Friday, May 14, 2021

Thoughts & Observations: Dark Side of Dimensions Movie


This is the last post of analysis/Thoughts and Observations, I'm not gonna lie, it feels quite weird that is ending, I have been writing it for 8 years with hiatus mid-way through, what I have been writing for so long out of my own enjoyment because I love analyzing and to be about my favourite story of all time, one may think why I did this? At first was to show traits about characters that were overlooked or ignored or underestimated even among the fandom like Yugi's intelligence, the duels that I always thought that was crucial to character's growth, relationships and interesting story details that ended up into make it more thorough, also because I wanted to analyse a story as a stimulating way for me to keep my mind sharp too besides I learned a lot about some historical facts and games as much for my own personal growth, it was a non-profit project with it's own personal and learning benefits.

(warning: the plot summary will be huge)

Plot Summary:

The movie opens with Kaiba looking at a holographic image of the Millennium Puzzle in his "space tower" (satelite-like tower) into an excavation being proceeded in the Shrine of the Former Village of Kul Elna close to or around the Valley of the Kings, to search for the millennium puzzle to be overseen by Mokuba.
Yugi is about to leave his house for school to meet with Anzu, Jounouchi and Honda from a different route goes to school by bicycle and Ryou had arrived already...when they have their lunch together in the rooftop, they discuss about their futures and dreams...
They go back to their classroom and seem to not recognize a classmate of theirs but yet suddenly remembering as being his name "Aigami"...when school was over, they discuss about Atem...then they heard someone needing help about to be bullied by a gang who are considered dangerous, Jounouchi comes to be willing to help the person in question being "Aigami".
In an abandoned building, "Aigami" goes to the meeting place with the Kudaragi's gang, "Aigami" summons a cube that allows him to summon the Prana and making the whole gang disappear to a "lesser dimension"...
As the movie moves along with Kaiba being unsatisfied with the simulation of "Dark Yugi" to feeling the need of the millennium puzzle and getting call that pieces of millennium puzzle was found, as the pieces are being 3D-scanned, learn about "Aigami" true identity as his name being Diva and his cube with dimensional powers, Dimension Cube, Kaiba and Diva have a duel to not being proceeded as Mokuba leaves the shrine with the millennium pieces, but two of them is stolen, which Kaiba later finds out, one of the Prana being Mani finds the Millennium Ring.
Diva observes Yugi and Ryou as he discusses with Mani and later his sister Sera about his revenge on the responsible for someone's death  and eliminate Kaiba and Yugi to stop pharaoh Atem to be revived so they can move to their next dimension.
Diva approaches Yugi and hangs out with him and friends to decide having a small tournament at Yugi's house of Magic&Wizards on Sunday.
The day comes, but his friends haven't arrived yet as he is visited by Sera about himself, Shadi and Atem, during that time, "Aigami" and Ryou with Jounouchi discuss about their own egyptian artifacts, Ryou is hesitant to go further but Diva sends Jounouchi to another dimension, their past is discussed between Ryou and Diva regarding "Shadi's death", Ryou's father and Yami Bakura, Diva starts becoming reluctant to revenge on Ryou.
Mani appears in Diva's and Ryou's dimension to learn Mani is being controlled by the Millennium Ring, who tries to kill Ryou, Diva tries to stop Mani as Mani himself stops himself but gets affected and "disappears" to another dimension and so does Ryou.
Yugi, Honda and Anzu look for Jounouchi and Ryou, Diva appears before them and summons the Prana around them, Jounouchi surviving one of dimensions inside the Dimension Cube to be saved by Atem in going back to the "original dimension" with his friends...Diva disappears to being captured by Kaiba and his Dimension Cube taken.
Diva and Yugi are forced by Kaiba to participate in his selective tournament, Yugi VS Diva first and learning about Diva's harsh childhood, Yugi wins, then Kaiba VS Yugi discussing the truth about the Millennium Puzzle and Atem, Diva in his own dimension finds the millennium ring that was left in the dimension where Mani disappeared, Diva and Dimension Cube gets controlled by the millennium ring.
Kaiba VS Yugi close to end by one turn, gets interrupted by Yami Diva (Zork-Diva), with Dimension Cube being corrupted, people start to disappear including the Prana, Kaiba and Yugi are the only ones still standing tag duel against Zork-Diva, Kaiba loses and starts to disappear and makes Yugi wear the Millennium Puzzle, Yugi tries to stand as he was almost about to lose consciousness, Atem from "netherworld" or "spiritual dimension" to take over through the Millennium Puzzle to save Yugi and everyone involved. including the Prana, Yugi and Atem go separate, say their farewells as the millennium puzzle disappears first and Atem goes back to "Netherworld" or "spiritual dimension".
The Graduation Ceremony comes to an end, the gang and prana go with their life towards their future, Kaiba going to Atem's dimension through the help of "copy" of Diva's Dimension Cube, challenges Atem again to a duel.

Key Points:

That's how kinda gonna look like, but this is a "Vertical Screens Ensemble" (that's the name...instead of Panels, it's Screens with "Vertical" and "Horizontal"), there is Horizontal Screens Ensemble which will be in next key point, I have to say, it was very hard to make these screens ensembles.
This scene is after the opening of the movie, we see them excavating in a shrine where lied the "Tablet of Pharaoh's Memories" and technically was the Tablet of the Millennium Items, where they were forged and happened the Rite of the Duel between Atem and Yugi, this excavation was ordered by Kaiba (of course), even one of his agents is overseeing with a photo of Yugi when he had the millennium puzzle.
What got my most attention from this was the "Door" to the "next world" was still intact, from where Atem left to afterlife, probably won't open again, since "most" of the millennium items are "gone", to be opened again, you need all the millennium items.

If you wish to continue reading, click "Read More" below:


It will have this kind of set up with the Screens Ensembles, some times both Horizontal as much Vertical and mixed.
From Top Screens Ensemble dialogue between Yugi and his grandpa is curious plus Yugi's reaction and expression 😏:

Sugoroku: "Umm, well, you see..."

Yugi: "Hey, I'm kind of in a hurry here."

Sugoroku: "Well... I've been noticing Anzu-chan hasn't been coming by to walk with you to school lately."

Yugi: "Huh?"

Sugoroku: "Well, you know. You two always used to go to school together..."

Yugi: "And here I thought it was something important...That kind of stuff is out of style!"

The moment he mentions Anzu to Yugi not coming with him lately to pick him up, Yugi is actually blushing all the way through as he is about to leave after the conversation with his grandpa, for better view->   click here.
Taking into account his somewhat secretive nature, he is hiding something, to get to the Bottom Screens Ensemble, Yugi and Anzu meeting up at a street staircase even Anzu asks if he has been waiting long, they have been meeting up in secret, the way Anzu comes to Yugi is very cute (NOTE: animated gif), Yugi goes a little "m-morning!", it seems to imply they are already dating and from the sound of it is pretty recent too if Yugi seems to haven't got used to it, Anzu is the more bold one so she is already comfortable with it.
Something very important, a very important detail, YUGI'S HEIGHT!! He has grown up a lot that he is almost Anzu's eye level, they're almost the same height, finally the puberty has done it's job, it took awhile.
Congratulations, Yugi! You won't be mistaken as elementary schooler or middle schooler anymore! *claps*claps*
As a reminder from previous posts it was implied, this is what Anzu wished for a very long time, even before Dark Yugi appeared, Yugi didn't have to be taller than her, just at a physique, height that Yugi wouldn't be mistaken as elementary schooler anymore and looks like his actual age, which he does recently, Yugi is way more mature even in looks while still keeping his kindness, fun-loving traits.

I like this scene as well, seeing these characters going on their daily lives like this, Yugi, Anzu, here Jounouchi and Honda riding on Jounouchi's bicycle, his bicycle must be recent buy by over a year, Ryou part with him being surrounded by his fangirls (poor boy), Yugi and Anzu had already arrived but reacted like this "πŸ˜…", feeling sorry for him, so Yugi calls Ryou, then Ryou finds the chance to greet them, it seems that is usually has to be Yugi, well it seems he isn't just the mediator between the gang, but as much Ryou's fangirls and the gang...Ryou and Yugi have it rough, but I think there is more reasons like if was Anzu to call Ryou, the girls would get jealous and resent, if was Jounouchi (we all know how it would be...), Honda would be similar but more being ignored, while Yugi is pretty well-liked even the girls and more of a "peacemaker", I can easily imagine he is the mediator around the class as well somehow.


Since they are close to graduate, they are discussing about their futures, for the time being, focused on between them regarding Anzu, Ryou, Honda and Jounouchi, quoting their interactions:

Jounouchi: "Are you serious, Anzu? So, you're gonna go study abroad after you graduate after all?"

Anzu: "I'm going to get out there on my own and just wing it, you know?"

Yugi: "Well, it's been your childhood dream to perform in a musical, after all."

Ryou: "Wow, going abroad with all your hopes and dreams in tow, huh?"

Honda: "I sure am envious. Only thing I'll be doing is taking over my pop's factory and slaving away day in, day out."

Jounouchi: "Hm?—Don't be silly, Honda, That right there is a great job that'll help support......the glorious nation of Japan! Why, I still haven' a damn thing lined up for myself, y'know!!"


Anzu: "What happened to all those reckless dreams of you becoming a pro duelist?"

Jounouchi: "Make no mistake, yours truly has improved his dueling skills. First, I'll win the neighborhood tournament!"

I find this part that we see, Anzu, we already know but she is the most bold even when comes to her dreams, it's like she said, even though she is going to study abroad to become a dancer and to be in a musical was her dream since childhood, she going abroad on her own, making these kinds of decisions like study abroad is not easy and to adapt, but as been noted even by Shadi, she is confident and a bold person, the friends reaction is admiring her boldness and pushing forward towards her dream (which is admirable, I agree).
Ryou, from how he reacted to Anzu's dream, you can tell himself has yet to decide, but since he has love for games, board games specifically, it might be something related and since he makes RPGs campaigns on tabletop RPG meetings, it's not just with his friends, it might be something related to that.
Honda, it's what interest me here the most, he is going to fill his father's job in his father's factory, his father seems to be the director of a factory, but factory of what, his name is Honda Hiroto, in our world, Honda is a very famous motor company, but in this fictional work, who might be related to that somehow, it explains why Honda had a cellphone in Death-T when at the time wasn't available to most public unless you were well-off somehow, from Jounouchi's reaction, it seems to be the case, for how Honda complains about "slaving away", so kind of a salary man in a way...this might be why he was a former delinquent, inheriting and having a job already decided by the time he was if was decided for you...I guess that's understandable.
Jounouchi is well...obvious, he wants to be a pro-duelist, but that will be difficult, since he would have to gather points to rise his rank, he wants to start small first, that's good thinking, since he has to put food on the table, being a "pro-duelist" is a bit unstable, his financial state is struggling...therefore the many side-jobs he has.

