Thursday, February 18, 2010

[Observations] Episode 97

okaaaaay, at start was bearable, but rest was good.

I thout was really cute and funny the drawing the the kids did to cheer Crow, I won't deny I was almost moved by the kids act, and how much Crow loves the kidsa and them loving back, is pretty (is one of the few things I like about Crow).
however...who watched the episode...probably knows what happened, Crow had an accident and from PrismWeapon channel, Crow will not be able to riding duel for 1 month. so in the end of the episode was decided Aki replace Crow position. so Aki will be replacing Crow for 1 month, and if we go what's most probably to happen until when Aki will riding duel, obviously Aki won't be dueling the full tournament, there will be sure a time in the tournament Crow will come back. Though will be a great oppurtunity for Aki have more screentime and development, I just hope the writers won't miss this oppurtunity.

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