Friday, February 26, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá: Vol.4-7 Part 1 - Death-T Arc Part 1/3


I'm finally going back to Death-T arc, I did make a little more in the "old version" in comparison to "old version" of episodic arcs and Shadi arc, but from what I re-read, I was very unsatisfied, so I wanted to "remake" the thoughts and observations of the first 7 volumes, specially Shadi's arc and this one was one of the main reasons with the first chapter, the Monster World Arc will be the least changed because back then "the current" structure was starting taking shape.

I hope this pace keeps up!

Plot Summary:

Yugi and Jounouchi hang out at the arcade, Jounouchi speaks about a skilled gamer who is always at the top charts in most arcade games, since you can write only 3 letters, the top gamer is "Kai", Yugi starts playing a fighting game, Jounouchi tries to beat the "Kai" gamer records at the arcade, some kids pass by and confirms that "Kai" is actually Kaiba, someone who is considered as one of or the best gamer in Japan and is admired by kids.
Yugi continues playing his fighting game and local mode or online mode, where you can play against other people around Japan, Yugi was always winning at his games, it was always the same person challenging him, but Yugi was winning every single time, Jounouchi went to buy some beverages for them...Yugi's opponent was someone who were in the same arcade, a man dressed as his favourite actor and martial artist, seeing himself always losing to Yugi, the man give various hits to Yugi's face and Yugi who have been slightly knock out, the man steals his millennium puzzle and leaves, the kids get worried about Yugi, Yugi realising his millennium puzzle is missing, Jounouchi arrives seeing Yugi badly hurt and that someone stole his friend's puzzle, Jounouchi goes after the man, the same man challenges Jounouchi to a game that revolves around street fight, Jounouchi wins the fight and gets back Yugi's Millennium Puzzle.

Yugi and Jounouchi leave the arcade on the way home, however they are interrupted by Kaiba's chauffeur for receiving invitation to go to Kaiba's mansion, they feel they don't have much choice, they enter the car, Yugi and Jounouchi stay at the backseat while being greeted by a kid, Yugi already knows, Kaiba Mokuba (Mokuba Kaiba) who is Kaiba's little brother, while revealing his name and position as Kaiba brothers...Mokuba is the reception to the invited guests as not only for dinner but also to sleep at their mansion...
The dinner became dangerous since some of the food intentionally had poison, "incidentally" eaten by Jounouchi and Dark Yugi started to take over to become a game against time and Mokuba...Dark Yugi won the game...
The next day, Kaiba wake up from his nightmare about his penalty game and thinking this day was to realise his revenge on Yugi and Dark Yugi...but pretends on to act nice and takes Yugi and Jounouchi to the opening ceremony to his "amusement park", while with some instances that they get suspicious, then Kaiba takes to the last place...Yugi's grandpa inside a glass box seating in front of a table, Yugi gets worried, the same for Yugi's grandpa, basically Kaiba kidnapped both, he challenged Yugi's grandpa to a duel inside the glass box, however is a high tech glass box that can invoke holograms of the monsters in the cards during the duel...Yugi's grandpa is shocked and even more due to his old age, Kaiba won and give a similar "penalty game" that Dark Yugi did to him, Yugi begs Kaiba to free his grandpa, Kaiba agrees on the condition of Yugi accepting his challenge in facing his game challenge named "Death-T", Yugi agrees and Jounouchi and Honda(with his baby nephew reluctantly joining and who is a fan of Kaiba) decided to come along and help Yugi.
Death-T game has 5 stages, at the first stage they see Anzu working as part-time job of the first stage of Death-T not knowing what is going summary the challenges proven to be really dangerous and somewhat rigged in some places, Shooting Stardust (it's about shooting opponents at paintball style  and supposedly harmless), "Not make a sound"(by showing horrifying images as well sensorial), the murderer mansion has a riddle, Yugi was able to solve it.
Yugi and Co. going to the next challenge.

Key Points:


As explained in the plot summary, these arcades games are connected online across Japan, however you can use only 3 letters, at this time, this is the mid-late 90s, the internet and the online play was still very young but was growing fast in technology, so Jounouchi says some interesting things and more regarding a certain gamer who he found was legend around Japan:

"It's not just this game...the puzzle games and the fighting games...this «Kai» has the high score on almost all of the games in this arcade. Plus, these games are connected online to arcades across the country! That means this «Kai» dude is the number one gamer in Japan!"

