Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thoughts&Observations| Mangá vol.8-11 Part 1 (Duelist Kingdom prologue)

If you don't want spoilers of the mangá, read scans I'm sharing in YGO Media (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist 1-8 (8-15) or buy the mangá.
If you already have read it, you can go on....

Even though, I will be talking about the story, but the main focus will be the characters (Yami Yugi, Jounouchi and Kaiba specially), it will be divided in 3 or 4 parts.

UPDATE: In case you may not noticed, I have added a few key points and mostly remained unchanged during this polishing phase of the my analysis of the manga.

Plot Summary:

The beginning of Duelist Kingdom Arc, the gang at school with Jounouchi and Anzu playing Duel Monsters/Magic and Wizards as the rest of the gang and classmates watches them playing, Anzu has a very smooth win, Jounouchi is bothered because it isn't the first time he loses at this game, so Jounouchi asks for Yugi's help to improve in the game by hanging out at Yugi's home.
When the gang arrives Yugi's home, his grandfather is closing the shop, so he can go watch the Japan tournament finals of Duel Monsters/Magic and Wizards and he tells Yugi received an anonymous package addressed to Yugi, so they save it for later because they don't want to miss watching the tournament between the two finalists being Insector Haga and Ryuzaki, it ends with Insector Haga victory, as they introduce Pegasus to bring the 1st place trophy to Insector Haga, the creator of the TCG, he invites the two finalists to his own tournament that he is hosting.
They come back to the anonymous package opening it, inside it there is a mini-videotape, a glove, two stars, they put the cassete in the videotape player, Pegasus shows up and challenges Yugi to a duel in form of a shadow game, Dark Yugi immediately takes over to protects his host, the duel doesn't go well for the most part since it seemed Pegasus could read which card he was going to play, when Dark Yugi was starting to figure out a new way that could increase his chances in winning the duel, but it had time limit, Dark Yugi as he was close to win the duel, it reached the time limit, making a Pegasus's win and to force Dark Yugi to participate the tournament he is hosting by taking Yugi's grandfather soul as hostage inside a tv.
The next day, the gang are at school discussing about the recent events regarding the recent events and Yugi had been sensing Dark Yugi have been feeling bad, Jounouchi tries to cheer him up by screaming at the puzzle to not be dwelling on it, Yugi senses he needs a bit of lonesome time of fresh Yugi goes to the rooftop of the school and Dark Yugi taking over looking at the scenery and reflecting on his duel and Sugoroku being held hostage and gaining his determination and motivated to duel against Pegasus again.

Key Points:

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The story starts Yugi and co. at school playing Duel Monsters on recess, Jounouchi is trying to get the hang of it but no success, as Yugi check his deck, indicating the problem of Jounouchi dueling, his deck is solely made of monsters cards and tells him is important to have other kind of cards such as magic and trap cards to be able to create combos with other cards and so on which are important strategies in winning the game, Jounouchi begs Yugi to teach him more about Duel Monsters so he can become a better player, it's something to give credit to Jounouchi despite being implied that he usually loses the game with anyone but doesn't feel discouraged so instead he tries to look at ways to improve and asks the game expert, Yugi...
The other thing I want to point out is Anzu playing the TCG, it shows that she plays once in awhile and from the looks of it, she could become a very skilled player if she wanted to, since by this time Jounouchi's deck didn't hold any spell or trap cards back then and Anzu won against him easily and with a spell card combo.

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After School, Yugi and his friends hangout at Yugi's home, to watch Duel Monsters Japan national championship final, to decide who is Japan's champion, while start watching it on TV, Jounouchi expresses his opinion that Yugi could easily win (it's true), but Yugi decided he will enter in a tournament to duel Kaiba but this time fair and square, that's the curious partm we don't know if he is speaking for Dark Yugi or himself, but I think is himself but senses Dark Yugi wants it too, and he says is his dream, around Duelist Kingdom might be but as a gamer and someone who could push him to the limits since he usually easily wins against everyone he plays with.
As Jounouchi still hasn't forgiven him for Death-T, it's funny because he will hold up to that grudge for a long time xD.
We get informed Kaiba still hasn't recover from his state, in another words, he was still reassembling his shattered puzzle of his heart, also interesting to note that Yugi did constantly visited him too and in the hospital? Which makes me wonder because later we see that it doesn't look like one...


This is when Pegasus was first introduced, he is presented as celebrity and also referred as genius game designer, I always think "genius" is going a little far in praising him, nonetheless still pretty good game designer, later we find out his inspirations in designing the card game.

If you wish to continue reading click "read more below:


I find it so cute how Yugi is spirited and hype about duelig against Pegasus being the game designer of TCG Duel Monsters/Magic and Wizards in his thought:

"My opponent's the creator of Duel Monsters! To play against him is a dream!"

Yugi being a hardcore gamer, who loves games as much as he does and grow up admiring game designers who he came to love the games they created, so for him this kind of chance is a huge honour and after watching Dark Side of Dimensions, we understand how important actually was for him even better...

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When Pegasus magic card is materialized to capture Yugi's monster, Yugi realizes it's a shadow game...once he realizes, the other Yugi comes out right away...
Once again shows he becomes more protective of his host, he doesn't think twice, we could say their bond between spirit and host became stronger and more aware of each other, which will be more noticeable as the series goes on, I also find find it really moving, at first we don't know how it would be dangerous to Yugi as something that looks harmless as he did with Kaiba except the penalty game but Dark Yugi is betting on his experience so far in fighting millennium wielders (Shadi and Yami Bakura), even though it wasn't revealed to them that Pegasus is a millennium wielder, but the fact Pegasus initiated the shadow game himself hints that he might be a millennium wielder and even more being the person who created the TCG.


