Friday, April 30, 2021

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá One Shot: Transcend Game


Just recently, I published the last part of Monster World, Transcend Game will be the last post with panels ensembles, it's the prologue to Dark Side of Dimensions.
Honestly speaking of the movie, I don't know if Dark Side of Dimensions will be divided in two parts or not, because it's always in movement, it's trickier, it will be rare using animated gifs since they're kinda heavy on posts to be readable, it will be mostly screenshots, a bulk focusing on the same scene, the duels will be "cut", parts of the duels is when is relevant to character development and to the story to be observed and my own personal thoughts (including scenes I find funny as also finer and amusing details where the characters are at).
It will take longer with Dark Side of Dimensions, possibly by mid-May.
Wish me luck!

Transcend Game || Prologue of Dark Side of Dimensions Movie

Plot Summary:

The one-shot two chapters starts with two paged coloured scene of Kaiba pursuing something...with his Blue-Eyes White Dragon...Pharaoh Atem...
Another colored page is Kaiba talking with his investors and members of the company discussing about a new product by the company...Kaiba passes by the displays of his accomplishments in technology for gaming, specifically Magic&Wizards - his prototype duel disk, the duel disk, and egg-shaped VR headset, he stops there looking as seeing the huge potential yet to be unlocked, then he is escorted with his employees researchers seeing the progress of the research of the egg-shaped VR headset, Kaiba passes by a inner building room bridge over a million of test subjects from all over the world playing Magic&Wizards in VR.
Inside the VR game of Magic&Wizards, the rules are slightly different, it relies on "higher consciousness" level (to me looks like more willpower measurement :p), they formed guilds based on themed decks and archetypes decks, they were challenging one and guild was trying to "take over"...but someone which has a "superior consciousness" defeated them all since the game was getting out of control, Kaiba mentions those "rumoured superior consciousness" that has a level beyond a normal human being call themselves "Plana"/Prana, after an "avatar" player with "superior consciousness defeated the other test subjects, removes the VR set, indicated a little girl in traditional clothes from far away.
Kaiba continues researching on his own at his house in his own laboratory, from behind him as he turns around sensing a presence, the same little girl he saw removed the VR headset was in front of him, they have a discussion about Kaiba making incredible advancements in technology that helps people experience "higher consciousness" and this discussion leads to "netherworld" (the other common name as abode of the dead) and the little girl leaves, but Kaiba immediately go after an unknown consciousness that has been detected...he attempts to do it, the little girl tries to stop him but in vain...Kaiba stubbornly follows through and sees a glimpse of Pharaoh Atem but is then blocked by a "woman figure" in white light to Mokuba sensing danger of his big brother having higher risks of dying, then he turns off the lever to save his big brother, Kaiba comes back with heavy breaths but feels assured that he did saw Pharaoh Atem there.
It ends with the same little girl whose name is Sera reading a book, then a mysterious boy comes closer and comments Kaiba will be difficult to illuminate.

Key Points:


This is the beginning of One Shot, in chapter 1, the art style of Takahashi-sensei is gorgeous as always, seeing colored like this, he is an artist, he tried digital colouring, the shading here is quite interesting, it's almost leather, bit rubber with metal yet with a more dark and lighting tone...
Why Kaiba is saying "infinite darkness over there" while the  "there" is light...the universe?....he knows isn't the case but is just him forcing things to the way he always 😒.
The beginning of this chapter, it's funny that starts with the "ending" of chapter 2 of Transcend Game...but not without some curious inner monologue from his on the Panels Ensemble on the Right:

"The name of the pharaoh showing up in my eyes...Atem!!"

At first in this scene may look like he didn't knew about about his name...but he actually did know or else he wouldn't trouble himself for this anyway, in fact as we knowing later at the end of the post, the world knows now the "nameless pharaoh"'s name that was scratched but not in his tomb and chronology of dynasties documents...regarding his tomb, his name was it's depths of the bridge, no one could cross over to see the name to confirm, I guess today now the pharaoh Atem went to afterlife is accessible to scholars of pharaonic history or Egyptology.
The title of this chapter is very funny though:

"That man still even now, gazes at a single point-!!" 

It's a very accurate description tunnel-vision of Kaiba Seto, he is very narrow, closed minded person to a fault, that sometimes he makes unnecessary decisions, that can be more harmful than's important to stay focus on your goal, but is also important to broaden your horizons (Kaiba is a snail when comes to that and personal growth) as much to know when to have fun and relax (he seems to be more of a workaholic...honestly).