Before getting to the reveal of Yugi's dream, I want to point out, in the previous Screens Ensembles as much in this one, the placement of where and how they are sitting is interesting, Yugi and Anzu, side by side sitting like a couple, Ryou is sitting on a bucket while Jounouchi and Honda on the floor, they probably wanted more as form of a circle to eat together, the social language in this part says a lot from how and where Yugi and Anzu are sitting kind of implies they are dating, Ryou sitting on bucket was probably initially he was about to sit on the floor but probably one of his fangirls given him a bucket to sit (it's very likely that's what happened) which leaves Jounouchi and Honda sitting on the floor.
Quoting their interaction of Yugi's dream (career, job wise):

Anzu: "Yugi? Why don't you let everyone hear what your dream is?"

Yugi: "Oh, mm-hmm...I want to create a new kind of game while helping out back at the shop. Also, you know, there's this game contest in Germany every year. I was thinking it'd be great to win it!"

Ryou: "Wow, that sounds interesting!"

Jounouchi: "Okay, then! When the game you make gets to be number one in the world, let's all meet up and play it."

Honda: "Now we're talking!"

Ryou: "Uh-huh, let's do it!"

Yugi: "Hold up, guys!"

Anzu: "Don't you worry. Knowing you, Yugi, you're bound to make your dream come true!"

Yugi: "Mm-hmm. We'll do it, then. Count on it."

In summary, Yugi wants to become a game designer, as in board or table games, like we have seen in early 7 volumes, there was a chapter that implied Yugi invented games, as we can see in chapter 41 "Let's Find Love", he invented small games to train himself for this, Yugi before seeing Pegasus as an enemy, he did look up to Pegasus as game designer, he admired Ryuji for being the creator of DDM, there was always indications as such.
 It seems Anzu knew about it probably since their childhood, feeling confident he will win knowing him also one of the few who didn't ever underestimated him, he knows him since childhood, Yugi as implied seemed to make games since he was a child as part of his daily life, not just playing games.
Jounouchi with his time spent with Yugi is confident as well he is going to win, he was even the first to say, since him and Honda played his games like the Bingo Achievement Test Scores and probably more, Honda as well, Ryou as someone who also loves board games is interested, but he also must be familiar like Anzu, Jounouchi and Honda that Yugi makes games in his free time besides playing them, because they think it suits Yugi and know he is more than capable to achieve his dream and very supportive that they plan playing the game when he wins the game design contest (Jounouchi's idea), Yugi is the one thinking "don't put the cart before the horse" πŸ˜‚ and deciding more firmly to win.

Once they enter their class, they see this boy sitting by the window, they don't remember who he is (chill, you have +20 classmates in your class, it's not like you can remember all of them), however is because they can sense something is off, but if you notice, no matter how you look at it, the boy stands out (his hair for starters)...them not remembering at first, some of them would likely remember, then Honda is the one who reminds them, Yugi not remembering as someone who has impressive memory (over the manga seems to know all his classmates's names)'s possible that Yugi feels something is off, Ryou, Anzu and Jounouchi seem to subconsciously sense something is off for not remembering (Jounouchi claims to have a good memory), everyone in class is just ignoring as if nothing happened while the gang are the ones who questioned themselves if he was always in their class...there is a lot of meaning to this than it looks, the boy's name is supposedly "Aigami".
I'll mention again...Yugi's Height!! Yugi is slight over Jounouchi's and Ryou's shoulder, but at shoulder's Honda, well Honda has always been the tallest of the gang, such a leap! πŸ˜ƒ

There is a slight inconsistency in the first frame from the Left, Yugi's height..that's not his height anymore...the second frame corrects it.
The subject of Atem is brought up, when they're speaking of Yugi/Atem's deck and Yugi feels somehow it isn't his deck but more of Atem, since he was the one who played most duels, Yugi still refers to him as "other me"...they're close to graduate, which means is almost Spring break, the Rite of the Duel kinda happened during August or September, so it passed 1 year and a half since Atem left to afterlife, Yugi is still not quite over Atem leaving, what's more or less, what he is going through is similar to grief over a loss of someone dear to you that passed away, but Yugi still refer him as "other me" instead his name, still bothers me, as understandable as it might be.
Jounouchi gets him and tells him that he hasn't to force himself to forget him to "get over it", but Yugi is more towards himself thinking that he isn't trying to forget him, it's more what he doesn't want to say it not even to himself, that he misses his "other me" - Atem, it's normal to still miss them even when they passed away or went to afterlife (it takes years, sometimes), Atem was for almost 2 years part of his daily life, to Yugi feels something is missing without Atem/other me.


I don't like this scene as much I like this scene, what I don't like is the leader of the gang, Kudaragi, he was filming "Aigami" without his consent yet the bastard says "not doing anything", filming someone against their consent is a crime, dude, the only thing I agree with "Aigami" is a good looking fellow (the rest of Kudaragi is gross) - that I found strange there weren't girls over the boy, maybe because he looks "foreigner", japanese are usually very shy about foreigners.
The part I like are the details, for starters, the design of the gang, you can tell it was Takahashi-sensei who designed them, that's his style when comes to antagonists like these, we have to remember this is still the late 90s, despite already existing tablets and smartphones, but since Kaiba Corp is more or less the pioneer of advancing technology thanks to Kaiba Seto, he advances technology to an amazing speed that makes it excusable.
Among other details that I like, it's that it retains Jounouchi's experience as a street fighter and as former delinquent characteristic, in the anime adaptation they kinda removed this part of Jounouchi's character, the moment the gang sees them, specially Kudaragi goes "tch", Jounouchi is still renowned and infamous around gangs as a fighter and about his former delinquent days.
Kudaragi's gang are willing to fight, but Kudaragi knows better so he tells them for them to go but he whispers a threat to "Aigami" to to a meeting place..., when they left, Jounouchi says the following to "Aigami":

Jounouchi: "Hold on. Those guys are a bunch of notorious thugs around these parts. If you're being blackmailed or something, then let me..."

"Aigami": "No, really, I'll be fine."

That's some interesting information about Kudaragi's gang is that they're "notorious thugs", does this mean in this section of Domino City? I think of Hirutani's gang which is clearly the more dangerous one, however according to the school he attends "Rintama High School", it would be a little further way from the "Domino High School" (Domino High is more towards the centre of Domino City), the "thugs gang" of Domino High School would be Kudaragi's gang, it makes me wonder how Hirutani is fairing...he might be in jail.. or hospital, who knows.


This scene, it has been already implied his real name isn't "Aigami", then when "Aigami" asks Kudaragi and his gang if he resides in their memories, then Kudaragi asks that "he is Aigami, right?", there might be something off...
One can wonder what Kudaragi was thinking of doing it...from the way he mentioned with a camera on hand and what he was doing awhile ago with the smartphone said, 2+2, your guess.
Then comes the supernatural part, when he summons this cube with a "millennium eye" mark that is common to see in millennium items, it was already implying of a possible "8th millennium item" from the beginning, basically what "Aigami" does with this cube, let's call it "Dimension Cube", it just fits, he summons the "Prana", the mentioned individuals with "superior consciousness" from Transcend Game, it's not here in the screenshots of this key point, in next few key points will be there to both of them and "Aigami" who is also a "Prana" to send Kudaragi and his gang to a "lesser dimension" (they didn't died by the way).
The other curious detail, is that Kudaragi's camera was still filming, "Aigami" leaving to come back, takes away the camera, so there is no trace to be tracked of what happened here...


For Kaiba still referring to Atem as "Yugi" ("the other yugi"), it's not just Yugi who isn't over it, Kaiba isn't either but for competitive and obsessive rivalry reasons for being an extremely single-minded individual, despite all of this, he does have some interesting analysis about Atem, I have to say, it can be quite accurate, during this simulation of "other yugi" duel, his own inner monologue:

"Yugi...Your moves always go well beyond your opponent's expectations...Your strategies employ instantaneous analysis of their tactics during battle, allowing you to read what's up their sleeve and beyond. Even faced with absolutely unfavorable odds, you have come out victorious in numerous battles, even cracking a smile all the while, and while you assume that you've subjected me to disgrace as well...Behold.Our battle is going to evolve."

That's a very interesting analysis of Atem's duelling style, it's spot on too, despite still refer to him as "Yugi" (other yugi) - yeah, it bothers me even more, as someone as supposedly rational as Kaiba - but shows that Kaiba is more connected to his emotions than he looks, besides if he were to refer the "Other Yugi" Yugi as Atem, that would be admitting that he really he was gone...for further proof what he says to Dark Yugi's simulation at the beginning of this simulation:

"...after you went into hiding without a trace and took victory with you. But now, I finally have you! And the embodiment of my tenacity being this new Duel Disk of mine!"

This is the beginning of the simulation, he isn't over it, there is more to it...he knows his name is Atem. The interesting part is that this "Dark Yugi simulation" is a bit different, there is no millennium puzzle and has those arm bracelets...then at the end of this simulation he says:

"So, nothing more than a miserable clown wrought from my memories after all, are you? Be gone, Yugi!"

He knows he isn't him, but is interesting, that this simulation comes from his own memories, even though he beaten "Simulation Dark Yugi", it's just isn't the same, Atem isn't actually there, it just bases from his memories...but there is other interesting analysis he makes about Atem to his researchers:

"Indeed, the new Duel Links Solid Vision System is capable of duels far and away greater than anything played before. With the cards serving as your deck not actually existing, the data for every card in the world is transmitted into all Disks via the Crystal Cloud Network, with quantum information linking with one's cerebral memory banks...,turning any and all dueling data, into neuro-images which then visualize themselves into any free space. By analyzing my extensive memory data on him and linking it with my cerebral nerves...I was successful in perfectly materializing Yugi Mutou.
While it's true that in terms of deck construction, strategic characteristics and even his penchant for getting under others' skin, he was indeed a living copy...However...However, he was nothing more than an image produced by my memories.
What point is there in victory over some vision from my past!?"