I wonder who is this «Kai», any reader could easily guess who it was, it's Kaiba as revealed by the kids in Panels Ensemble on the Right.
However I find interesting is that «Kai» Kaiba had the highest score in almost all games, it wasn't all games in the arcade, I wonder which games he didn't get the highest score, I can make a few games but the ones you have to move your feet a lot, rhythmic games is a maybe, games that require somewhat fast almost athletic reaction, does that reveal that Kaiba isn't really athletic or he thinks is too much work? 😂
Yugi was quite interested and impressed by this «Kai» gamer and even wondered, but he did thought of something "Kai" in the names records, also it seems to be pretty recent for Yugi going to arcade that he was impressed or is rare for him to go (I guess he favours traditional games over videogames), it may not be surprising that he isn't in these records.
After the kids reveal this "Kai" records are Kaiba's and they can't beat it (Yugi could if he was invested in it as much he is in more traditional), Jounouchi gets irritated while Yugi...

If you wish to continue reading click "Read More" bellow:


In the Panels Ensemble on Left, Yugi was pretty quick in recognising his name...Yugi's perception of Kaiba:

"He's not just a genius at duel monsters...he's an expert at any game!"

Yugi, I think he is overestimating his abilities a little too much, I agree Kaiba is a genius when comes to intelligence and his cognitive abilities, but genius at a game that requires a good amount of luck when you draw a card and uses a meta and power deck is a bit of a stretch 😒, I wonder where he did get that idea...Yugi may have investigated a little or did watch Dark Yugi vs Kaiba first duel, well if he has highest scores in ALMOST all games, it's not expert in every single game but most games 😛.

In the Panels Ensemble on the Right, one of the kids says the following:

"But...they say Kaiba got bored with normal games...No surprise! No one can beat him! and there's this rumour...He's working on this super secret project...They say he's building the ultimate game..."

I think this is important for reference in Kaiba's character development, this might be before or after Kaiba has his duel with Dark Yugi for the first time...because before their first duel, Kaiba was pretty bored himself with his only interest and obsession with his favourite trading card game and no one being able to beat him or proved to be challenging (remember in shadow game and saw those "illusions of the monsters, he got very excited and enjoying it even inspire him, which indicates he was pretty bored) and possibility being after due to his intense experience with Penalty Game and somewhat enjoyment in the shadow game or can be both and he was looking for the right inspiration.
The manga readers knows what the super secret project ultimate game...Yugi may be wondering...I'm not sure if is concern or interest, Yugi may not have watched Dark Yugi's match against Mokuba...

This is pretty interesting, of all games he could have played, he chosen a fighting game, he is against fighting but in his case is more when comes to harming someone or violence specifically, in a videogame he doesn't mind because you aren't hurting someone...interesting reference to martial artist and action actor Bruce Lee, Yugi is a fan of's funny even there is in "Bold" when Yugi says "fighting", there was reference to Dragon Ball in the first chapter that Yugi is also a fan which is a action fighting anime and're being a little hypocrite here...for the time being standing against violence itself when we look at it later in the series.
It might express the author other interests, though, I think I read something about it like the american comics, it's sweet that he express his interests and hobbies through certain characters, specifically Hanasaki (manga and american comics) and Yugi (games).


Poor many times does he get punched or hit in the face...already? When the man leaves after stealing Yugi's puzzle, Yugi was knock out for instances, when he wakes up, he finds his Puzzle missing, basically there was no time for Dark Yugi to take over, the man just came to him like a sore loser and punched Yugi...gotta say it happened so fast, Yugi regained consciousness fairly quickly, maybe his body gotten used to be punched 😟, however you can tell he is very attached to his Puzzle from the moment he noticed it was missing, he got tear-eyed.
Jounouchi noticed and includes the puzzle, because when he threatened in smashing the puzzle when the man challenged Jounouchi to a game, Jounouchi went a little quieter but holding back his anger, however Jounouchi's eyes is in his "Fighter Mode On" that I'll start to name as such, I guess when it comes to street fighting he gets like that.


To summarise this "game", it's more or less, both having knives in their mouths and fighting, obviously the man is cheating, he has a fake knife while Jounouchi is with the real deal...Jounouchi agrees but on one condition:

"Alright! I'll play! But first...take that knife out of your mouth! I don't mind doing it.... ...But if you had one, I'd have to hold back on punching your face!"

Jounouchi says something interesting here, from the way he asked the man/opponent to remove the knife from his mouth, it sounded like he figured out that his were fake and also so he doesn't have to hold back...
I want to mention Jounouchi being street smart, he is not just someone who is athletic and dumb, because he is certainly not dumb as we know later, but here we see from a better look that Jounouchi is pretty smart if he puts the effort but more street smart, from the way he acted and outsmarted his opponent, this must be common for him in street fighting, it's just his home environment aren't best to study, but I think after he becomes friends with Anzu, Yugi and Ryou Bakura, his "Study Environment" must have drastically improved, having group study with his friends must have helped improved his grades a lot...however as we will see later...Yugi, Jounouchi and Honda early on didn't take their studies seriously, specially Yugi, I will bring up later in the aftermath of Death-T.