If you wish to continue reading this post, click "Read More" below:


One thing is undeniable about Kaiba, his genius mind and he does explore to it's potential to the max to the extent that might affect his physical and mental health (as admirable I find someone exploring their full potential to their best, let's not exceed the limits), Kaiba advances the technology over the world, he is really the pioneer of different kinds High-Tech, look from the Panels Ensemble on the Left, "hologram calls"! We only see them used more common in cellphones to the public in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, here he is exploring the potential of VR system with the project called "Operation Neurons", where it uses a VR headset that can read the neurons, however the timeline of this scene sounds like a bit of a ending or the still "ongoing" project of the VR system...because of his inner monologue says:

"The test version of the neurons VR system is right now scrap in a garbage pile!'s a failure with an overabundance of unlocked potential!"

He is looking at like a "prototype" version duel disk before the "final product" of duel disk came to the public, this VR is the same thing, looking at the displays, we see the "prototype" and the "final" of duel disk, then comes this VR, this is a potential that is still going under exploration...while Kaiba also receives medical reports about his test subjects, which is to say he kind of cares, I would say is more from a business perspective, trust between both parties is important after all.


We look at this, it's in similar concept with Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains however, in the spin-off series is produced by "SOL Technologies" not "Kaiba Corp" (I still haven't watched, I have yet to watch Zexal), Kaiba did the same similar fashion when he worked for his foster father for military purposes such for simulator in "Fighter Aircraft" in form of VR, whether the spin-off is canon or not, Kaiba is the pioneer of this concept as we see here and Kaiba is someone way ahead of his time in technology engineering and can tell his researchers do admire Kaiba from this kind of standpoint, he is admired over the world anyway.
Interestingly enough, the players as test subject created guilds, some seem to play RPGs, apparently, Kaiba is so admired over the world, that the test subjects volunteered free of charge to participate in his project, that says a lot, it's not surprising giving his gaming skills and being "elite" level as duelist and considering his genius intellect, advances technologies very quickly, on the surface level, there is a lot to be admired.


Starting with Inner Monologue of Kaiba Seto:

"The attack power of the monster data summoned from the crystal cloud server is determined by the value of their brainwaves and thought signals. The power of their consciousness is the key to making monsters even stronger! The hardest thing to modify in any game is maintaining «order» could say that order being destroyed is the way of the world...elements with overwhelming power will appear and encroach."

This is when some players in Duel Links world was starting to get out of hand, like guilds, in this case was "dragon knight guild" or something (that had dragon themed decks) and starting ideas of "conquest"...there is always a more toxic individuals here and there, I find interesting how Kaiba says that the hardest thing to modify any game is to "maintain order", because it reminds me of the "mods" and "patches" when people cheat or overpower others with certain abuse of power...however here as he stated with overwhelming power is when started to appear and to intrude in these disputes which has higher consciousness.
From the description of Kaiba about the ATK power of the summoned monster relies on brainwaves and thoughts signals of the player, to an extent measures "willpower", to me looks like more willpower than "higher consciousness", because this "high consciousness" is way too "power-based", higher consciousness is something more towards enlightenment not power...


Continuing Kaiba's inner monologue:

"That person will have a brainwave frequency that transcends that of a normal man! And they will destroy everything obliterated! The appearance of a dangerous element is extremely delightful to me, but...from a business perspective, it's a presence I can't let go unchecked...they've called themselves «Plana»..."

The word "Plana" is the english dub while in the japanese is "prana", prana is a real word that comes from Hindu philosophy which applies to yoga, indian medicine, indian martial arts, it's a cultural and spiritual practice, specially with Yoga being it's core, since is constantly mentioned, Prana in Sanskrit language means "breath" as in sense of "life force", "vital principle", it's more of a spiritual matter.
Why the english go with "plana" when seems to indicate "prana"? It's possible since is the dub, they did censure it, the reasons might relate to "cultural appropriation" or "cancelled culture", to avoid that...but from what it explains with terms with "higher consciousness", it seems to be prana to me the right word here with it's significance being prana permeates in reality in all levels even inanimate objects (that is according to wikipedia, so the accuracy might be a little off, but research a little is not that little off) .


