Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Thoughts&Observations | Mangá Vol.20-26 Part 3 (Battle City Break part 3)

Another break, there is a lots of events, there is 1 duel but is too quick, it will be hard to write a summary because it has so many events.

Plot Summary:

We left off in Dark Yugi's victory, after the duel ended and the doll stopped moving for some time, and Mokuba as chairman committee, pick up Slifer The Sky Dragon god card for Dark Yugi, now he has a god card as well, the egyptian god which represents Osiris.
Kaiba being the impatient person he is, he is about to challenge Dark Yugi and they're interrupted by "Silent Doll" Marik, who informs Dark Yugi that he has three types of views, one of them is that he sees through the doll, the other is in the road and last through a rare hunter who is watching his friends and Jounouchi, and hints indirectly at the chance of brainwashing them, with this Dark Yugi starts to panic, and Marik leaves the "Silent Doll"'s mind.
Dark Yugi is about to leave and Kaiba asks him if he is running away from the duel with him and Dark Yugi replies he can't let his friends die and leaves, as he searches for his friends and Jounouchi with no success, finds himself blocked by two rare hunters, they challenge him and the two men tries to decide who comes first with scissor-paper-rock, but it's always a tie, irritating Dark Yugi and Kaiba shows up again and challenges the two rare hunters to a tag team pairing up with Dark Yugi, but Kaiba makes it quick, the chances he gets to summons Obelisk (to show off -.-") is right off the bat.

As Marik watching through the rare hunter and arrives Domino City, getting closer and driving like crazy without caring for people's safety, while Ryou Bakura is sensing something as Anzu calls him out and Sugoroku is commenting how well Jounouchi is doing in the tournament and having 4 puzzle cards, so he is close to the finals, and looking forward to duel against Dark Yugi and continue their conversation about the current state of the tournament.
Jounouchi uses a device in the Duel Disk to detect others duel disks by 50 meters called Duelist Search Sensor (could come up with a better name, non?), quickly detected a duelist close by, so Jounouchi follows running as the others catch up except for Ryou Bakura meaning Yami Bakura is taking over with the Millenium Ring detecting a new millenium item and sensing someone is coming and steal  someone's duel disk to illegally participate in the tournament (so many illegal participants...).
Jounouchi and gang finding themselves in a Aquarium, meeting there with Ryota Kajiki, previous Dark Yugi's opponent in Duelist Kingdom and Jounouchi challenges him to a duel and Ryota accepts it.

Key Points:


Kaiba's standards are always high even towards his rival, it has to be at his level (-.-"), he is really obsessive and extremely competitive when comes to his favourite TCG.

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I really like Dark Yugi's awkward expression in the panel when Mokuba is giving Slifer The Sky Dragon and puzzle card, it's so cute seeing him feeling awkward, but why was he feeling awkward?
He knows Mokuba well enough to not feel awkward, it might be because a little kid being one of the judges to be sure no one is breaking rules and knows well, etc and behaving quite friendly with him as well.
Dark Yugi contemplating for having a god card, he must feel surprised and impressed by the card...
The funny thing he isn't much about getting powerful cards, but favor to the more useful and make it up for good strategies, since he has more of a tactician mindset but...

from this line, he seems pretty happy about it to have such a powerful and a god card.

If you want to continue, click "read more" below: