Friday, February 12, 2010

speculations of a rule or similar in WRPG

I'm not sure if was explained in episode 96, about the sort of organizion in every duel between 2 teams, like when 2 team riding duel, in terms of order, for example, which decide who VS who order.
there is many ways, when are in teams, in rounds (example: round 1[wheeler A vs Wheeler B], round 2[wheeler C VS wheeler D],etc).
from as far I understood from the previews, is not tag duel as I thought, but order in round, but not in the same I mentioned, is different (and I don't like it]
I will give you the example, how it progresses from the previews, it seems in every team are 2 d-wheelers and Last D-wheeler(therefore 3 d-wheelers), by rounds, is sort of like Team Battle in Beat'em Up video games:

Team 5D's VS Team Unicorn

1st Round: Jack (L) VS Andre (W)
2nd Round: Aki(L) VS Andre (W)
3rd Round: Yusei (W) VS Andre (L)

supposely is this way at start BUT, you have to beat all the others from Team Unicorn, Yusei probably from preview 100, after beating Andre, has yet to beat the other 2, but probably Crow will enter in action, but for Crow to enter, yusei has to lose one agaisnt the other 2 d-wheelers is resting , I doubt the writers gonna make yusei lose...besides, has to be only 3 riding duel not 4, so even if crow would come in time, Crow couldn't continue anyways.
so the continuation:
4th Round: Yusei (W) VS andre teamate A(L)
5th Round (and last): Yusei (W) VS andre teamate B(L)

are you sort of understanding?
I found it very annoying if is it how will going progress this Riding Duel...
I mean, they aren't giving any space to others, agaisnt this team is annoying the progress, is like Yusei 3 concecutives wins, and the other 2 (Jack and Aki) loses, I say this: is very annoying, gives lack of development on ther main characters.
besides this, I don't like this kind of order in every riding duel, in Team Battle in Beat'em Ups is fine, but this is annoying and not helpfull in story and character development if progresses this way agaisnt Team Unicorn, now if was like this:

Team 5D's VS Team Unicorn

Round 1: Aki(W) VS andre teamate A(L)
Round 2: Aki (L) VS andre teamte B (W)
Round 3: Jack (W) VS andre teamte B (L)
Round 4: Jack (L) VS Andre (W)
round 5: Yusei (W) VS Andre (L)

(it would be better this way)

but still I don't like this order.
it seems the number of round are:
Minimum: 3 rounds
Maximum: 5 rounds

I like more being just 3, like this:

Round 1: Jack (W) VS andre teamte A (L)
Round 2: Aki (L) VS andre teamate B (W)
Round 3: Yusei (W) VS Andre (L)

but even this way can limit story and characters in development even more, so the one refered in the previews, gives much more development, if is used well, not like this agaisnt Team Unicorn. why give more, here the following, if Yusei is the Last D-Wheeler, then can be some "Team Battles" Yusei doesn't Riding Duel, therefore can give more screentime and development to other main characters, but since the Riding Duels are by D-Wheels, so the development of the twins can only rest on Luciano.

I guess is about it in this part WRPG, in Rounds in every battle.
of course in every Team Battle there is an objective, to advance until the finals...
Team Battle Objective: Defeat all the 3 members of the Team.

we could say this tournament is more complex and longer than it looks.
Next Post: (WRPG organization to the finals).

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