦 Kaiba's standards is a little too high.


To summarise this part of the scene, the siblings bet in which stage where Yugi would lose, Mokuba bet on his own stage while Kaiba was his which is the last, it seems Mokuba was hurt for his brother bet on Yugi instead of his little brother, which sounded like he didn't trustMokuba and actually called him out of how it would make him feel and called him jerk...Mokuba, that's impressive, also reveals that Mokuba is jealous of Yugi to an extent as much when Mokuba says:

"You know what I mean! You bet on Yugi instead of me, you own brother! How do you think that feels?!"

Mokuba might be trying call his brother out on first may seem is just a child throw a tantrum, in the next part of this scene shows there is something deeper going on, because clearly Mokuba looks up to Seto and he is even wearing the same clothes, while Kaiba "acts" indifferent and mostly cold...


In Panels Ensemble Top Left, we get some curious information, Seto was opposed to his little brother participating, at first you would think is for concern for the safety and good for his  little brother and knowing from what seems that challenge against Dark Yugi in Capmon was made behind his back and Seto thought Mokuba was trying to show him up and knowing the result, but then Mokuba explains his reason:

"...Th-That's not it...I...I just...I just thought you'd like me if I beat him."

😟 He speaks like a child who hopes for his parents to like him if he did get good grades, to get their love and acceptance, then Seto's reply:

"Know this! There is no such thing as brotherly love in the gaming world! Until you figure that out, you will always be a loser, Mokuba!!"

The following panels shows Mokuba was really hurt by those words then got back to his "usual manners" of a brat and thinking he has to prove himself as a "gamer" to his big brother...Seto Kaiba, that was hurtful...for Seto "gaming" is serious business (taking too seriously, you know? that's Kaiba) that there is no space for brotherly love (as if is between caring and not care for his little brother, inconsistency), I think Mokuba understands better than Seto, however Mokuba is wrong about being a "gamer" means "beating Yugi" by being very good at games...a gamer is someone who loves games as an hobby.


This is the first part of this scene, so the "RMB" shows up again, but there is an curious pattern here, it's a little similar to when they were facing the serial killer, looking at the Top Panels Ensemble from Left to Right with the "RMB" then Yugi gasp, at that time Dark Yugi was almost taking over, then Yugi says the following:

"I can't hold it back...something inside of me..."

Which means all the "RMB" effect as we can confirm is between Yugi holding back Dark Yugi, even the "flash" like this time is "gasp", because now is harder for Yugi holding back Dark seems Dark Yugi is very willing to help, probably has been frustrating for Dark Yugi watching it happen and not being able to do anything and wanting to help while Yugi holding him back for very understandable reasons stated before, it's still very impressive because technically Yugi in a way was holding back the Millennium Puzzle magic (remember there were possible indications Yugi had his own magical abilities in the beginning of Shadi's Arc), this further indicates that all those ideas were Yugi's alone so Dark Yugi wouldn't take over, here Yugi is about to explain:

"There's something I've kept secret from you...I think there's another «me» inside myself that I don't know about..."

Yugi is still trying to hold him back as he starts explains to his friends what is going on with him...that must have took a lot courage for him to start explaining that there is "another yugi", huge step up for his character development...


A very lovely scene, great character development for Yugi and some for Jounouchi then a little for Anzu, Jounouchi and Anzu were shocked about "another yugi" existence...getting to his explanation:

"Ever since I solved the millennium puzzle...there's been times when I black out...I think I'm changing into someone I don't know about...I'm scared...I've finally become friends with you guys...I was afraid that if you knew about the other might leave me!"

There is double meanings in this explanation and Jounouchi understood well indicates Yugi have been having tiny suspicions for awhile even before Shadi brought up to him, but it was Shadi who pretty much enforced that to Yugi of the existence of Dark Yugi or "another person", this also indicates all that time when Yugi called Dark Yugi as "other me", Yugi knew Dark Yugi was indeed someone else deep down, since he became very attached to Dark Yugi, he called him "other me" just like we see here with Yugi why he was keeping secret of the "Dark Yugi" existence, because he was very attached to his friends and was afraid to lose them, this might be one of the main reasons Yugi called Dark Yugi as "other me" for the same reason in fear losing his friends.
The double meanings is what he is saying as well something else...from the time he got to know there was "another person" existing inside Yugi, Yugi was afraid of this "another person"/Dark Yugi, in his position anyone would be scared, humans are usually afraid of what they don't understand...even sensing this "another person" wanting to take over to help him...
Jounouchi and Anzu did assure him after knowing this that they will always be friends with Yugi, no matter what, Yugi was so moved and I love the panel in Panels Ensemble Bottom when Yugi is thinking "...guys...thank you...", how Yugi was drawn in that panel is so cute, makes you wanna hug him, he is such a cinnamon roll 😊...then Yugi restores his resolve and believing in Honda to be alive and promising himself to come back for him.
When Yugi was explaining, Dark Yugi didn't try to take over, as if he calmed down and now he waits for when Yugi feels ready to accept him or his help...