Pegasus is such a teaser, provoking and mocking Dark Yugi seriousness (as amusing and funny as it maybe, which I have to agree a bit, but in a situation like this in a shadow game you have to be serious), Dark Yugi doesn't say it or has no wishes to say it that he got irritated by Pegasus's comment about being always so serious and Dark Yugi knows he is a little too serious and conscious of it too, but that's mostly because he is awkward, stiff and looks like he is always on guard, besides on his defense is that when he takes over is when his host or host's loved ones are in danger.


Being old and experienced and a game expert (among other skills that yet unknown at this point to the readers), he also has a very sharp mind and good thinking ahead (who is the person taking after him?), because the text is long regarding his thoughts, so I'll summarise,  according to the history of Pegasus that is known is that it started as a small company called "Industrial Illusions" and then became an "empire" company with the Duel Monsters/ Magic and Wizards and the rest of Pegasus's background is a mystery and questions his interest in challenging Yugi, it implies he doesn't trust Pegasus much for what is known about him so far since the rest of his background being a mystery, it would mean he is hiding things.

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Pegasus is more or less forcefully requesting Dark Yugi to participate in the tournament, also it seems Pegasus brought shadow game purposely to bring out Dark Yugi so he could request him to participate directly, he knew of the existence of "the other yugi", it's amazing of how confident he is (Dark Yugi does give credit and slightly impressed by his confidence with the "oh really...!")...but is for different reasons...not for genuine reasons, it's for underhanded methods.
It's something that will always wonders me as this exchange between Dark Yugi and Pegasus reveals, despite his competitive personality and cockyness, he has no interest in these kind of events, even Yugi doesn't have interest either (he is also bit competitive), he is not even the kind of person usually to take initiative unless his sense of justice kicks in, also when Dark Yugi asks Pegasus if he refuses suspecting as Sugoroku, there must be other intentions.

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Pegasus reveals how he was able to read his cards and what he was going to do, the Millennium Eye, with this eye he sucks out Yugi's granpa soul, forcing Yugi to enter the tournament he organizes to rescue his grandpa, very smart move from Pegasus, because if he kidnapped physically Yugi's grandpa, they could call the police and with some evidence, while the soul is a different situation, you can't have a physical proof or solid evidence that he sucked grandpa soul, psychic supposedly doesn't exist, duelling with a videotape. who would believe such things?
So Yugi is forced in participating in the tournament to save his grandpa, he doesn't have a choice, because if he avoids, eventually grandpa would die being that long without the soul in his body, terrible risks and limited time.

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In this scene in particular after they explained the recent events about Pegasus and feeling depressed about it and Jounouchi rightly brings out that is no good to be gloomy since it won't solve anything and Yugi agrees however he confesses that despite admiting he is handling the situation well since he can still talk to his grandpa at least but Dark Yugi feels depressed about it, the fact he can sense how Dark Yugi's feelings and yet not able to talk with him, it means that the host and the spirit are more aware of each other with signs of their bond becoming stronger, we could say is more from Yugi than from Dark Yugi, even though they still can't communicate with each other, we see Yugi's powers of perception, Jounouchi knowing this. tries to cheer up Dark Yugi by screaming to the millennium puzzle (that's very sweet of him).

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Bakura is apprehensive of Pegasus being a millennium item wielder after Yugi explained the events, it's from two perspectives, Ryou Bakura himself since he is also a millennium ring wielder himself, like Yugi is a host of the spirit that resides within, who is probably attentive to his host surroundings.
Ryou is quite sharp, he suspects Pegasus may know something about the millennium items and the questions he makes about them are the right ones...

"The thing I want most of all is to find out the secrets of those items! like, who made them? how do they work? what are they for?"

 As saying to the readers to put into consideration because in the future of the story, these questions will be answered as if the answers holds a big secret and are very important in the main story.
The other curiosity is his mention of how he got the Millennium Ring...The millennium Eye is certainly key about the secrets of the millennium items

"It's okay! As long as I'm not wearing it, it's just a piece of jewelry! My father bought this from an antique shop in Egypt...but as you know, there another personality inside it...just like Yugi's puzzle..."

For anyone who watched who watched the Dark Side of Dimensions movie, there is a certain inconsistency or not as much as one would think, so I will bring this scene up, and the keywords are jewellery and antique shop when comes the time to make comparisons between and where it connects...together with Memory World Arc.


Yugi senses the spirit of the millennium spirit wants to be alone and is amusing for Jounouchi finding a mess of how Yugi addressing the spirit of a puzzle as "other me"...this might be because of Yugi always referring Dark Yugi as "other me" for the others start referring Dark Yugi as "other yugi"...this is a bad habit they created themselves...😑(they could have given him a name to make easier to distinguish)
For Dark Yugi wanting to be alone, I think what Ryou said kinda struck him something and wanted to be alone with all the discussion about the subject that he could probably hear very well that he wanted a moment of reflection by himself in through Yugi's body, which is weird to think about, because later he can do this just fine, it's possible the reason being always on guard in case Yugi is in trouble but the conversation about it made him feel more depressed and more he wanted a time of reflection for himself and more quietly free from the conversation for awhile.

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we can see some of his personality traits, he is very reserved and very emotive at the same time, he is frustrated and feels very guilty for the state of Yugi's grandpa, not just because of Yugi's grandpa but also he feels he had failed to do his duty to help and protect his host and his loved ones, losing and the consequences of the loss of the duel, finally at the end he get his resolve.
But I want to bring up, though during this time, Dark Yugi wasn't fully aware and conscious as an entity of his own, but even later and by the end of the series, he still sees Sugoroku like a grandfather, he does have a soft spot for Sugoroku, I wonder why...(Update: I bring up in my Memory World Arc analysis of the manga 😉).

See Ya Next Post!

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