I really like to see these sides of Jounouchi when comes to street fighting in the manga, you can see his very well experienced, I find it kind of hilarious that he broke the man's jaw, you see that when comes to fighting he is very confident in his ability and sees this man who is a wannabe martial artist like Bruce Lee as pretty weak, feeling quite glad that he retrieved Yugi's puzzle, Jounouchi knows is important for him but is also for Jounouchi himself, it somehow relates to how he become friends with Yugi as much as his regret in picking on Yugi.
I wonder who is the Cola for, it seemed for Yugi and Jounouchi as beverage for him was coffee, canned coffee, interesting choice for his age, Yugi isn't surprising since his favourite food is burger, while Jounouchi likes strong and bitter drinks, because usually at 16 years old you would drink decaf coffee when comes to coffee, but nope, he choses coffee.

This is literally after Jounouchi go back to Yugi and given his Puzzle and leaving the arcade, despite that chapter was individual and mentioned the "secret project" of Kaiba and immediately, his chauffeur comes in saying the following:

"Master Yugi and his friend, I presume? Master Seto cordially requests your presence at his house!"

It's amusing this chauffeur says Yugi and his friend, mentions Jounouchi as "Yugi's friend", despite Kaiba's obsession with Dark Yugi as his "fated rival", Yugi comes with interest and inconsistent in underestimating him 😑, the "cordially request", cute eloquence to say Yugi's presence at his house is imperative, in other words, it's by force...but in a "polite" way...the Yugi focus, to me the creepiest part is how did they know where Yugi was, they have been tailing and investigate him for quite some time, huh? It's not just Dark Yugi...this will be brought up later, Dark Side of Dimensions, specifically...


The whole interaction is very curious, Jounouchi is wondering why Kaiba is inviting them and Yugi reminds them that he hasn't been to school recently, both of them kinda sense something suspicious going on...also they are informed that Kaiba Seto is the president of Kaiba Corp which is a huge company in amusement/entertainment then more specifically when Yugi asks about Kaiba Corp to Jounouchi (who seems to know):

"It's one of the top companies in the world in the toy and game businesses!"

That almost sounds like "Nintendo" in a way xDD, technically they are Toy and Game company business and one of the biggest too...the surprising part to me is how Yugi didn't know about this and Jounouchi did...he is a gamer and doesn't seem to pay attention to companies that makes games...Yugi...this shows if he doesn't have interest then he doesn't's nice to see that he doesn't care about what companies makes the games as long there is games...but he should have some awareness on these things...even more when comes to his hobbies and if is a career path related that he wants to follow...😩
Yugi's observation on this in his inner monologue after knowing this:

"So that's why Kaiba is so proud of being a great gamer..."

You know, I think after knowing this, Yugi pays more attention to who creates and makes games and companies, because later in the beginning of Duelist Kingdom, Yugi knew Pegasus was the creator of Magic&Wizards (Duel Monsters) and president of II² (Industrial Illusions), he learned the importance of knowing these things, also he isn't wrong about Kaiba being proud in being a great gamer, he was able to perceive Kaiba is pretty prideful...
Finally Mokuba reveals his name and also being the vice-president, besides it seemed that he didn't liked being mentioned as "Kaiba's little brother" but then he kinda admits that his own fault with "heh...I didn't tell you my name last time", yeah, that's your own fault.
Mokuba at this time, you can tell he didn't take his vice-president position seriously until post-Death-T events, it changed a lot for him and he had mature's interesting to see Mokuba changes in before and after Death-T.


Here is another pin point inner monologue of Yugi:

"I have a bad feeling about this...I know these brothers don't like me all that much..."

Yugi is correct, however is how Yugi know that they don't like him in a gaming sense...? Since Yugi became aware of existence of Dark Yugi through Shadi, Yugi must have realised who have retrieved his grandpa's Blue Eyes White Dragon was his "other self"/Dark Yugi, regarding Mokuba, he might have watched Dark Yugi having a match against Mokuba, now that he is aware...Mokuba saying to Yugi to relax noticing he is suspicious and says because he is getting VIP treatment...that's even more suspicious, Mokuba, have your heard a saying "Too much alms, the saint will be suspicious"?
Regarding to the "reason" for them being invited to the "opening ceremonies" of Kaiba's project since is finished, what Mokuba says is very amusing:

"My thoughtful, considerate brother wanted his two friends to be the first to enjoy it. So he's giving you special invitation...which includes the pre-opening celebration tonight!"

That's funny, Kaiba being thoughtful and considerate? Then Mokuba is the prince of Italia 😒, I can count of very rare occasions when Kaiba is "thoughtful and considerate" with one hand.
The inner monologue of Mokuba reveals the real intentions and Yugi's suspicions to be correct, it's also a good way to show Yugi is actually smart and good at reading people, that he isn't too trusting, it's giving the benefit of doubt.