Kaiba really hates the word "past", huh? xDD
Other than the extremely advanced neuro-science technology involved here with Solid Vision System to test the new duel disk. Kaiba is impressive, but it doesn't look like that accessible in monetary-wise, just looking at it, you can tell is going to be very expensive.
But Kaiba's analysis slightly extended about his "penchant for getting under other's skin" is amusing, he is speaking that he has a sassy side or provoking your opponent, his cheeky attitude, he isn't over it, because he isn't willing to accept that he is gone and won't come back...therefore he still refers Atem as "Yugi".
Lastly, Mokuba and the excavation team has found Millennium Puzzle Pieces, look at Mokuba!, So grown up, he looks very good in that suit!


From Top Screens Ensemble, Yugi seems to have a tablet, it seems even more advanced than the ones we have (in comparison, makes ours look like bricks), but since Kaiba influences in advancing technology, the rest of the world follow suit, I would even dare to say, Kaiba Corp by now is a multi-millionaire corporation or became technically a multi-millionaire conglomerate...Yugi before wasn't that much getting these kinds of technologies, but recently he has been (at the time, when cellphones, started to become common in Battle City, Yugi didn't have it), nowadays he has it, I believe the biggest motivation are games. Yugi was reading a news article about the recent disappearance of Kudaragi and his gang and among other people...Yugi has always been paying attention to these things, but before he would be easily distracted...Ryuji also have been catching up through the internet as well with the news saying that it has been happening around the world...
While Ryou speaks up that he has been feeling someone watching him, Anzu points out his fans, he just sighs (xDD), but he isn't wrong, he didn't meant in that sense, though...
Kaiba then makes a big announcement of his new duel disk model...that there will be a new tournament soon, Jounouchi feeling down in the dumps seeing the new model and with him working his butt-off on many side jobs (it seems his father problem hasn't been solved yet, poor boy), so he tries to make Honda pay or buy a new one while at the same time eats Anzu's ice cream like that (JOUNOUCHI! If it were me, I would have put the rest of the ice cream on his face!), then Mr.Otogi makes an appearance...firing Jounouchi for his behaviour...I would be pissed too.


Then we see "Aigami" watching them from afar, however while he is there, he is also at the same in some dimension, I'll call "Special Dimension", for the time being we still don't know what is going on...but...there is a inner conversation "Aigami" has with himself:

"When all seven of the lost items are assembled, the Pharaoh will travel to the netherworld. Even souls of the wicked shall revert to light and the gateway of a new dimension shall be open. Eventually, the new world rendered in the light of order shall be ushered in by the souls of a higher plane."

These people who are Prana were in this dimension, there is some unusual revelations here, like the one saying here, doesn't make sense, because the pharaoh soul already went to "netherworld", so why they still haven't gone to higher plane as is claimed here? Apparently, "Aigami" is holding it back by his hatred and something, then Sera comes in, who debuted in Transcend Game as one of test subjects of Kaiba's VR Links World system, she tries to warn "Aigami" by his real name, Diva, the following:

Sera: "Diva...The energy wave of your hatred is causing your own wavelength to drop, throwing off the harmony of everyone else as well. That energy wave will soon come to split off our synchronous energy wave pattern."

Diva"Aigami": "I know that."

Sera: "We must abandon this world just as Shin-sama has told us...and go to a new world of a higher plane."

Diva "Aigami": "I know that. Yes, I know that! Still.. Still, that guy is in Domino City...That is where he is!"

Sera: "You mustn't go, Diva!"

From the conversation, we can guess that he wants revenge for "Shin-sama" and seems from how he focus looking at Ryou and Yugi, it means these two are somehow involved, as Sera is saying, it seems Diva is holding them back to go to a "higher plane" they understand the true meaning of it? I wonder...higher plane, means beyond the "mortal plane", it's similar to spiritual and physical evolution from 3D to 4D, which is why the "Dimension Cube", it seems Takahashi-sensei took interest in this subject about spirituality and metaphysics on it's own, there was with characters going through PVS and NDEs and their "spiritual presence" like in "miniatures", during duels or after a duel, etc.
Sera isn't the only one trying to warn Diva to not get swayed by thoughts of revenge, Mani, who is also one of the Prana, but he is one of the closest to Diva, Mani and Sera (his little sister), it seems Diva is aware that they are holding back, but to something that happened in the's lingering on him as much Mani saying Kaiba is making his move (towards the millennium puzzle).

Only after rewatching this scene for many times (for screenshots) that I noticed this detail as Diva was watching Ryou and Yugi, I guess he was kind of amused by Jounouchi in a way too, because this part alone with Mr.Otogi pick him up and juggling around Jounouchi, which Jounouchi tolerated and as he was about to punch Jounouchi, Jounouchi just did "locking" move. It's so funny πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜. It seems Jounouchi can't stand anyone punching him or let anyone do so, really...that's quite amusing.


Starting this key point with Seto and Kaiba conversation about the Millennium Puzzle:

Mokuba Kaiba: "But, Brother? They say it took Yugi eight years to complete the Puzzle the first time."

Seto Kaiba: "A result of his child-like intellect, no less."

This small conversation, child-like intellect doesn't mean the person is stupid, in fact it commonly means that he is very intelligent but is immature, he isn't completely wrong, honestly, for quite some time despite being very intelligent, he didn't took school seriously and always prioritized the games and gets easily distracted...also a bit childish in behavior, however from Mokuba's expression...he doesn't mean just the 8 years, but the other rumours (if they aren't the chosen, the millennium item will try to kill you)...he is concerned for his big brother.
Kaiba senses a presence that wasn't meant to be there, "Aigami" or as his real name being "Diva", how Kaiba does know all of this, first he knows of the Prana already in Transcend Game, he has all over most Domino City under surveillance, the technology used for this is from Kaiba Corp after all, that's how he knows...but what Diva says to Kaiba here is intriguing:

"Kaiba Corporation, the company which rules over Domino City...To think that you cannot even register as a resident unless you also register your dueling deck...You are indeed one mad dictator."

That's very crazy, Kaiba...I don't agree 100% with Diva about Kaiba being a mad dictator, but he is a bit of a "control freak" (this is more accurate), a duelling deck register as resident of Domino City...he is way too obsessed with this card a very controlling way...that's a bit extreme...
Diva summons his Dimension Cube to gather the Prana to make ready to release their powers as he is explaining:

"What they call «the collective human consciousness»? The collective human consciousness ensures  that all happenings in the world...are unconsciously determined via a neurological network. In short, the fact that you rule in Domino City as a dictator, is something that the inhabitants of the city, and even......the people of the world have determined via their collective consciousness. You are simply being allowed to play the part of conqueror. All for the equilibrium of a distorted and foolish world whose creation was made possible by the synchronization of all humans. That dangerous [thing] - the guard with a gun] which just disappeared has moved to a dimension with a  minutely different energy wave pattern via the collective consciousness of our allies gathered from all over the world. To a dimension which is visible to neither of us yet exists here."

That sounds very neurosciency, but the best way for me to describe in a more short-term and easy to understand is collectivism, in collectivism there is a leader or those organizations that control how groups or society or civilization works and people follow along, more like a herd of sheep, if you will.
In the Bottom Screens Ensemble, Diva attempts to send Kaiba to a "lesser dimension" (as Diva calls it, that's arrogant), but thanks to results from Kaiba's research in Transcend Game from VR system, his newest model of Duel Disk can reflect and materialize one's willpower and "higher consciousness" or other way of saying such "spiritual energy" of anyone who wields it, therefore it protected Kaiba from being sent to a "lesser dimension", They go start with Dimension Duel, but since the ambience changes like a shadow game, it's technically a shadow game but as "Dimension Duel" (that's the name I call it), they were kinda sent to "another dimension".


The Screens Ensemble on the Left, the duel is almost ending, Kaiba's inner monologue before starting to consider what to do next while refusing to lose to Diva:

"In no way is defeat a permissible option in this place. The one who should have put the nail in Yugi's—no, in Atem's coffin...was none other than me. And, in my subconscious, having failed that task, his ghost continues to wander around, even to this date. Yugi..."

This says a lot actually, Kaiba is in between admitting refer Atem as Atem and refusing to accept he is gone by Yugi "other yugi", Kaiba feels irritated that Yugi got to defeat Atem first than him and send him to afterlife, which was what he wanted (the battle city tournament to feel he conquered "Duel King"), in his inner monologue, says of Atem as ghost still wandering in his subconscious, I would say he doesn't want to admit that he actually misses battling duels with him, Atem was a real challenge to him and a rival...inspired him to evolve the duels and the card game Magic&Wizards, Kaiba does hold grudge to both of them, Atem and Yugi...
The Screens Ensemble on the Right, the part when Kaiba completely slaps Diva in a very satisfying way, due to his "dimension monsters", Kaiba was having a hard time, since his deck is a "power-deck", very focused on monsters with high ATK, Diva more or less did block his "power-deck", Kaiba came up with the idea and sensed, since Kaiba is connected to the millennium items and one of the few who can summon the Egyptian Gods, he summons Obelisk in "Dimension Summon" (also Atem had given permission to summon it xD), yeah, when Kaiba uses the "infinite ATK" effect of Obelisk, Diva while panicked claims his monsters negates all monsters effects, but Kaiba corrects him, "It's no Monster. It's a God!", in technical terms, it is a Divine-Attribute card, which means, any monsters effects from the player or opponent is useless against Divine type of Attibute, to Diva's expression that screams "I'm f@cked" xDD.

It's so cute Mokuba jumps over the box with the pieces as a way to protect it while despite Mokuba looking more mature and responsible, he still does the "kid" methods and even on a suit (by the way, he looks great), Diva teleport stopping his duel with Kaiba to prevent them from taking the pieces of the millennium puzzle, the reason they are doing this is to prevent Kaiba from "reviving" the pharaoh so Prana can go to a higher plane, but is still stupid because Pharaoh has been gone to afterlife over a year and half ago, there is no excuses, they could have gone by that time, Diva is the one holding it back for revenge...
Diva is actually successful in getting two pieces before Mokuba headbutt him, Mokuba is so reliable, Kaiba says their duel has been postponed, hmm, he was enjoying it, it seems.
Another detail, it's not here, after Kaiba took off after excavating and taking the millennium puzzle pieces, one of the Prana and close friends with Diva called Mani, went to see something further down was shinning...the Millennium Ring.

I love this scene πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. It's so funny, very funny, it's a hilarious dream, that's gold comedy right here, Jounouchi like Kaiba can be quite prideful when they don't admit they want something or stubborn about their real feelings...but what makes it hilarious in this scene is it shows Jounouchi's impression of Kaiba, I would have to say is slightly off the mark but very funny nonetheless, there were expressions that were slightly exaggerated, some are very Kaiba-ish but others is more Jounouchi...

