Saturday, July 8, 2017

Unboxing : Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Side of Dimensions DVD (Manga UK)

Sorry for taking so long to show did arrive in 9th June from Amazon...

The quality is ok, from my smartphone, sorry for being, um, stretched...  I have forgotten to point something that I noticed only later after I have done the video, you can actually remove the cover, with the backside having Kaiba and his "alternative Blue Eyes White Dragon" and frontside being the cover and back cover (I'll scan it after I'm done with the Manga and start moving to Dark Side of Dimensions).

2017-06-09_21.09.00.jpg IMG_20170708_154625.jpg

Before finishing this post, I would like to confirm to you that the subtitles are pretty fine and has with the characters original names and everything (I don't know about the english dub, but because I find it cringy, I didn't go check it. But I really like the cover, it's very nice, I don't about the Obelisk card though, so it will remain inside the DVD, wish would have been "Mahado" card, oh well.

To end this post, "Thoughts and Observations" about Dark Yugi VS Kaiba, will be divided in two posts/parts, take some time to be published, specially Part 1, since I still have visitors at my home.

See Ya Next Post!

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