I have to say this kind of interesting about this table and in trivia wise by Mokuba in chinese restaurants, it's called turntable, Jounouchi's reaction to their "dinner menu" chosen by Mokuba is pretty funny in his inner monologue:

"Argh! I was hoping for some fantastic cooking but this is...a sundae, a hamburger, kiddie lunch, pancakes...just what a spoiled kid would think of!!"

He is spot on the spoiled kid part, Mokuba is definitely spoiled at this time, also nice detail from Takahashi-sensei, Mokuba has a sweatshirt of Capmon of Lv5 (which reminds me of the penalty game Dark Yugi gave to him of capsule of Lv1, pffft), I have to say is quite impressive that Mokuba hasn't changed much after that penalty game and has guts to challenge Dark Yugi again (which is obviously his intent), it also shows that Dark Yugi's penalty game was vert soft and took for few hours.
This turntable is meant to be used as a small game in this part, by taking turns spinning the turntable and eat what is front of them...sounds simple enough, even Jounouchi is suspicious of the kid of a possibility having poison in the food (he got it right), Mokuba lies and says there is hidden treasure (of course, there is...).


Mokuba, this is a very sick game, by the way, when they arrive, we don't see their parents...usually such wealthy siblings would be greeted by their parents...Kaiba is the president of Kaiba Corp, we can assume that their parents may have passed away or something happened...the master is Seto Kaiba...just remind makes you wonder how they were raised to behave like this or let it slide...

Of course, this life-threatening situation on Jounouchi is to bring out Dark Yugi a little faster, look at how Mokuba gets excited about it, it's not just so he has another chance "to defeat Dark Yugi", I think since his match against, he came to somewhat admire him as if he sees why Kaiba became obsessed, later in Duelist Kingdom came to trust and respects him, he does the same for the rest of the gang.

As for Dark Yugi...does he actually meant that since he is a kid? I mean he was light on the penalty game for Mokuba who seems haven't changed much since then...which it was only for few hours, for one of the times I agree with Mokuba when Dark Yugi said to him, it's kinda easy to say that, since these are "big words", also Mokuba showed the antidote if Dark Yugi wins(he might have an extra just in case).

Dark Yugi went quiet (in other words, he doesn't intend to kill the kid at all, may be considering a little heavier punishment)...I guess he suspects he has an extra antidote just in case...I notice Dark Yugi is eating quick, I guess it relates to be about 30 minutes the poison takes to kill the person...however I find this scene curious and fascinating, because we don't ever have a chance see him eating when Dark Yugi is taking over, it makes me wonder how it affect the taste and the way he is holding tableware like this instance, I guess he doesn't get any chances other than this one, he is slightly clumsy at just how it affects in memories wise in making daily life things, I say this when we're children and takes a while to properly hold a fork and a knife and use it to is kinda similar here, when we grow up getting used to these habits becomes instincts while the first time may be kinda clumsy.
It may be quite trivial, but to me I can't help to be in wonder about these things since Dark Yugi took over or being "reseted", how much he can learn by watching, for him calling the kid "Mokuba", he did hear when Mokuba revealed his name, more or less he pays attention to his host's surroundings, watching over like a guardian spirit.


I find this interaction very interesting and funny as a whole, Dark Yugi noticed Mokuba is cheating, this shows that Dark Yugi is very good at reading people when comes to their emotions and intentions, it's funnier when Dark Yugi points out the unusual detail like the bottle syrup asking about the bottle and why is it empty, Mokuba was very nervous and try to "bluff", sorry Mokuba but Dark Yugi being very good at reading people, he can tell when someone is bluffing and when they are lying...nice try(not really), Mokuba's reactions at getting nervous when Dark Yugi being suspicious of the bottle, kinda made it obvious and confirmed to him that you're cheating.


This was very smart, it made Mokuba not being able to cheat anymore, as in Dark Yugi's inner monologue now is up to luck.
The most interesting part is this is the 2nd time Dark Yugi takes off his puzzle to do something while taking over, it means when he takes over the body, he can take it off and doesn't go back to Yugi, also Dark Yugi didn't took over Yugi's body when Yugi recovered consciousness when was punched, he could have done it if he can still take over when himself takes off the puzzle but is when Dark Yugi is taking over, as later we get to of the main uses of the puzzle.
What with the hate kid? You brought this onto yourself...

Dark Yugi from gracefully finishing his "dessert" that being pancakes (honestly, Mokuba, pancakes at's to be a breakfast or lunch snack with tea, Dark Yugi seemed to have enjoyed the pancakes) to "lecturing" Mokuba in cleaning his plate, Mokuba did impressively follow through, the kid doesn't die, because I'm sure was already prepared an extra antidote, just in case it would happen to Mokuba, Dark Yugi must have suspected the same, I mean he cheated, what isn't to say that he had an extra?
Dark Yugi pleased that he won the antidote to save Jounouchi however as someone who is cautious and watchful as him, his guard is even more up...while slightly anxious...


