Plot Summary:
Noticing Mokuba has gone, they're worried and suspect he was taken to Pegasus's castle, they can't do much unless they get more stars, since Dark Yugi has already six stars and Jounouchi only two, the gang try to help Jounouchi find a contestant but goes in vain since he is being accompanied by Dark Yugi, the participants feel intimidated just from seeing him right behind Jounouchi, as this happens, Mai just won the duel fairly easy and feeling bored, she takes a pause thinking for herself about her duel against Jounouchi and the riddle has given her, as she tries to find an answer, her thoughts are interrupted by Ryuzaki who challenges her and claiming he has already four stars then she shows she has 8 stars already, which means if she wins two more star chips and she gets to Pegasus's castle, her last opponent for these stars she wants to duel against Jounouchi but after some thought she asks Ryuzaki to duel against Jounouchi then she will duel against him, he reluctantly agrees with her condition.
As the gang having no success yet to find an opponent for Jounouchi, they meet up with Mai and Ryuzaki offering a willing opponent for Jounouchi, Ryuzaki, both bet two stars Ryuzaki easily takes the lead, eventually Jounouchi turns the tables, his first time taking a lead, it's over until Ryuzaki summons Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Ryuzaki and Mai already suspect Time Wizard is already face down, since it was a card that could beat Mai's deck, Ryuzaki suggests wager not just the star chips but also their cards such if Ryuzaki wins, Jounouchi gives his Time Wizard and if vice-versa, Ryuzaki gives is Red-Eyes to Jounouchi, Mai isn't liking this so Ryuzaki and Mai start discussing over it, Jounouchi surprised that his Time Wizard hold so much value to the point these fight over it, he gambles this card for his victory, it ends with Jounouchi winning the duel together gaining 2 star chips and Red-Eyes Black Dragon.
Key Points:
When the duel of Dark Yugi against the ventriloquist is over, Mokuba and the double agent disappears, they suspect they did go to the Pegasus's castle...I find the last two panels because of the sfx makes it quite funny, Dark Yugi with 6 stars is a "WHOOM" and Jounouchi with only 2 stars is "BOOM" 😀, what a funny transition...
The scene changes on focusing Mai duelling other person and win against him, we can see how deeply she was affected by her loss even though she doesn't want to admit the point that she isn't even using her "aroma tactics" anymore and she is so bored (it's quite amusing too), as if she is going through grinding in a JRPG that sometimes happens to anyone who played it, in a way she is, since she is gathering star chips, even though she kept winning her next duels after losing against Jounouchi but also as if she feels something is a miss as shown in the panels ensemble on right thinking about the riddle that Jounouchi has given her, foreshadowing her character development, she can't get the riddle phrase out of her mind...however it will take some time, she will get her own answer, it's still not the right part to explore will come later.
Ryuzaki appears to challenge her, but since she had beaten him before, she has no interest, then kinda boasts and reveals his current status being 5 stars chips while Mai of having already 8 stars chips, which is to show her level of skill is pretty much way above Ryuzaki, 3 stars above to be exact, when she fought Jounouchi, from 4 stars to 3 then jumped to five more stars chips, from 3 to 8 in 7 hours since she fought Jounouchi, it's very impressive and won 5 stars by playing half-heartly in a breeze, again is to say her skill is very close to Kaiba, Dark Yugi and Yugi, it's no wonder after the series is over, in spin-offs, movies and videogames, she has "legendary duelist" title like Kaiba, Dark Yugi, Jounouchi and Yugi.
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