The "RMB" is appearing again for a little in the Panels Ensemble Top Left, it's after Mokuba said it has to be Yugi alone to enter, Yugi accepts it, his friends were reluctant at first but Yugi said that he will go alone and sensing Dark Yugi wanting to participate and let him help Yugi and since Yugi felt more assured thanks to his friends emotional support and confirming their friendship with more honesty, then Yugi says Jounouchi and Honda taught him about real courage, he isn't speaking of the time when they picked on him, but the time like "poison man" episodic arc, the "Miss Chono", etc, times like these. Lastly on the Panels Ensemble Bottom, Yugi says the following...

"And I...I won't be afraid anymore...of the other me..."

This says a lot, Yugi was indeed scared of Dark Yugi but knowing that the strange parts was Dark Yugi helping him or protect him or punish those who hurt his host and friends...Yugi is learning to trust Dark Yugi and feeling how much he wants to help, from Dark Yugi's perspective may have been frustrating and almost helpless or even hurt a little in wanting to help his "host" but Yugi isn't letting out of fear and slight distrust because is someone he doesn't know and doesn't remember anything when Dark Yugi takes over...when Yugi is allowing himself to accept and trust Dark Yugi to help him...the "RMB" comes again, the extra hair appears, it's taking awhile because this is the first time Yugi consciously letting Dark Yugi to take over.


I love the art of this scene and seeing the friends reaction, by the way the "flash" effect there, while was happening he was seems he was happy that his "host" started to trust him and accepted his help and will to participate...can I say when him taking over was finished, he was quite graceful, when he turns around, that smile isn't smug or a smirk but a genuine smile from him other than relief (when he saved Jounouchi from the poisoned food and Anzu from the false prophet chapter), he was really happy that Yugi started to trust him and giving the votes of confidence to Yugi's friends to trust him too, being his turn to help them (Yugi, Jounouchi, Anzu and Honda).

At Panel on the right, are Jounouchi and Anzu blushing? I get Anzu, Jounouchi as well, Anzu will blush the most often since she gets to have a crush on him, but Jounouchi does as well later when he sees Dark Yugi in his pharaoh robes for the first time, not difficult to say why as stated in linked underline sentence, they were probably expecting to look scary but wasn' was actually someone very good looking also how he addressed them was with warmth, Jounouchi is the most shocked, apparently.

This interaction is curious due to first starting with Dark Yugi how he addresses Mokuba in a sense is like being in the late teens addressing a kid, amusing (well his maturity goes along between 18 and 19 years old even though Atem died at 16 years old but since he was born royal and lost his father when he was still a teenager, he had to mature fast).
Mokuba's response is also as curious:

"heh heh... The «other yugi», huh...? That's just fine!"

It may look like something trivial, but it implies that Mokuba wanted a match with the "main" Yugi and not the "other yugi", he may have thought would have more chances of winning against Yugi than Dark Yugi or looking what happens later (this match is rigged), we can assume since he watched Yugi and Co. progress, he learned that Yugi is quite capable as a gamer, he became interested in Yugi as well, to Mokuba either Yugi or Dark Yugi would have been fine.


This is the beginning and towards the end of the match, as Dark Yugi stated in his inner monologue that he realised the game was rigged very quickly because of the gap of levels being too big between his monsters and Mokuba's however looking over the board he noticed something as we see towards the end, it was the "evolution space" on the board...
The main subject of this key point is Dark Yugi's phrase when his monster LV1 evolves to LV5:

"No matter how weak a monster is, if you believe in each step it takes, it will grow strong!!"

The whole quote, Dark Yugi is referring to Yugi's growth during Death-T including Yugi opening up to his friends and trust in Dark Yugi, but for him to think Yugi was initially weak, it's as been shown during the series until Battle City vs B!Jounouchi, Dark Yugi has been underestimating Yugi's capabilities, he sees the potential though, but takes very long for him to realise that Yugi has been very strong all along, it's just only recently that started to come out of the shell Yugi's real strength, however Yugi still has lots of mental blocks to go through, even Dark Yugi has his own despite not be the same kind of mental blocks.


