Saturday, August 14, 2010

About the Observations and Opinions

I think is kinda waste of time writing about these recent episodes when comes to this, I think the story development is geting kinda messy.
why make the work to do that kind of OP and ED with Old 5th dragon...?

but from episode 122 in the last seems New directors a.k.a. Team New World is whatching the main d-Wheelers in the series in general (Yusei, Jack, Crow and Aki - which I found kinda strange...when comes to Aki since she hadn't been having a decent attention).

so I won't write it, only plot hints, if a eps has decent plot hint then fine I write it.

I hope Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's come awesome as was Fortune Cup and nice as Dark Signers was, when they given decent attention to all main characters D: (though Crow part in Dark series was a bit annoying)

see ya soon D:

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