Plot Summary:
The mentioned evil shadow approaching the palace arrives and reaches the throne room where is the six priests, vizier and the pharaoh, revealing he had robbed everything from the former king's tomb (which explains why the previous grave robber they judged didn't find anything inside the tomb he was trying rob...), claiming he is Bakura, the king of thieves and came to get the millenium items from the priests and the pharaoh...
In the Museum, Bobasa with the intention to be cautious, he uses the millenium scale to sense any deception and evil from each member of the the gang, if the scale tilts when checking someone, the person won't be permitted to come along, most of the gang pass, the only one who doesn't is Ryou Bakura for obvious reasons..., Ryou starts leaving the museum, sad he can't come along to help...Bobasa prepares them to enter Yugi's soul by forming a circle and joining hands then use the millenium key.
Inside the World of Memory, the priests starts their judgment and measuring Bakura's evil, reveals to be a powerful evil ka, as the priests struggle fighting Thief Bakura, the vizier Siamun explains more about other millenium items abilities to Dark Yugi, there comes a discussion between the thief and Dark Yugi about the millenium items, thief Bakura presents the mummy of the former pharaoh, pharaoh Akhenamkhanem as Dark Yugi deeply realises being the dead corpse of his own father, few memories comes back to Dark Yugi from when his father was alive and being by his side when he was Dark Yugi walks through the battle between the priests and the thief, Dark Yugi shoves thief Bakura and picks up his father's corpse while coming back to his throne to put the corpse in a safer place from the battle and tells thief Bakura he will be coming to defeat him...
Key Points:
Here is the thief, who stole everything from the former king's tomb, from his behaviour as a thief would be considered a bit strange, when a thief rob a tomb, usually goes to hiding...also another unusual something he robbed, the former king's mummified corpse, normally you would think it would be just gold, silver, valuable metallic artefacts only, in other words, he only did this to come to the throne room to challenge the royal court and the pharaoh for the millenium items...I have to say, I do find quite rude to steal someone's corpse and dragging on the way to the throne room...
Siamun, why so shocked...? if the previous grave robber stated when he reached the tomb that where was nothing there, it would mean someone defiled the tomb before him, here is the person himself, Siamun was a bit overconfident about the design, but since was a prototype for Dark Yugi's tomb, then it isn't that surprising, if the previous grave robber did reached...then this one, Thief Bakura who seems to be a specialised thief to find it easy...
We can confirm in this scene, he was challenging them, for a thief to them and challenge the priests, it can be easily assume he is quite bold and confident by not only in skills but also can take on confident that he self-proclaim himself as king of thieves, but he actually brings up interesting points later in discussions with the pharaoh and the priests.
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