Saturday, February 6, 2010

[Speculations] Rua&Crow - 5th Dragon - Crimson Dragon

Episode 95, the debut of Black Feather Dragon (BFD), probably as the New 5th signer dragon, since BFD is different from 5th dragon ancient battle of signers, I see more as birth or newcomer in signers dragon group, if we notice Ruka when had her dragon, didn't that whole thing like something new did come, or something...a lot of fuss:

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so we can see the yellow dragon from the ancient battle as Previous 5th Dragon, we know there is a dragon very similar to Previous 5th Dragon, Power Tool Dragon, now please observe this image link (right click -> open new window or tab):

I guess Rua is more involved in the plot than most people think, mostly think is just for comic relief...and this idea is wrong, why I think Rua is more involved in the plot (more than Crow)? here the reasons:
-Rua was between the 5 main Characters before it airs (with Yusei, Jack, Ruka and Aki)
-Episode 42, look at the title, and in the episode itself showing the key cards (Stardust Dragon, Red Demon Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon and Power Tool Dragon).
-Power Tool Dragon is extremely similar with Previous 5th Dragon, except it's body material, so changes in some parts, just the material makes difference.
-In episode 78, shows a important hint about Rua involvement in the plot, that I will show soon.
-Also Power Tool Dragon in some of most important battles (vs Divine and Demak) did shown weird and suspicious reactions.

as for related to episode 78 I would show you, but I have to start first for when Yusei and Jack summons their Savior Dragons versions, we know what happens usually right? all signers marks starts to shinning in their arms and disappear, to join Yusei or Jack's back, making the Crimson Dragon Symbol(example- the animated gif):

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Same happens...except the Crimson Dragon Symbol in someone's back, when Rua is falling and being saved by Crimson Dragon himself :

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did you noticed something odd, even Ruka felt, that something passed, ressembles the shining and line of a dragon birthmark, who saw the episode, makes the sound when a birthmark is awakening. what could be that line and was right when was saving or about to save Rua? is a new mark, will have a new signer? 6th signer? or is a different position between the signers? is possible all this stuff, but shall I put what can be maybe the reasons happening this...
If we notice, birthmarks are separated, aren't we missing something? when savior dragon is used as material for Stardust Dragon or Red Demon Dragon, when the birthmarks disappear and all together make the Crimson Dragon Symbol appear in Yusei back's or Jack's back and when with Rua happens the following, the marks all join together and Apparation of Crimson Dragon, right between Crimson Dragon apparition and prepare to save Rua, appears the mysterious line, that ressembles to the a birthmark in sound and form, is possible Rua represents this line, very possible. but what part is from Crimson Dragon? the Head, Wings, Claw, Leg and Tail, but these can't work alone to completly summon Crimson Dragon or use Savior Dragon, you have to connect and has to be bonded(bonds, the theme in this YGO series), and what bonds these other parts? ...The Body

yes...but we can't be sure of his position of maybe as new signer or a guardian maybe...I'm not over yet, I will tell more in more posts ahead.
sorry about this huge post is just there is a lot to explain my speculations

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