I'm going to warn you, because I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd and watched the recent trailer of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald from San Diego Comic Con, so is happening as the same as it did with Kingdom Hearts 3 E3 2018 trailers, I am on Hogwarts Express hype train 😜.
Plot Summary:
The gang says farewell to Ryota as they leave and they comment how much they liked the guy, then they hear a kid being forced to leave the island by a guard because he has no star chips since they were stolen, Jounouchi attempts to solve this injustice, before they have the chance to find the thief,the gang sees the kid who he is trying to help is anyway forced to leave the island on a boat (not on a ship and not even the same they came from...😒), so the thief appears and was masked and seemed to be a kid, judging by his clothes and eyes, he looks vaguely familiar, Dark Yugi suspects already who might be and the kid challenged him and he plays badly because he is using stolen cards and had the confirmation he was the thief (because of the stolen star chips and not wearing the duelist glove), due to not going well for the kid, he tries to steal Dark Yugi's star chips, Dark Yugi grabs the kid's arm and took off his mask revealing to be Mokuba, the gang was surprised and asked what he was doing in the island, so he explains his situation and the true intentions of Pegasus holding this tournament...the guard appears again and captures Mokuba to send him back to the castle when Mokuba was about to give back the two star chips he had stolen from Dark Yugi, on the condition of Dark Yugi retrieving his missing two star chips, he has to play against a special opponent who appears to be a ventriloquist - I'll call him a puppeteer to be faster, who pretends to be controlling a puppet doll possessed by Kaiba spirit and does shows he has Kaiba's deck, so the duel proves very difficult and some strange event happens and helps Dark Yugi winning the duel, Kaiba is recovered from his coma, leaving his mansion to go by helicopter to the island to save Mokuba and his company, but after Dark Yugi won the duel, the guard and Mokuba disappeared...
Key points:

Previously last Thoughts and Observations was about Dark Yugi duel against Ryota Kajiki, it was more of friendly competitive duel, they liked him, so far of the duelists they have met, he was very open and honest, not arrogant and very fair, in another words, he was a good person essentially, they liked him a lot as it shows in the panels ensemble above, I like him too, he is a very likeable character.

After some time passing by, Dark Yugi and the gang hears noise close by, it's a kid - duelist - who is being unfairly expelled and out of the competition because someone stole his star chips, Jounouchi intervenes and promises to help him and as a terrible altruist he can be sometimes...a compensation for helping him for 1 or 2 stars...(Jounouchi seems to sometimes have the kind of ethic looking for a reward when he makes a good deed...but he does eventually grow out of it).
The probably thief behind the shadows in hiding watching the gang...

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Pegasus has expectations of Yugi making it to the finals, he is quite happy about Yugi's progress, he says that he must make it to the finals...you can tell he is looking forward to it and impressed by his progress while also visible that he forced Yugi into the tournament with other intentions...also we confirmed there is 40 participants in this tournament and twelve was expelled...that's interesting...it's important to take note...

And he mentions another boy as being his "private guest", we suspect it may the thief..., if that "private guest" has been run away, he probably was kidnapped...but here is something to remind ourselves, he orders that the next time they capture this "boy" to put him in a "dungeon" or somewhere he couldn't escape...

As you can tell by the panels ensembles above, they are going back home by boat but not through the ship which transported the participants to Duelist Kingdom island, a boat where you have to use paddles, that's just mean... Pegasus is an awful and lazy tournament host, even I think Kaiba wouldn't do something like that (and he doesn't, he is much more reasonable in comparison, later on we'll see).
Jounouchi is funny because he is still thinking of doing the right thing first but then his selfishness of expecting a reward for doing a good deed and as Honda rightly thinks that Jounouchi isn't good at the "way of duelist", I would say he lack good sportsmanship...

Anyway, the gang search for the thief, the suspicious masked kid appears, Dark Yugi pretty much suspects right away who could be, but play it safe, by mere observations of this kid not wearing a duel glove ,Dark Yugi and with him we can confirm the kid is the thief but also has some suspicions who might be behind the mask and he sounded familiar, specially in the beginning of the duel, while Dark Yugi massacres the thief, when the thief seeing himself about to lose, desperately grabs Dark Yugi's stars , Dark Yugi catches the kid and reveals to be Mokuba, little brother of Seto Kaiba...the way Dark Yugi recognised Mokuba isn't exactly surprise (if was the case, it would end with a different ponctuation - "!?"), since it ended with "!!", he was suspicious and just confirmed in a sense "so it was really him!" kind of surprise...
Before advancing the complicated part, I wan you to notice a few things, when Dark Yugi implies as to why Dark Yugi is winning so easily to be that he knows he is the thief already because is obvious he was using a stolen deck that Mokuba isn't well acquainted, the other amusing part being that even Jounouchi could tell the thief's skills isn't good at that game...