First starting with Yugi in this key point, Yugi making the speech for the graduation ceremony and from how he has buttoned his uniform, this means, usually in anime or manga, it's usually the ones who make the speech of third year is best student or top student of his year and school, you know what this means? Yugi has grown up in taking his studies seriously, Yugi was always very intelligent but didn't took studies seriously as long was something he was interested, but since it was games for him, he didn't really study during his freshman year, I would dare to say it was in 2nd year of high school, he started to take it seriously, a fast-learner too, with just a bit of effort from his part, he could easily be the top student, here is happening, his mother would be so proud. Can I say that bow from Yugi was so graceful!? He is growing up...😒
Regarding the interaction between Sera and Diva:

Sera: "You fought with Kaiba, didn't you?"

Diva: "Yeah, the Millennium Puzzle is in his clutches. If it should ever be put together...And, if that should happen, we'll never carry out Shin-sama's prophecy, and we will find ourselves bound to this dimension."

Sera: "Diva...That's why I'm telling you to give up on this selfish sense of vengeance now."

Diva: "As for the revival of the Pharaoh, all we need to do is eliminate the vessel."

Sera: "No, Big Brother! I have a terrible feeling about this. Something that could be irreversible...Big Brother, please believe. There are those in this world, as well, who will be on your side."

Diva: "On my side...?"

Diva is quite similar to Kaiba in not taking seriously their younger siblings advice and making excuses for their stupid choices, πŸ˜‘, specially when they're the ones being quite sensible, Sera in this case is more or less saying about stop making excuses, so he can do his revenge and making other people involved that got nothing to do with it...besides according to the prophecy, they should have gone to the "higher plane" by one year and half ago (that's when the pharaoh already went to netherworld), why they didn't? Is Diva aware him "eliminate" Kaiba and Yugi to prevent the pharaoh from being revived are just excuses to prolong his real target of his revenge? they could have gone to the "higher plane" for quite a long ago, it makes me wonder what they have been doing all this time? gathering more "Prana", so Diva could do his "revenge" or help more people from unjust suffering? (the reports of some people that have disappeared become part of "Prana" and others sent to "lesser dimension") That's hypocritical of Diva, keep lying to himself the most, honestly.
Sera implies that they can trust Yugi...Diva entrusts one of the millennium pieces to Sera (since he has stolen two).

Since there is a lot of unnecessary dialogue lines about science that I don't understand for most of it, but from what could be understood, since the millennium puzzle is highly complex that in order to be solved, you have to look from all the angles of the mechanisms of each piece in how they piece up together, Kaiba programmed a 3D-scanner in a zero-gravity to make a very complex 3D-scanner for it to solve it (as expected of Kaiba, that's genius mind for you), however for the AI 3D-scanner take 6 hours to complete...that's a long time...
Why Kaiba isn't solving it himself...? Taking into account the rumours and facts about millennium items and millennium puzzle and how Mr.Otogi almost died to solve the millennium puzzle for not being "the chosen one" would still be risky even for Kaiba...he isn't the "chosen" vessel for the pharaoh either...

The scene when Jounouchi whose curious asks about Diva's cube:

Diva as "Aigami": "This? I guess it's like a deck case."

Jounouchi: "Uh-huh... Pretty uncommon look for one."

Ryou: "Is it an antique or something?"

Diva as "Aigami": "Mm-hmm... Straight from Egypt. I received it from someone very dear to me."

Ryou: "That makes sense. My dad is an antique salesman, you see, and he's traveled all over the world a lot of times, so I was in Egypt before I transferred to my current school."

Diva as "Aigami": "Egypt, huh? Wow. I sure would like to hear that story..."

What took my interest as much with Diva as "Aigami" about Ryou's father, apparently he was an antique salesman, similar to Mr.Kanekura, the former director of Domino Museum, who currently now is Ryou's father, which makes a lot of sense of him becoming the "curator", from the sound of it, since his father traveled a lot around the world, Ryou and his family did so, it was often as well, but was probably the "strange incidents" with Ryou about Yami Bakura and RPG tabletop, Ryou started to distance from his family and living on his this time now, the millennium ring isn't with him anymore he might be living with his family now.


 Before getting analytical, Yugi looks great on black shirt πŸ‘Œ, too bad we haven't got the chance to see Atem wearing it except on fanarts, but would be very nice in a official art.

Sera explains Prana to Yugi among other things that has been mentioned briefly:

Yugi: "This is my treasure and, right now, I'm storing my really important cards in it..."

Sera: "...and those cards are also the cards beloved by the Pharaoh that resided within your heart. Long ago, there was a monk who served the Pharaoh. His name was Shadi. Shadi Shin. That person's mission was to collect all seven Millennium Items to the Tablet of the Pharaoh's Memories and send off his spirit to the netherworld. And then, there's you, Yugi Mutou-san, the one and only chosen vessel for the Pharaoh's spirit in this world. You continued on your path and protected the Puzzle."

[Sera shows the Prana Dimension, ancient scriptures and symbols, the Prana in front of it]

Yugi: "What is that?"

Sera: "It is where we of Prana assemble."

Yugi: "Prana?"

Sera: "We are now the inheritors of  the late Shin-sama's will. The travelers to a new dimension. And, Yugi-san, you are like us in that you possess a similar energy wave."

Yugi: "Who are you?"

Sera: "I am Sera. Come with us to a new world. You are of the chosen, just as we are."

The dialogue is interesting, we even get Shadi's full name being Shadi Shin, the one that Diva is attempting to revenge for is Shadi, it's interesting that he was monk, I didn't knew there were monks in Ancient Egypt, in Asia, yes but not Egypt.
Sera explains more or less that they know already that Yugi did his duty as vessel of the pharaoh to send him to afterlife "netherworld", which happened ones year and an half ago, I ask again why? why would Diva try to eliminate Yugi thinking Yugi might revive Atem if from his own volition send Atem to afterlife? his logic is so flawed...or excuses, he is just postponing to do his revenge...
The more curious part since when did they met Shadi and how come he is "dead"? Considering of what we know about Shadi...The Prana are inheritors of his will? Travelers to a new dimension...the higher plane...she says Yugi is similar in energy wave....
But the Travelers to higher plane, if we think through about the mentioned from 3-D to 4-D, from the sound of it, if they would go to "higher plane", would that mean in gaining somewhat abilities to travel between worlds or this new dimension would be reserved to Prana who have the same wave energy...the question is why they are into it but yet is being posponed thanks to someone who wants revenge, Diva, since he is the one wields the Dimension Cube, he is supposed to be the "leader" to guide them to a new dimension - the higher plane.
When Sera left invites to come with him as she leaves, she entrusts the missing piece she has been holding to Yugi.


This happens while Diva as "Aigami" sends them to a different dimension to have a more "private talk" when he asks Ryou what he remembers - since Ryou mentioned that had before one, or the time spent in Egypt with his father...Ryou is hesitant:

"Well, it's not one I really want to remember, but...It was when my father heard that a certain antique that he had spent many years searching for...was located in the Valley of the Kings. And in order to obtain it, he set off on his own. For whatever reason, I was intrigued and trailed him in secret. Why? Why bring this up!? I don't want to even remember what happened on that night!"

During this cutscene of him remembering, his father as we see here, was riding on a boat or ship, because it looked like more a yacht (those are expensive, that means his father was wealthy), if he was obsessed with an antique that he has been looking for, remember he is an antique salesman for a reason, it's not just to sell them like those really expensive ones, collects them as well, I wonder what antique Ryou's father was so obsessed with...Ryou trailed his father in secret since he was intrigued for seeing his father going on his own...since he was trailing his dad, he must have thought it would be safe...from the sounds of it, Ryou actually has trauma that he blocked away, we know his father is alive (he is the current curator of Domino Museum).

Jounouchi seeing Ryou distressed as realizing they were in a different dimension...getting the cause is Diva as "Aigami" who is provoking it, here is their interaction:

Diva as "Aigami": "The sight you are seeing that of your usual tree-lined avenue. I have gone ahead and slightly altered your neural information of it with my powers."

Jounouchi: "Aigami...What are you talking about?"

Diva as "Aigami": "Jonouchi...I have some business to attend to with Bakura. Hate to do this, but I'm going to have to make you disappear."

[Jounouchi grabs Aigami by the collar]

Diva as "Aigami": "Resorting to violence, are we? As I suspected, such low class."

Jounouchi: "What!?"

Diva as "Aigami":  "Allow me to now show you the truth of this world. Where do you people get your visual information from? Is the information that always goes through your eyes the truth or not? Am I truly being seen by your eyes? Safe travels...To the world of truth. [...] Here, no one notices you. [...] I will tell you something, Jonouchi. The world that your eyes usually see is not a world composing of you alone. The temporal and spacial frequencies the brain perceives are shared with the inhabitants of your world. It is commonly referred to as «collective consciousness». Simply put, in your world, your school, your city, and even your friends' faces...All those who perceive the same frequencies in your world unconsciously confirm them with one another to establish...a hologram-esque world constructed in a domain of time and space. The world you are seeing now is made from your neural information alone. In other words, it's a world barred from accessing neural information with anyone other than yourself. You are lost in a world all of your own—one which is isolated from the collective consciousness. [...]Herein lies the game. A neural image escape game.[...] Jonouchi. In order to make it out alive, you need only rely on the memories within your brain. Now, remember! [...] Do you get it, Jonouchi? Even if you do exist within this world, unless the inhabitants around you have memories of you in their subconscious, you will not be able to exist. [...] Farewell..."

That's a long quote, the last time was with Mokuba explaining his and Seto's backstory...since will be brought up at the make it easier to understand is putting the collectivism concept as a separate reality from individualism which is where Jounouchi is inside...the "individualism" dimension if you will, isolated from "collectivism" on his neural information...
I really don't like his attitude with Jounouchi, I'm just not fond of "too entitled characters" as antagonist is irritating for me, because you see them everywhere...I'm with Jounouchi in punching his face, I wouldn't feel sorry on his pretty face 😊, I usually would, but his ego and entitlement is too annoying, but I guess there is more creative ways to piss Diva off. πŸ˜’


Starting with the screenshot on the Right during the movie of this scene, looking at the Tablet of the Shrine <---click here for better view of the image (because with "Pharaoh's Memories" is long), in this tablet was where the millennium items were forged...the items missing are obviously the Rod, Tauk (necklace), the Puzzle (formerly Pendant), Key is the one Shadi is currently wielding, the other missing is the Eye, which means, Pegasus by this time already has the Millennium Eye, the ones still on the Tablet are the Millennium Ring and Scales...
Shadi is giving teachings to the Prana:

Sera: "Shadi-sama, why must people persist in conflict?"