This is a little after he wake up from a nightmare which was his penalty game given by Dark Yugi, I think it shows that Kaiba despite wanting to look emotionless and ruthless, he is actually sensitive and emotional within, despite comparing his penalty game to most others Dark Yugi has given, his was a bit light yet heavy, I think must have taken a whole night the "experience/sensation of death", I say this also of how deeply affected he was, there is deeper reasons as to why it affected him so much.
Kaiba thinks by defeating Dark Yugi, he will be able to stop the nightmares of the penalty game coming, even later in the series he still has similar mindset and not because of revenge but something else (rivalry and personal victory).
I have to say...Kaiba looks ridiculous in that long coat, it's like a king's robe but more stupid, his fashion sense was a bit extreme and even reaches the floor and also we see how he is treated by his butler, as if he is nobility or royalty or something...Kaiba sure loves that aluminium case.
Regarding Yugi's and Jounouchi's interaction is Jounouchi dislike the idea at staying in his house as if owing him a favor, however what got my atention was what Yugi said:

"I wonder if grandpa is worried...I was out all night without calling him..."

So far we still haven't seen Yugi's mom yet...but his grandfather only...knowing he lives with his mom and grandfather while his father is absent working overseas, does this somewhat imply that his grandfather is kinda the leader or Yugi goes to his grandpa for approval in these things?


This whole scene is interesting, starting on Panels Ensemble on the Left by quoting Jounouchi and Yugi conversation:

Jounouchi: "Hey Yugi! What with this «opening ceremony» that's suppsoed to be today?"

Yugi: "Dunno. But I have a bad feeling about it! I feel like we're in they're guarding us so we don't escape the mansion...and they locked us in..."

Yugi is very perceptive and being able to read the intentions of his surroundings pretty well such as that Kaiba's security guards blocking all exits, in a sense they were kidnapped...
Kaiba comes down to greet them...Jounouchi being a honest person who says what he thinks up front to Kaiba that he forced them to come to his house and his little brother almost killed them and Kaiba's response to Mokuba's behaviour:

Kaiba: "Mokuba...? That was bad of him...but boys will be boys, you'll have to forgive his little games."

Jounouchi: "You don't get killed by «little games»!!"

It's impressive Jounouchi has way more common sense than Kaiba, even later in the series, Jounouchi still has more common sense than him 😂, well, Kaiba doesn't have much of it anyway 😏.
It's very concerning look from outside perspective, it seems that is Kaiba who is responsible for raising Mokuba, at this time we don't know nothing of their past, so we don't see their parents and Kaiba being president and Mokuba is vice-president, the first time reading would think they passed I say Kaiba isn't doing a good job for a big brother, however there is many factors, in his debut arc implies that he is very inconsistent and maybe unstable.
Later when they were in the car, Kaiba said the following:

"As you know, I own Kaiba Corporation...I had to take over when my father, the founder, passed away six months ago."

If thinking about it as the first time, we thought his father was really his father, however is important to take note as we know who this "father" is being Gozaburo Kaiba, technically foster father, his death was pretty recent, it hints to be maybe a clue to current Kaiba state that we see is related to "his father" Gozaburo Kaiba.


Opening ceremony of Kaiba Land, an amusement park, it's nostalgic to remember when comes to anime viewers and manga readers of this manga, according to Kaiba, this amusement park will open in 3 days (in reality will be delayed), seeing how Kaiba is loved by children, according to Kaiba he invited children to come over to the grand opening and they got the invitation for free (I feel like there was some Japan lottery's like a gacha version in getting a ticket to an event, however the differences are, in getting "the right to buy the ticket" while here you get it for free, you still pay for the lottery for the most part).
Yugi and Jounouchi are considering Kaiba to be a good person (nah, he is just very complicated, I always saw Kaiba as a character on a grey spectrum, later he still acts like a jerk), however what he says here now is important later:

"Do you see now, Yugi? My dream is to open Kaiba Lands all over the world for children everywhere to enjoy!"

This might have been one of the moments he was truly honest, as readers at first may think he was lying but later in Duelist Kingdom Arc, Mokuba does confirm to them that Kaiba was telling the truth on this one...Yugi thinking he misunderstood him, maybe Yugi could tell there was ring of truth in it, it won't last long.
Then a man comes at Kaiba...


This man who is a former employee according to Kaiba, he was the right hand man of his "father" and says the following to Kaiba:

"You killed the C.E.O.! You took over Kaiba Corporation and drove the CEO, your own father, to commit suicide..."

