Saturday, August 3, 2013

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá Vol.8-11 Part 8 (Mai & Friendship)

Update (30/07/2018): Once again, no introduction, so I'll create one instead, this one will be a shorter post since is a break from the duels, not much story development but more characters and relationships development.

Plot Summary:

After Jounouchi had his duel is night already and thanks to the awful tournament management by the host, the gang is hungry since there is no food around and it's basically time for dinner, then comes a not exactly surprising meeting, Mai Kujaku eating a chocolate bar, the boys are jealous as they drool over the chocolate she is eating, she teases them a little and offers them food with the condition being the boys do the cooking and gives Anzu a chance to take a shower, from the gang, she is the one most surprised by Mai's generosity, but the person who is more surprised is Mai herself, after they both dinning and talking, Anzu and Mai have ladies talk inside the tent that Mai has brought and reveals she set up Anzu's alone time with Yugi, after Anzu left, a man entered the tent..., Anzu and Yugi during their time alone they talk a bit about their childhood and more...until they hear Mai's scream and both get worried about her safety, when they arrived, Mai just lost a duel against the man who came to her tent and lost all her star chips, she reveals he is a player "killer" (duelist assassin, people who are paid to defeat someone through TCG Magic and Wizards) and he challenges (or should I say he orders Yugi) to have a duel with him, Yugi got angry to Dark Yugi taking over and promising he win the duel and take Mai's star chips back.

Key Points:

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Once again, we come back to the problem of this tournament...Food and like Anzu stated, a place to take a bath...I agree with you Anzu, this place is awful, no care for the participants well-being, seriously Pegasus, you don't do a good job as a host of this tournament, Jounouchi was willing to eat a mushroom and not knowing if was venomous or not plus seemed to dislike mushroom, the despair to eat something...
While they are complaining because there is no food for them to eat, someone comes from behind and surprise them...It's funny only the boys are drooling about the chocolate she is eating...she teases Jounouchi a little, she can be quite light-hearted (for the most part she is like that but she has her own reasons...

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Kujaku Mai, starts with teasing Jounouchi in a good way, so she borrow some of her food and equipment for it, rest of it has to be the boys to do it, they were impressed how prepared she was, she pointed out an excellent point "you can't rely on kindness of strangers", because you never know what comes after, you don't know what this stranger may be yeah I agree, the others are very impressed in how well prepared Mai was, I also liked that she told them and fairly too, since she was the one who brought the food, the boys do the cooking.

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