Shadi: "For conflict exists within all of our hearts."

Sera: "With our hearts?"

Diva: "But, none of us have ever fought before. Conflict exists in us, regardless?"

Shadi: "Why, yes, Diva. So long as fear exists in the hearts of any and all."

Mani: "Fear...sir?"

Shadi: "All conflict spawns fear. The fear of loss...Be it one's life, one's loved one, one's land, or one's country...The fear of loss extends to many things..."

Diva: "Then, what about those who rule? Rulers who have nothing to fear, exist in this world and take so much away."

Shadi: "Whose who take something away, are ruled by the fear of something being taken away. A constant pattern now...and into eternity."

Diva: "I am not afraid. Not ever since you saved us that one time, Shadi-sama. And not as long as I can be with you and everyone else, Shadi-sama!"

Shadi: "That is fear, Diva!"

That is an interesting idea about where conflicts comes from as being from fear, despite disagreeing with most of it...conflict comes from more than just fear, as an example greed can become insatiable like an addiction, abuse of power, as long revolves around money and power, fear is one of the elements that spawn conflict, however I agree with Shadi when Diva stopped being afraid since Shadi saved them from something...Shadi indicated to him that is fear...having things for granted might create a fear of loss of what took from granted, for Diva his and peer's safety, if they don't have Shadi, they aren't safe, that's fear of losing their safety...time and course of life is always constantly moving, anything can happen...However he says other interesting stuff:

"Everyone, listen well. Once all seven Items are assembled in the Tablet of Pharaoh's Memories housed here, the doors to the netherworld shall be opened, and the spirit of the ancient Pharaoh will pass on. Once that happens, the door to a wonderful new world devoid of borders, race, conflict and even the barriers of language shall be opened, and the chosen ones shall be led to that world. That is all of you. However, you must be cautious. Should the Pharaoh that has passed to the netherworld be resurrected in this world yet again, you all will be bound to this dimension and the door to the future shall never be opened again. Remember this well. Fear renders all to nothing."

The way Shadi explained makes more sense, even so that doesn't explain why from the moment Atem went to afterlife, why they didn't go to this "higher plane", it happened 1 year and an half ago, I'm just saying, it's because there is something holding them back, that is Diva on his quest for revenge.

Then comes Ryou's father like a crazy man asking for the Millennium Ring, while Shadi warns him the following:

"I am afraid to say, this ring already has an owner set in line. I also have heard that a evil spirit is sealed within this. It is better for you not to be involved with it."

Shadi knows the nature of the millennium items in choosing their wielders, if you're not chosen by it, you die or harm you very severely, also the fact he warns of an "evil spirit" (Zork), Shadi actually knows the name, but since people aren't aware or knowledgeable of the history behind these millennium items, he explains in a more simple way, you can tell he is saddened by this man's insistence, he may be thinking that he might die like the thief that Pegasus witnessed...he let be...


Ryou's father wields the Millennium Ring for almost killing him, he didn't well...hum...unlike the thief got the "needles" of the Ring inserted, because Ryou is the chosen wielder, who had the "needles" inserted and even...urgh...attached to Ryou's chest? Poor child, when those needles were about to insert in his chest, Ryou was very scared, it seems this event scarred him...then comes Yami Bakura and "kills" Shadi (or thinks he did), this is when some lore and worldbuilding between Shadi and Zork (Yami Bakura) comes into play, this is after Pegasus got his Millennium Eye, however here is another interesting reminder is before Yami Bakura&Main Marik VS Yami Marik -> click here  , in a few years later, somewhere around in three years, Shadi appears in front of the Ishtar siblings and later meets Yugi when he is 16...Shadi wasn't ever dead, but seemed he wasn't alived either if he could still wield millennium items, Shadi is a special case...those symbols of  3 upside down triangles in his forehead he isn't a normal individual...that he usually hides with his turban (how curious).
Later Shadi gives the Dimension Cube to Diva and says the following:

"One day, the seven Items shall be gathered in the tablet. However, out of all of them, three stand for justice while three hold a wicked consciousness, with the final Item having sides of both sealed within it. [...] The boy serving as the vessel who will resurrect the Pharaoh's spirit...He is the same as all of you..."

Hmmm, that explains a lot, according Ishizu and the prophecy on the Nameless Pharaoh memorial where his name was scratched and Marik's back speaks of a prophecy, but not all the content, the Ishtar family had the conditions to revive Atem's memories, while this is the other part of the prophecy, which speaks of the vessel, that's Zork-Ring knew about the "the other boy with the millennium item" in Monster World Arc, in another words, he pretty much knew the spirit sealed in the millennium puzzle was the pharaoh soul, but Yami Bakura (Zork-Ring) didn't knew if was already "awaken"...the other curious part is when he says how three of the millennium items stand for justice (Key, Scales and Tauk) and three other for wickedness (Eye, Rod and Ring) and lastly is the Millennium Puzzle (formerly Millenium Pendant) represents both sides being sealed within...the opposite numbers that end up between the Puzzle and the Ring? I guess, it is the case. It's very interesting nonetheless.

Because the Prana inherit his powers, more technically his "dimensional abilities", the most curious part for me is that Yami Bakura just left everyone lying around, including Ryou's father, who didn't die clearly but left lying around too, his money must have been stolen though, he brought a lot of money just to get the Millennium Ring...but only his son was the chosen wielder and become a "permanent host" of Zork Necrophades who claims that will put this world into darkness...then we see Diva awakening his powers...probably swearing revenge...speaking of Zork and Millennium Ring...


From the Screens Ensemble on the Right, between Ryou and Diva as "Aigami" interaction to observe after Diva tell him what happened:

Diva: "So? Remember now, Bakura?"

Ryou: "Did I really..."

Diva: "I have been waiting forever for this. For the moment I take vengeance with my own hands!"

Ryou: "No, I was being controlled, by that wretched ring..."

Diva: "Silence, you! Show me your true form!"

Ryou: "There is no true form! Everything is that ring's doing...But, as for me, As for me, I did something that cannot be undone to a person near and dear to you, by my own hands, didn't I?"

Diva: "Bakura..."


Ryou: "Aigami-kun, forgive me."

Diva: "Silence. Not another word!! I will enact my revenge on you..."

You can tell Diva is hesitant because he has been wanting this, all that was necessary was to send him to "lesser dimension", yet he isn't for many reasons...Ryou explains it was all due that Millennium Ring, deep down Diva knows this or else he wouldn't ask "to show his true form" and the real "revenge" is on the Ring that should be aimed at, since Ryou as Ryou he sees he was another victim of the Ring like Shadi and even Ryou's father and many others....Ryou from the tone on how he explained it, he was scarred by it (I mean he was abused by it through manipulation among other things like physically harm his host for his own gain), he called it "wretched ring", in another words, he is actually glad that hasn't nothing to do with the Ring...he doesn't feel attached to it anymore either and prefers to be far away can tell Ryou was scarred, Ryou doesn't excuse either it was still his body that "killed" Shadi (Yami Bakura thinks he did), which is why he cries as much he is scarred by the Ring....

Then Mani comes along clearly controlled by something and asking why Diva is hesitant and pick Ryou by the collar like we see in the screen ensembles and reveals he has the Millennium Ring, we have to remember...Zork didn't go to netherworld like Atem did...which means Zork is still there in the Ring but was severely weakened, pointed out from behaviours...Zork functions like a parasite and absorbs and uses people's darkness to get stronger, he was controlling Mani to get to Ryou and Diva, since Mani is a Prana with dimensional abilities, he was useful temporarily.

The interesting part is that Mani wasn't wielding it but was holding in his hand, Zork was "crawling" to take control over Mani, he probably want "his host", but as you can see, Ryou even being held by a collar as Zork powers were over Mani and Ryou, Ryou wasn't just fighting to live from being held by a collar, but as much resistant against the Ring, this shows Ryou's character development...he was severely weakened after Monster World Arc, so he was easily abused by Yami Bakura/Zork with almost no break to recover, now that 1 year and half separated from the Ring, it made a huge difference that he is far more resistant...since Ryou was resistant, the Ring using Mani abilities sent Ryou to a "lesser dimension" (we have to remember Yami Bakura was willing to impale Ryou's left hand, so Ryou wouldn't interfere with his plans in Monster World Arc and kill him too).
Diva tries to stop Mani, to Mani trying to stop himself from doing anything else and warns Diva of how dangerous the Ring is, it absorbs his darkness as much make it more powerful...such hatred and make it consume you...then they are weakened, Diva sent them both him and Mani to another dimension - Desert Dimension - Mani was still holding the Ring trying to resist it but since the Ring already did use his "dimensional powers" on Mani - it was sent to a "lesser dimension" slowly since he was a Prana.
Diva is saddened and starting to feel confused about his goal of revenge...after he witnessed of how dangerous the Ring is that he could fall victim like Mani did and use his abilities to listen Yugi calling for Jounouchi from "original dimension".


For a better view of the middle screenshot--->> click here 
Diva reveals his real identity to the gang looking for Jounouchi and Ryou, while this happens, Jounouchi in "isolation dimension" (separated from "collectivism reality"), Atem appears in that iconic place with the "Park Clock Fountain" of Domino City in "isolation dimension", in this time it was really him, you can tell, he wasn't wearing the millennium puzzle plus how he is dressed that is familiar to Jounouchi is the way Kaiba simulated him without the Millennium Puzzle...Kaiba was actually closer than he thinks...Atem saves Jounouchi from the "isolation dimension" and sends him back to "original dimension"...
When Jounouchi comes back, Diva is surprised because he should have been a pile of particle in a far side of dimensions, then Jounouchi does give him a splendid comeback answer:

"Our bonds, y'see...are always connected, transcending dimensions!"

Honda, Yugi and Anzu feeling inspired by his speech, what Diva doesn't know, these bonds with his friends doesn't just include Honda, Yugi, Anzu and Ryou, Atem is part of it too. πŸ˜€
Diva doesn't know it was Atem who saved him...supposedly was in the netherworld, so why he appeared right? According to what I heard when comes to souls of the dead have "moved forward" towards afterlife, their interference and help is temporary and small as much quite limited with the mortal world if you will...
Also, since the gang were all in sync and inspired, it affected the "collective consciousness" powers of Prana, it's simple, they aren't sheep collectively in a herd, they are forging their own paths and pursuing their own dreams and yet remain connected to their shared bonds and difficult and good and chill moments, work together and still retaining their individuality, that's unity for you, also is what makes their bonds stronger too.
Another reason he is surprised, Jounouchi still resisted for a long time, because he said that should have been for quite some time already to be piles of particles, but he wasn't...he was full body.


