okay there was some unnecessary moments here, I knew it would happen, to me was okay, discounted by the unnecessary stuff, however the whole light because of Shooting Star Dragon, was a bit silly >>"
however it had interesting developings on Aki, Yusei, funny focused development on those 2, I don't mean by shipping sense, but more is that Aki maybe will have some importance, not yet...
and Placido still a spoiled teen :/ and idiot self-absorbed bastard
okaaaaaay, is odd and weird, YGO making stuff using to fight not by dueling but...is fine and stuff, being sherry and her buttler...dunno, I won't like it much kinda and at the same time, meh meh
deveopings on Aki that we should pay attention that can be related to future episodes, it seems related to Aki and her powers with her past and present...as if she is holding back something about her powers...
very interesting stuff, others---like Yusei all naked and sort of censorship xDD?
moving on, the head of a ghost flying around because of the tornado, to carly face...
a fight, sherry VS Joseph and Sherry's buttler VS Luciano
I bet they those new director aren't close to Yliaster, I mean the organization itself...because they just arrived a few months ago and isn't related to Mentum, they just know about it, the basics, I bet they don't know who is the guy talked with Rudger at Nazca place, the only one who is most closer is Rex, who is already dead...
it seems they are missing a character that can help on this...I have my theories, but I doubt it will work out...