It seems when he saw this girl, you can tell he sensed something, call it intuition, after his experiences with penalty games - twice from Dark Yugi and one from Pegasus - his duel against Ishizu and Dark Yugi has given him quite "phenomenon" experiences (that can considered spiritual), he already can tell when there is something supernatural since he became accustomed to...then when he coup himself in his own house and in his laboratory researching (this guy is quite the workaholic...) and all this for a single goal (single-minded as always), he was thinking to himself that he will become and rule as king (in the dueling world, his obsession is very concerning to his health), then the little girl calls to him saying that he won't become king...she said on purpose because she knew that would pull the nerve due to his prideful and power-hungry traits...

This entering the chapter 2 and last chap. of this one shot, I want to focus because of the titles describes Kaiba perfectly...

"Only go forward. With your convictions in tow."

That's Kaiba, alright. It's more or less a mindset of someone who is single-minded, because is someone who only focus on their goal first and forehand while keeping his beliefs and principles in check,  unwavering them stubbornly, takes time to broaden their horizons unless has to be "seeing with fresh eyes" experience...


From the Panels Ensemble on the Left, it's funny the little girl doesn't introduce herself (bit rude, to be honest), she says is one of the test subjects that is going to "help shape the world" (with VR, yes...the world of technology, which I'm not too fond of it, too much is not good or healthy), Kaiba being Kaiba goes on max guard asking what she came here to do from him...she says only to come to say's interesting, her point of view about this "VR system", quoting their conversation in the Panels Ensemble on Right:

Kaiba: "Thanks, you say?"

Little Girl: "The Duel Links World assembles the consciousness of a truly ground-breaking system that give it's players a new stage of, if there was is an individual with a superior consciousness that transcends human wisdom in the mix..."

What she says here is interesting, she is actually giving small suggestions about the way around it, she is implying that an individual with superior consciousness that transcends human wisdom...because someone with "superior consciousness" already means someone with consciousness that surpasses the one of a normal human, but adds one that transcends human wisdom in the mix...which is to say there is it's own limits even for someone with "superior consciousness", involving wisdom that transcends "human wisdom", that is more towards enlightenment.
Kaiba early on still suspicious of her intentions doubting her sincerity in saying thanks, well he isn't completely wrong but neither is's complicated in her case.


Continuing quoting their conversation:

Kaiba: "Superior consciousness..."

Little Girl: "In the dimension, founded in the basis of disorder, high levels of consciousness gather and unite, allowing access to an unknown dimension. There lies a place that transcends the realm of the living...The netherworld? or maybe...a world of greater dimensions...I have heard a voice...the voice of an extremely important person in the links world...That person no longer exists in this dimension...a resident of the netherworld..."

Kaiba: "Netherworld...!!"

Little Girl: "If you sync with this limited superior too could, right now, even...!"

Kaiba: "!!"

Kaiba...Kaiba...honestly, you get swayed a bit easily if aligns with your can tell she is manipulating him a little...
Anyway, the little girl (I know her name, but I like to refer to their names in their right time...most of the time), when speaks of netherworld, first things first, making it clear, the netherworld is the "realm of the dead" or "abode of death", similar or the same or is Sheol, it's intended to be a dimension of where the "dead"/"fallen"/"deceased" go after leaving their body behind, even those who are "good" and "well-intentioned" go there as well but stay there temporarily, however this place there is no rules or is gloomy or is a depressing place...we see mentions of this place in many religions (including the bible) as much in mythologies, what also takes interest in me is "the world of greater dimensions" (is the between worlds or something similar? very possible from her description).
The readers (including myself at the first two times until I reached a certain page) and Kaiba thinks she is mentioning only Pharaoh Atem, since she doesn't say the name, it's to push the buttons on Kaiba...


The little girl just supernaturally disappeared without trace in front of him, Kaiba was shocked (c'mon she just entered your laboratory, clearly by similar means), however there is other reasons as to why she disappeared since then came this sudden news about that test subjects neuro-signals being drawn to a specific spot as unknown consciousness, apparently this spot is called "dimensional ascension" by Kaiba and thinks this is exactly what he has been looking for, if we look at the spot, it's the same place Kaiba is going to at the beginning of the movie Dark Side of Dimensions.


In the Panels Ensemble on the Left, as you can see the test subjects were super excited after seeing Kaiba's "battleship" (of course is shaped like the Blue Eyes White Dragon, he really loves that dragon, huh? Obsession is more accurate) but Kaiba as well sure loves to rush things...when comes to his goal...the avatar "prana" comes to stop him or try it...they have started their duel about "atk power" (boring).
Then comes the Bottom Panels Ensemble, I have to say that I really like how Kaiba was drawn in the top panel, then comes Kaiba giving his own criticism to the "avatar prana" dueling:

Kaiba: "If I were to give you a criticism on your would be that you put in no consideration..."