From the moment the gang, "the main gang" got in unison as expressed in the previous scene in the previous key point, it affected as shown in Top Screens Ensemble that it confused the "Prana" and it's power comes from "collective consciousness" like a herd of sheep, while their friends in sync deflected it instead since their union drives from their friendship while retaining individuality, it's when "collectivism" and "individualism" work together if you will, therefore it confused the Prana's mind, who simply has collectivism more evolved than your average was unusual for them...well, true friendship is rare, the gang have that, since Diva saw something outside of the usual pattern around "collective consciousness", the gang has but they retain their individualism at the same time, Diva understood this much but still limited-view, he got curious.
The Bottom Screens Ensemble, after Diva and Prana, a little after Honda and Anzu left as they were about to split up to search for Ryou...Jounouchi tries to say something to Yugi:

Jounouchi: "Say, Yugi. You see, I...I...Nah, it's nothing."

Yugi: "Jounouchi-kun..."

Any watcher can guess what he was about to say...he was about to say that it was Atem who saved him and may want to mean that even when he is in "afterlife", Atem does watches over them...something like that, that they are always connected independently where they are, that's also what Jounouchi meant with their "bonds transcend dimensions"...Yugi's reaction to it was, he knew what he was about to say and suspects it was Atem, remember...Yugi has the missing piece of the millennium puzzle, he already knows something...regarding Atem...

As can be viewed from the left, 1st screenshot, Diva's expression says "having doubts" about what he knew and believed...since he had his guard temporarily down...Kaiba captures Diva and successfully blocking his abilities and removing his Dimension Cube from his hands...of course, Kaiba will scan any intel about this "Dimension Cube" for future reference...
While Diva was captured, which isn't shown here (due to constraints of number of Screens Ensembles...), there is an interesting interaction, Diva makes an interesting comment about Kaiba:

Mokuba: "Once we scanned this baby, it showed us that there was a piece of the Puzzle inside it. So, the problem we face is how to open it, which..."

Diva: "Can't quite do it by your ability alone, can you? It is true that your older brother, Seto Kaiba possesses an unparalleled intellect. However, even with all the cutting-edge technology of the Kaiba Corporation at your disposal, it is impossible for you to tread into a dimensional domain. Not to mention, you've managed to confirm that I ran away with two of the pieces, have you not?"

Diva is mostly correct about the domain of dimensions in using technology, no matter how advanced it is, in fact to an extent I do agree with him (which is rare, btw), however I do like when characters even as entitled as Diva admits that Kaiba Seto is indeed someone who has a genius mind, here says "unparalleled intellect" in the translation while the DVD copy I own (Manga UK) says he has indeed a genius mind, that's a huge compliment for someone as prideful and entitled as Diva (entitled individuals have a hard time recognizing others abilities...other than their own) and even think is admirable, he was able to block his abilities in such a short amount of time...
Summarizing the rest of the conversation, about the missing pieces is that is hidden within him...from the Dimension Cube, but is one, while the other he entrusted to Sera (which and who Kaiba already knows as one of his test subjects) whom entrusted to Yugi (Kaiba knows this as well because Kaiba is a control freak with the whole city under surveillance using his technology), however Diva doesn't know Kaiba knows all of this...


To summarize the Top Screens Ensemble is Kaiba saying Yugi's participation in his tournament is imperative, so that Yugi finish the puzzle and have a duel battle again against "Dark Yugi - you know...Kaiba's stubbornness, Yugi even tries to explain, but then continues that "Aigami" will participate in the tournament, that's Yugi complies, Kaiba leaves, then the cars start going and Yugi sees his Puzzle Box (where the other missing piece is), however is close to the edge of the road between the street walkway, Yugi almost died from having a "truck-kun" accident (Kaiba. you jerk and control freak 😠), Sera saved Yugi right on time, however she asks Yugi to make the right decision, if "pharaoh is revived(again), Prana would be bounded by this dimension" and not able to go to the "higher plane"...this part doesn't make much sense, it's not that simple...the Prana still don't understand that and they could have gone already to this "higher plane" 1 year ago and Atem isn't bounded by the mortal living, when supposedly go to afterlife, you are quite limited when comes to help in the mortal world...but Yugi already knows something about that matter...


This Tournament Event between only 3 people that he selected, Kaiba himself, Yugi and Diva "Aigami", that looks more like a gladiator coliseum dragging others into his stubbornness for battle...but his speech in his opening event as theatrical as might be, still holds some interesting details:

"I ask all of you! What does it mean to do battle!? The moment man is given life in this world, they harbor a soul within the vessel known as the body, in other words, the body is but a prison for the soul! A prison that does not permit one's soul to leave until they expire!
And, in time, the body will take up  arms to defend that soul! Is your threat your mortal coil!? Is your threat some one other!? Is your threat some place other!? We battle for the sake of  those we wish to protect! We battle with those of differing ideologies!
Due to the foolish bloodsport known as war, the history of battles have been forever repeated! However, ironically, not even the victors are allowed to escape their prisons! Until now, ladies and gentlemen! This next generation of Duel Disk will help to set our souls free! We will escape our prisons, ushering in the era where we all coexist via a network spanning the globe! 
Boundaries, race, ideals, language—By transcending any and all discrepancies, we will go headlong into a new future! May the next generation of Duel Disk harbor the spirit of battle! The arms you take up...will be your cards! Now, the time has come to show yourself, O mighty duelists! 
On this stage, with the eyes around the world watching, I will take the mightiest duelists handpicked by me and pummel them into the dirt!! there is this golden puzzle in which the proud title of champion is sealed! However, it is short just a few pieces! The remaining two are being held by the two duelists I have invited here! [...] I will trounce these two individuals, attaining the title of strongest...[...blah blah]"

πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ Honestly, I would sleep halfway through Kaiba's speech, it's ridiculously long πŸ˜ͺ, he is so "dramatic" - "theatrical", you could mistake for a long monologue of a play...however during this speech it shows some of his growth regarding things he didn't believed before but is more open minded to the subject thanks to some results of his research, while admitting and not admitting about Dark Yugi as an individual of his own due to his stubbornness believing that if Yugi just wear the millenium puzzle, Atem will just come back and take over Yugi's body just to duel against him, because Kaiba were to accept that Atem is Atem and not "other yugi" as is own person would mean his rival is somewhere that can't be reached...Kaiba is so contradictory. 

There is a conversation during this Kaiba's boring monologue-ish speech between Sera and Diva between the "original dimension" and "desert dimension" (it seems the desert dimension is reserved for private conversations and "alone time") about Diva being aware that Sera was safe all along while noticing Yugi had the missing piece he had entrusted to Sera, she explains she felt was the only way to help Yugi get Diva to his senses, since she had a bad feeling where her brother was going with his hatred and grief over Shadi's death...
After Kaiba's speech, Kaiba intended first starting with Diva for dueling but Yugi interrupts him, to tell it will be him having a duel battle against Diva to save Ryou, since he was sent to another "lesser dimension", Kaiba at first didn't, but Yugi insisted in his willingness, Kaiba "authorizes" Yugi's request but will be watching in silence their duel...(he does).


Summarizing the duel itself Yugi is surviving Diva's attacks while preparing the necessary cards for his real comeback and wins the duel, while this happens, Diva comes to tell how the Prana lived before they met Shadi and become Prana, the kids who lived with him, his sister Sera and Mani, they were ordered to steal from people, specially tourists by a man, a adult, as you can see, if they didn't collected enough money, they wouldn't have meal (the bastard), the way Shadi came to them to help and save them from this bastard whom he sent to a "lesser dimension"...the movie shows Shadi's origins, Shadi came from the stars, we know he is the "spirit of the tablet" with other name as "Hassan", from the moment the tablet broke...Shadi went away..., we can conclude Shadi since he is a "monk" and taught the kids and made them become Prana and teach about going to a "higher plane", it's implied that Shadi is a "higher plane being" or a 4D being, it's just a theory but we can conclude this much...
Yugi learning of their past before meeting Shadi and meeting him, Yugi being Yugi, who is an empath, as much feels a lot sympathy for him and the Prana as much is kind...
There is some highlighted quotes between Diva and Yugi:

Diva: "Your consciousnesses are mismatched and distorted. All foolish, ugly, and weak. This world is too warped and has no desirable future. I know you feel it to be so as well. Shin-sama said so himself. That you are a similar entity to us. Surrender now and hand over the piece. Then, why not join us? To a brilliant dimension...To a future meant solely for us....The world we Prana shall go is a world of a higher plane. An ideal world with neither strife nor hatred nor fear with all of its people in sync with one another."

Yugi: "I can't go. Aigami-kun, hatred yields nothing."

Sera [watching from afar]: "Brother..."

Diva: "You...You wouldn't understand. The peaceful day-to-day existence all of you live and take for granted...The fact remains that it's only made possible through the sacrifice of something else."

This is the first part of this interaction quotes, I agree with Diva to an extent, when you think about it, Diva's hatred is more towards the world (I can relate to an extent), however even his own and the others are a bit distorted for wanting leave this dimension for a world with no fights or anything that brings no harm, sounds idyllic at first...but there is some stuff lacking...however the last quote is interesting regarding the peaceful day-to-day of Yugi was made possible through sacrifice of something else,  because is actually true, no matter how you look at it, even what we use on our daily lives, it's exactly that, clothes, electronics, even the laws the way the world is divided, the cultures..etc.

The next highlighted quote is from Shadi when he saved the children with Diva:

"During reincarnation, those who will be Prana choose harsh environments for themselves. But, all will be well now.[...] I am he who travels dimensions, Shadi. [...] You shall all meet in the same place..."

Then sends the guy to another  dimension...What Shadi says is interesting, even though the reincarnation part pisses me off, it's not they chose themselves harsh environments...situations outside of their control...most of the time, in this case for these kids...but they could have gone to an orphanage, to an extent Shadi is a bit right, however interests me that he says he is a traveler between a sense he is a "4D being" (according to his explanation, that is)...

Second part of the interaction between Yugi and Diva:

Diva: "We are the chosen entities, Prana! We shall cast aside this contaminated world and even «being human» to travel to a new dimension! [...] Once you are gone, Kaiba's scheme to resurrect the Pharaoh will also be a bygone memory. And then, us Prana will travel to a new dimension!"


Yugi: "Aigami-kun, you said all of you are going to open new doors and travel to an ideal world in a higher plane. Our world may indeed be one distorted from your perspectives. But, this world also has a future. I have friends near and dear who live here. And, all of us believe in our futures!!"

I can agree to an extent except his overconfidence and entitlement on his principles, but there is a lot of fallacies, even Yugi agrees to an extent but with some differences, their world has a future in a sense that each of them are forging their own paths towards their own futures, hopes and dreams which they have in their world...more or less one way or another, be it in another world or other dimension (or other worlds/dimensions) or their world, independently where your future fight for your own future and much not decided by someone else but you.😊 (it was for Sera and Prana too)
By the way, Mokuba was quite relived that Yugi won (aaaww, he was cheering for him, described the duel and turns to Seto, he is just very quiet looking at Yugi).


This duel...was...EPIC...I love it so much, I have been wanting one duel between them for so long, not Dark Yugi/Atem VS Kaiba, but Yugi VS Kaiba, just One Problem...the duel DIDN'T GET TO THE END BY ONE TURN! Dang it...I was betting on Yugi's win πŸ˜—, Kaiba had 100LP (Yugi had 400 or around 1000, but Kaiba had 1 card face down and Yugi had 2 or 3.
Enough of my own personal thoughts, When Kaiba said the opponent he needed to defeat wasn't him (Yugi), we know he wanted was "the other yugi", how he avoided saying "Yugi" to Yugi, it would mean he had to accept that Atem is really gone from this world...when Yugi tries to explain...Kaiba interrupted saying "Enough Talk!" to getting ready to duel the Yugi in front of him (refer him as "Yugi, The Vessel", That's RUDE! 😠), the duel had a lot of back and midway through as Yugi had the advantage, they have this conversation:

Kaiba: "So, you intend on being a constant thorn in my side, do you? Yugi!"

Yugi: "Kaiba-kun...The reason I came here...was because I had something I felt obligated to tell you..."

[Yugi towards the unfinished puzzle]

Kaiba: "Yugi!"

[Yugi puts the missing pieces, then clicks the "Eye", nothing happens]

Sera [shocked]: "The Pharaoh... isn't reviving!"

Yugi: "Atem is no longer within this Millennium Puzzle. I had come to realize that fact, the moment I took the last piece into my hand. And you calling me so that you could fight Atem is something I, of course, knew. But...But, this is...the truth."

Kaiba: "I refuse."

This conversation is happening while something else is happening, we get there next key point.
I love this scene so much? There is a lot of character development between these two characters during this duel and even Sera who is watching.
Starting with the meaning of Kaiba saying to Yugi intending to be his constant thorn on his side, in a irritated tone...Kaiba means from the moment Yugi was able to tell the card he had "given back" of Blue-Eyes White to Yugi was a fake...Kaiba knowing full well his skills since he saw the duel Yugi VS B!Jounouchi, another one being Pegasus VS Yugi&Dark Yugi was live and recorded (so Kaiba knows, thinking through of him being a control freak we have seen so far, he knows a good portion, Yugi did it, he was the one who defeated "the toons" theme cards of Pegasus while Dark Yugi was the "millennium" theme cards - Yugi defeated the "toons" that Kaiba couldn't), Yugi defeated Atem first than Kaiba...that's what he Yugi being his constant thorn on his side...Kaiba during Death-T does see Yugi and Dark Yugi/Atem as threats to his title of best gamer in the world, which as we see here, he still sees this way...even if he defeated Atem, there is Yugi he has to defeat (since he defeated Atem first)...
As for Yugi, during this duel, he has grown a lot - before their duel started, Yugi refer to Atem as "other me", while here making Kaiba facing reality by refering Atem as was also himself facing it...accepting it that Atem is no longer in the mortal world and went to afterlife as much there is only One Yugi and no "other yugi/other me", he felt if he didn't take this step, Kaiba wouldn't move on can tell it was very difficult for him, it was a truth that it hurt him and so it does to Kaiba...(you can tell from their expressions), even the gang's expression was shown as they listened there is grief in their expression as much thinking how hard must have been for Yugi to say this himself and they relate to his feelings as well because Atem was their friend too. Kaiba still intends to be stubborn.

Yugi knew this since he got the missing piece, even by the time Jounouchi was back and trying to say something to Yugi and Sera asked Yugi to make the decision for them...Atem wasn't there and suspected it was Atem who saved Jounouchi, since by that time the puzzle wasn't completed either...also Yugi had this puzzle for 9 years and half (8 years solving, 1 year and half wielding it - freshman year and half his 2nd year), he knows the millennium puzzle better than anyone else.
Sera and the other Prana shocked that Atem wasn't was as Yugi explained, there is more to it.

This happens during the conversation mentioned in the key point above this one which had gone quite long, since this scene will involve lore and the worldbuilding, I kept it separate.
The scene might have to take back where Mani was sent to a "lesser dimension" from the powers the Ring absorbed...I would say a dark dimension because of the the colours is different from when Prana uses which is red and gold  (therefore the title of the movie πŸ˜‚), remember how Mani was still holding the millennium ring in the "desert dimension"? Diva goes back to the "Desert Dimension" however this dimension is starting to disappear, Diva is holding his Dimension Cube, emotionally vulnerable and questioning himself about his actions and emotions...then finds the Ring...remember it has Dark Intelligence, Zork is still sealed inside - he didn't went to netherworld, remember that in true nature of Zork Necrophades is that he is technically functions like a parasite, a parasite spirit, depends on "people's darkness to get stronger" and needs a "host" as well and absorbs from it's host to become distorted or a manifestation of people's darkness...The Ring has been in this "Desert dimension" for some time too....
Diva when sees the Ring, he isn't attracted to it, he is scared of it, because he saw how much it affected a dear friend of his, Mani...since the boy is the wielder of the Dimension Cube and he is emotionally vulnerable, the Ring/Zork goes at full force and takes the he starts to take over Diva, Diva begs for Sera and Shadi to save him 😟 and genuinely scared.


In the Top Screens Ensemble, When the duel of Yugi VS Kaiba was interrupted by one turn (dang it...), the Diva's Dimension Cube falls all of a sudden, then illuminates with the mark of the Millennium Ring since the Ring is inside....then coming outside of it, comes off a weird has a slight Diva consciousness that has been "warped" by Zork, but only a little bit, so call it Zork-Diva, if we look at the monster and compared to not different, in fact is very similar what does fungi parasites to arthropods, parasites to humans and social parasite, kleptoparasite, the patterns from Millennium Ring-Zork functions like a parasite, I would call this one as mentioned before in the post--->   "Vol-37 Part 3 Pharaoh Lost Name"   ----- a spirit parasite is more accurate, it more or less absorbed the Dimension Cube powers and it's wielder as a host...
There is a line in this scene around between Zork-Diva and Sera:

Yugi: "Is that really Aigami-kun?"

Sera: "Big Brother! Big Brother, what in the world is this!?"

Zork-Diva: "Aah, is that you, Sera? So pure...Immaculate, consciousnesses linked together...But, behold! At this abhorrent yet beautiful form! Our desire is that of a world of a higher plane! However, the price to do so is this! I shall now open the doors. I shall drag everything into a dimension of darkness!"

Sera: "Big Brother! Don't tell me...! That cube is the door to a dimensional domain. An eighth Millennium Item!? Shin-sama had to gather the seven Millennium Items and send the spirit of the Pharaoh to the netherworld in order to activate the power of the cube. So that this sullied world would dimensionally shift and we would build up a brand new world...Yes, that cube...was the door leading to a utopia for the chosen people and them alone."

Zork-Diva: "Precisely, Sera. But, should so much as a drop of the beautiful impurity known as hatred  mixes into the dimensional domain...!"

Then Zork-Diva sends Sera to a dark dimension, here we have the confirmation that the Dimension Cube was a millennium item all along, but how, it relates to Shadi...remember he is not only a monk 4D-being, he is still is the "spirit of the Tablet of  Pharaoh's Memories", for him to become so and protect Atem as the "Will of Akhenamkhanen" (Atem's father) and a new millennium item was forged...remember how the millennium items were created was using was something similar, but as has been pointed out, all the millennium items have a "Dark Intelligence" hidden within, there isn't exceptions, just some are more balanced than others (Tauk, Scales and Key - but both are capable of summoning "dark powers" like shadow games, even Ishizu used her item to cheat a little in her duel against Kaiba), the 8th millennium item - the Millennium Cube/Dimension Cube isn't an exception to it either...then implement this with the Millennium Ring which has parasite abilities and Zork as parasite spirit is still sealed within since it didn't went to netherworld...then all of this explanation with half-truths and half-lies from Zork-Diva falls into place.
Even Yugi suspected that Zork-Diva wasn't really Diva (he still calls Aigami, basing who and how he met him was as Aigami, him being japanese, it's easier for him say Aigami than Diva, from what I heard, Japanese do struggle with foreign names, specially the western ones)....Yugi is familiar with the Millennium Ring nature and was the first to notice the symbol as well then we get to the Bottom Screenshot of Zork-Diva saying to Yugi:

"Take upon you the iron blow of the Dark Lord!"

That pretty much confirms is Zork Necrophades, because that's how he claims as or as "Dark/Evil God" or "Dark Lord".


Kaiba took the blow instead to protect Yugi (that's noble, coming from him 😌) , yet he still believing Atem would come by giving the millennium puzzle to Yugi, Kaiba as last resort or "last hope" as a channel for Atem to save or help his "former host" and believes Atem wouldn't leave Yugi "dying", amusing enough...he was right.
As can be seen in the Screens Ensembles and the animated gif above, it's pretty clear, Atem just came from "afterlife" or "netherworld" or "spiritual higher dimension" (because he came in gold aura) and see those " golden rings"? it's like the millennium puzzle was the "channel" for Atem from whatever "spiritual dimension" to come "save" and "help" Yugi, it may look it was "rescuing", but not exactly...when Atem came and "cleansed" the "dark particles", just interesting details, from spiritual and metaphysical perspective...another one is from Zork-Diva:

"I-Impossible! The Pharaoh of the Netherworld..."