It quickly got heavy and dark, is it true that Kaiba did it or not? however Yugi noticing there is a sudden change in Kaiba and wonders which is his true face...this already indicates Kaiba's instability and inconsistency in his perception of others and life overall...this will be important to remember.


As we see Yugi immediately saw his grandpa in a glassy box and as he feared that something was not good, Yugi can't hear anything of what his grandpa is saying and gets seriously worried, so comes Yugi's grandpa inner monologue:

"It's no good, he can't hear me! Last night Kaiba's men kidnapped me and brought me here... They said they'd kill Yugi if I didn't come along! Thank god he's safe! Yugi! Kaiba's up to something!"

So according to Sugoroku's inner monologue, they had kidnapped him, as the readers see at this time is that Kaiba "kidnapped" both of them, one is indirectly (Yugi) while the other was more direct and threatening (Sugoroku/Yugi's grandpa), also it seems Kaiba kinda lied to Sugoroku, because Kaiba wants to revenge on Dark Yugi and Yugi.


I didn't summarise the duel much, but during the duel Kaiba was actually impressed by Yugi's grandpa in skill as a player of  Magic&Wizards, we all know how hard it is to impress him.
Regarding the scene in the aftermath of their duel, starting with the Top Panels Ensemble, Sugoroku wondering how Kaiba got 3 Blue Eyes White Dragon being ultra rare, however Kaiba gives an interesting fact about this card:

"Mheh heh...only four copies of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon are known to exist. One in America, one in Germany, one in Hong Kong and you, old man! Of course, none of them agreed when I told them to hand it I used a bit of force....I used yu wealth to force them to bankruptcy, or I made deals with the of them even committed suicide!"

These are very interesting facts, Sugoroku told Yugi and his friends in Kaiba's debut arc, this card was so powerful that they stopped production, here we see Kaiba did a lot of investigation in pursuing these cards, here is the kicker, Kaiba said that there 4 copies "known" to exist, it must mean that it may not be all of them, those are results of his own investigations, Kaiba did all of this to get the specific monster card, well Kaiba is a very extreme fellow as have been indicated, going this far for these cards that is not worth the trouble, it kinda shows Kaiba's instability and inconsistency that he ripped Sugoroku's Blue Eyes White Dragon, during the time of his debut, he did want the card for himself, but later got other 3, also from how he explained, when he came to his game store, Kaiba knew Sugoroku had it but failed in getting it and now rips it, for the reasons he stated, so yeah, inconsistency and instability, the question is where it started or source...I find it very rude that he ripped someone's else card.
Kaiba leaves the Duel Box (the glassy box), Yugi resquests Kaiba to get his grandpa out of his box and informs to Yugi that he has done human experiments with that "penalty game" simulator and the average person will get insane in 10 minutes, and warn him that if he doesn't stop it soon his grandfather would be "destroyed", probably he meant dead or mentally damaged...


Kaiba is more or less telling the truth this time unlike with Sugoroku, this time he means it, he is more or less blackmailing Yugi to face his Death-T Hidden Atraction, which is more or less consists of deadly challenges and results (the penalty games, specially in the last 2 stages), he built this theme park to revenge on "Yugi", I think Kaiba is referring to both Yugi and Dark Yugi, it doesn't change that Yugi did interfered with him getting the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, remember Yugi noticed the one version Kaiba "gave it back" to Yugi was fake and Dark Yugi defeating him, which means indirectly Kaiba recognizes Yugi as potential threat and is not just awareness of seeing Dark Yugi as threat to his title of best gamer in Japan and in future he wanted to be in the world.
Despite Kaiba being at his worst as we see here and during Death-T, when Yugi accepted the condition, Kaiba does accomplishes and fulfils his part of the "bargain" and tells them to stop the simulator, he knows how to "honour his promises" despite the inconsistency.
Also worth noting in the Panels Ensemble on Right, when Yugi accepted the condition which he did willingly, not with a "scared" expression but with courage to move forward, then the follow up in Kaiba's expression was of interest, satisfied that Yugi had "some guts".


I really like the art in this scene, starting with the Panels Ensemble Top Left, I'll quote what Sugoroku says to his grandson about Kaiba:

"He...he's a terrible young man...he'll do anything to win a game...taking a person's life..."

He's not wrong that Kaiba for awhile is like this in doing anything to win a game, even in Duelist Kingdom he still has that mentality, however willing to take his own life for it if is what it takes to win...he is that unstable 😐, since is due to many factors in play for Kaiba to be unstable and inconsistent with others but also with himself...
This is the beginning of the "Heart of the Cards", jokes aside, I think what it means about the "cards of grandpa's soul", it's more like old generation passing their will and legacy to the new generation, inheriting their will, entrust his will to his grandson of legacy as a gamer, Yugi inherits his Grandpa deck, remember Sugoroku as later we find out that he is a legendary gamer.