It seems Jounouchi is not good at handling kids because he gets even more irritated when they are being stubborn, but Anzu is quite impressive that she handles kids well (even that pervy baby in Death-T while Jounouchi with this baby does get irritated, I guess Jounouchi doesn't stand kids for the most part), she approached him gently and asking if he was still mad at Dark Yugi and Mokuba rightly expresses that he does, not saying Kaiba didn't need it because it get lots of development and personal growth on Kaiba but I don't censor since Seto is his big brother, he does give update about Kaiba's current status, it's said he is in a coma, but doesn't look to be the case partially, when you think of coma, you would think he is in bed but instead is sitting on a wheelchair and that now he is in their mansion being under 24 hour care and even hired the best doctors and said he could stay like that for the rest of his life, you may think Dark Yugi might have been a little far...remember, his current state is putting pieces of his heart together...so he can restore himself for the most part, by now is only a matter of time.

So Mokuba explains why Pegasus is holding this tournament, to make long explanation short, Pegasus is holding this tournament solely to win against Yugi in a official duel to get Kaiba Corporation.
Dark Yugi is very surprised about the reason for Pegasus holding the tournament, specially since Pegasus has his own empire why would he want Kaiba Corp? (he is kinda making the right questions, but from Mokuba perspective think it has to do with greed, I wonder...) but something is amiss, as the gang asks what Dark Yugi has to do with this, which makes sense, by logical thinking in the surface, both doesn't seem related...
Before moving further to his explanation, I want to be mentioned that Mokuba reveals despite a team up between Kaiba Corp and Industrial Illusions to develop Virtual Battle Simulation Box but it was Seto Kaiba who designed, I guess the team up was for Kaiba could get the licenses to develop the battle box inspired from Kaiba's first duel against Dark Yugi shadow game.

Mokuba explains how is related, since Kaiba's loss against Dark Yugi, KaibaCorp lost it's image being Kaiba the number one gamer of Japan at the time after his loss, Kaiba Corp suffered a lot of losses and with Kaiba in "coma-state", it made the situation even worse, which shows that the company depends a lot on his game development, designing, his expertise in computer science and seems also responsible about the marketing and publicity and being someone who likes to go big by looking at Death-T...
The other thing I want to mention, it's something I give credit to the anime but the mangá didn't approach it or develop much, this was when the "Big Five" was first mentioned and few times more during this tournament when it relates to Kaiba, but we never got to know what happened to them after this tournament, but the anime expands a little this part (the only filler Arc I like from the anime series), it's interesting that this 5 men are the ones for having 60% of the company's shares, they have the decision making, but seems they lose it after Duelist Kingdom and Kaiba then holds 100%.
The next curious part is that from the looks of Mokuba's explanation, Pegasus did had enough money to buy the company and Kaiba Corp is worldwide company and so is his own, so why? To expand his own empire? but Pegasus doesn't seem to do this for money or power, there must be more secretive reasons.

The "Big Five" are extremely arrogant to think they depended on the image of Kaiba being the number one gamer in Japan, when he was the one who designed most video games and as we see later, even without that "image", Kaiba still excelled in business, high technology and computer science before having the "image" (revealed in Battle City) and after losing this "image" when he went back on track after his recovery, besides without counting Yugi and Dark Yugi, Kaiba is the most skilled, the fact he lost to Dark Yugi doesn't invalidate his skills as we have seen even among strong duelists (Ryota, Mai and Haga being extremely impressed that Dark Yugi defeated Kaiba, which makes them considering Dark Yugi and Kaiba as the most skilled).
The other thing that bugs me from these guys is that how with this condition in how they are treating Kaiba as "dismissing" half-dead Seto Kaiba", for them to need this condition to do with investor confidence by defeating Yugi is kinda silly, from what I have seen relating to these companies, these kind of conditions basing on that only one "image".
So Pegasus is very cunning, when he forcefully invited Yugi to come to the tournament - definitely he did had everything prepared and steps ahead, in case Yugi refused he would use someone close to him soul as an hostage, so in the case he knew the situation of Mokuba, in way so nothing would get in the way, not even Mokuba, that's why Pegasus has expectations of Yugi come to the finals, I mean he confirmed himself, that's the reason of the duel against Yugi in videotape, not only to test Yugi skills but also to assure Yugi would participate in his tournament.
Mokuba also informs that Kaiba is quite aware of Pegasus strength to the point that even Kaiba thinks Pegasus is invincible...why and how is the case, even Mokuba doesn't think is funny, he must know already the details but didn't speak of it.

