Friday, May 7, 2010

[Opinion&Observation] Episode 108 & Preview 109



well, expect me hating more Placido than I do already, Overpowered and plays low character and being super-mega arrogant, self-absorded, self-conceited bastard.
now finally Aki wakes up 8D, though is weird seeing Aki cheering a kid but cool at the same time, it seems she had become calmer, but there some stuff I didn't understood well, I need help to understand...

well not much to say in the video preview but summary preview extended version, now this one I have many thoughts about being suprised.


I can't say much but mention who had most screentime, who was Aki and Yusei, probably related to what gonna happen in next eps...and I wonder what Aki was thinking about her powers, I didn't understood well..., is that Aki thinks lost her powers or is it because of the sensation or experience not been able to use her powers...


wonders and wonders regarding episode 109...

sorry to be late, PC problems...

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