Monday, February 13, 2012

Observations&Opinions EPS43 YGO Zexal | wallpapers

I watched on Keyhole, 7 minutes late though...

nice episode, very nice, but it ended in way, just right after IV fallen to the ground...o.o just like that... what the hell.
and as for the preview... well too bad we won't see if Akari is a duelist (which if it would).
so Yuma gonna duel against that old man who build duel monsters wooden statues, let's see if gonna be a story driven or filler-ish eps...

so... soon enough after valentine, maybe even in valentine day I will take shippings observations (Canon sense) and after characters observations, because it seems the most important characters gonna lead Yuma and Astral's story, we have to remember the theme according YGO 10TH Aniversary animation book, Zexal main theme is Family, that's why is revolved between brothers/siblings (Kaito and Haruto - Tron and V,IV,III - and Yuma family members), so pay attention!

now for a treat:

Yuma and Astral wallpaper by ~worldstraveller on deviantART

IV - Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal by ~worldstraveller on deviantART

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