Mokuba added more information for the way to be approved it is in the documents that is inside the Seto's safe and Mokuba swallowed the key of the safe to protect the documents, Mokuba had good plans overall but he doesn't know the main reason Dark Yugi is even in the tournament, we gotta also give credit to his commitment in protecting the company for his brother, I have to say, they're really arrogant and quite disrespectful to just barge in to the mansion in effort to steal the documents and then kidnapping Mokuba because he has the key to the safe, that's just terrible...

Dark Yugi is impressed by Mokuba's extent of commitment and determination in protecting Kaiba Corp and he confirms a few things not just to Dark Yugi and the gang but the readers has the access too that Kaiba was actually the truth for the most part, the Death-T was to get revenge on him, but Kaiba's dream he spoke to Yugi and Jounouchi in building amusement park so poor children and those who had been raised in a orphanage and abandoned children could have fun, Mokuba did speak very clearly and reveals the reasons why Kaiba endured the abuse by Gozaburo Kaiba so he could be closer to accomplish his dream and why Mokuba is determined to do the same to keep it safe, the gang was moved and you could tell they understood his reasons, but as Anzu approaches gently to Mokuba that she herself believes in Mokuba and asks if he could believe in Dark Yugi and give back Dark Yugi's star chips, by this time Mokuba is a more sympathetic character, specially with the current events, as after each re-read I get to like his character more and more, even more than Seto (yeah, more than Seto), because he matures so much even in this moment shows how much character development he got since Death-T and as the series advances, he even matures slightly more than Kaiba (which says a lot, he is also more open-minded than Kaiba).

Dark Yugi promises to Mokuba he will beat Pegasus with "overwhelming" determination with his big ego a bit in the mix, also he is quite willing to help Mokuba because he sympathises with him, which is rare coming from him, he is usually more on the empathetic side when it comes to enemies and former enemies, even those who become his friends (Ryou Bakura, he is always on guard with him that he even feel less on guard with Mai than him), there is good reasons as to why he is being this sympathetic, if he wins saves his grandpa and KaibaCorp from the "Big Five" and Pegasus, after Dark Yugi saved Mokuba from Kaiba's penalty game in Death-T and Mokuba in return saved one Dark Yugi's friends, Honda from one of the stages of Death-T and finally impressed and moved by Mokuba's bravery, determination and commitment in protecting his older brother's hard work and dreams.
Mokuba seeing the determined and stern expression of how serious he is about helping him, Mokuba decides to trust him, because he knows he is mostly serious in what he says, specially when it comes to his decisions and making promises and admires and respect Dark Yugi almost as much as his older brother...

The moment Mokuba gives back Yugi's star chips, they're interrupted by the same man in suit, it's considered as violation of the rules exchanging star chips, this kinda sounds rubbish and shady, technically it was after the duel when Mokuba kinda of surrender and about steal the star chips, it would still count plus the duelists weren't given a rulebook to them and is a battle royale and these kind of rules doesn't matter much...
Even when Jounouchi tries to call the guard out, he still insists on this look a like violation rule and has to be through a duel even if they are stolen, which makes no sense and seems fishy, because to not around on circles with this discussion, so Dark Yugi challenges the guy in suit as the guard tries to keep Mokuba captive, he accepts in one condition, to duel against a special chosen opponent, from here on, they just play low, really low...this sounds honourable at first but he lied to Jounouchi back then about the boy who in the end was unfairly expelled...there must other reasons for it...