This is very intriguing, since "Zork Necrophades" technically came from the "next world" door in front of Tablet of the Shrine and was sealed in the Millennium Ring, when the door closed after Atem left, the pieces of Millennium Puzzle and the Millennium Ring was still there of the Millennium Ring abilities, they can sense things from a distance like "tunning to radio news" plus the Dimension Cube gives some news...but not without it's own fallacies due to being an millennium item which means it has "Dark Intelligence" hidden within too, it can't be 100% trusted.
Regarding as to why he states as Atem being "the pharaoh of the netherworld", the time Atem spent in the netherworld taking into account how much he has grown and restored his true caring protective nature, considering the nature of "netherworld" where independently of someone's "moral compass" (be it "evil or bad", rotten, grey, neutral, good, innocent, pure, naive, wise or enlightened), some stay permanently and others don't, Atem may have tried to help and attempted to protect the innocent and those who needed protection, since he has good leadership skills and charisma, those innocent, wise and protective nature helped him...however according to what I have researched, there is so many variables, with what coincides...those who are more enlightened, wise and learning and improve themselves...don't stay in the netherworld for too long, it's temporary, it's when you reach "ascension" if you will is when you leave, which might be the case for Atem which would explain why he was able to come like this with "gold aura" and "cleansing dark particles", just seems to imply as such, but during Atem's whole scene, he doesn't say anything...he is speaking with his actions.


Starting from the Top Screens Ensemble, I noticed while taking consecutive screenshots of this scene I noticed...the interchanges between Atem and Yugi as Atem took over channeling his energy and helping Yugi, it was Yugi and Atem who saved the day because Yugi was conscious and aware since Atem when channeled has given a "boost" to Yugi while taking over, because they are so in sync since they shared the same body for almost two years, Yugi isn't the vessel or host here and Atem is neither the spirit of millennium puzzle, the best way to describe is Yugi and Atem were "temporarily fused", the millennium puzzle was the "channel" between the mortal dimension or 3D dimension and spiritual dimension, besides there is their special and unique bond and connection.
Yugi and Atem "temporarily fused" summons "Mahado" to "cleanse" the Dimension Cube, since Mahado was a "former wielder of the Millennium Ring" and was able to keep the powers of the Ring in check, the Millennium Ring went away together with the Dimension Cube and Mahado is a powerful mage/sage...taking into account as a reminder of the lore in Memory World Arc between the time Mahado sacrificed his life to fuse his "Ba" and his "Ka" becoming Black Magician, his time spent in "afterlife" did made him more powerful to be able to help Atem against "King of Thieves Bakura" at Tablet of the Shrine....
Revisit as reminder if necessary, these two posts:
It also helped "cleansing" Diva to later...come back with the other Prana...


Since they don't say anything, they are communicating in "collective consciousness" xD, in all seriousness, they were telepathically speaking, I can summarize it which makes it shorter.
Observations to make is how Atem and Yugi "defuse" - defusion, since they "separated" before the Rite of the Duel started, it was done in a similar way here, however Yugi isn't wielding the puzzle, so Atem took it, however interestingly to note is that Atem dissipates the millennium puzzle first then he leaves...why is that?
Here an hypothesis, the millennium items were made from sacrifices of people, when the "millennium items" cease to exist. it's possible that it "frees" or "break free" those souls of people who were used as sacrifices, Village of Kul Elna became a haunted village for a reason...we can suspect that's what Atem did here, he even did so gently, then he left to the "spiritual dimension" that he came from, it shows that spirits of the dead can't be revived, but their interference is limited with the mortal world or 3D.
What intriguing is that Atem leaves differently from the millennium puzzle, there is this light and energy that is gold and fire like the sun going into space - "spiritual dimension", after he leaves, there is a triangle inside a circle trace...hmm, the triangle follows the "millennium puzzle" position, both these symbols have spiritual/metaphysical meanings...the circle is wholeness and triangle is "trinity" or "third eye", but since the triangle follows the "puzzle position"  and not the traditional one, which expands to "circle" wholeness, Atem from former wielder of millennium puzzle as pharaoh and former resident of a millennium puzzle as his "portable tomb"(the triangle)  and to "ascension" (the circle).

As we see, the Prana is back but they lose their powers, but there is interesting characters development for them...

Diva: "Sera, what happened to me?"

Sera: "Big Brother, our power is no longer..."

Diva: "Sera..."

Mani: "Diva..."

Diva: "Mani."

Mani: "It's for the best. This is all for the best."

I'm with Mani, I guess the other Prana told Mani about Yugi's speech about the future, forging their own futures, they must have been moved by his speech, Mani may have agreed with them with what he has learnt these past few days that now they lost their powers, they have to forge their future, learn to believe in them...also Diva doesn't remember anything after the Ring started taking over him, it was a spirit parasitism alright that used his memories and collective consciousness and warped it and he was cleansed from it...that's why he doesn't remember.
Since "pharaoh was revived", not really, channeled would be more accurate, now they are bound to this dimension...the question is why during Yugi VS Kaiba duel, Atem wasn't "revived" but "here" was? We can presume the prophecy was wrong, but prophecies can have different's possible that the Prana misinterpret it in a literal way...Atem being "revived" was a time limit was over for them to leave the current dimension to a higher plane, since Zork was still in the millennium Ring and the "opposite number" millennium item- the puzzle which represents both light and darkness, was what "maintained" the portal open in the Dimension Cube to "higher plane", Shadi warning them to not provoke circumstances that would make the Pharaoh be "revived", the circumstances that made Atem being "channeled" was things going "out of control", that's also very Atem, he comes to help and rescue when is truly necessary and times of need of his intervention, which also explains why Atem didn't channel during Yugi VS Kaiba because it wasn't a time of need, Atem is in a position as "spirit" who isn't in the living world anymore can't just come when someone wants to...Yugi understood that too, Kaiba was stubborn to "not understand and accept".


Quoting this whole interaction first:

Jounouchi: "Yugi, did you manage to see him?"

Yugi: "Mm-hmm, I even talked to him, albeit briefly."

Anzu: "—Was he doing well?"

Yugi: "—Mm-hmm!" [yeah! or "yup!"]

Jounouchi: "As it happens, I met him too!"

Anzu: "Wha!?"

Honda: "—Really!?"

Ryou: "I'm envious."

Yugi: "I knew it!"

Seto Kaiba: "I see. Seems as though he did come here, didn't he, Yugi?"

Yugi: "Kaiba-kun! I was on the verge of giving up, but you believed, didn't you?"

Seto Kaiba: "I have to wonder about that. Farewell, Yugi. You, too, have been a proud duelist. See you around."

Yugi: "Kaiba-kun...Thanks you, really."

Awwww πŸ’–, I love this interaction so much - it's so cute.
The gang saw him briefly quick, Jounouchi was the first to ask, we get the confirmation they did speak telepathically  despite it was brief and Anzu asks like a friend how is been doing, Yugi confirms to everyone that he is fine, it kinda gives the confirmation to them that no matter where they are each of them, they're always connected, Jounouchi also confirms now to the others that he met him too now that Yugi said it himself, despite Ryou being a little envious, there is reasons, the dimension Ryou was sent was of a different type that Jounouchi was in....
Then Kaiba comes up, Kaiba did hear their conversation and confirmed a few things, when Yugi says that when himself was on the verge of giving up and Kaiba still believed Atem would come...however his answer was quite curious, "I have to wonder about that.", which means that even himself wasn't sure, it was a "gamble".
It's nice to see Kaiba saying "farewell", since farewell is in a sense of seeing you next time, then Kaiba pretty much gives to Yugi the biggest compliment one could receive from him that Yugi is too has been a proud duelist (only a few he gives that level of compliment...Atem, I would say Mai as well (he refers to her by name+surname, which is unusual from him, now Yugi) ...coming from Kaiba, that is a lot then says "see you around"...heh heh heh, it means he does intend to challenge him eventually to settle the score xDD, Yugi and the gang smiles(Jounouchi has a more stoic expression)  because they know from Kaiba, it means a lot.


The Ending is quite bittersweet initially, the graduation ceremony, Mani saying farewell to Sera and Diva, each going their own paths, while Diva and Sera being siblings they go together - Sera is still a child but very wise for her age that Diva trusts her advice and wisdom and since Diva is the older brother feels responsible to take care of her (Their siblings relationship is quite interesting).
The gang accompanies Anzu to the Airport to say farewell, but there is a small "mind talk" between Yugi and Anzu before they make high five - almost holding hands (yeah, they're dating, planning to meet in New York xD).
Getting to Kaiba stubborness:

Mokuba: "Brother, are you really going?"

Seto: "Once this is complete, the curtain will rise to a new kind of duel."

Mokuba: "But, testing that prototype is far too dangerous! We have no idea how dangerous of a system the Dimensional Domain Emulator can be!"

Seto: "Mokuba, I leave the rest up to you."

Mokuba: "Brother... Make sure you come back."

Seto: "Duel Dimension System, activate!!"

Looking at this interaction, the ending collage of this particular scene and the animated gif above, Kaiba doesn't know when and how to give up, huh? He is as stubborn as a bull...*facepalm* Kaiba did have a lot of character development, but since he is very prideful, big ego and stubborn, there is a lot of moving forward with some steps back..., Kaiba has so much trust on his little brother...still irresponsible...leaving the company to a child who is his little brother if he doesn't come back and and concerned for him like that...Mokuba, you have it rough... 
The main question the person in front of him really Atem? Kaiba made a replica of the Dimension Cube, however according to the patterns we have seen is more towards "neural information", "collective consciousness" in one's subconscious, since the Dimension Cube is a millennium item...inside the Millennium Puzzle there was a dimension that reflected Atem's take on this is a Yes and No, from what we saw awhile ago in the movie how he came to help Yugi and rescued Jounouchi, might mean something different...this system was said to be an "dimensional domain emulator", it emulates "dimensions", but this dimension...doesn't look like a netherworld to me...if you look at the top when Kaiba walks the desert, you see mirrored Atem's palace upside down, Atem is wielding the millennium puzzle but the other priests aren't there (the other wielders of millennium items in Atem's past) plus his millennium puzzle dissipated first and then Atem left the mortal world, we can conclude the dimension is emulating Atem's subconscious or reflects his subconscious, or closest to or it is a reflection of Atem's spiritual dimension...or the real deal...who knows, because of the millennium puzzle dissipating and here he is wielding it, I'll bet on reflection of Atem's subconscious.
Kaiba does come back though...look below "The End" πŸ˜‰ (the instagram shared post below is from the official Takahashi-sensei Instagram) - Kaiba and Yugi seems to be playing the game Yugi must have designed...(it kinda fuses Magic&Wizards and chess, which are Kaiba's favorite games, ironically).


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