Avatar Prana: "a trap..."

Kaiba: "Perhaps you're still a should learn how to control your consciousness better..."

To be honest, I don't often agree with but sometimes I do, but he is right on this one, which implies that he knows how to make a normal state of consciousness of himself to make his opponent leave their guard down to then...


It shows Kaiba can hide his level of consciousness, if you notice it came from 3000ATK to 5900ATK↑ "Pulse" then to 19900ATK "Pulse", according to the little girl is that Kaiba was able to control his own "thought frequency", if look at the patterns with this word "pulse" being used, Kaiba is a genius, genius are individuals that uses a good portion of their brain capacity over the average, besides Kaiba is a single-minded focus on his goal, despite being single-minded, but he can learn from his experiences, he can broaden his mind but only when he feels is a necessity (ex: his coma, his own inner child guiding him to Mokuba, the visions of his past ancestor/priest Seth from the last battle and Kisara's death vision, when he could read the hieratic text due to his connection to the millennium items), with the examples mentioned, it isn't surprising that he can over power her monster, but there was some effort on him, besides the little girl says there is no "turning back" and Kaiba says is well aware in his inner monologue is to face Atem again on a duel.
So the little girl liked her avatar which looked like a grown up woman and she has a body of want to grow up in size...

The patterns as well that these "thoughts frequencies" and "pulse" relates more to willpower, that is something Kaiba has in abundance...


The little girl kind of guides him, while Kaiba in his inner monologue:

"And deliver the final blow on the deceased king!! Come alongside with me!! My faithful, Blue-Eyes!! If that's the infinite darkness over there...I'll illuminate it!"

This is getting where chapter 1 begins..."the infinite darkness" is not being darkness in itself but more the universe since is unknown and kinda dark despite being around with stars and galaxies with stardust...but darkness also means "the unknown".
He refers Atem as "deceased king" in this moment, he knows his name, he is referring to him by "title"...he starts to see a glimpse of him...


As we look at the double spread pages in the Top Panels Ensembles, Kaiba was starting to see a glimpse closer that he refers to him by his name:

"Here...I come...Atem!!"

We can confirm the world already knows about Pharaoh Atem by this time...Kaiba is really obsessed, it's not good when single-minded goal turns into obsession...
As the man who is overseeing the experiment warns Mokuba (one of his lead researchers) that Kaiba is in danger, Mokuba tries to call him out, then Blue Eyes White Dragon as seen in Top Panels Ensemble on the Right but then a different figure starts to appear to Kaiba seeing as a woman figure, who obviously is Kisara, Kaiba almost gets mesmerized as if the dragon changed into Kisara's image, then Mokuba just stops and turns it off the whole thing to save his brother (honestly, I can't help but consider that Mokuba is more mature than Seto...since Seto can be this reckless).
The interpretation you can get of this scene is that Kisara tried to halt Kaiba in moving forward since he would die at this point, Mokuba being a more grounded and responsible than Seto, he saved his life, literally...Mokuba has it taking care of his brother's recklessness 😰. Just leave the poor deceased soul to rest, Kaiba, geez...but this is Kaiba, he doesn't listen to anyone, he always learns thins in a more harsh and dangerous way.


The device was turned off, Kaiba seems to have had an astral projection of some kind, but it was forceful through this device, that's not good, if we look at the body reaction, it's like when you wake up from a very intense dream and just came back to your body (Takahashi-sensei drawings in this part is impressive too), I think Kaiba realizes that he almost died, but then wonders if that was hallucination to be confident that Atem was really there, I think it was but not really for you, he was with his eyes closed...we could say he was kinda resting or "meditating" or "watching over" since the unknown consciousness was found in Japan...but Kaiba being as single-minded and obsessed to have one more duel with Atem...dude. 😑


The ending of chapter 2 and the last of this one shot manga as prologue to the movie Dark Side of Dimensions, we get to know the little girl's name for Sera then comes a mysterious boy...
His lines is to consider:

"You were very close...Sera...Seto Kaiba...He's not someone we can easily eliminate...heh."

Confident, huh? or overconfident and entitled? I love his character design (and his motivations are somewhat relatable) but his attitude ticks me off (over the movie does too 😒), I like Sera's design too.
She was trying to kill or not kill him, because she tried to stop him but as much not, the motivations are more complicated for them, the same applies to the mysterious boy (however he is more close-minded than Sera, you can tell she is more open-minded, yeah, I kind of like her).

See Ya Next Post!!

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