Reactions are important, on the Panels Ensemble in the Left, the kids gotta excited and got curious about Yugi, however they nicknamed him "pointed haired kid" (pfft), it makes me wonder if the reaction would be the same, because I'm not sure if they saw the other stages...I don't think they did, they might not know about the "two yugis"...
Mokuba's response to his loss is important to his character, he couldn't understand how Dark Yugi won when his monsters were Lv2 and Lv1 and Mokuba's were Lv4 and Lv5, Mokuba's were clearly stronger and thought he outsmarted Dark Yugi by cheating with a rigged machine, Dark Yugi had to outsmart Mokuba to win besides Dark Yugi style is more of a strategist and tactical mindset in games...I'll say, Mokuba is a smart and sharp kid but doesn't know how to use it because Seto from the looks of it, it's not a good teacher and Mokuba was trying to mimic his older brother who focuses on "power deck", Mokuba doesn't seem to be aware that's just isn't his style, he doesn't develop his own either...


You can tell Kaiba was very inconsistent and unstable as it been shown so far to how he didn't want his younger brother to be involved in this project "Death-T" that might have been out of concern as much him being kinda toxic in how he speaks with his little brother Mokuba, when Mokuba starts to beg to not go through the "penalty game" and here again:

"I've felt your pathetic, clinging, loser's gaze...staring at my back for years...I kept telling you over and over, Mokuba...If you play with fire you'll get burned..."

And turns on the "penalty game" on Mokuba inside the Duel's "Kaiba's penalty game" he went through...Mokuba is shocked that his big brother is make him going through it, a child, no less,  in this situation Seto technically "abandoned" him (sorry, Kaiba, I feel no mercy for you on this one), this is kinda the last time Kaiba sees Mokuba before he stays in coma (which explains that trance vision in Duelist Kingdom of Kaiba facing Dark Yugi when he is close to lose again against Dark Yugi, Kaiba gained lots of guilt over his treatment of Mokuba in this moment), I feel so sorry for Mokuba, all he wanted was his brother's attention.
Dark Yugi's reaction to this was concern for the kid and shock thinking Kaiba Seto would put "Dark Yugi's penalty game on Kaiba" on his little brother, so he knows that "penalty game" on Kaiba was heavy (which was and one of those I think Dark Yugi went a little too far) but thinks is way too heavy for a kid...

Looking again with the "coma" Kaiba goes through after Death-T, these were the last words Kaiba heard from Mokuba, because right after this match he went straight to Stage-5, this sight appears again in Kaiba's trance moment too in Duelist Kingdom of Mokuba begging his brother to save him, this may have become Kaiba's biggest regret and guilt, this moment is not just very important for Mokuba's character development, it applies to Kaiba Seto too.


When Dark Yugi first appeared, he wasn't this soft and forgiving even caring, despite being capable of being ruthless (due to mostly influence of Dark Intelligence, even Dark Yugi himself later admits it he was influenced for some time at Memory World Arc), later we find when Dark Yugi was alive as pharaoh and even before becoming "reset", he did had a soft and caring nature that was there all along, thanks to his friends and Yugi (deep down he always admired Yugi's kindness), bit by bit made him a better person as well recovering his true self/nature without realising.
Mokuba is so surprised that Dark Yugi saved him...who have seen his ruthless side...Dark Yugi's answer:

"Mokuba...I wouldn't have won this game if I didn't have friends who reached out to me."

It speaks a lot for Dark Yugi, remember in some posts ago, specially Shadi's Arc Part 1 that Dark Yugi may have been afraid Yugi's friends may not accept him even Yugi, but this shows that seeing Jounouchi and Anzu cheering him on meant that they accepted him as a friend and same for Yugi to reach Dark Yugi in trusting him to help Yugi, he was moved by these gestures and wants to return it because it was very important to him, for it to be this relevant for him means he may have actually felt alone when he faced those he felt he had to punish that hurt his host and his friends...his complexion became a lot softer, yes, this was important for Dark Yugi's character development too as much for Yugi.
That's some of the reasons why Death-T Arc is a very good arc, specially in character development department xDD.


With this in the Panels Ensemble Top Left, we do have a confirmation from Mokuba's inner monologue, that something really happened to leave Kaiba being such an unstable and inconsistent young boy with an unhealthy obsession with games and even competitively (specially Dark Yugi), so Mokuba puts his trust on Dark Yugi now that he saw he has a soft and caring side to him.
Kaiba doesn't seem to have heard anything else but knows his little brother is alive but not thanks to he just moved forward with his precious aluminium case he takes everywhere he goes.

See Ya Next Post!!

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