When Dark Yugi goes toward the battle box (of holograms), it seems to be Kaiba, then is revealed that is a ventriloquist doll based on Kaiba, it is quite disrespectful and very low what they did, not because he is great duelist (because it sounds exclusive), they're making fun of someone who is in a coma, that's just disgusting, but you can see which issues and extent it can reveals that Dark Yugi is a bit hot-headed and sensitive, it's not that he has a short temper, but when it comes to his sense of justice kicking in that his anger shows or could be said "wrath" (by the way in definition is extreme anger, an extremely negative emotion, which by the way is very unhealthy and can blind you very easily in what you're doing, I went through something similar but was from accumulated anger and I exploded on someone).
The Duel starts, the other detail that isn't in the panels, man in suit reveals that he worked for Kaiba as bodyguard of Mokuba but double agent as a spy for Pegasus and more...the ventriloquist summons Blue Eyes White Dragon(BEWD)...which make it sound at first for them to be really Kaiba spirit in the puppet but obviously isn't the case...being the double agent who reveals in thought to the reader that he stole Kaiba's deck (we all know he is being hospitalised in his mansion, so would be easy to steal his deck)

This shows lots of Dark Yugi weakness here revealed, such he can given himself to doubt a bit easily by his opponent or think logically when he is driven by negative emotions, it kinda impairs his logical judgement, once Mokuba questioned Dark Yugi. rightfully so who was sure Kaiba wasn't dead but in "coma state", Mokuba reminded him of their promise, then he got himself back (including his logic), sometimes he needs someone to remember why he is there...the double agent is being very rude too and made the poor kid cry, that's mean 😡.

The duel goes on, Dark Yugi handles in destroying one BEWD with a trap and Black Magician combo, right after the ventriloquist is able to draw and summon a second BEWD, but something mysterious happens...the Blue Eyes White Dragon isn't attacking and starts to vanish...the reasons in the next key point.
Now comes one of the most important moments, overall, not the most but between the most important moments of the manga and anime...in fact looking at it again, this scene alone becomes familiar later in the Memory World Arc, The 2nd Blue Eyes White Dragon doesn't attack and vanishes, this scene is very symbolic in many fields (Update: it's already done the analysis).

As starts hinting there is a special connection between Kaiba and the Blue Eyes White Dragon and this connection is what frees him from the state he was, but why? that is revealed in further future volumes...so put this scene into memory, because is very similar to what happens in Memory World Arc.
He may self-talked that he believed in Kaiba but he doubted for a few minutes, if wasn't his friends and Mokuba reminding him.
The maid taking care of him surprised he got up and awake, if I was in her position I would be surprised too, my suspicions is it of happiness or just plain shockness, but she goes tell everyone...

It's a scene I didn't included but I think is important, small detail, it's one of the starting hints to show Anzu has very good intuitions and also very perceptive that noticing the Blue Eyes White Dragon acted on it's own, Jounouchi is sounding logic but we know he is sensitive to supernatural and doesn't like it while not being aware the lore works differently, but he learns it eventually, she kinda of agree, Ryou does give an interesting comment:
"No matter why it happened, it means Yugi still has a chance to win!"
He is indirectly agreeing with Anzu and remind them to not forget about being focused on cheering Dark Yugi.

After this, the ventriloquist summons the 3rd BEWD, , so it makes it hard and also a certain advantage, Dark Yugi summons BEWD from the Graveyard through Monster Reborn (the real name in japanese is Resurection of the Dead - shisha sosei) combined with Mystical Elf to increase BEWD attack (remember in Duelist Kingdom, the rules are diferent, there is given special effect depending on the type of monster), this way Dark Yugi wins and once again shows a bit of his "wrath" when comes to to sense of justice and disrespect, it happens when he is being insulted, mocked (include his important ones and those he respects) or kinda irritated, but he doesn't on those he cares or respects but on the person who shown disrespect and insulting or put someone in danger.
so he gives Penalty Game for playing with someone else soul with a doll, true is disrespectful, he has the right to be very angry, he can be quite dramatic how he expresses this anger, also finally is the penalty game he has given, this one of the moments to show that in fact he is softie on the inside, he trapped the ventriloquist in a illusion not to kill but to scare him, which is what he usually does.

The moment the duel was over, the double agent and Mokuba was gone, they used the duel to distract Dark Yugi and the gang from preventing them to stop the double agent taking Mokuba captive in the castle, this won't be the only time such tactic will be made, they get worried and now Dark Yugi has 6 stars and got back Kaiba's deck.

Since Kaiba has recuperated from his mental state, filling most of the pieces of the puzzle of his heart and mind...I find interesting how mad he was knowing Mokuba was kidnapped for someone who was willing in putting his little brother under the "sensation of death" penalty game and criticising his employees, which I must say is kinda strange too and they don't even look hurt, but Dark Yugi said what he did was removing his foster father bad influence on him, he recovered most of his best traits, but the maid gets my attention because being the only one who kinda stands up who seems genuinely worried about Seto and says he is not well enough to do anything further...and Kaiba immediately shuts her up because he is too irritated or something else...
See Ya Next Post!
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