Panels Ensemble on the Right, to summarise the first 4 panels, Kaiba is insulting Yugi's grandfather (says the person who was actually impressed by Sugoroku's skill on the inside and making excuses that game shop owner would have some very rare cards and used the holographic to make mess with an old man tension and heart, he kinda cheated), he acts conceited as always for having 3 of the most powerful cards on earth, while Yugi in inner monologue:

"I know you tore up grandpa's Blue-Eyes White Dragon, you coward! The card he loved the most...the card of grandpa's heart!"

Even though I find Yugi pretty naive and cheesy at this time, I guess it shows his big attachment to his grandpa and since his grandpa was the huge influence in his love for games, the card Kaiba tore apart was a gift from his Grandpa's friend who was also a fellow gamer that became his grandpa's fave card, putting all these in consideration would make "most loved card", so it doesn't sound that cheesy if is summarised like this.
As for Kaiba at the last panel he says and thinks:

"heh heh...don't worry. A rematch with you is what I've wanted from the beginning.[inner monologue: Mheh heh...and this time, the probability of my winning is over 99%]"

As stated before in some key points ago, when he "lied" to Yugi's grandpa when they kidnap Sugoroku, however his intent is kinda similar...but mentally. worth of note is we see a glimpse of Kaiba's analytical mind on calculating probabilities...

The Panels Ensemble on the Left, Jounouchi is the first to say that he will be helping Yugi facing Death-T, then Honda comes in, he came to Kaiba Land by babysitting his nephew baby Kohji, getting to understand the situation and volunteered to help Yugi as well, Yugi is very moved by their gesture, it shows their growth in their friendship, as for Honda's nephew, let's ignoring him for now and is quite a rude and spoiled baby kid.


The boys blushed seeing Anzu in this outfit, to be honest I hate it, specially the collar, there are jackets that  has a collar that sticks out like that with zipper, so I can picture what kind of fabric is...I was never much a fan of the clothes design in most mangas for female characters anyway (be it shoujos or shounens).
About how Anzu got here, according to her explanation, she lost her part-time job she was in (Burger World) because went through sexual harassment from a customer and punched's not uncommon but still pisses me off, she still lost her job, I get the punch but the customer was asking for it and well she applied to this Death-T stage 1 part-time job not knowing anything what is going on...ignorance isn't that blissful as many claim to be 😟, also points to Anzu who doesn't stay quiet on these things if anything punches the person.


This is a Shootout game as in more live against their opponents, their "guns" are suppose to be a slight stun gun laser, Yugi is immediately suspicious and predicting a trap (this post will be very Yugi's intelligence focus in action from here on), I guess from seeing Kaiba of what he is willing to do, it would be something dangerous...
Honda asks Anzu to babysit his nephew, it happens his nephew is a early on this baby, kinda gross even Anzu thinks so, that she subtly holds the baby's wrist...subtle, because he is still a baby, she is a bit easier but not without finding ways to not go the baby's way, there is a reason why she is pushy.

Can I say this scene is very amusing and funny when Kaiba questions who hired Anzu, who he recognised immediately being one of Yugi's friends...then one his employees apologizes, who was in charge to hire the person, it must have been because she was pretty.
Kaiba even in this game he is kinda cheating because he must have requested to hire professionals, two of them relates to military and the other is a "spy/mercenary"...against a bunch of high schoolers/teenagers...however is not just here where is rigged...😒


This scene is so funny because of Jounouchi, his character is so funny and has great character development, he is also very entertaining, besides the comical part of this scene, we get more of Jounouchi's traits such he doesn't like sneaking around and not the patient person and simply can't stay still 😂, he prefers to go at it, his athletic abilities did help him and fighting experience however there was luck at play, it was a successful surprise attack....while Yugi and Honda had a more grounded plan...


I like these moments where we see Honda shinning, that he isn't stupid either, besides his common sense, he is perceptive, Yugi and Honda realised quickly something wasn't sitting right and their opponents had the real thing, Anzu had it too who was hired by one of Kaiba' employees and didn't knew she was their friend, also the ones Yugi, Honda and Jounouchi lase gun version weren't real weapons just toy-like version, in another words, the game was rigged from the beginning.


