Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 11 (Dark Yugi/Yugi VS Yami Marik Part 2/2)

At last, we're in the last volume and the last part of this insane long duel, then next post is the epilogue of battle city, we're almost over the "Duelist" section of the manga series (the last volume technically of "Duelist"), Volume Duelist 24 (in japanese print volume 31), I'm feeling a bit excited, this posts has been really slow on being published for being longer, even the breaks...

Plot Summary:

After the revelation of the special conditions of the duel to those who are watching, Dark Yugi and Yugi are still determined to save Marik and Marik himself wondering why they are hesitating in order to find a way to save not only Yugi but Marik too...there is some discussion between Yugi and Dark Yugi come up with an idea in how to defeat only Yami Marik and saving Marik...
The plan is almost about to work but there is one problem, Ra special ability when the player fuses with Ra to take away the LP into ATK points until leaving 1 LP left for the player and Marik not having enough willpower to live, Dark Yugi and Yugi hesitates because the risk is very high, but the situation changes when Rishid arrives at the top of the Duel Tower after he woke up, he speaks to Marik by inspiring him to help restore Marik's willpower with enough to survive Yugi and Dark Yugi next attack, possibly weaken Yami Marik, Dark Yugi putting his faith on Marik to survive his attack, he gives the blow that decides Marik's fate, after the attack, Marik survived and their positions have been switched, Marik became the main player and Yami Marik being the "sacrifice", with only 1 LP left, Marik decided to surrender the duel, with this Yami Marik is gone, Dark Yugi and Yugi officially won the duel.

Key Points:

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Marik does feel guilty not just about his father's death, put putting revenge on people who didn't deserved it, he is implying the pharaoh in truth that it didn't comes from Pharaoh idea or anything, also he is very moved that they're actually trying to save him and defeat only Yami Marik.
Now this is when it comes one of my favourite scenes of the series and my favourite of this duel, Yugi is advising when they have to focus and not give up of finding or creating a solution for this problem...

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Monday, September 4, 2017

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá Vol.27-31 Part 10 (Dark Yugi/Yugi VS Yami Marik Part 1/2)

Now we're going to make the transition from volume duelist 23 to 24 (japanese print is volume 30 to 31).
I have finally reached the last duel of Battle City to be seen and read and being the last one before we enter the Memory World Arc, this duel like Dark Yugi VS Kaiba, it will be divided in two parts because it could take the full volume to have this one that long...
The summary is be a little long while the key points will be less than the previous post, but it's still long...
It will take awhile to get through this duel, not only because is divided in two parts, the number of focused panels is bigger, but even after the duel, there is still the epilogue (you can count that it will be long as well).

Plot Summary:

The duel begins with Yami Marik turn, but before he starts the first turn, he makes the duel into a shadow game, he shows Mai inside a pyramid of glass being consumed by darkness, Dark Yugi seeing this, he panics a little and Yami Marik reveals that this shadow game uses "human sacrifices", in this case the vessels (Yugi being the spirit of the pharaoh host and Main Marik being the one who created Yami Marik inside his subconscious), so if the player loses LP, depending on the amount of lost LP, parts of their body will be consumed to the darkness...when it reaches 0, they die.
The first part of this duel, Yami Marik constantly has the advantage and informs the mysterious disappearance of Ryou Bakura was caused by him, sometimes Dark Yugi can turn the tables, while both Dark Yugi and Yugi try to figure out in how to save Marik and targeting only Yami Marik.
Throughout the duel, other events happens, when the duel is getting dangerous for Marik himself, he is reaching a point being very close to disappear being all that left is his split personality, so Marik makes an effort to speak to Rishid telepathically while Rishid being in coma and revealing his sacrifice that he is willing to make to pay for his mistakes and apologizes to to what is left of main Marik leaves Rishid's room, sometime later, Rishid awakens, Marik gains control of Anzu to inform Dark Yugi about his decision and reveals to the spectators who can't see the shadow game about the special conditions inside this shadow game...

Key Points:

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I have to say, this shadow game is of the highest level and dangerous too, that is kinda shocking at first... but is more to the characters, specially the ones who are experiencing it as Dark Yugi and Yugi case...
The way Yugi reacts being used as "human sacrifice" is very curious because he is shocked and asks:

"Wh-what's going on...?"

At first one would think Yugi wasn't watching, remember Dark Yugi was shocked and concerned too, worried and panicking a little, Yugi is questioning why he is part of the shadow game when usually he isn't except the ones he said he wanted to fight (monster world and against pegasus), Yugi was not expecting this neither was Dark Yugi, it's clear this isn't the usual shadow game...


What's interesting to note here is that the price in this shadow games is slightly similar to when Yami Marik fought Yami Bakura, based on their life points, the body starts to disappear, this time around is the players have the same kind as the common players not chosen by millenium items, but is the sacrifice get through with their body disappearing, the vessels, so this is "hardcore" shadow game and seems to be painful first we think is Dark Yugi and Yugi who are going through this...

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