They came to most right conclusions such as their opponents are pros and using real weapons...Kaiba didn't predicted Anzu however why is not for the one he stated, Kaiba knew Anzu was their friend but his employee in charged of hiring the staff for Death-T didn't knew...Anzu is so pissed she was involved in such a dangerous game and goes on to help her friends....Yugi's inner monologue makes him think of Kaiba as coward and making games dangerous.
I find the scene so funny when Jounouchi suggested in himself making another surprise attack, Honda's common sense calling him out that there is no way the surprise attack will work twice, what they can do is using Anzu's gun, so Honda will be taking over this time around, apparently as implied before in Carnival games and here is that Honda is good at shootout games (even in video games arcade), he was successful because he pretended he didn't had anything but with a little help of his nephew, he got Anzu's gun to make a different surprise attack to let the opponent leave their guards down for a moment, because the gang is more considerate, they turned the voltage down with the intent keep them unconscious only.
Regarding the help from Johji with Honda was on the condition to have Anzu take a bath with him, Anzu immediately refuses, sorry Honda and baby Johji...that's not how it works, consent and respect is very important no matter what, find another way to please a baby, by taking some place else.


As much as I am not fond of the baby Johji character, he is very smart for a baby, not gonna lie, but he certainly shined in this scene, even Yugi was impressed despite their silent rivalry around Anzu, gotta say...Takahashi-sensei did draw well that poop 😂, honestly I think the old butler deserved with how his torture was affecting Anzu, specially, I say good riddance to the old man 😠.
From the kind of clothes the baby was wearing, how the heck did he reached where you should open his outfit for the poop come up...? because everyone had their hands tied and only the baby was free but his arms are small to reach "there", it's manga logic besides the baby is way too smart for his age.


Jounouchi's fear for "horror" and "scary" visuals and stories is very funny and honestly I can relate to him in that sense 😂, Honda commenting that Jounouchi fainting over the "horror ride" is what saved him in not making a sound 😆, I do like his sarcasm 😄 and Jounouchi amusingly wakes up after the game was over and even Yugi drop sighs and ignore Johji's comment, they're funny.
About Yugi's grandpa cards vibrating like a heartbeat...heart of the cards? well, let's not forget this is a world of magic despite its existence being very subtle, remember the digital pets acting on their own on previous post...also Yugi is holding the millennium puzzle, the millennium items can sense these things and kinda brings it to is to say that his grandfather is in critical condition.
They enter this "Murder Mansion", Yugi is the first to advise in letting their eyes to adjust to this dark room by staying still for a while, these kind of moments as we have seen so far shows that they have good teamwork.


Yugi's intuition is really impressive, he actually noticed the paper quickly for picking it up and saved in one of his pockets, he deduced it was something important and to the game they're playing now...
I'm going to quote the gang interaction when they got their hands handcuffed again in front of these "numbers":

Yugi: "These numbers must mean something! 00-01-10-11..."

Anzu: "They are all ones and zeroes...that's like...what's it called...that computer code..."

Jounouchi: "Argh, I don't get it!"

Honda: "That friggin Kaiba said there was hint somewhere in this room..."

Yugi's intuition and suspecting there is something familiar with the numbers, Anzu did understood these numbers were a computer code (the binary code), Jounouchi in panic and under pressure can't think straight while Honda remembering anything important Kaiba said such about a clue in trying to stay calm, Yugi remembering the scrap of paper with "bllood" he found, it shows who are the smarter ones and intuitive also the more instinctive, but there is one's intelligence not fully explored...


They are discussing about the clue, Honda expressing how much he hates puzzles mixed with letters and numbers (I can relate on that one, even more mathematical problems, specially on tests @_@), however Anzu reminds everyone:

"Yugi can solve it! You solved the millennium puzzle! You can do it!"

Anzu is one of the few who never underestimates Yugi's capabilities and knows he is very intelligent, who knows he holds potential, mentioned before in later arcs and give her votes of confidence to for Yugi's mind process, he is not so good under pressure but he notices being an english word being misspelled with two Ls, he must be good with English Language subject besides he is taking as much relevant detail as fast as possible...


On the Panels Ensemble Top Left, we see what is mostly blocking him is his own low self-esteem and self-confidence but once he tries to remember what he is fighting for, he solved the riddle, when he told which switch and being Anzu's, he was correct, Yugi was very surprised and relieved he was right, after this, Yugi starts to believe in himself a little more bit by bit while sometimes doubting himself, that's most Yugi's character arc in overcoming his low self-esteem+confidence and becoming independent.
Anzu was interested in how Yugi solved the riddle and asks him how he got the answer...


I'll quote Yugi first:

"At first, I kept thinking about the meaning of the word blood! But the shape of the letters was what mattered! See...They made the word blood with just zeroes and ones! And when you look closely at this «L» in this word blood...see...there's an arrow pointing down! So the right answer was the 11 that the arrow is drawn on!! Anzu's switch! That must mean that the exit is in the basement!"

In the last two minutes he realised all of this! including the exit...which he was right as well which it shows he is good at thinking ahead, that's some very impressive quick thinking, it displays Yugi's high intelligence was there all along. he has to overcome his blocks when comes to his self-esteem, he was also surprised that he got the exit riddle's right...

See Ya Next Post! 

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